gp341 发表于 2004-2-2 08:58:56



MicroStation为美国Bentley System公司所研发,是一套可执行于多种软硬体平台(Multi-Platform)的通用电脑辅助绘图及设计(CAD)软件。MicroStation的前身名为IGDS(Interactive Graphics Design System),是一套执行于小型机(Micro Vax-2)的专业电脑辅助绘图及设计软件,也因为它是由小型机移植的专业电脑辅助绘图及设计软件,在软件功能与结构上不仅远优于一般的PC级电脑辅助绘图及设计软件,在软件效率表现上更有一般之PC级电脑辅助绘图及设计软件所远不能及之处。
简单得说MicroStation与AUTOCAD是同类软件 由于以前不注重小用户 所以在国内使用的不多 可以看看置顶的帖子 可以发现ms和cad的不同

MicroStation V8
MicroStation MasterPiece
MicroStation PowerDraft
MicroStation PowerScope
ModelSever Publisher
ModelSever TeamMate
ModelSever Continuum
MicroStation ReproGraphics
Viecon Publisher

MicroStation GeoGraphics
MicroStation Descartes
MicroStation GeoCoordinator
MicroStation GeoExchange
MicroStation GeoOutlook
SpatialData ADDRESS
ModelSever Discovery
GEOPAK Transportation

GeoTerrain by GEOPAK
GEOPAK Civil Engineering Suite
GEOPAK 98 products
Plotting Solution

MicroStation TriForma
ActiveAsset Planner

Manufacturing Continuum
MicroStation Modeler
ADAMS MS/Mechanisms

PlantSpace P&ID
PlantSpace Design Series
PlantSpace Interference Manager
PlantSpace Enterprise Navigator
PlantSpace Integration Sever

大脸猫 发表于 2004-2-2 10:42:27

MicroStation Decates已经改名为Bentley Decartes,软件功能也有了一些变化!

pipi 发表于 2004-2-2 11:17:19


MicroStation V8
Bentley PowerDraft
Bentley Publisher
Bentley Model Streaming
Bentley Navigator
Digital InterPlot

PlantSpace Design Series
PlantSpace Integration Series
PlantSpace P&ID
PlantSpace Schematics
AutoPLANT Plant Design Workgroup
AutoPLANT CAE Workgroup
AutoPLANT Process Workgroup
AutoPLANT Structural Workgroup
AutoPLANT Plant Asset Management

MicroStation TriForma
Bentley HVAC
Bentley Structural
Bentley Architecture

MicroStation GeoGraphics
Bentley PowerMap
Bentley Water
Bentley WasterWater
Bentley I/RAS B
Bentley Descartes

Bentley MX Products

Bentley Facilities Inquirer
Bentley Facilities Planner

细分下来还有很多模块,例如Bentley CloudWorx、Bentley Elementary Electrical Diagrams等等。

pipi 发表于 2004-3-1 10:48:37

最初由 bwan 发布
交通领域软件方案 is blank, why? At least I know InRoad


tsindong 发表于 2004-4-7 16:28:00


zhb333 发表于 2004-5-8 21:54:04

一、Architectural Design

Solutions for Architects, Engineers, Constructors and Facility Managers

Bentley’s Building product line is a multidisciplinary environment that helps you to produce and coordinate your design and documentation from concept through construction.

Bentley’s Building Information Modeling, or BIM, is the next evolution of CAD for the building industry. It’s upgrading the way architects, engineers, contractors and facility managers work and collaborate. By elevating the dialog to one of information, rather than just graphics, and enabling a managed environment, BIM is making them all more productive – turning people into teams, tools into solutions and tasks into processes.

With Bentley tools, you’ll reduce team fragmentation, meet time and budget requirements, and reduce errors and omissions – all with tools that also empower you to do truly inspired work and better serve your clients.

Time is cut and errors are reduced because Bentley’s building products automatically produce coordinated drawings, reports, specifications, and visualizations. Better decisions and fast corrections are possible because integrated advanced analysis (such as acoustics, egress, lighting and more) is within easy reach of all collaborating team members.

