meeloun 发表于 2018-8-16 13:32:45


万事开头难,写好introduction对essay写作 essay.lxws.net非常重要。
1、introductionto the topic
和background information的区别在于,introduction to the topic范围大, 包含了后者。
2、background information
explanation, if everything in essay isfact, there will be no argument.
why you think this is important?
e.g. The policy needs to be reviewed in…
4、outline of structure
e.g. This essay will give an overview of…and explain how…
It will attempt to identify…, evaluate… andrecommend…
5、definition of key terms
e.g. The term XXX can be defined as “the…”
e.g. This essay will argue that…
7、writer’s purpose
e.g. By examining the features of…, thispaper will show that…
The aim of the essay is to show how…
以上七个要素并非全都必须具备,但introduction to the topic和thesis statement必不可少。definition视具体情况而定,以非专业人士能否看懂为标准。
e.g. Urbanisation is not a difficult or specialist concept; it does not, therefore, need to be defined.If you want to provide a definition, it might make more sense to define the word "migration" in the Chinese context as it is a key word in your title, which "urbanisation" is not.
另,introduction里面不要直接写得出来的结论,最后在conclusion里面写。unseen essay里面我犯了这个错误,被老师指出来批评了一顿。

yangjian001 发表于 2018-8-17 08:42:21

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