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重新实现AcDbEntity类的虚拟子函数SaveAs, dxfOutFields ,dxfInFields ,
worldDraw, viewportDraw等函数, 要实现实体的拉伸,就要重新实现类的虚拟子函数










AcDbEntity::~AcDbEntity 函数

inline virtual



AcDbEntity::AcDbEntity 函数





AcDbEntity::explode 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDbVoidPtrArray& entitySet) const;














AcDbEntity::moveGripPointsAt 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const AcDbIntArray& indices,

const AcGeVector3d& offset);
















AcDbEntity::moveStretchPointsAt 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const AcDbIntArray& indices,

const AcGeVector3d& offset);
















AcDbEntity::setColor 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const AcCmColor& color,

Adesk::Boolean doSubents = true);




此方法设置实体的颜色为包含在color中的索引。如果实体拥有子实体且doSubents == Adesk::kTrue,则颜色变化也将应用至子实体上。

注意:kTrue有效的内建的实体只有:AcDb2dPolyline, AcDb3dPolyline, AcDbPolyFaceMesh,和AcDbPolygonMesh。







AcDbEntity::setColorIndex 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


Adesk::UInt16 color,

Adesk::Boolean doSubents = true);




此方法设置实体的颜色为包含在color中的索引。如果实体拥有子实体且doSubents == Adesk::kTrue,则颜色变化也将应用至子实体上。

注意:kTrue有效的内建的实体只有:AcDb2dPolyline, AcDb3dPolyline, AcDbPolyFaceMesh,和AcDbPolygonMesh。









AcDbEntity::setDatabaseDefaults 函数



AcDbDatabase* pDb);



·   颜色

·   层

·   线型

·   线型比例

·   可见性

·   绘图样式名

·   线宽

为pDb表示的数据库的默认值。如果pDb == NULL,则使用AutoCAD编辑器中当前的数据库。





·   颜色

·   层

·   线型

·   线型比例

·   可见性

·   绘图样式名

·   线宽


AcDbEntity::setLayer 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDbObjectId newVal,

Adesk::Boolean doSubents = true);

输入要被实体参考的Input objectId of the AcDbLayerTableRecord to be referenced by the entity

Input Boolean indicating whether to propagate the change to any subentities the entity may own

This method sets the entity to reference the AcDbLayerTableRecord that has the object ID newVal. If the entity owns subentities and doSubents == Adesk::kTrue, then the layer change will be applied to the subentities as well.

Note The only built-in entities for which kTrue has an effect are: AcDb2dPolyline, AcDb3dPolyline, AcDbPolyFaceMesh, and AcDbPolygonMesh.

If the 函数 is successful, then Acad::eOk is returned.

If the object with object ID newVal is not an AcDbLayerTableRecord, then Acad::eWrongObjectType will be returned.

An attempt is made to open (for read) the object identified by newVal in order to determine if it is indeed an AcDbLayerTableRecord. If the open attempt fails, then the error status returned by the failed open attempt will be returned by this 函数 (see the acdbOpenObject() method documentation for possible return values).

函数 implementation in derived classes

If this 函数 is overridden and wishes to set the layer of the entity, then it must call AcDbEntity::setLayer() passing on the layer and doSubents arguments or call the other AcDbEntity::setLayer() passing in the doSubents value and a string which is the layer's name.

It is also possible for this 函数's implementation to deal directly with any subentities and pass a doSubents value of Adesk::kFalse to AcDbEntity::setLayer()

If this 函数 is successful, it should return Acad::eOk. Any other error return values are up to the implementor, but if it calls either of the AcDbEntity::setLayer() methods and that call returns an error, then it's recommended that the ErrorStatus value returned be returned by this 函数 as well.


virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const char* newVal,

Adesk::Boolean doSubents = true);

Input name of the LayerTableRecord to be referenced by the entity

Input Boolean indicating whether to propagate the change to any subentities the entity may own

This method sets entity to reference the AcDbLayerTableRecord identified by the name specified in newVal. If the entity owns subentities and doSubents == Adesk::kTrue, then the layer change will be applied to the subentities as well.

Note The only built-in entities for which kTrue has an effect are: AcDb2dPolyline, AcDb3dPolyline, AcDbPolyFaceMesh, and AcDbPolygonMesh.

The database containing the entity is searched for the AcDbLayerTableRecord object with the name pointed to by newVal. If the entity is not currently in a database, then the database currently in the AutoCAD editor is searched.

If a matching LayerTableRecord is found then the entity will be set to reference it and Acad::eOk will be returned.

If no LayerTableRecord object is found with the name pointed to by newVal, then Acad::eKeyNotFound will be returned.

If the LayerTableRecord object found has been erased, then Acad::eDeletedEntry will be returned.

If the entity is not within a database and there is no database in the AutoCAD editor, then Acad::eNoDatabase will be returned.

函数 implementation in derived classes

If this 函数 is overridden and wishes to set the layer of the entity, then it must call AcDbEntity::setLayer() passing on the layer and doSubents arguments or call the other AcDbEntity::setLayer() passing in the doSubents value and the objectId of the AcDbLayerTableRecord to reference.

It is also possible for this 函数's implementation to deal directly with any subentities and pass a doSubents value of Adesk::kFalse to AcDbEntity::setLayer().

If this 函数 is successful, it should return Acad::eOk. Any other error return values are up to the implementor, but if it calls either of the AcDbEntity::setLayer() methods and that call returns an error, then it's recommended that the ErrorStatus value returned be returned by this 函数 as well.

AcDbEntity::setLinetype 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const char* newVal,

Adesk::Boolean doSubents = true);

Input name of the LinetypeTableRecord to be referenced by the entity

Input Boolean indicating whether to propagate the change to any subentities the entity may own

函数 usage

This method sets the entity to reference the AcDbLinetypeTableRecord with the name specified in newVal. If the entity owns subentities and doSubents == Adesk::kTrue, then the linetype change will be applied to the subentities as well.

Note The only built-in entities for which kTrue has an effect are: AcDb2dPolyline, AcDb3dPolyline, AcDbPolyFaceMesh, and AcDbPolygonMesh.

The database containing the entity is searched for the AcDbLinetypeTableRecord object with the name pointed to by newVal. If the entity is not currently in a database, then the database currently in the AutoCAD editor is searched.

If a matching LinetypeTableRecord is found then the entity will be set to reference it and Acad::eOk will be returned.

If no LinetypeTableRecord object is found with the name pointed to by newVal, then Acad::eKeyNotFound will be returned.

If the LinetypeTableRecord object found has been erased, then Acad::eDeletedEntry will be returned.

If the entity is not within a database and there is no database in the AutoCAD editor, then Acad::eNoDatabase will be returned.

函数 implementation in derived classes

If this 函数 is overridden and wishes to set the LinetypeTableRecord referenced by the entity, then it must call AcDbEntity::setLinetype(char*, Adesk::Boolean) passing on the newVal and doSubents arguments or call AcDbEntity::setLinetype(AcDbObjectId, Adesk::Boolean) passing in the doSubents argument and the object ID of the LinetypeTableRecord that has the name pointed to by newVal.

It is also possible for this 函数's implementation to deal directly with any subentities and pass a doSubents value of Adesk::kFalse to AcDbEntity::setLinetype().

If this 函数 is successful, it should return Acad::eOk. Any other error return values are up to the implementor, but if it calls either of the AcDbEntity::setLinetype() methods and that call returns an error, then it's recommended that the ErrorStatus value returned be returned by this 函数 as well.


virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDbObjectId newVal,

Adesk::Boolean doSubents = true);

Input objectId of the LinetypeTableRecord to be referenced by the entity

Input Boolean indicating whether to propagate the change to any subentities the entity may own

函数 usage

This method sets the linetype value for an entity by the AcDbObjectId specified in "newVal", which must be a symbol table record specifying the linetype. If the entity owns subentities and doSubents == Adesk::kTrue, then the linetype change will be applied to the subentities as well.

Note The only built-in entities for which kTrue has an effect are: AcDb2dPolyline, AcDb3dPolyline, AcDbPolyFaceMesh, and AcDbPolygonMesh.