The Building product line supports leading international industry standards and conventions, and can be customized to fit your needs. And because the product line is built on MicroStation, Bentley’s single comprehensive platform, it is directly integrated with Bentley’s Plant, Civil and Geospatial solutions and supports industry-standard information formats such as DGN, DWG, SDNF, CIM, STEP, STL and others.

Bentley Architecture automates the architectural design and production process, from conceptual design to construction documentation.

Bentley HVACoffers a choice in workflow and intuitive operation for mechanical engineers and environmental system designers.

Bentley Structural is for the design, documentation and analysis of a broad range of structural systems, including steel, concrete and timber.

MIDAS/GENw provides comprehensive structural systems analysis and is fully integrated with Bentley Structural to provide unparalleled, coordinated structural design and documentation.

二、Civil Engineering
Bentley civil applications meet the scope your civil design needs for capital projects of all types. These tools bring streamlined efficiency to the design of transportation infrastructure, land development and subdivisions, dams, ports, recreation areas, urban renewal projects and more.

We know that your greatest returns on technology investments come from using an integrated solution capable of generating civil engineering content. Bentley meets your requirements every step of the way—survey, site, hydraulics, hydrology, earthworks, bridge modeling, concrete detailing, interchange design and rail design.

What’s more, we go the extra step to help you leverage design data in new ways, into scheduling, construction and operations.

Bentley’s Civil Engineering Product Line includes:


The GEOPAK product line is a complete, integrated civil design solution designed by professional engineers and surveyors. Based on MicroStation, GEOPAK products address the multiple civil design phases. GEOPAK includes a unique Criteria capability for fine-tuning the design environment to your standards.


The InRoads family of civil engineering solutions offers a complete civil engineering design and surveying automation solution on your platform of choice: MicroStation or AutoCAD. InRoads offers discipline-specific tools for design of roads, rail, airports, bridges, sites and storm and sanitary systems.


The MX product line offers advanced, strings-based civil engineering solutions for road, rail and site design. Arenium is a collaboration and design management tool for use with MX design model files and other types of files. MX and Arenium are available on your choice of platform: MicroStation, AutoCAD and Windows.

We also offer solutions for operations and management of transportation facilities:

Transportation Operations and Management

Bentley’s transportation, operations and management solutions comprise technology and consulting services that result in tailored solutions for automated routing and permitting, transportation management, right-of-way management, linear data management and more

Automotive manufacturers, airports, banks and other occupants of large industrial and business complexes use our facilities applications to optimize factory floor layout, allocate and plan space and track and manage assets. Our facilities management applications are used to design, model and visualize facilities, associate asset records to their location and manage asset transactions.

By providing quick and easy access to detailed and up–to-date AEC content pertaining to the facility and its associated assets, these applications help corporate and industrial users optimize their use of space and lower operating costs.

ActiveAsset Planner assists facility management professionals in tracking corporate space and assets, from deployment to decommissioning.

ActiveAsset Inquirer complements ActiveAsset Planner, giving access to participants in the FM process who only need to review and extract information via a Web browser.

ActiveAsset Reports With ActiveAsset Reports, facility managers can create and run Microsoft Access 2000 reports against ActiveAsset data sources quickly and easily.

Bentley's Geospatial products provide tools for land base mapping, asset management, public works, tax assessment, land register and land use management. Bentley's Geospatial products are the de-facto standard for geospatial data creation and imaging applications based upon MicroStation.

Bentley offers a complete Geospatial Product Line that combines CAD, GIS, imaging and engineering content creation, management and publishing technologies to streamline workflows and increase productivity.

Our geospatial applications support document conversion, mapping, imaging and spatial analysis. Because our discipline-specific applications are integrated, you can conduct engineering, architecture and geospatial engineering within the same design environment. Click on the product name below for additional information.

