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[求助]:在link时出现错误:error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _DllEntryPoi

发表于 2004-4-9 17:00:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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在link时出现错误:error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _DllEntryPoint@12,应该怎么办,我认为是缺少lib文件,但不知是哪一个
发表于 2004-4-10 10:02:22 | 显示全部楼层

unresolved external symbol "symbol"

Code references something (such as a function, variable, or label) that the linker can't find in the libraries and object files.

Possible causes

What the code asks for doesn't exist (the symbol is spelled incorrectly or uses the wrong case, for example).
The code asks for the wrong thing (you are using mixed versions of the libraries, some from one version of the product, others from another version).

Mismatched case in your code or module-definition (.def) file can cause LNK2001. For example, if you named a variable var1 in one C++ source file and tried to access it as VAR1 in another.

Attempting to reference functions or data that don't have external linkage can cause LNK2001. In C++, inline functions and const data have internal linkage unless explicitly specified as extern.
A missing function body or variable can cause LNK2001. With just a function prototype or extern declaration the compiler can continue without error, but the linker cannot resolve a call to an address or reference to a variable because there is no function code or variable space reserved.
Calling a function with parameter types that do not match those in the function declaration can cause LNK2001. Name decoration incorporates the parameters of a function into the final decorated function name.
Incorrectly included prototypes, which cause the compiler to expect a function body that is not provided can cause LNK2001. If you have both a class and non-class implementation of a function F, beware of C++ scope-resolution rules.
When using C++, including a function prototype in a class definition and failing to include the implementation of the function for that class can cause LNK2001.
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