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- ' ExcelToCad
- '
- '**********************************************************************
- '原作:
- ' 计算机世界报 新疆交通科学研究所 查拥军
- ' "利用VBA编程实现从EXCEL表到AUTOCAD表转换"
- '**********************************************************************
- '改编:
- ' zhqchn
- '**********************************************************************
- '简介:
- ' 如何将Excel的制表计算与AutoCad的绘图功能结合,是很多人关心的问题
- ' Atable的出现以及unionsoft的TrueTable的迅速成熟为大家解决了大问题
- ' 本人曾动过开发类似软件的念头,但接触TrueTable后就觉得没有必要了。
- ' 前段时间看到有网友将查拥军的这篇文章贴到论坛,引来了不少关注,
- ' 说明还是有不少人不满足于现成的工具,希望搞清原理,而查先生的程序
- ' 只是摘录,也可能是故意隐去一些东西,因此不能直接运行,我将此程序
- ' 做了修正,并加了一些注释,使有兴趣的初学者更容易调试,便于学习。
- ' 我只是在原程序的基础是修正一些错误,程序还有很多不完善的地方,
- ' 水平有限,高手莫笑话。
- ' 程序请从cmdTableToExcel_Click运行,hxw中的Call wz(c, strText)
- ' 是控制文字样式的,若打开,程序运行会很慢。
- '***********************************************************************
- '
- Option Explicit
- Private Sub cmdTableToExcel_Click()
- Call ConnectCAD
- Call ConnectEXCEL
- Call tableToExcel
- End Sub
- Sub tableToExcel()
- Call hxw
- End Sub
- '---- 在AutoCAD中,线条有多种,考虑能够方便控制线条属性,选用了多义线。具体命令如下: RetVal =object.AddLightWeightPolyline (VerticesList)
- '---- 下面的程序演示表格线条读取和画表格线的具体过程。
- Sub hxw()
- Dim a As Integer '表格的最大行数
- Dim b As Integer '表格的最大列数
- Dim xinit As Double '插入点x坐标
- Dim yinit As Double '插入点y坐标
- Dim zinit As Double '插入点z坐标
- Dim xinsert As Double '当前单元格的左上角点的x左标
- Dim yinsert As Double '当前单元格的左上角点的y左标
- Dim ptarray(0 To 3) As Double '画表格线(lwpolyline)的顶点坐标
- Dim X As Integer '循环变量(表格行)
- Dim Y As Integer '循环变量(表格列)
- Dim c As Object '单元格地址
- Dim ma As Object '合并单元格
- Dim xl As Variant
- Dim xh As Integer '单元格宽
- Dim yh As Integer '单元格高
- Dim xlRange As Object
- Dim xpoint As Double '当前单元格的左上角点的x左标(已加上插入点x坐标)
- Dim ypoint As Double '当前单元格的左上角点的y左标(已加上插入点y坐标)
- Dim lwployobj As AcadLWPolyline '多义线
- Dim textobj As AcadMText '文本
- Dim fptText(0 To 2) As Double '文本插入点
- Dim strText As String '文本内容
- Dim txtHeight As Double '文本高度
- a = xlApp.Selection.Rows.Count
- b = xlApp.Selection.Columns.Count
- For X = 1 To a
- For Y = 1 To b
- Set c = xlSht.Range(zh(Y) + Trim(str(X)))
- '以行号、列号获得单元格地址
- Set ma = c.MergeArea
- '求出单元格C的合并单元格地址
- Dim tempStr As String
- tempStr = Trim(ma.Address)
- If ma.Count > 1 Then tempStr = Divide(Trim(ma.Address), ":", 0)
- If tempStr = Trim(c.Address) Then
- '假如c.mergearea的绝对地址 , 如果前4个字符与c单元格的地址相同
- xl = "A1:" + ma.Address
- xh = xlSht.Range(ma.Address).Width
- yh = xlSht.Range(ma.Address).Height
- Set xlRange = xlSht.Range(xl)
- xinsert = xlRange.Width - xh
- yinsert = xlRange.Height - yh
- xpoint = xinit + xinsert
- ypoint = yinit - yinsert
- If X = 1 Then '第一行
- If ma.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
- ptarray(0) = xpoint
- '第一点坐标(数组下标 0 and 1)
- ptarray(1) = ypoint
- ptarray(2) = xpoint + xh
- '第二点坐标(数组下标 2 and 3)
- ptarray(3) = ypoint
- Set lwployobj = moSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(ptarray)
- '在AutoCAD文件里画线
- With lwployobj
- '.Layer = newlayer.Name '指定lwployobj所在图层
- .Color = acBlue '指定lwployobj的颜色
- End With
- Lineweight lwployobj, ma.Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight
- lwployobj.Update
- End If
- End If
- If ma.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
- ptarray(0) = xpoint + xh
- '第三点坐标(数组下标 0 and 1)
- ptarray(1) = ypoint - yh
- ptarray(2) = xpoint
- '第四点坐标(数组下标 2 and 3)
