- 658062
- 积分
- 2147
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- 活跃度
- D豆
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- 小时
- 注册时间
- 2008-10-22
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- 1970-1-1
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- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
- using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
- using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
- using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
- using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
- namespace MyFirstProject
- {
- public class Class1
- {
- [CommandMethod("HelloNet")]
- public void HelloNet()
- {
- Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
- ed.WriteMessage("使用NET开发AutoCAD 程序bygisoracle");
- }
- [CommandMethod("PickPoint")]
- public void PickPoint()
- {
- //获取Editor 对象
- Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
- PromptPointOptions promptPtOp = new PromptPointOptions("选择一个点:");
- //指定的基点,如果指定了该点,则在选择的时候绘制一条橡皮线。
- promptPtOp.BasePoint = new Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 0);
- PromptPointResult resPt;
- resPt = ed.GetPoint(promptPtOp);
- if (resPt.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
- {
- ed.WriteMessage(" 选择的点为: " + resPt.Value.ToString());
- }
- }
- [CommandMethod("createCircle")]
- public void createCircle()
- {
- //首先声明我们要使用的对象
- Circle circle; //这个是我们要加入到模型空间的圆
- BlockTableRecord btr;//要加入圆,我们必须打开模型空间
- BlockTable bt; //要打开模型空间,我们必须通过块表(BlockTable)来访问它
- //我们使用一个名为‘Transaction’的对象,把函数中有关数据库的操作封装起来
- Transaction trans;
- //使用TransactionManager的StartTransaction()成员来开始事务处理
- trans = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();
- //现在创建圆……请仔细看这些参数——注意创建Point3d对象的‘New’和Vector3d的静态成员ZAxis
- circle = new Circle(new Point3d(10, 10, 0), Vector3d.ZAxis, 2);
- bt = (BlockTable)trans.GetObject(HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead);
- //使用当前的空间Id来获取块表记录——注意我们是打开它用来写入
- btr = (BlockTableRecord)trans.GetObject(HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
- //现在使用btr对象来加入圆
- btr.AppendEntity(circle);
- trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(circle, true); //并确定事务处理知道要加入圆!
- //一旦完成以上操作,我们就提交事务处理,这样以上所做的改变就被保存了……
- trans.Commit();
- //…然后销毁事务处理,因为我们已经完成了相关的操作(事务处理不是数据库驻留对象,可以销毁)
- trans.Dispose();
- }
- [CommandMethod("SelectAPoint")]
- public void SelectAPoint()
- {
- //实例化一个 PromptPointOptions类用来设置提示字符串和其他的一些控制提示
- PromptPointOptions prPointOptions = new PromptPointOptions("Select a point");
- PromptPointResult prPointRes;
- // 实例化一个Editor类,使用GetPoint方法返回
- Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
- prPointRes = ed.GetPoint(prPointOptions);
- if (prPointRes.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
- {
- ed.WriteMessage("Error");
- }
- else
- {
- ed.WriteMessage("选择的点为:" + prPointRes.Value.ToString());
- }
- }
- [CommandMethod("getDistance")]
- public void GetDistance()
- {
- PromptDistanceOptions prDistOptions = new
- PromptDistanceOptions("计算两点距离,请选择第一个点:");
- PromptDoubleResult prDistRes;
- Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
- prDistRes = ed.GetDistance(prDistOptions);
- if (prDistRes.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
- {
- ed.WriteMessage("选择错误!");
- }
- else
- {
- ed.WriteMessage("两点的距离为:" + prDistRes.Value.ToString());
- }
- }
- [CommandMethod("AddPointAndSetPointStyle")]
- public static void AddPointAndSetPointStyle()
- {
- // 获得当前文档和数据库 Get the current document and database
- Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
- Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;
- // 启动一个事务 Start a transaction
- using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
- {
- // 以只读方式打开块表 Open the Block table for read
- BlockTable acBlkTbl;
- acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,
- OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
- // 以写方式打开模型空间块表记录 Open the Block table record Model space for write
- BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec;
- acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],
- OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;
- // 在模型空间中创建一个坐标为(4,3,0)的点 Create a point at (4, 3, 0) in Model space
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
- {
- DBPoint acPoint = new DBPoint(new Point3d(4*i, 3, 0));
- acPoint.SetDatabaseDefaults();
- // 添加新对象到块表记录和事务中 Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
- acBlkTblRec.AppendEntity(acPoint);
- acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acPoint, true);
- }
- // 在图形中设置所有点对象的样式 Set the style for all point objects in the drawing
- acCurDb.Pdmode = 34;
- acCurDb.Pdsize = 1;
- // 保存新对象到数据库中 Save the new object to the database
- acTrans.Commit();
- }
- }
- [CommandMethod("Add2DSolid")]
- public static void Add2DSolid()
- {
- // 获得当前文档和数据库 Get the current document and database
- Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
- Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;
- // 启动一个事务 Start a transaction
- using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
- {
- // 以只读方式打开块表 Open the Block table for read
- BlockTable acBlkTbl;
- acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,
- OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
- // 以写方式打开模型空间块表记录 Open the Block table record Model space for write
- BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec;
- acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],
- OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;
- // Create a quadrilateral (bow-tie) solid in Model space
- Solid ac2DSolidBow = new Solid(new Point3d(0, 0, 0),
- new Point3d(5, 0, 0),
- new Point3d(5, 8, 0),
- new Point3d(0, 8, 0));
- ac2DSolidBow.SetDatabaseDefaults();
- // 添加新对象到块表记录和事务中 Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
- acBlkTblRec.AppendEntity(ac2DSolidBow);
- acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ac2DSolidBow, true);
- // Create a quadrilateral (square) solid in Model space
- Solid ac2DSolidSqr = new Solid(new Point3d(10, 0, 0),
- new Point3d(15, 0, 0),
- new Point3d(10, 8, 0),
- new Point3d(15, 8, 0));
- ac2DSolidSqr.SetDatabaseDefaults();
- // 添加新对象到块表记录和事务中 Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
- acBlkTblRec.AppendEntity(ac2DSolidSqr);
- acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ac2DSolidSqr, true);
- // 保存新对象到数据库中 Save the new object to the database
- acTrans.Commit();
- }
- }
- [CommandMethod("AddLine")]
- public static void AddLine()
- {
- // 获得当前文档和数据库 Get the current document and database
- Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
- Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;
- // 启动一个事务 Start a transaction
- using (Transaction acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
- {
- // 以只读方式打开块表 Open the Block table for read
- BlockTable acBlkTbl;
- acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,
- OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
- // 以写方式打开模型空间块表记录 Open the Block table record Model space for write
- BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec;
- acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],
- OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;
- // 创建一条起点为(5,5,0),终点为(12,3,0)的直线 Create a line that starts at 5,5 and ends at 12,3
- Line acLine = new Line(new Point3d(5, 5, 0),
- new Point3d(12, 3, 0));
- acLine.SetDatabaseDefaults();
- // 添加新对象到块表记录和事务中 Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
- acBlkTblRec.AppendEntity(acLine);
- acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acLine, true);
- // 保存新对象到数据库中 Save the new object to the database
- acTrans.Commit();
- }
- }
- }
- }