If the 函数 is successful, then Acad::eOk is returned.

If the object with object ID newVal is not an AcDbLinetypeTableRecord, then Acad::eWrongObjectType will be returned.

An attempt is made to open (for read) the object identified by newVal in order to determine if it is indeed an AcDbLinetypeTableRecord. If the open attempt fails, then the error status returned by the failed open attempt will be returned by this 函数 (see the acdbOpenObject() method documentation for possible return values).

函数 implementation in derived classes

If this 函数 is overridden and wishes to set the LinetypeTableRecord referenced by the entity, then it must call AcDbEntity::setLinetype(AcDbObject, Adesk::Boolean) passing on the newVal and doSubents arguments or call AcDbEntity::setLinetype(char*, Adesk::Boolean) passing in the doSubents argument and a pointer to a string that's the name of the LinetypeTableRecord with the object ID newVal.

It is also possible for this 函数's implementation to deal directly with any subentities and pass a doSubents value of Adesk::kFalse to AcDbEntity::setLinetype().

If this 函数 is successful, it should return Acad::eOk. Any other error return values are up to the implementor, but if it calls either of the AcDbEntity::setLinetype() methods and that call returns an error, then it's recommended that the ErrorStatus value returned be returned by this 函数 as well.

AcDbEntity::setLinetypeScale 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


double newval,

Adesk::Boolean doSubents = true);

Input linetype scale factor for the entity

Input Boolean indicating whether to propagate the change to any subentities the entity may own

This method sets the entity to use newval as its linetype scale factor. newVal must be nonnegative. If the entity owns subentities and doSubents == Adesk::kTrue, then the linetype scale change will be applied to the subentities as well.

Note The only built-in entities for which kTrue has an effect are: AcDb2dPolyline, AcDb3dPolyline, AcDbPolyFaceMesh, and AcDbPolygonMesh.

Returns Acad::eOk if successful. If newVal is negative then Acad::eNegativeValueNotAllowed is returned.

函数 implementation in derived classes

If this 函数 is overridden and wishes to set the Linetype scale of the entity, then it must call AcDbEntity::setLinetypeScale() passing on the newVal and doSubents arguments.

It is also possible for this 函数's implementation to deal directly with any subentities and pass a doSubents value of Adesk::kFalse to AcDbEntity::setLinetypeScale().

If this 函数 is successful, it should return Acad::eOk. Any other error return values are up to the implementor, but if it calls the AcDbEntity::setLinetypeScale() method and that call returns an error, then it's recommended that the ErrorStatus value returned be returned by this 函数 as well.

AcDbEntity::setLineWeight 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDb::LineWeight newVal,

Adesk::Boolean doSubents = true);

Input AcDb::LineWeight for the entity

Input to apply the lineweight change to subentities

This method sets the entity to use lineweight. If the entity owns subentities and doSubents == Adesk::kTrue, then the line weight change will be applied to the subentities as well.

Returns Acad::eOk if successful.

函数 implementation in derived classes

If this 函数 is overridden and wishes to set the line weight of the entity, then it must call AcDbEntity::setLineWeight() passing on the lineweight and doSubents arguments.

It is also possible for this 函数's implementation to deal directly with any subentities and pass a doSubents value of Adesk::kFalse to AcDbEntity:: setLineWeight().

If the line weight setting operation is successful, then this 函数 should return Acad::eOk. If lineweight is not an acceptable value, then this 函数 should return Acad::eInvalidInput. Any other error return values are up to the implementor.

AcDbEntity::setPlotStyleName 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const char* newName,

Adesk::Boolean doSubents = true);

Input plotStyleName string to be used by the entity

Reserved for future use

This 函数 searches the PlotStyleName dictionary for an entry with the name that matches newName and if found, sets the entity to use that plotStyleName entry. Because a lookup in the PlotStyleName dictionary is required, the entity must be database-resident for this method to succeed. The names ByLayer and ByBlock are allowed as well as user-defined names.

Returns Acad::eOk if successful. If the entity is not database-resident, then Acad::eNoDatabase will be returned. If there is no entry in the PlotStyleName dictionary for newName, then Acad::eKeyNotFound will be returned.

The plotStyleName value is used for DXF group code 390.


virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDb::PlotStyleNameType unnamed,

AcDbObjectId newId = AcDbObjectId::kNull,

Adesk::Boolean doSubents = true);





AcDbEntity::setPropertiesFrom 函数



const AcDbEntity* pEntity,

Adesk::Boolean doSubents = true);

Input entity from which to copy the properties

Input Boolean indicating whether to propagate the change to any subentities the entity may own

This method copies the

·   Color

·   Layer

·   Linetype

·   Linetype scale

·   Visibility

values from the entity pointed to by pEntity into this entity. If the entity owns subentities and doSubents == Adesk::kTrue, then the property changes will be applied to the subentities as well.

Returns Acad::eOk if successful.

AcDbEntity::setVisibility 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDb::Visibility newVal,

Adesk::Boolean doSubents = true);

Input visibility value to which the entity will be set. The possible AcDb::Visibility values are:

Input Boolean indicating whether to propagate the change to any subentities the entity may own

This method sets the visibility of an entity to the value specified by newVal. If the entity owns subentities and doSubents == Adesk::kTrue, then the visibility change will be applied to the subentities as well.

Note The only built-in entities for which kTrue has an effect are: AcDb2dPolyline, AcDb3dPolyline, AcDbPolyFaceMesh, and AcDbPolygonMesh.

Returns Acad::eOk if successful.

函数 implementation in derived classes

If this 函数 is overridden and wishes to set the visibility of the entity, then it must call AcDbEntity::setVisibility() passing on the newVal and doSubents arguments.

It is also possible for this 函数's implementation to deal directly with any subentities and pass a doSubents value of Adesk::kFalse to AcDbEntity::setVisibility().

If the color setting operation is successful, then this 函数 should return Acad::eOk. If color is not an acceptable value, then this 函数 should return Acad::eInvalidIndex. Any other error return values are up to the implementor.

AcDbEntity::subSetDatabaseDefaults 函数

virtual void


AcDbDatabase* pDb);

Input database to set defaults from. This argument is forwarded by the internal setDatabaseDefaults() method that calls this method.

函数 usage

This 函数 is not intended to be called by ObjectARX applications. It is designed to be called by the AcDbEntity::setDatabaseDefaults() method in order to provide a "hook" into the setDatabaseDefaults process.

函数 implementation in derived classes

This 函数 is called from within setDatabaseDefaults() after the property values have been set within the entity. As such, it provides a hook into the setDatabaseDefaults operation at a time when you can see what the new values are, change them if desired, and make other changes as well.

The entity is open for write, and there are no restrictions on what you can do within this 函数 other than those normally imposed on any object open for write.

Default implementation

Immediately return without performing any action.

AcDbEntity::transformBy 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const AcGeMatrix3d& xform);

Input transformation matrix to be applied to the entity

函数 usage

This 函数 provides a means by which AutoCAD and ObjectARX applications can ask the entity to apply a transformation matrix (xform) to itself.

Each entity class must implement this 函数, so restrictions on what types of transformations are supported are up to the implementor of the entity class. The AutoCAD built-in entity classes for entity types that existed before R13 (that is, all the classes listed in the header file dbents.h such as AcDbCircle, AcDbLine, AcDbArc, AcDb2dPolyline, etc.) require that the transformation matrix represent a uniformly scaling orthogonal transformation (if it is not, then Acad::eCannotScaleNonUniformly will be returned). Other AutoCAD built-in classes have no restrictions.

Returns Acad::eOk if successful. Return values for errors are implementation-dependent.

函数 implementation in derived classes

This 函数 must apply the transformation matrix xform to the entity and change the entity's state to reflect the transformation. It is completely up to the implementor as to how to apply the transformation. It is also up to the implementor to decide what, if any, restrictions will be placed on the type of transformations supported. If any restrictions are desired, then it's up to the implementation of this 函数 to enforce them.

If your derived class implements transformBy() without calling the base class, you must call AcDbObject:: xDataTransformBy() or your Xdata will not be transformed.

