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[他山之石] Visual LISP: 输入其它图形的Page Setups?

发表于 2013-5-27 08:02:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Visual LISP: Importing Page Setups from another drawing?                                                        By Gopinath Taget
  While the following technique takes longer to run than (command " -PSETUPIN"  ), the example demonstrates how to use the (vla-CopyFrom) method to import pagesetups.
  NOTE:  This example assumes that a PaperSpace pagesetup named "MyEPlotTest" exists in a drawing named "MyPageSetups.dwg".Also run this code in a non-production drawing as it deletes all page setups. The example can be modified so that it would not try to import a PageSetup into a drawing that already has a PageSetup named "MyEPlotTest".
  1. (vl-load-com)
  2. (setq *doc* (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  3. (defun ImpPgSetups (psname / psfile doc2 colPgSetups1 colPgSetups2 objPgSetup objPgSetup2 sName)
  4.     ; if page setup source file is found,
  5.    (if (setq psfile (findfile "MyPageSetups.dwg"))
  6.       (progn
  7.          ;; delete all existing page setups.
  8.          (DelPgSetups)
  9.          ;; import page setups
  10.          (setq doc2 (vla-open
  11.          (vla-get-documents (vlax-get-acad-object)) psfile)
  12.               colPgSetups1 (vla-get-PlotConfigurations *doc*)
  13.               colPgSetups2 (vla-get-PlotConfigurations doc2)
  14.          ) ;setq
  15.     ;;get each page setup in the ACAD_PLOTSETTINGS dictionary
  16.          (vlax-for objPgSetup colPgSetups2
  17.             (setq sName (vlax-get-property objPgSetup 'Name))
  18.             (if (= sName psname)
  19.                (progn
  20.                   ;;add the page setup to the current doc
  21.                   ;:vlax-true = Model tab only
  22.                   (setq objPgSetup2
  23.                   (vla-add colPgSetups1 sName :vlax-false))
  24.                   (vla-CopyFrom objPgSetup2 objPgSetup)
  25.                )
  26.             ) ;if
  27.             ;release the page setup
  28.            (vlax-release-object objPgSetup)
  29.          ) ;vlax-for
  30.          (vlax-release-object colPgSetups1)
  31.          (vlax-release-object colPgSetups2)
  32.          (vla-close doc2)
  33.          (vlax-release-object doc2)
  34.       ) ;progn
  35.    ) ;if
  36. )

  37. (defun DelPgSetups (/ colPgSetups objPgSetup)
  38.    (vl-load-com)
  39.    ;;get the ACAD_PLOTSETTINGS dictionary
  40.    (setq colPgSetups (vla-get-PlotConfigurations *doc*))
  41.    ;;get each page setup in the ACAD_PLOTSETTINGS dictionary
  42.    (vlax-for objPgSetup colPgSetups
  43.       ;delete the page setup from the dictionary
  44.       (vla-delete objPgSetup)
  45.       ;release the page setup
  46.       (vlax-release-object objPgSetup)
  47.    ) ;vlax-for
  48.    (vlax-release-object colPgSetups)
  49.    (princ)
  50. )

  51. (defun C:TEST()
  52.    (ImpPgSetups "MyEPlotTest")
  53. )
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