Create an anonymous group from Visual LISP with help from ARX问题:
DevNote TS36234 describes how to create an anonymous group from VBA, with the
help of an ARX application that was supplied.Is it possible to call this ARX
application directly from Lisp?Is it also possible to return the Object ID
of the newly-created group to the Lisp function, as well?
The attached ARX project is slightly different from the one available in DevNote
(TS36234), in this example acedDefun() is used to define the command
acdbAddAnonGrpRet2Lsp() as an external Lisp function.It is further modified
to return a list, containing the new group's ObjectID, to the external Lisp
function, as well.
// ObjectARX defined commands
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "StdArx.h"
// This is command 'ACDBADDANONGRPRET2LSP'
int acdbAddAnonGrpRet2Lsp()
// TODO: Implement the command
resbuf *pArg =acedGetArgs () ;
struct resbuf *startRb = NULL;
AcDbGroup *pGroup = new AcDbGroup();
AcDbObjectId grpId;
AcDbDictionary *pGroupDict;
Acad::ErrorStatus es;
AcApDocument *curDoc;
//get the group dictionary
AcDbDatabase *pDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();
if (Acad::eOk == (es = acDocManager->lockDocument(curDoc=acDocManager->curDocument())))
es = pDb->getGroupDictionary(pGroupDict,AcDb::kForWrite);
if (es != Acad::eOk)
return es;
//make an anonymous entry
if ((es = pGroupDict->setAt("*", pGroup, grpId)) == Acad::eOk) {
//retrieve its name char *pNam;
// create a resbuf with our ObjectID in it
struct resbuf *newRb = acutBuildList (RTLONG, grpId, RTNONE);
// if ok
if (newRb != NULL) {
// if this is the first time we've done this
if (startRb == NULL) {
// then set this as the start
startRb = newRb;
// otherwise add it to the end of our list
else {
// create a pointer to the beginning of our resbuf list
struct resbuf *ptr = startRb;
// find the end of our list
while (ptr->rbnext != NULL)
ptr = ptr->rbnext;
// now attach our newly create resbuf to the end
ptr->rbnext = newRb;
return (RTNORM);
For the most part, the following Lisp code is a direct translation of the VBA
code from the DevNote (TS36234):
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