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[每日一码] 设置对齐标注的倾角为相对UCS X轴的绝对转角


已领礼包: 13个

财富等级: 恭喜发财

发表于 2016-9-3 14:16:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Set oblique angle of aligned dimensions to a certain angle relative to an axis in the current UCS

Consider this: You want to set the oblique angle of an aligned dimension to an arbitrary value (for example, 30 degrees from the X-axis of the current UCS to one of the extension line within which the dimension is constructed).

To do this, you need to realize that that the Oblique angles are calculated relative to the line containing the two start points of the two extension lines of the dimension. Let's call this the base line of aligned dimensions. With this in mind, if the angle from the baseline to X axis is angBaselineToX, and the oblique angle relative to X axis will be angRelOblique, then (- angBaselineToX + angRelOblique) should be sent to AcDbAlignedDimension::oblique() as the input parameter. The following code does this:

  1. void setDimTxtOblique()
  2. {
  3. AcGePoint3d pt1, pt2;
  4. double baseAng, oblAng;
  5. AcGePoint3d ptDim;
  6. AcGeMatrix3d m;
  7. Acad::ErrorStatus es;
  8. int ret;

  9. AcDbDatabase *pDb =
  10.   acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();

  11. // get start and end points
  12. if(acedGetPoint(NULL, L"\nFirst point: ",
  13.   asDblArray(pt1))!= RTNORM)
  14.   return;

  15. if( acedGetPoint(asDblArray(pt1), L"\nSecond point: ",
  16.   asDblArray(pt2) ) != RTNORM)
  17.   return;

  18. // get text position
  19. AcGePoint3d ptMid( 0.5*(pt1.x + pt2.x), 0.5*(pt1.y + pt2.y),
  20.   0.5*(pt1.z + pt2.z));
  21. if(acedGetPoint(asDblArray(ptMid), L"\nDim Line position:",
  22.   asDblArray(ptDim) ) != RTNORM)
  23.   return;

  24. // get the oblique angle from users
  25. // please note it's relative to the X axis of current UCS
  26. ret = acedGetAngle(NULL, L"Oblique angle: <0.0>", &oblAng);

  27. if( ret == RTNONE ) oblAng = 0.0;
  28. else if ( ret != RTNORM ) return;

  29. // calculate the dimension baseline angle
  30. baseAng = acutAngle(asDblArray(pt1), asDblArray(pt2));

  31. // create aligned dimension
  32. AcDbAlignedDimension* pDim = new AcDbAlignedDimension;
  33. es = pDim->setXLine1Point(pt1); assert(es==Acad::eOk);
  34. es = pDim->setXLine2Point(pt2); assert(es==Acad::eOk);

  35. // get transform matrix
  36. if( !acdbUcsMatrix(m, pDb) ) return;

  37. // set line points and text position as default
  38. es=pDim->setDimLinePoint(ptDim); assert(es==Acad::eOk);
  39. es=pDim->useDefaultTextPosition(); assert(es==Acad::eOk);
  40. es=pDim->setOblique(oblAng-baseAng); assert(es==Acad::eOk);

  41. // set default database and transform it to WCS
  42. pDim->setDatabaseDefaults();
  43. es = pDim->transformBy(m); assert(es==Acad::eOk);

  44. // append it to AutoCAD database
  45. AcDbBlockTableRecord *pBlkRec;
  46. AcDbObjectId objID;
  47. es = acdbOpenObject(pBlkRec, pDb->currentSpaceId(),
  48.   AcDb::kForWrite);
  49. assert(es==Acad::eOk);
  50. es =pBlkRec->appendAcDbEntity (objID, pDim) ;
  51. assert(es==Acad::eOk);
  52. // close it
  53. pDim->close();
  54. pBlkRec->close();

  55. return;
  56. }

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