The Bentley Geospatial solution:

Is the industry-leading platform for the creation and editing of large-scale maps.
Provides high- performance imaging to convert maps and drawings, and to integrate aerial and other imagery into map and spatial data sets.
Supports interactive Internet based publishing to convey spatially related information to planners, analysts, and other consumers.
Integrates with our other discipline specific applications, such as Civil Engineering and Building Design, to ensure a seamless solution that spans disciplines.
MicroStation GeoGraphics provides an industry-standard application platform for creating, managing, and publishing geospatial data. In the same way that MicroStation extends engineering design into an integrated platform, MicroStation GeoGraphics transforms MicroStation into a comprehensive, high fidelity geospatial environment with premier data collection, editing and analysis tools.

Bentley PowerMap is a full-function production mapping solution. Bentley PowerMap is the premier data access and decision support application for geospatial solutions.

Bentley Descartes is the most comprehensive imaging solution for mapping, visualization and raster-to-vector conversion projects.

Bentley I/RAS B is a powerful tool for document conversion, revision and restoration of legacy drawings.

Bentley WasteWater is a comprehensive, high-productivity engineering solution for wastewater network design and management.

Bentley Water is a comprehensive, high productivity engineering solution for water network design and management.

MicroStation GeoOutlook is a standalone data access and decision support tool for mapping and geospatial applications.

MicroStation Telco provides high-productivity work order design and workprint generation capabilities for communication-oriented workflows.

Our plant design applications enable piping and electrical systems design, instrumentation design and maintenance, equipment modeling, schematic and isometric drawing and interference detection. Our component-based architecture ensures that individual parts can be identified and intelligently manipulated.

Additionally, our applications support photo-realistic simulation and animation of proposed changes, automatic detection of interferences and other problems and dynamically projected models to specified construction milestones.

These features provide project managers with actual versus planned construction comparisons, analysis of constructability issues, improved design and procurement strategies and alternatives for resolving design conflicts.

View the 2002Bentley International User Conference Plant Design online theater:

For more information on Bentley's newly acquired Rebis products for plant design, click here.

MicroStation Schematicsprovides a specialized engine for creating schematics symbology and intelligent drawing objects.

PlantSpace P&ID is a powerful application for creating piping and instrumentation diagrams.

PlantSpace Piping is an application for 3D piping design, proven around the world on all scales and sizes of projects.

PlantSpace SupportModeler is an application used to model pipe supports.

MicroStation Raceways is an application for modeling electrical system cable trays and conduits in a 3D environment.

MicroStation Equipment Modeler is an application for modeling building and plant equipment within a 3D environment.

Bentley Interference Manager is an application for the detection, review and management of component interferences in 3D models.

IsoExtractor is an application for generating isometric drawings directly from 3D piping models.

IsoExtractor for PDS is an application for generating isometric drawings directly from 3D PDS models.

L/ISO is an application specifically designed to facilitate the drafting of 3D isometric pipelines.

Robyleon 发表于 2004-6-6 14:47:37



linvv 发表于 2004-7-21 21:26:48


dragonspower 发表于 2004-7-22 09:05:02


zhyd365 发表于 2004-8-1 08:19:12


豺狼的微笑 发表于 2004-8-4 08:56:29

MicroStation PowerCAD 属于那类?中国勘察协会推荐的。

laixc66 发表于 2004-8-4 09:45:06

最初由 豺狼的微笑 发布
MicroStation PowerCAD 属于那类?中国勘察协会推荐的。
MicroStation PowerCAD跟]icroStation 比较只少了三维功能,对于普通用户的话这个软件就可以满足要求!

dragonspower 发表于 2004-8-4 09:48:39

MicroStation PowerCAD与AutoCAD差不多,只是MicroStation的二维部分,也非常好用,效率比ACAD高。

豺狼的微笑 发表于 2004-8-5 08:47:52

哦。知道了。因为版权的缘故,要找个替代AutoCAD的软件,MicroStation PowerCAD比较便宜,看介绍还能兼容DWG格式,觉得还可以,就问问大家。谢谢各位!

yhf1219 发表于 2004-8-15 20:43:50

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