If this 函数 successfully transforms the entity, then it should return Acad::eOk.

Return values for error conditions are completely up to the implementor of this 函数. However, if the error is caused by a non-uniformly scaling or non-orthogonal matrix, then to be consistent with other entities that have this restriction, it is recommended that Acad::eCannotScaleNonUniformly be returned.

Note If this method is not overridden, then AutoCAD commands such as MOVE, ROTATE, SCALE, etc. will have no effect on entities of this class.

Default implementation

Calls assertWriteEnabled(Adesk::kFalse, Adesk::kFalse) and then returns Acad::eNotApplicable.

AcDbEntity Graphic Functions

AcDbEntity::cloneMeForDragging 函数

virtual Adesk::Boolean


This 函数 indicates to AutoCAD whether a clone should be created for use in a dragging operation. AutoCAD has always created a clone in the past, but due to entities with large amounts of data (for example, polylines) it is sometimes desirable to have AutoCAD perform dragging with the original entity.

Default implementation: Returns Adesk::kTrue indicating that a clone will be created for the dragging operation.

AcDbEntity::draw 函数



This 函数 queues up the entity's graphics and flushes the graphics queue, forcing the entity and anything else in the queue to be drawn or re-drawn on-screen.

Returns Acad::eOk if successful.

If the entity is not in a database, then Acad::eNotInDatabase will be returned.

If the entity is in a database other than the one currently loaded into the AutoCAD editor, then Acad::eNotCurrentDatabase will be returned.

AcDbEntity::highlight 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const AcDbFullSubentPath& subId = kNullSubent,

const Adesk::Boolean highlightAll = false) const;

Input AcDbFullSubentPath that identifies the subentity to highlight

Input Boolean indicating whether to highlight all

函数 usage

This 函数 uses the AcDbFullSubentPath id to determine which subentity in the entity is desired. It then highlights that subentity on screen. If no AcDbFullSubentPath argument is provided, then the entire entity will be highlighted.

Typically, the AcDbFullSubentPath object passed in via subId is obtained from the entity's AcDbEntity::getSubentPathsAtGsMarker() method. This guarantees that it is fully and properly filled in.

This 函数 uses the entity's getGsMarkersAtSubentPath() method to get the GS markers associated with subId. If that 函数 does not return Acad::eOk, then this 函数 will fail and return whatever ErrorStatus was returned by getGsMarkersAtSubentPath().

If this 函数 succeeds, then it returns Acad::eOk.

The highlight and unhighlight methods must be called in pairs. If highlight is called for this entity, a call to unhighlight for this entity must follow. If an AcDbFullSubentPath objectID is provided for highlight, that same AcDbFullSubentPath object is required for unhighlight.

Warning If the entity on which this method is called has its graphics queued for regeneration (that is, changes have been made to the entity but have not yet been reflected on screen), then this method will not cause a highlight to occur. Also, calling this method on an entity that's open for write and whose graphics are queued for regeneration may terminate AutoCAD.

To avoid this limitation, before calling highlight(), you should flush the entity's graphics by either calling the entity's draw() method, or calling the AcTransactionManager::flushGraphics() 函数.

函数 implementation in derived classes

The AcDbEntity::highlight() implementation does all the work necessary to highlight any subentities that correspond to the subId FullSubentPath. So, there is no need to override this method unless you wish to do some pre-or post-processing, or you wish to disable the ability to highlight subentities.

If this method is overridden and it is supposed to highlight subentities, then the AcDbEntity::highlight() method will need to be invoked at some point within this 函数 in order to do the actual highlighting.

Within the AcDbEntity::highlight() method, the getGsMarkersAtSubentPath() method of this entity is called to translate the FullSubentPath into the corresponding GS markers. So, if this 函数 is to succeed, the getGsMarkersAtSubentPath() method needs to be implemented as well.

For more information on the subId AcDbFullSubentPath argument, see the documentation on the AcDbEntity::getGsMarkersAtSubentPath() or AcDbEntity::getSubentPathsAtGsMarker() methods.

AcDbEntity::recordGraphicsModified 函数



Adesk::Boolean autoUndo = true);

Input Boolean value to indicate if the entity's graphics should be updated on screen when the object is closed

This method sets the entity's state to indicate whether or not the entity should be updated on screen when it is closed. If the entity is set not to update, then any changes made will appear the next time the entity is regenerated.

If setModified == Adesk::kFalse and the entity is currently set to update its graphics on close (which is its default state), then this 函数 sets the entity so that it will not update on screen when it is closed and objectModified notification is sent to all entity type reactors attached to the entity. If setModified == Adesk::kFalse and the entity is already set not to update its graphics on close, then this 函数 simply returns.

If setModified == Adesk::kTrue, then the entity is set to update on screen when it is closed.

AcDbEntity::saveAs 函数

virtual void


AcGiWorldDraw* mode,

AcDb::SaveType st);

Input pointer to fully initialized AcGiWorldDraw object (or an object of a class derived from AcGiWorldDraw)

Input SaveType indicates why the saveAs is being called.

函数 usage

This 函数 is used by AutoCAD to generate the graphic primitives whenever the SAVEASR12 command is executed in AutoCAD or a DWG save is occurring that requires proxy graphics to be saved for the entity. Overriding this 函数 allows control of the graphics that will be stored in these two cases.

It is possible for an ObjectARX application to call this 函数, but it will need to provide a fully functional AcGiWorldDraw object and the AcGiWorldGeometry and AcGiSubEntityTraits objects for which it provides references. The only way to do this is to derive custom classes from these three AcGi classes. The acgisamp.cpp sample program supplied with the ObjectARX SDK demonstrates how to do this.

函数 implementation in derived classes

The AcGiWorldDraw object pointed at by pMode, as well as the AcGiWorldGeometry and AcGiSubEntityTraits objects available from the AcGiWorldDraw object, are all provided to allow this 函数 to generate whatever graphics primitives are desired to represent the entity in an R12 drawing file, or when the entity is a proxy and needs to be displayed. Chapter 10 in the ObjectARX Developer's Guide explains how to use these classes.

In the contexts that this 函数 is called, there is no need to deal with GS marker assignments. However, all the visible properties such as colors, layer, linetypes, visibilities, etc. are relevant.

The st argument provides the context for the call of this 函数. The possible values are:

Do nothing. This value should never be seen when called from AutoCAD

Saving graphics to an R12 drawing file

Saving graphics for display when entity is a proxy

When the context is kR12Save, the graphics primitives generated by this 函数 will be converted into R12 entities and saved to the R12 drawing file.

When the context is kR13Save, the graphics primitives generated by this 函数 will be stored with the entity in the R13 drawing file so that if the drawing is ever loaded up with the entity's controlling application not loaded (that is, the entity becomes a proxy), the entity can still be displayed.

Default implementation

By default, this method calls the entity's worldDraw() method using the mode pointer.

AcDbEntity::unhighlight 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const AcDbFullSubentPath& subId = kNullSubent,

const Adesk::Boolean highlightAll = false) const;

Input an AcDbFullSubentPath that identifies which subentity to unhighlight

Input Boolean indicating whether to unhighlight all

函数 usage

This 函数 uses the AcDbFullSubentPath id to determine which subentity in the entity is desired. It then unhighlights that subentity on screen. If no AcDbFullSubentPath argument is provided, then the entire entity will be unhighlighted.

Typically the AcDbFullSubentPath object passed in via subId will be obtained from the entity's AcDbEntity::getSubentPathsAtGsMarker() method. This guarantees that it is fully and properly filled in.

This 函数 uses the entity's getGsMarkersAtSubentPath() method to get the GS markers associated with subId. If that 函数 does not return Acad::eOk, then this 函数 will fail and return whatever ErrorStatus was returned by getGsMarkersAtSubentPath().

If this 函数 succeeds, then it will return Acad::eOk.

The highlight and unhighlight methods must be called in pairs. If highlight is called for this entity, a call to unhighlight for this entity must follow. If an AcDbFullSubentPath objectID is provided for highlight, that same AcDbFullSubentPath object is required for unhighlight.

