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using System;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using acadApp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application;
namespace PolylineEdit
public class AddVertex
Editor ed = acadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
class VertexJig : EntityJig
Polyline m_pline;
Point3d m_point;
int m_index;
Vector3d m_vector;
double m_bulge;
double m_sWidth;
double m_eWidth;
public VertexJig(Polyline pline, Point3d point, int index, Vector3d vector, double bulge, double sWidth, double eWidth)
: base(pline)
m_pline = pline;
m_point = point;
m_index = index;
m_vector = vector;
m_bulge = bulge;
m_sWidth = sWidth;
m_eWidth = eWidth;
protected override SamplerStatus Sampler(JigPrompts prompts)
JigPromptPointOptions jppo = new JigPromptPointOptions("\nSpecify the new vertex: ");
jppo.UserInputControls = (UserInputControls.Accept3dCoordinates);
PromptPointResult ppr = prompts.AcquirePoint(jppo);
if (ppr.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
if (ppr.Value.IsEqualTo(m_point))
return SamplerStatus.NoChange;
m_point = ppr.Value;
return SamplerStatus.OK;
return SamplerStatus.Cancel;
protected override bool Update()
if (m_pline.NumberOfVertices == 3)
Point3d transPt = m_point.TransformBy(Matrix3d.WorldToPlane(m_pline.Normal));
Point2d pt = new Point2d(transPt.X, transPt.Y);
double length = m_pline.GetDistanceAtParameter(2);
double dist1 = m_pline.GetDistanceAtParameter(1);
double dist2 = length - dist1;
double width = m_sWidth < m_eWidth ?
((dist1 * (m_eWidth - m_sWidth)) / length) + m_sWidth :
((dist2 * (m_sWidth - m_eWidth)) / length) + m_eWidth;
double angle = Math.Atan(m_bulge);
m_pline.SetPointAt(m_index, pt);
m_pline.SetEndWidthAt(0, width);
m_pline.SetStartWidthAt(1, width);
m_pline.SetBulgeAt(0, Math.Tan(angle * (dist1 / length)));
m_pline.SetBulgeAt(1, Math.Tan(angle * (dist2 / length)));
else if (m_index == 0)
Point3d transPt = m_point.TransformBy(Matrix3d.WorldToPlane(m_pline.Normal));
Point2d pt = new Point2d(transPt.X, transPt.Y);
m_pline.SetPointAt(m_index, pt);
if (m_bulge != 0.0)
Vector3d vec = m_point.GetVectorTo(m_pline.GetPoint3dAt(1));
double ang = vec.GetAngleTo(m_vector, m_pline.Normal);
double bulge = Math.Tan(ang / 2.0);
m_pline.SetBulgeAt(0, bulge);
Point3d transPt = m_point.TransformBy(Matrix3d.WorldToPlane(m_pline.Normal));
Point2d pt = new Point2d(transPt.X, transPt.Y);
m_pline.SetPointAt(m_index, pt);
if (m_bulge != 0.0)
Vector3d vec = m_pline.GetPoint3dAt(0).GetVectorTo(m_point);
double ang = m_vector.GetAngleTo(vec, m_pline.Normal);
double bulge = Math.Tan(ang / 2.0);
m_pline.SetBulgeAt(0, bulge);
return true;
public Point3d GetPoint()
return m_point;
public void Avx()
PromptEntityOptions peo = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect a segment where to add a vertex: ");
peo.SetRejectMessage("\nIncorrect entity");
peo.AllowNone = false;
peo.AllowObjectOnLockedLayer = false;
peo.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Polyline), true);
PromptEntityResult per = ed.GetEntity(peo);
if (per.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
Matrix3d UCS = ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem;
ObjectId objId = per.ObjectId;
using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
Polyline pline = tr.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForRead, false) as Polyline;
if (pline != null)
Point3d pickPt = pickPointOnPline(pline, per.PickedPoint);
double param = pline.GetParameterAtPoint(pickPt);
int index = (int)param;
Matrix3d OCS = Matrix3d.PlaneToWorld(pline.Normal);
Point3d transPt = pickPt.TransformBy(OCS);
if (!OCS.CoordinateSystem3d.Zaxis.IsEqualTo(UCS.CoordinateSystem3d.Zaxis))
ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem = plineUCS(pline, index);
Int16 aperture = (Int16)acadApp.GetSystemVariable("APERTURE");
double viewsize = (double)acadApp.GetSystemVariable("VIEWSIZE");
Point2d screensize = (Point2d)acadApp.GetSystemVariable("SCREENSIZE");
double tol = 2 * aperture * viewsize / screensize.Y;
Tolerance tolerance = new Tolerance(tol, tol);
int endParam = pline.Closed == true ? pline.NumberOfVertices : pline.NumberOfVertices - 1;
Vector3d vec;
using (Polyline ghost = new Polyline())
ghost.ColorIndex = 7;
