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[图层] 用ARX增加 layer filter


已领礼包: 40个

财富等级: 招财进宝

发表于 2021-1-17 03:18:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Add a layer filter using ARX - access the layer table extension dictionary


Layer filters are used to hide or display layers based on certain properties
in the Layer Properties Dialog. Is there an API that will programmatically add
a layer filter?


Layer filters are stored in the extension dictionary of the LayerTable. Below
is an example that creates a layer filter named testFilter.

  1. void ASDKtestfilter()
  2. {

  3. AcDbLayerTable *pLayerTbl ;
  4. acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase()->getLayerTable (pLayerTbl, AcDb::kForRead);

  5. AcDbObjectId extDictId = pLayerTbl->extensionDictionary();
  6. if (AcDbObjectId::kNull == extDictId)
  7. {
  8.         acutPrintf("creating layerTable extension dictionary\n");
  9.   if (Acad::eOk != pLayerTbl->upgradeOpen())
  10.         {
  11.             pLayerTbl->close();
  12.             acutPrintf("unable to upgradeOpen Layer table\n");
  13.             return;
  14.         }
  15.         pLayerTbl->createExtensionDictionary();
  16.         extDictId = pLayerTbl->extensionDictionary();
  17.         if (AcDbObjectId::kNull == extDictId)
  18.         {
  19.             pLayerTbl->close();
  20.             acutPrintf("unable to create Layer's Ext Dictionary\n");
  21.             return;
  22.         }
  23. }
  24. pLayerTbl->close();

  25. AcDbDictionary *pExtDict;

  26. Acad::ErrorStatus es;
  27. es = acdbOpenObject(pExtDict, extDictId, AcDb::kForRead);
  28. if (es != Acad::eOk)
  29. {
  30.   delete pExtDict;
  31.   acutPrintf("unable to open Layer's Ext Dictionary\n");
  32.         return;
  33. }

  34. // get or create the ACAD_LAYERFILTERS dictionary
  35. AcDbDictionary *pLayerFiltersDict = NULL;
  36. if (Acad::eOk != pExtDict->getAt( "ACAD_LAYERFILTERS", (AcDbObject*&)pLayerFiltersDict, AcDb::kForWrite ))
  37.     {
  38.         acutPrintf("creating ACAD_LAYERFILTERS dictionary\n");

  39.         pExtDict->upgradeOpen();
  40.   pLayerFiltersDict = new AcDbDictionary;

  41.   AcDbObjectId new_id;
  42.       if (Acad::eOk != pExtDict->setAt( "ACAD_LAYERFILTERS", pLayerFiltersDict, new_id ))
  43.         {
  44.             acutPrintf("unable to create ACAD_LAYERFILTERS dictionary\n");
  45.    pExtDict->close();
  46.    delete pLayerFiltersDict;
  47.             return;
  48.         }
  49. }
  50. pExtDict->close();

  51. AcDbObjectId Objid;
  52. AcDbXrecord *pXrec= new AcDbXrecord;
  53. resbuf *pHead;

  54. pHead=acutBuildList(1, "testFilter", 1, "*", 1, "*",  1, "*", 70, 13, 1, "*",
  55.        1, "*", RTNONE);

  56. pXrec->setFromRbChain(*pHead, NULL);
  57. pLayerFiltersDict->setAt("testFilter", pXrec, Objid);

  58. pLayerFiltersDict->close();
  59. pXrec->close();
  60. acutRelRb(pHead);
  61. }

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