函数 implementation in derived classes

The AcDbEntity::unhighlight() implementation does all the work necessary to unhighlight any subentities that correspond to the subId FullSubentPath. So, there is no need to override this method unless you wish to do some pre-or post processing, or you wish to disable the ability to unhighlight subentities.

If this method is overridden and it is supposed to unhighlight subentities, then the AcDbEntity::unhighlight() method needs to be invoked at some point within this 函数 in order to do the actual unhighlighting.

Within the AcDbEntity::unhighlight() method, the getGsMarkersAtSubentPath() method of this entity is called to translate the FullSubentPath into the corresponding GS markers. So, if this 函数 is to succeed, the getGsMarkersAtSubentPath() method needs to be implemented as well.

For more information on the subId AcDbFullSubentPath argument, see the documentation on the AcDbEntity::getGsMarkersAtSubentPath() or AcDbEntity::getSubentPathsAtGsMarker() methods.

AcDbEntity::viewportDraw 函数

virtual void


AcGiViewportDraw* mode);

Input pointer to fully initialized AcGiViewportDraw object

函数 usage

Whenever a regeneration of the entity's graphics is required, AutoCAD calls the entity's worldDraw() method. If worldDraw() returns Adesk::kFalse, then AutoCAD calls this 函数 once for each viewport that is currently active in the AutoCAD editor. This 函数 then generates 3D graphic primitives independently for each viewport.

It is possible for ObjectARX applications to call this 函数, but they will need to provide a fully functional AcGiViewportDraw object and the AcGiViewportGeometry, AcGiViewport and AcGiSubentityTraits objects for which it provides references. The only way to do this is to derive custom classes from these four AcGi classes.

函数 implementation in derived classes

The AcGiViewportDraw object pointed to by pMode as well as the AcGiViewportDraw, AcGiViewport, and AcGiSubentityTraits objects available from the AcGiViewportDraw object are all provided to allow this 函数 to generate whatever graphics primitives are desired to represent the entity in a viewport dependent manner.

Since this 函数 will be called once for each viewport that is currently active within AutoCAD, it's possible to generate completely different images in each viewport (for example, a schematic image in one, a mesh image another. In addition, the AcGiViewport object provides detailed information about the viewport being drawn to for each call, so it's possible to draw the same basic image, but adjusted to accommodate the view in each viewport (for example, draw different tesselation lines depending on the view). See Chapter 10 in the ObjectARX Developer's Guide for more information.

Default implementation

Immediately returns without performing any action.

AcDbEntity::worldDraw 函数

virtual Adesk::Boolean


AcGiWorldDraw* mode);

Input pointer to fully initialized AcGiWorldDraw object

函数 usage

Whenever a regeneration of the entity's graphics is required, AutoCAD calls this 函数 to generate the graphics primitives that will represent this entity on screen. This 函数 will then provide a generic set of 3D graphics primitives that AutoCAD will adjust for each viewport's parameters as they are displayed.

If this 函数 returns Adesk::kFalse, then AutoCAD calls the AcGiViewportDraw() 函数 once for each viewport that is currently active in the AutoCAD editor.

It is possible for an ObjectARX application to call this 函数 (for example, in order to get the face information for an AcDb3dSolid entity), but it will need to provide a fully functional AcGiViewportDraw object and the AcGiWorldGeometry, and AcGiSubentityTraits objects for which it provides references. The only way to do this is to derive custom classes from these three AcGi classes. The acgisamp.cpp sample program supplied with the ObjectARX SDK demonstrates how to do this.

函数 implementation in derived classes

The AcGiWorldDraw object pointed to by pMode as well as the AcGiWorldGeometry and AcGiSubentityTraits objects available from the AcGiWorldDraw object are all provided to allow this 函数 to generate whatever graphics primitives are desired to represent the entity in a viewport independent manner (that is, one 3D image is used for all viewports and is adjusted by AutoCAD for all the different parameters in the different viewports). Chapter 10 in the ObjectARX Developer's Guide explains how to use these classes.

If this 函数 generates the graphics image to be used for display, then it should return Adesk::kTrue.

If the entity intends to do viewport dependent graphics primitives, then this 函数 should simply return Adesk::kFalse. This will cause AutoCAD to call the entity's viewportDraw() method once for each viewport that's currently active.

If this method is not overridden in classes derived from AcDbEntity, then entities of such classes will not display on screen.

Default implementation

Immediately returns Adesk::kTrue.

AcDbEntity Intersection Functions

AcDbEntity::boundingBoxIntersectWith 函数



const AcDbEntity* pEnt,

AcDb::Intersect intType,

const AcGePlane& projPlane,

AcGePoint3dArray& points,

int thisGsMarker,

int otherGsMarker) const;

Input entity with which "this" entity will intersect

Input requested intersection type

Input a projection plane for the apparent intersection of the two entities

Output with the points (in WCS coordinates) of intersection appended

Input GS marker of subentity of "this" entity that's involved in the intersection operation. May be 0 if not applicable

Input GS marker of subentity of the entity pointed to by pEnt that's involved in the intersection operation. May be 0 if not applicable

This version of the 函数 is the same as the one above except that it projects the bounding box edges of this entity and the pEnt entity onto the projPlane, finds the intersection points, and then projects the intersection points back onto the appropriate bounding box edge of this entity. So, all points appended to the points array will be on the bounding box edges of this entity. The projections are done parallel to the projPlane's normal vector.

The possible AcDb::Intersect values for intType are:


Do not extend either this entity's bounding box edges nor the pEnt entity. This results in only calculating intersections where the bounding box lines actually intersect with the pEnt entity.

Extend this entity's bounding box edges (if necessary) when calculating intersections, but do not extend the pEnt entity.

Extend the pEnt entity (if necessary) when calculating intersections, but do not extend this entity's bounding box edges.

Extend both the pEnt entity and this entity's bounding box edges (if necessary) when calculating intersections

Returns Acad::eOk if successful. ErrorStatus return values for error conditions depend upon how the entity pointed to by pEnt has implemented its projection plane intersectWith() method.




const AcDbEntity* pEnt,

AcDb::Intersect intType,

AcGePoint3dArray& points,

int thisGsMarker,

int otherGsMarker) const;

Input entity with which "this" entity will intersect

Input requested intersection type

Output with the points (in WCS coordinates) of intersection appended

Input GS marker of subentity of "this" entity that's involved in the intersection operation. May be 0 if not applicable.

Input GS marker of subentity of the entity pointed to by pEnt that's involved in the intersection operation. May be 0 if not applicable.

This method first calculates the bounding box for this entity (in WCS coordinates) by calling the entity's getGeomExtents() method (so if this method has not been overridden with a valid implementation, then the return status of Acad::eInvalidExtents will be returned by this 函数). It then finds the intersections of the entity pointed to by pEnt and all the edges of the bounding box of this entity.

The intType is used to determine how to deal with extending the boundary edges or the pEnt entity in order to calculate intersections. The possible AcDb::Intersect values are:


Do not extend either this entity's bounding box edges nor the pEnt entity. This results in only calculating intersections where the bounding box lines actually intersect with the pEnt entity.

Extend this entity's bounding box edges (if necessary) when calculating intersections, but do not extend the pEnt entity.

Extend the pEnt entity (if necessary) when calculating intersections, but do not extend this entity's bounding box edges.

Extend both the pEnt entity and this entity's bounding box edges (if necessary) when calculating intersections

Any intersection points found are appended to the points array. All points are in WCS coordinates.

Note In the process of determining the intersections of the pEnt entity with the bounding box edges of this entity, the non-projection plane version of pEnt's intersectWith() method may be called (if the pEnt entity is a custom entity, then the intersectWith() method will definitely be called). If the intersectWith() method has not been implemented for the pEnt entity's class, then this 函数 fails if that method is called.

The thisGsMarker and otherGsMarker arguments are only used if the pEnt entity's intersectWith() method is called, and even then they are just passed on into that method where they may still not be used.

Returns Acad::eOk if successful. ErrorStatus return values for error conditions depend upon how the entity pointed to by pEnt has implemented its non-projection plane intersectWith() method.