- ptarray(3) = ypoint - yh
- Set lwployobj = moSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(ptarray)
- '在AutoCAD文件里画线
- With lwployobj
- '.Layer = newlayer.Name '指定lwployobj所在图层
- .Color = acBlue '指定lwployobj的颜色
- End With
- Lineweight lwployobj, ma.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight
- lwployobj.Update
- End If
- If Y = 1 Then '第一列
- If ma.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
- ptarray(0) = xpoint
- '第四点坐标(数组下标 0 and 1)
- ptarray(1) = ypoint - yh
- ptarray(2) = xpoint
- '第一点坐标(数组下标 2 and 3)
- ptarray(3) = ypoint
- Set lwployobj = moSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(ptarray)
- '在AutoCAD文件里画线
- With lwployobj
- '.Layer = newlayer.Name '指定lwployobj所在图层
- .Color = acBlue '指定lwployobj的颜色
- End With
- Lineweight lwployobj, ma.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Weight
- lwployobj.Update
- End If
- End If
- If ma.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
- ptarray(0) = xpoint + xh
- '第二点坐标(数组下标 0 and 1)
- ptarray(1) = ypoint
- ptarray(2) = xpoint + xh
- '第三点坐标(数组下标 2 and 3)
- ptarray(3) = ypoint - yh
- Set lwployobj = moSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(ptarray)
- '在AutoCAD文件里画线
- With lwployobj
- '.Layer = newlayer.Name '指定lwployobj所在图层
- .Color = acBlue '指定lwployobj的颜色
- End With
- Lineweight lwployobj, ma.Borders(xlEdgeRight).Weight
- lwployobj.Update
- txtHeight = c.Font.Size * 2 / 3 '字高
- fptText(0) = xpoint
- fptText(1) = ypoint - yh / 2 + txtHeight / 2
- fptText(2) = 0
- strText = c.Text
- Call wz(c, strText)
- Set textobj = moSpace.AddMText(fptText, xh, strText)
- Call kz(textobj, c)
- End If
- End If '??????????????????
- Next Y
- Next X
- End Sub
- '下面程序控制线条粗细
- Sub Lineweight(ByVal line As Object, u As Integer)
- Select Case u
- Case 1
- Call line.SetWidth(0, 0.1, 0.1)
- Case 2
- Call line.SetWidth(0, 0.3, 0.3)
- Case -4138
- Call line.SetWidth(0, 0.5, 0.5)
- Case 4
- Call line.SetWidth(0, 1, 1)
- Case Else
- Call line.SetWidth(0, 0.1, 0.1)
- End Select
- End Sub
- '下面程序完成列号转换
- Function zh(pp As Integer) As String
- If pp <= 26 Then
- zh = Chr(64 + pp)
- Else
- If (pp Mod 26) = 0 Then
- zh = Chr(64 + Int(pp / 26) - 1) + Chr(64 + 26)
- Else
- zh = Chr(64 + Int(pp / 26)) + Chr(64 + pp Mod 26)
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Sub wz(c As Range, textStr)
- Dim Char As String
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim cpt As String
- Dim tempStr As String
- Dim sonstr1 As String
- Dim sonstr As String
- Char = RTrim(Left(c.Characters.Caption, 256))
- If Char <> Empty Then
- textStr = ""
- For j = 1 To Len(Char)
- If c.Characters(j, 1).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone Then
- cpt = c.Characters(j, 1).Caption
- sonstr = ForeFontStr(c, j)
- tempStr = ""
- Do While j + 1 <= Len(Char)
- sonstr1 = ForeFontStr(c, j + 1)
- If sonstr1 = sonstr Then
- j = j + 1
- tempStr = tempStr + c.Characters(j, 1).Caption
- Else
- Exit Do
- End If
- Loop
- textStr = textStr + "{" + sonstr + cpt + tempStr + "}"
- Else
- cpt = c.Characters(j, 1).Caption
- sonstr = ForeFontStr(c, j)
- tempStr = ""
- Do While j + 1 <= Len(Char)
- sonstr1 = ForeFontStr(c, j + 1)
- If sonstr1 = sonstr Then
- j = j + 1
- tempStr = tempStr + c.Characters(j, 1).Caption
- Else
- Exit Do
- End If
- Loop
- 'textStr = textStr + "{\L" + sonstr(cpt) + tempStr + "\l}" '????
