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[分享] C++ Course


已领礼包: 1268个

财富等级: 财源广进

发表于 2014-12-8 19:57:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Tableof Contents:
Table of Contents: 1
Introduction. 4
Chapter 1 - C andC++ Basics. 5
The C and C++Basics. 5
Definitions 5
FunctionDefinitions 7
Returning Valuesand Input Variables 7
Text Coloring 8
Override Functions 8
Default InputVariable Values 9
Variables 9
HungarianNotation 12
Variable NamingRules 12
ArithmeticOperations 12
Chapter 2 -Setting Up a C++ Project 13
Run the wizards install file found in the ObjARXWizdirectory and the VC++ will now be ready for programming with ObjectARX. 13
Setting up a newC++ Project in Microsoft Visual C++. 13
Include Files 16
C Plus Plus files(*.cpp) 16
Header Definitionfiles(*.h) 16
Project Structure 17
Finishing theExample Project 17
Compiling 18
Chapter 3 -Conditional Logic. 19
If Logic 19
The SwitchStatement 22
Chapter 4 - ArrayHandling. 24
Arrays 24
Out of BoundArray Calls 25
Point Arrays 26
Adjustable SizingArrays 27
Using the CArrayClass to Create Adjustable Sizing Arrays 27
Chapter 5 -Looping. 29
Loops 29
The While Loop 29
For Loops 29
Break andContinue Statements 30
The Do Loop 31
Chapter 6 -Strings and Text 32
CString andCStringArray 32
Escape Sequences 33
CString MemberFunctions 33
Stopping memoryleaks in text 34
Extracting TextStrings from the Resource 35
Chapter 7 -Pointers. 38
Pointers. 38
More PointersTypes. 42
New Pointers. 46
Chapter 8 -Object Orientated Programming. 50
Object Orientatedprogramming (OOP) 50
Arrays andStructures. 51
Local Structures. 51
Passing andReturning struct's. 52
CArrays andstruct's. 53
Chapter 9 -Classes. 54
Classes. 54
Creating a CPPand H file for a new Class. 56
Adding theMethods 57
Chapter 10 -Advanced Classes. 63
Object OrientatedProgramming Recap. 63
Constructors. 63
FunctionShortcuts. 64
Default Values ofInput Arguments. 65
Copy Constructors. 66
Static MemberVariables. 67
The this Pointer 67
OperatorFunctions. 68
Data TypeConversions. 71
Class Inheritance. 71
OverridingExisting Functions. 76
Chapter 11 - FileAccess. 79
Files. 79
Ascii Files. 79
Binary Files. 81
System Registry. 85
File Dialog Box. 86
Chapter 12 -Dialog Boxes. 88
Step by StepCreation of a new Dialog Box. 88
Step 1 88
Step 2 88
Step 3 89
Step 4 90
Step 5 91
Step 6 92
Step 7 93
Step 8 94
Step 9 94
Step 10 95
Step 11 95
Step 12 97
Chapter 15 -Online Internet Help. 98
AutoLisp to C++conversion table 98
Function. 98
C++ Equivalent 98
A.... 99
VBA to C++conversion table 110
C++ Equivalent 110
VBA to C++ DialogBox Conversion table 121
C++ Equivalent 121

C Course.zip

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已领礼包: 40个

财富等级: 招财进宝

发表于 2014-12-8 20:21:33 | 显示全部楼层
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已领礼包: 1268个

财富等级: 财源广进

 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-8 20:38:03 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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