AcDbEntity::intersectWith 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const AcDbEntity* pEnt,

AcDb::Intersect intType,

AcGePoint3dArray& points,

int thisGsMarker = 0,

int otherGsMarker = 0) const;

Input entity with which "this" entity is to intersect

Input type of intersection requested

Output with the points of intersection appended

Input GS marker of subentity of "this" entity that's involved in the intersection operation. Use the 0 default if not applicable.

Input GS marker of subentity of the entity pointed to by pEnt that's involved in the intersection operation. Use the 0 default if not applicable.

函数 usage

It finds the intersections of the entity pointed to by pEnt and all the edges of the bounding box of this entity.

The intType is used to determine how to deal with extending the two entities in order to calculate intersections. The possible AcDb::Intersect values are:


Do not extend either entity. This results in only calculating intersections where the two entitys' geometry actually intersect

Extend this entity (if necessary) when calculating intersections, but do not extend the pEnt entity.

Extend the pEnt entity (if necessary) when calculating intersections, but do not extend this entity.

Extend both the pEnt entity and this entity (if necessary) when calculating intersections

Any intersection points found are appended to the points array. All points are in WCS coordinates.

The thisGsMarker and otherGsMarker arguments are intended to provide this 函数 with information to allow it to localize the search for intersections to be between specific subentities. However, this 函数 is not required to make use of either of these arguments (most, if not all, of the AutoCAD built-in entity classes do not). When calling this 函数, either or both of these arguments may be 0 in order to indicate that they should be ignored.

If this 函数 is successful it returns Acad::eOk. Return values for error conditions are dependent on the implementation of this 函数 in the classes involved.

函数 implementation in derived classes

This 函数 should do all it can to find all intersection points between the entity it's being called on and the entity pointed to by pEnt. All intersection points found should be appended to the points array. All such points must be in WCS coordinates.

When implementing the intersection calculation portion of this 函数 you should take a good look at the AcGe classes to see if they can provide any useful functionality to help in finding intersections with the geometric primitives that make up the entity this 函数 is being called on and the pEnt entity. For example, the AcGeCurve3d class has an isOn() method that will indicate if a supplied point is on the curve and the AcGeArc3d class has several intersectWith() methods to find intersections with other AcGe types.

If the pEnt entity is a type not recognized by this 函数, it is quite reasonable to call the pEnt entity's intersectWith() method passing in a pointer to this entity as the "pEnt", and all the other arguments passed into this 函数 (remembering to convert the intType argument If necessary) to see if that entity can determine any intersection points. This is what the AutoCAD built-in classes do.

Also, don't forget to take into account the intType value. The intType tells you which, if any, of the two entities should be extended to find "apparent" intersections. It is not required that apparent intersection be supported, but if it is not, then an appropriate ErrorStatus value should be returned to indicate that the call failed.

The thisGsMarker and otherGsMarker arguments are provided to allow this 函数 to determine exactly which subentities are involved in the intersection operation (for example, if this 函数 is being called by AutoCAD as part of an intersection Osnap operation these arguments would indicate which subentities are within the osnap pickbox). For these arguments, a value less than or equal to zero indicates that that argument should not be used.

If this 函数 completes successfully (even if no intersection points are found), it should return Acad::eOk. Determining what is considered an error and what ErrorStatus return code to use for any such errors are up to the implementor -- there are no conventions in this regard.

Default implementation: Immediately returns Acad::eNotImplemented.


virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const AcDbEntity* pEnt,

AcDb::Intersect intType,

const AcGePlane& projPlane,

AcGePoint3dArray& points,

int thisGsMarker = 0,

int otherGsMarker = 0) const;

Input entity with which "this" entity is to intersect

Input type of intersection requested. The possible AcDb::Intersect values are:


Do not extend either entity. This results in only calculating intersections where the two entitys' geometry actually intersect

Extend this entity (if necessary) when calculating intersections, but do not extend the pEnt entity.

Extend the pEnt entity (if necessary) when calculating intersections, but do not extend this entity.

Extend both the pEnt entity and this entity (if necessary) when calculating intersections

Input a projection plane for the apparent intersection of the two entities

Output with the points of intersection appended

Input GS marker of subentity of "this" entity that's involved in the intersection operation. Use the 0 default if not applicable.

Input GS marker of subentity of the entity pointed to by pEnt that's involved in the intersection operation. Use the 0 default if not applicable.

Same as the other version of this 函数 except that it projects this entity and the pEnt entity onto the projPlane, finds the intersection points, and then projects the intersection points back onto this entity. So, all points appended to the points array will be on this entity. The projections are done parallel to the projPlane's normal vector.

When implementing the intersection calculation portion of this 函数, in addition to the intersection functionality mentioned in the documentation on the other version of this 函数, the AcGe classes have functionality available to aid in the projection onto a plane and the projection of points onto AcGe objects.

AcDbEntity Miscellaneous Functions

AcDbEntity::applyPartialUndo 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDbDwgFiler* undoFiler,

AcRxClass* classObj);




AcDbEntity::audit 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDbAuditInfo* pAuditInfo);



AcDbEntity::drawable 函数

virtual AcGiDrawable *



AcDbEntity::dwgInFields 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDbDwgFiler* pFiler);



AcDbEntity::dxfOutFields 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDbDxfFiler* pFiler) const;



AcDbEntity::dxfInFields 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDbDxfFiler* pFiler);



AcDbEntity::dxfOutFields 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDbDxfFiler* pFiler) const;



AcDbEntity::getClassID 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


CLSID* pClsid) const;



AcDbEntity::getPlotStyleNameId 函数



AcDbObjectId& id) const;



AcDbEntity::gsNode 函数

virtual AcGsNode *

gsNode() const;


AcDbEntity::setAttributes 函数

virtual Adesk::UInt32


AcGiDrawableTraits* pTraits);



AcDbEntity::setGsNode 函数

virtual void


AcGsNode* pNode);



AcDbEntity Query Functions

AcDbEntity::blockId 函数


blockId() const;

This 函数 returns the AcDbObjectId of the entity's owner, which must be an AcDbBlockTableRecord.

If the entity does not have an owner yet, then AcDbObjectId::kNull will be returned.

AcDbEntity::color 函数


color() const;

This 函数 returns the AutoCAD color number of the entity within an instance of AcCmColor.

The index value will be in the range 0 to 256. 0 and 256 are special values.

0 indicates the entity uses the color of the BlockReference that's displaying it. If the entity is not displayed through a BlockReference (for example, it's directly owned by the model space BlockTableRecord) and its color is 0, then it will display as though its color were 7.

256 indicates the entity uses the color specified in the LayerTableRecord it references.

Note The AcDbEntity::colorIndex() method is a more direct method to access the AutoCAD color number of the entity.

AcDbEntity::colorIndex 函数


colorIndex() const;

This 函数 returns the AutoCAD color number of the entity.

The index value will be in the range 0 to 256. 0 and 256 are special values.

0 indicates the entity uses the color of the BlockReference that's displaying it. If the entity is not displayed through a BlockReference (for example, it's directly owned by the model space BlockTableRecord) and its color is 0, then it will display as though its color were 7.

256 indicates the entity uses the color specified in the LayerTableRecord it references.

AcDbEntity::getCompoundObjectTransform 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcGeMatrix3d & xMat) const;

Output filled in with transformation matrix used for nested objects

This 函数 is intended to be overridden by derived classes that are compound objects (in other words, objects that behave like blocks in the display list).

A compound object has little or no geometry of its own; instead it relies on nested entities, perhaps the contents of a BlockTableRecord, to represent itself. A compound object must use the same transformation matrix for all of its contained entities. Otherwise selection and osnap will not 函数 correctly. This is the method that the system uses to obtain that matrix from the compound object.

This method should only be overridden if you return the kDrawableIsCompoundObject flag from setAttributes. The matrix you should return here is the one that you pass to pushModelTransform before you render your nested objects. You must override this method if you return the compound object flag in setAttributes, even if you don't push a transform for your nested objects. In that case you would return Acad::eOk and the identity transform in xMat.