- textStr = textStr + "{\L" + sonstr + cpt + tempStr + "\l}" '????
- End If
- Next j
- End If
- End Sub
- '下面函数控制字体本身属性
- Function ForeFontStr(m As Range, u As Integer) As String
- Dim a1 As String: Dim a2 As String: Dim a3 As String
- Dim a4 As String: Dim a5 As String: Dim a6 As String
- a1 = "\F" + m.Characters(u, 1).Font.Name + ";" '字体
- a2 = IIf(m.Characters(u, 1).Font.Superscript = True, "\H0.33x;\A2;", "") '上脚标
- a3 = IIf(m.Characters(u, 1).Font.Subscript = True, "\H0.33x;\A0;", "") '下脚标
- a4 = IIf(m.Characters(u, 1).Font.FontStyle = "倾斜", "\Q18;", "") '倾斜
- a5 = IIf(m.Characters(u, 1).Font.FontStyle = "加粗", "\W1.2;", "") '加粗
- a6 = IIf(m.Characters(u, 1).Font.FontStyle = "加粗 倾斜", "\W1.2;\Q18;", "") ' 加粗倾斜
- ForeFontStr = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6
- End Function
- ' ---- (2).表格中表格文字位置的转换
- ' ---- 对文字对象的属性的直接控制来实现,通过with….end with
- ' 结构可以很容易地控制文字的高度、图层、颜色、书写方向。由于Mtext文字提供支持的排列位置分为9种,必须根据Microsoft
- ' Excel表格文字的排列方式加以合适的判定,然后进行转换。其具体的实现方法详见下面的程序。
- Sub kz(textobj, c)
- With textobj '文字对象
- Dim ma As Object
- Set ma = c.MergeArea
- .Height = c.Font.Size * 2 / 3 'Excel文字高度换算成Acad文字高度
- '.Layer = newlayer.Name '设置图层
- .Color = acRed '设置颜色
- .DrawingDirection = 1 '设置书写方向
- If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlTop _
- Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
- And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft _
- Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
- Then .AttachmentPoint = 1 'acAttachmentPointTopLeft
- If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlTop _
- Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
- And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter _
- Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlJustify _
- Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
- Then .AttachmentPoint = 2 'acAttachmentPointTopCenter
- If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlTop _
- Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
- And ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight _
- Then .AttachmentPoint = 3 'acAttachmentPointTopRight
- If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter _
- Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlJustify _
- Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
- And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft _
- Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
- Then .AttachmentPoint = 4 'acAttachmentPointMiddleLeft
- If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter _
- Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlJustify _
- Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
- And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter _
- Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlJustify _
- Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
- Then .AttachmentPoint = 5 'acAttachmentPointMiddleCenter
- If (ma.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter _
- Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlJustify _
- Or ma.VerticalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
- And ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight _
- Then .AttachmentPoint = 6 'acAttachmentPointMiddleRight
- If ma.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom _
- And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft _
- Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral) _
- Then .AttachmentPoint = 7 'acAttachmentPointBottomLeft
- If ma.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom _
- And (ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter _
- Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlJustify _
- Or ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlDistributed) _
- Then .AttachmentPoint = 8 'acAttachmentPointBottomCenter
- If ma.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom _
- And ma.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight _
- Then .AttachmentPoint = 9 'acAttachmentPointBottomRight
- End With
- textobj.Update
- End Sub
这是Excel表格 |