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[他山之石] LISP使用ACTIVEX添加多段线的凸度


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发表于 2013-8-22 09:35:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Setting the bulge of a polyline using ActiveX in LISP
This is the Visual LISP code I have used to set a bulge for a polyline:
Command: !pline
Command: !mspace
Command: (vla-SetBulge mSpace pline 0 0.5)
; error: ActiveX Server returned the error: unknown name: SetBulge
Command: (vla-put-SetBulge pline 0 0.5)
; error: no function definition: VLA-PUT-SETBULGE
Command: (vlax-invoke-method mspace 'setbulge pline 0 0.5)
; error: ActiveX Server returned the error: unknown name: SETBULGE
Command: (vlax-put-property pline 'setbulge 0 0.5)
; error: ActiveX Server returned an error: Type mismatch

What is the correct syntax to use?
The documentation contains the information to answer this question. In the AutoCAD ActiveX and VBA Reference, go to Object Model -> Polyline Object -> SetBulge Method.
Then refer to the Visual LISP Developer's Guide: Using Visual LISP Functions with ActiveX Methods -> Determining How to Call a Function.
After reading these two references, you should notice that SetBulge is a method of the polyline object, not a Property nor a Method of the Model Space Collection (which is what the preceding code shows).
You'll find that the following code will set the bulge of a Polyline Object:
(vla-SetBulge myPolyObj 1 -0.42080)
Because it is easier to see this in context, code was copied from , and modified it to use the SetBulge method for a polyline:

  1. (vl-load-com)
  2. (defun a_Polyline_wArc ()
  3.   (setq acadapp (vlax-get-Acad-Object)
  4.         acaddoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadapp)
  5.         *ModelSpace* (vla-get-ModelSpace acaddoc)
  6.   )
  7.   (setq pt1 (list 2.93905 1.87048 0.0))
  8.   (setq pt2 (list 5.54349 4.81627 0.0))
  9.   (setq pt3 (list 8.78096 4.97892 0.0))
  10.   (setq pt4 (list 12.6153 1.20181 0.0))
  11.   (setq Points (apply
  12.                  'append
  13.                  (list pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4)
  14.                )
  15.   )
  16.   (setq ptlstlen (length Points))
  17.   (setq PointDataA (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbDouble (cons 0 (1- ptlstlen))))
  18.   (vlax-safearray-fill PointDataA Points)
  19.   (setq PointData (vlax-make-variant PointDataA (logior vlax-vbarray
  20.                                                         vlax-vbDouble
  21.                                                 )
  22.                   )
  23.   )
  24.   (setq myPolyObj (vla-addPolyline *ModelSpace* PointData))
  25.   (vla-Put-Color myPolyObj acBlue)
  26.   (setq strtWidth 1.0
  27.         endWidth 1.0
  28.         verticies (1- (/ ptlstlen 3))
  29.         indx0
  30.   )
  31.   (while (< indx verticies)
  32.     (vla-SetWidth myPolyObj indx strtWidth endWidth)
  33.     (setq indx (1+ indx))
  34.   )
  35.   (vla-SetBulge myPolyObj 1 -0.42080)
  36.   (vla-Update myPolyObj)
  37.   (princ)
  38. )

  39. ; (a_Polyline_wArc)

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