Default implementation: Returns Acad::eNotApplicable and the identity matrix in xMat.

AcDbEntity::getEcs 函数

virtual void


AcGeMatrix3d& retVal) const;

Output filled in with transformation matrix to go from OCS to WCS

This 函数 is intended to be overridden by derived classes that need to be able to provide access to an object coordinate system for objects of the class. The intent is that this 函数 provide a transformation matrix that can be used to transform vectors or points from the object's object coordinate system (OCS) to the World Coordinate System (WCS).

Default implementation: Return the identity matrix (ones along the diagonal, zeros elsewhere) in retVal.

We recommend that all data stored in custom classes be stored in WCS coordinates. If this is done, then the object's OCS will be the WCS and the transformation matrix will be the identity matrix. Then this 函数 will not need to be overridden since the identity matrix is this 函数's default return.

Note Even the pre-R13 entity types that store their data in OCS format (that is, circle, polyline, inserts, etc.) return the identity matrix.

AcDbEntity::getGeomExtents 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDbExtents& extents) const;

Output the entity's extents

Unimplemented at the AcDbEntity level, this method is intended to be overridden in derived classes.

Derived classes should calculate and return the corner points (in WCS coordinates) of a box (with edges parallel to the WCS X, Y, and Z axes) that encloses the 3D extents of the entity, and return those points as an instance of class AcDbExtents in the "extents" parameter.

Default implementation: Immediately returns Acad::eInvalidExtents.

AcDbEntity::getGripPoints 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcGePoint3dArray& gripPoints,

AcDbIntArray& osnapModes,

AcDbIntArray& geomIds) const;

Input a pre-existing array to append grip points to Output with the entity's grip points appended

not currently in use

not currently in use

函数 usage

This 函数 is not intended to be called by ObjectARX applications. However, it is possible to do so (for example, as a pass-through from the getStretchPoints() method).

函数 implementation in derived classes

This 函数 should append to the gripPoints array any points that are to treated as grip points for the entity.

The gripPoints array is passed to all entities involved in the grip operation, so the array may already contain grip points for other entities. Therefore, it is very important to append the new points rather than assigning them to any existing elements in the array.

When finished appending all desired grip points, return Acad::eOk. If anything other than Acad::eOk is returned, then grips are not activated for this entity.

The osnapModes and geomIds arguments are not currently used.

Default implementation

Immediately returns Adesk::eNotImplemented.

AcDbEntity::getGsMarkersAtSubentPath 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const AcDbFullSubentPath& subPath,

AcDbIntArray& gsMarkers) const;

Input an AcDbFullSubentPath object that contains an AcDbSubentId object with the information necessary to determine the subentity (or subentities) for which the GS Marker(s) is requested.

Output array with the GSMarker(s) for the subentity (or subentities)

Entities use various graphic primitives defined in AcGi to draw themselves. Part of this mechanism is the ability to associate an integer identifier called a graphics system marker (or, GS marker) with each primitive or with groups of primitives. Through the use of certain selection mechanisms the GS marker for the actual subentity selected on screen can be obtained and used with this 函数 and several other functions for various purposes such as highlighting or unhighlighting the subentity on screen.

函数 usage

This 函数 uses the AcDbSubentId object within the subPath object to determine which GS markers within the entity are appropriate. Any GS markers that match are appended to the gsMarkers array.

The subPath object's object ID array is not used, so it does not need to be filled in.

The subentId object within subPath does needs to be fully filled in with the desired SubentType and a valid index value (which may or may not actually be the GS marker).

Typically, this 函数 will be called with an AcDbFullSubentPath object that was filled in by the entity's AcDbEntity::getSubentPathsAtGsMarker() method.

Return values for this 函数 may vary depending on how the 函数 is implemented (see below).

函数 implementation in derived classes

This 函数 must be able to properly interpret the SubentType and index values in the AcDbSubentId object within subPath in order to determine the GS markers for the corresponding subentity (or subentities). The GS markers thus determined are then appended to the gsMarkers array.

The index values in AcDbSubentId objects can be any values you want (they are often simply the GS markers themselves), but if implemented, the getSubentPathsAtGsMarker() method must be able to calculate them based on a provided GS marker and, if implemented, the subentPtr() method must be able to interpret them to determine the corresponding subentity (or subentities):

Which return codes to use are completely up to the implementor, but to be consistent with other existing entity class implementations of this 函数, the following should be used:

·   If the 函数 succeeds, it should return Acad::eOk.

·   If an invalid or unsupported SubentType is passed in, then Acad::eWrongSubentityType should be returned.

·   If an invalid index is passed in, then Acad::eInvalidIndex should be returned.

Default implementation

Immediately returns Adesk::eNotApplicable.

Note The AcDbEntity::highlight() and AcDbEntity::unhighlight() methods both call this 函数 to obtain the GS marker(s) associated with a FullSubentPath. So, if this 函数 is not overridden, then they will not work.

AcDbEntity::getOsnapPoints 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDb::OsnapMode osnapMode,

int gsSelectionMark,

const AcGePoint3d& pickPoint,

const AcGePoint3d& lastPoint,

const AcGeMatrix3d& viewXform,

AcGePoint3dArray& snapPoints,

AcDbIntArray& geomIds) const;

Input the osnap mode being requested

Input the GS marker of the subentity involved in the object snap operation

Input the point (in WCS coordinates) picked during the object snap operation

Input the point (in WCS coordinates) selected just before pickPoint

Input transformation matrix to transform from WCS to DCS

Input pre-existing array to append osnap points to (may already contain points); output with object snap points appended

Not in use

This 函数 must use the material provided in osnapMode, gsSelectionMark, pickPoint, lastPoint, and viewXform to determine all appropriate osnap points for the entity. It must then append all such osnap points to the snapPoints array.

The snapPoints array is passed to all entities involved in the osnap operation, so it's possible that the array will already have entries in it when passed in. For this reason, it's very important that points be appended to the snapPoints array instead of assigning to any existing elements.

The osnapMode argument indicates which osnap mode is involved in the operation. Not all modes are applicable to all entity types (for example, AcDb::kOsModeIns is not applicable to a line). The possible values for this argument are:


Find the endpoint on the entity that is nearest to the pickPoint.

Find the midpoint (of any line, arc, etc., subentity) that is nearest to the pickPoint.

Find the center point (of any circle or arc subentity) that is nearest to the pickPoint.

Find the node point (for example, dimension node points) that is nearest to the pickPoint.

Find the quad point (traditionally the four quadrant points on a circle) that's nearest to pickPoint.

Find the insertion point of the entity (for example, the insertion point of a BlockReference or an MText object).

Find the intersection point of the entity and a line perpendicular to the entity that passes through lastPoint.

Find a point on the entity where a line that passes through lastPoint will be tangent to the entity

Find the point on the entity that's nearest to pickPoint. You decide what 搉earest?means.

The gsSelectionMark argument contains the GS marker of the subentity that's involved in the osnap operation. If the entity hasn't set any GS markers, then this is the default GS marker value of 0. The GS marker is provided to allow narrowing down the osnap point(s) search parameter if desired.

The pickPoint argument provides the point (in WCS coordinates) that started this osnap operation.

The lastPoint argument provides the point picked just prior to the pickPoint point. This point is used when determining perpendicular and tangent osnap values.

The viewXform argument provides a transformation matrix to transform from WCS (World Coordinate System) to DCS (display coordinate system).

The display coordinate system is oriented such that the positive Z axis is coming out of the display screen towards the user, the positive X axis is horizontally from left to right on screen, and the positive Y axis is vertically upward on screen.

So, if the current viewpoint is at (1,0,0) (the viewer is always looking towards (0,0,0)) then the viewXform matrix would be:

0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0

1 0 0 0

0 0 0 1

In this matrix the last row and the last column are not used. Notice also that the third row is the DCS Z axis in WCS coordinates (which is the WCS version of the AutoCAD VIEWPOINT system variable).

This transformation matrix is provided to allow you to determine positions of various points in the current view. This is most useful for the AcDb::kOsModeNear mode where "nearest" may depend on the viewpoint.