if ((pline.Closed == false) && pickPt.IsEqualTo(pline.GetPoint3dAt(0), tolerance))
vec = pline.GetFirstDerivative(0);
double bulge = pline.GetBulgeAt(0);
double width = pline.GetStartWidthAt(0);
Point2d p0 = new Point2d(transPt.X, transPt.Y);
Point2d p1 = pline.GetPoint2dAt(0);
ghost.AddVertexAt(0, p0, bulge, width, width);
ghost.AddVertexAt(1, p1, bulge, width, width);
ghost.Normal = pline.Normal;
ghost.Elevation = pline.Elevation;
VertexJig jig = new VertexJig(ghost, pickPt, 0, vec, bulge, width, width);
PromptResult res = ed.Drag(jig);
if (res.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
pline.AddVertexAt(index, ghost.GetPoint2dAt(0), ghost.GetBulgeAt(0), width, width);
else if ((pline.Closed == false) && pickPt.IsEqualTo(pline.GetPoint3dAt(endParam), tolerance))
vec = pline.GetFirstDerivative(endParam);
double bulge = pline.GetBulgeAt(index);
double width = pline.GetEndWidthAt(endParam);
Point2d p0 = pline.GetPoint2dAt(endParam);
Point2d p1 = new Point2d(transPt.X, transPt.Y);
ghost.AddVertexAt(0, p0, bulge, width, width);
ghost.AddVertexAt(1, p1, bulge, width, width);
ghost.Normal = pline.Normal;
ghost.Elevation = pline.Elevation;
VertexJig jig = new VertexJig(ghost, pickPt, 1, vec, bulge, width, width);
PromptResult res = ed.Drag(jig);
if (res.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
pline.AddVertexAt(endParam + 1, ghost.GetPoint2dAt(1), ghost.GetBulgeAt(0), width, width);
pline.SetBulgeAt(endParam, ghost.GetBulgeAt(0));
double bulge = pline.GetBulgeAt(index);
double sWidth = pline.GetStartWidthAt(index);
double eWidth = pline.GetEndWidthAt(index);
Point2d p0 = pline.GetPoint2dAt(index);
Point2d p1 = new Point2d(transPt.X, transPt.Y);
Point2d p2;
if (pline.Closed == false)
p2 = pline.GetPoint2dAt(index + 1);
try { p2 = pline.GetPoint2dAt(index + 1); }
catch { p2 = pline.GetPoint2dAt(0); }
ghost.AddVertexAt(0, p0, bulge, sWidth, 0.0);
ghost.AddVertexAt(1, p1, bulge, 0.0, eWidth);
ghost.AddVertexAt(2, p2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
ghost.Normal = pline.Normal;
ghost.Elevation = pline.Elevation;
VertexJig jig = new VertexJig(ghost, pickPt, 1, vec, bulge, sWidth, eWidth);
PromptResult res = ed.Drag(jig);
if (res.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
pline.SetEndWidthAt(index, ghost.GetStartWidthAt(1));
pline.AddVertexAt(index + 1, ghost.GetPoint2dAt(1), ghost.GetBulgeAt(1), ghost.GetStartWidthAt(1), eWidth);
pline.SetBulgeAt(index, ghost.GetBulgeAt(0));
ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem = UCS;
catch (System.Exception ex)
ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem = UCS;
ed.WriteMessage("Error: " + ex.Message);
public void Dvx()
PromptEntityOptions peo = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelact the vertex to remove: ");
peo.SetRejectMessage("\nIncorrect entity");
peo.AllowNone = false;
peo.AllowObjectOnLockedLayer = false;
peo.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Polyline), true);
PromptEntityResult per = ed.GetEntity(peo);
if (per.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
ObjectId objId = per.ObjectId;
using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
Polyline pline = tr.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForWrite, false) as Polyline;
if (pline != null)
if (pline.NumberOfVertices > 2)
Point3d pickPt = pickPointOnPline(pline, per.PickedPoint);
double param = pline.GetParameterAtPoint(pickPt);
int index = (int)param;
if ((param - Math.Truncate(param)) > 0.5)
index += 1;
ed.WriteMessage("\nOnly two vertices left");
catch (System.Exception ex)
ed.WriteMessage("Error: " + ex.Message);
private Point3d pickPointOnPline(Polyline pl, Point3d pt)
pt = pt.TransformBy(ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem);
Vector3d vdir = ed.GetCurrentView().ViewDirection;
pt = pt.Project(pl.GetPlane(), vdir);
return pl.GetClosestPointTo(pt, false);
private Matrix3d plineUCS(Polyline pline, int param)
Point3d origin = pline.GetPoint3dAt(param);
Vector3d xDir = origin.GetVectorTo(pline.GetPoint3dAt(param + 1)).GetNormal();
Vector3d zDir = pline.Normal;
Vector3d yDir = zDir.CrossProduct(xDir).GetNormal();
return new Matrix3d(new double[16]{
xDir.X, yDir.X, zDir.X, origin.X,
xDir.Y, yDir.Y, zDir.Y, origin.Y,
xDir.Z, yDir.Z, zDir.Z, origin.Z,
0, 0, 0, 1});