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[他山之石] 用Entmake制造遮盖实体

发表于 2013-5-25 03:47:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 Free-Lancer 于 2013-5-26 06:27 编辑

LISP (entmake)’ing a WipeOut object in AutoCAD gives different coordinates than expected                                                        by Fenton Webb
Here’s one from the past I thought you might all like to see.
Using LISP to (entmake) a Wipeout object inside of AutoCAD… Adding the x,y,z values for group code 10 and the coordinates for the boundary (group code 14) it seems that when the wipeout is created it is not located at the specified coordinates…
The reason is because some objects use the OCS (Object Coordinate System)
Here’s a couple of examples which show how to deal specifically with the WipeOut object so that it places in the drawing as you would expect.
  1. (defun c:makewo (/ )
  2.   (setq ins_pt (getpoint "select a point for lower left of 2x2 wipeout"))
  3.   ; Add 1.5 to the x and subtract .5 from the Y point
  4.   ; With this change to the point used for the lower left
  5.   ; the wipeout is the same as the selected point.
  6.   (setq xVal (nth 0 ins_pt))
  7.   (setq xVal (+ xVal 1.5))
  8.   (setq yVal (nth 1 ins_pt))
  9.   (setq yVal (- yVal 0.5))

  10.   (entmake
  11.     (list
  12.       '(0 . "WIPEOUT")
  13.       '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
  14.       '(8 . "0")
  15.       '(100 . "AcDbWipeout")
  16.       (cons 10 (list xVal yVal 0.0))
  17.       (cons 11 '(0.0 1.0 0.0))
  18.       (cons 12 '(1.0 0.0 0.0))
  19.       (cons 13 '(1.0 1.0 0.0))
  20.       '(70 . 7)
  21.       '(280 . 1)
  22.       '(281 . 50)
  23.       '(282 . 50)
  24.       '(283 . 0)
  25.       '(71 . 2); 1=RECTANGLE 2=POLYGON
  26.       '(91 . 5); NUMBER OF VERTICIES TO FOLLOW

  27.       ; Note: X and Y are reversed compared to the UCS
  28.       ; the origin of these points is the lower right
  29.       ; This is the lower right corner
  30.       (cons 14 '(0.0 0.0 0.0))
  31.       ;x and y are reversed 2.0 is the first y coordinate
  32.       ;on the upper right corner
  33.       (cons 14 '(2.0 0.0 0.0))
  34.       ;This is the upper left corner
  35.       ; Notice that the second coordinate is the X value
  36.       ; and that a positive value moves it to the left which is
  37.       ; the opposite of the default UCS.
  38.       (cons 14 '(2.0 2.0 0.0))
  39.       ;This is the lower left corner
  40.       (cons 14 '(0.0 2.0 0.0))
  41.       ;This completes the boundary of the wipeout
  42.       ;needs to be the same as the first coordinate
  43.       (cons 14 '(0.0 0.0 0.0))

  44.       )
  45.     )
  46.   )

  47. (defun c:makewo2 ()
  48.   (setq ins_pt (getpoint "select a point"))
  49.   (setq xVal (nth 0 ins_pt))
  50.   (setq xVal (+ xVal 1.5))
  51.   (setq yVal (nth 1 ins_pt))
  52.   (setq yVal (- yVal 0.5))
  53.   (entmake
  54.     (list
  55.       '(0 . "WIPEOUT")
  56.       '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
  57.       '(8 . "0")
  58.       '(100 . "AcDbWipeout")
  59.       (cons 10 (list xVal yVal 0.0))
  60.       (cons 11 '(0.0 1.0 0.0))

  61.       (cons 12 '(1.0 0.0 0.0))
  62.       (cons 13 '(1.0 1.0 0.0))
  63.       '(70 . 7)
  64.       '(280 . 1)
  65.       '(281 . 50)
  66.       '(282 . 50)
  67.       '(283 . 0)
  68.       '(71 . 2)
  69.       '(91 . 9)
  70.       (cons 14 '(0.7888 -0.9376 0.0))
  71.       (cons 14 '(-0.9336 0.7792 0.0))
  72.       (cons 14 '(-0.9376 3.2112 0.0))
  73.       (cons 14 '(0.7792 4.9336 0.0))
  74.       (cons 14 '(3.2112 4.9376 0.0))
  75.       (cons 14 '(4.9336 3.2208 0.0))
  76.       (cons 14 '(4.9376 0.7888 0.0))
  77.       (cons 14 '(3.2208 -0.9336 0.0))
  78.       (cons 14 '(0.7888 -0.9376 0.0))
  79.       )
  80.     )
  81.   )


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发表于 2013-5-28 17:24:14 | 显示全部楼层
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