The snapPoints argument is the array to append the resulting osnap points to. You may append zero or more points to the array.

This same array is passed to all entities involved in the osnap operation. When all entities have been queried, AutoCAD determines which point in the array is most appropriate for the desired osnap mode. So, this 函数 does not need to narrow the search down to one point.

AutoCAD does not care what the return status is from this 函数 (there's no reason for it to), but to be meaningful to anything else that might wish to call it, we recommend that Acad::eOk be returned for any snap modes that are supported whether they append any points or not.

Note This 函数 does not work for dimensions, in which case it returns eNotApplicable. To obtain osnap data for dimensions, use AcDbDimension::getOsnapPoints().

AcDbEntity::getPlane 函数

inline virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcGePlane& unnamed,

AcDb::Planarity& unnamed) const;

Returns the plane which contains the curve

Returns the curve's configuration. Possible values are:

If the entity is planar, then the plane containing the entity is returned in plane and flag is set to AcDb::kPlanar.

If the entity is nonplanar, but is linear, then plane is set to an arbitrary plane that contains the entity and flag is set to AcDb::kLinear.

If the entity is nonplanar and nonlinear, then plane is left unset and flag is set to AcDb::kNonPlanar.

Returns Acad::eOk if successful. Other ErrorStatus return values are implementation-dependent.

The default implementation is to return Acad::eNotApplicable.

AcDbEntity::getStretchPoints 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcGePoint3dArray& stretchPoints) const;

Input a pre-existing array to append the stretch points to; output with the entity's stretch points appended

函数 usage

This 函数 is not intended to be called by ObjectARX applications. However, it is possible to do so (for example, as a pass-through from the getGripPoints() method).

函数 implementation in derived classes

This 函数 should append to the stretchPoints array any points that are to treated as stretch points for the entity.

Stretch points are used by the stretch command within AutoCAD. Any stretch points that are within the crossing selection window during the stretch command, will be moved by whatever amount the user decides to "stretch" the selected entities. Any stretch points not in the crossing selection window will be left alone. This combination of some stretch points moving while others do not is what "stretches" the entity. If all stretch points are in the crossing window, then the entity is moved instead of stretched.

The stretchPoints array is passed to all entities involved in the stretch operation, so the array may already contain stretch points for other entities. Therefore it is very important to append the new points rather than assigning them to any existing elements in the array.

When finished appending all desired stretch points, return Acad::eOk. If anything other than Acad::eOk is returned, then this entity's stretch points will be ignored by the stretch operation.

Default implementation

Calls the AcDbEntity::getGripPoints() method. So, unless the entity needs to have stretch points that are different from the grip points, there is no need to override this method.

AcDbEntity::getSubentPathsAtGsMarker 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


AcDb::SubentType type,

int gsMark,

const AcGePoint3d& pickPoint,

const AcGeMatrix3d& viewXform,

int& numPaths,

AcDbFullSubentPath*& subentPaths,

int numInserts = 0,

AcDbObjectId* entAndInsertStack = NULL) const;

Input the subent type desired. The possible SubentTypes are:

Input a GS marker representing a specific subentity (typically obtained from ads_ssnamex())

Input point (in WCS coordinates) picked during selection of the entity (this point will be on or very near the desired subentity)

Input transformation matrix to transform from WCS to DCS

Output the number of AcDbFullSubentPath objects in the subentPaths array

Output the address of a dynamically allocated array of one or more AcDbFullSubentPaths generated from the GS marker and other information passed into this 函数

Input the number of object IDs for AcDbBlockReferences in entAndInsertStack (should be one less than the total number of entries in entAndInsertStack because the first entry is the entity itself, which is not a BlockReference). If the entity is directly owned by the model or paper space BlockTableRecords, then leave this argument out so its default of 0 will be used.

Input an array of objectIds of the objects that are the nested containers of the subentity. The list is in order from the "main" entity that the subentity is a part of, out to the outermost AcDbBlockReference that is in model or paper space. If the entity is itself directly owned by model or paper space, then leave this argument out so that its default of NULL will be used.

Entities use various graphic primitives defined in AcGi to draw themselves. Part of this mechanism is the ability to associate an integer identifier called a graphics system marker (or, GS marker) with each primitive or with groups of primitives. Through the use of certain selection mechanisms, the GS marker for the actual subentity selected on screen can be obtained and, along with some other information passed into this 函数, can be used to create one or more AcDbFullSubentPath objects, each one representing a subentity and providing a more complete description of the subentity and its environment. These AcDbFullSubentPath objects can be used by several other functions for various purposes such as highlighting or unhighlighting the subentities on screen.

函数 usage

If the entity (of which the subentity is a part) is directly owned by the model or paper space BlockTableRecords, then leave out numInserts and entAndInsertStack so that their default value will be used.

Typically the GS marker is obtained via the use of ads_ssget() followed by ads_ssnamex() (see the ObjectARX Developer's Guide for more information on this).

The pickPoint can be obtained from ads_ssnamex() as well (it's the first group 5009 in the returned list).

The viewXform can be calculated using the ads_trans() 函数 on the vectors (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1) to translate them from DCS to WCS. The translations of these three vectors (with an extra 0 appended on to the end of each) would be used as the first three rows of the matrix. The last row is not used so it can be left as is. This argument is not used by any of the AutoCAD built-in entities.

If the entity is nested inside one or more block definitions, then the numInserts and entAndInsertStack arguments must also be filled in with non-zero or non-null values. If they are not filled in, then this 函数 will fail and return an error status. One way to get the necessary object IDs is to use ads_nentselp() to obtain the list of ads_names of the container objects. This list must then be converted to object IDs and reversed.

Upon return, the subentPaths argument will point to a dynamically allocated array of one or more AcDbFullSubentPath objects. The numPaths argument will contain the number of AcDbFullSubentPath objects being returned.

The calling application is responsible for deallocating the memory used by the subentPaths array. The C++ delete [ ] operator should be used.

Return values for this 函数 may vary depending on how the 函数 has been implemented (see below).

函数 implementation in derived classes

Entity classes which do not set GS markers probably should not implement this 函数 since the GS marker is the primary (and often the only) means of subentity distinction.

When implemented, this 函数 must use the material provided in type, gsMark, pickPoint, viewXform, numInserts, and entAndInsertStack to determine which subentity or subentities meet the criteria in these arguments. Next it must create a dynamically allocated array of AcDbFullSubentPaths (using the C++ new operator) with one element for each subentity determined in the first step. Finally it must fill in each AcDbFullSubentPath object in the array with the information appropriate to the subentity it will represent.

If numInserts == 0 and entAndInsertStack == NULL, it's important to check to be sure that the entity's owner is indeed the model or paper space BlockTableRecord. This can be done by using the entity's ownerId() method to obtain the objectId of its owner, and then opening up that object and using its name() method to obtain its name string. If the owner is not the model or paper space BlockTableRecord, and numInserts == 0 or entAndInsertStack == NULL, or both, then the input data is invalid and this 函数 should set numPaths to 0, set subentPaths to NULL and then return the error status Acad::eInvalidInput.

Each AcDbFullSubentPath object has two parts, an array of objectIds containing all the container objects, and an embedded AcDbSubentId object which in turn has two elements: an index value and a SubentityType.

If the "main" entity (the entity on which this 函数 is being called) is not nested within BlockReferences (that is, numInserts == 0 and entAndInsertStack == NULL), then the objectId array should contain only the objectId of the "main" entity. If the "main" entity is nested in one or more BlockReferences, then the AcDbObjectIdArray is the same as entAndInsertStack, so copying the entAndInsertStack elements into the AcDbObjectIdArray is all that's required.

The SubentType data item within the embedded AcDbSubentId should be set the same as type.

The index data item within the embedded AcDbSubentId can be any value you wish (it is often simply the GS marker), but if implemented, the following functions must be able to interpret them to determine the corresponding GS marker(s) or subentity (or subentities):



The pickPoint and viewXform arguments are provided as extra aids (if necessary) in determining which subentity is involved. For example, some entity types might display differently depending on the display viewpoint. The viewXform transformation matrix can be used in such cases.

The viewXform argument provides a transformation matrix to transform from WCS (World Coordinate System) to DCS (display coordinate system).

The display coordinate system is oriented such that the positive Z axis is coming out of the display screen towards the user, the positive X axis is horizontally from left to right on screen, and the positive Y axis is vertically upwards on screen.

So, if the current viewpoint is at (1,0,0) (the viewer is always looking towards (0,0,0)) then the viewXform matrix would be:

0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0

1 0 0 0

0 0 0 1

In this matrix the last row and the last column are not used. Notice also that the third row is the DCS Z axis in WCS coordinates (which is the WCS version of the AutoCAD VIEWPOINT system variable).

When this 函数 returns, the return code to use is completely up to the implementor, but to be consistent with other existing entity class implementations of this 函数 the following should be used:

·   If the 函数 succeeds, it should return Acad::eOk.

·   If an invalid or unsupported SubentType is passed in, then numPaths should be set to 0, subentPaths should be set to NULL, and Acad::eWrongSubentityType should be returned.

·   If an invalid GS marker (or any other data item that turns out to be needed) is passed in, then numPaths should be set to 0, subentPaths should be set to NULL, and Acad::eInvalidInput should be returned.

Default implementation

Immediately returns Adesk::eNotApplicable.

AcDbEntity::getTransformedCopy 函数

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus


const AcGeMatrix3d& xform,

AcDbEntity*& pEnt) const;

Input the matrix by which to transform the copy of the entity

Input a reference to an "empty" pointer; output pointing to the transformed copy of the entity

函数 usage

This 函数 creates a clone of the entity, applies the xform transformation matrix to the clone, and then returns with pEnt pointing to the transformed clone.

Warning For AutoCAD built-in complex entities such as polylines, this 函数 produces a shallow clone of the header entity only, which also owns the original set of "owned" entities (such as vertices for a polyline) which are then transformed by the xform matrix. This results in a corrupt drawing (two header entities owning the same set of "owned" entities) as well as transforming the original set of "owned" entities instead of a copied set.

Returns Acad::eOk if successful.

If xform is a non-uniform scaling matrix or non-orthogonal then Acad::eCannotScaleNonUniformly or Acad::eNotImplemented is returned.

函数 implementation in derived classes

The default AcDbEntity implementation of this 函数 should be adequate for most derived entity types. However, derived entity classes that wish to support non-uniform scaling or non-orthogonal transformations will need to override this method with their own implementation.

This 函数 must create a copy of the entity (using memory that has been dynamically allocated via the C++ new operator), apply the transformation matrix xform to the copy and then return with pEnt pointing to the transformed copy.

Determining what constitutes a valid transformation matrix and whether to do a shallow clone (that is, the entity's clone() method), a deepclone (if the entity owns other objects), or no clone at all (that is, make this 函数 a no-op), is up to the implementor.

Return values for this 函数 are also up to the implementor, but to be consistent with other existing classes the following is recommended:

·   If the 函数 succeeds, it should return Acad::eOk.

·   If the 函数 is to be a no-op, it should return Acad::eNotImplemented

·   If non-uniform scaling is not to be supported and a non-uniform scaling matrix is passed in, then either Acad::eCannotScaleNonUniformly or Acad::eNotImplemented should be returned.

Default implementation

If the entity is uniformly scaled and orthogonal, AcDbEntity::getTransformedCopy will call the entity's clone() method to create a clone of the entity, then call AcDbEntity::transformBy() on the clone, and then return with pEnt set to point to the transformed clone. If xform is a non-uniformly scaled or a non-orthogonal matrix, then this 函数 will return Acad::eNotImplemented.

AcDbEntity::isPlanar 函数

inline virtual Adesk::Boolean

isPlanar() const;

This 函数 returns Adesk::kTrue if and only if there is a plane which contains the entity. Otherwise Adesk::kFalse is returned.

Note Where appropriate, AutoCAD built-in entity types check for planarity within a tolerance value (for example, for AcDb3dPolyline the tolerance is 1e-10).

Returns Acad::kFalse in the default implementation.

AcDbEntity::layer 函数

char *

layer() const;

This 函数 returns a copy of the name string in the AcDbLayerTableRecord object referenced by the entity.

The calling application is responsible for deallocating the memory used by the returned string. The acutDelString() 函数 is recommended.

Warning Calling this 函数 before the entity has had its referenced layer object ID set (that is, it抯 still set to AcDbObjectId::kNull) will terminate AutoCAD. If the referenced layer objectId is AcDbObjectId::kNull when the entity is added to a database, it will be set to the object ID of the database抯 current default layer.

AcDbEntity::layerId 函数


layerId() const;

This 函数 returns the AcDbObjectId of the AcDbLayerTableRecord referenced by the entity. If the layerId has not been set yet, then AcDbObjectId::kNull is returned.

AcDbEntity::linetype 函数

char *

linetype() const;

This 函数 returns a copy of the name string in the AcDbLinetypeTableRecord object referenced by the entity.

The calling application is responsible for deallocating the memory used by the returned string. Either the C++ delete [ ] operator or the C free() 函数 may be used.

Warning Calling this 函数 before the entity has had its referenced linetype object ID set (that is, it's still set to AcDbObjectId::kNull) will terminate AutoCAD. If the referenced linetype objectId is AcDbObjectId::kNull when the entity is added to a database it will be set to the object ID of the database's current default linetype

AcDbEntity::linetypeId 函数


linetypeId() const;

This 函数 returns the AcDbObjectId of the AcDbLinetypeTableRecord referenced by the entity. If the linetypeId has not been set yet, then AcDbObjectId::kNull will be returned.

AcDbEntity::linetypeScale 函数


linetypeScale() const;

This 函数 returns the linetype scale factor for the entity

AcDbEntity::lineWeight 函数


lineWeight() const;

This 函数 returns the AcDb::LineWeight of the entity.

AcDbEntity::list 函数

virtual void

list() const;

函数 usage

This 函数 is intended to be called from AutoCAD whenever the entity is selected during the LIST command. However, it can be called from ObjectARX applications if desired.

This 函数 will print entity specific information to the AutoCAD command line.

函数 implementation in derived classes

When implementing this 函数 in a derived class, the first thing that should be done in the 函数 is to make a call to assertReadEnabled(). The next thing to do is to call the parent class's list() method to allow the parent class to list it's information (the parent class should in turn call its parent class first and so on up the inheritance chain until AcDbObject is reached. This way all the entity's information will be properly printed out in order). Once the parent class's list 函数 has been called then a series of ads_printf() calls can be used to list whatever information is desired.

Default implementation

Lists out the entity's DXF name, the layer, the space the entity resides in (model or paper), and the entity's handle.

AcDbEntity::plotStyleName 函数

char *

plotStyleName() const;

This 函数 returns a copy of the plotStyleName string of the entity. The caller is responsible for deallocating the returned string.

The plotStyleName value is used for DXF group code 390.

AcDbEntity::subentPtr 函数

virtual AcDbEntity *


const AcDbFullSubentPath& id) const;

Input an AcDbFullSubentPath that identifies the subentity to be copied

函数 usage

This 函数 uses the AcDbFullSubentPath id to determine which subentity in the entity is desired. It then creates a copy of that subentity using one of the classes derived from AcDbEntity so that the copy is a true "entity" that can be added to the database. If the 函数 succeeds then a pointer to the resulting copy is returned, otherwise NULL is returned.

Typically the AcDbFullSubentPath object passed in via id will be obtained from the entity's AcDbEntity::getSubentPathsAtGsMarker() method. This guarantees that it is fully and properly filled in.

The copy will be created using dynamically allocated memory (that is, using the new operator), so if it is not added to the database it will need to be deleted when it's no longer needed.

函数 implementation in derived classes

This 函数 must be able to interpret the information in the AcDbFullSubentPath id to determine which subentity in the entity is desired. It then must create an object (using the C++ new operator so that it's dynamically allocated and can be added to a database later if desired) of the appropriate class derived from AcDbEntity and fill it in with the data necessary to make it a copy of the subentity just determined. The 函数 then returns a pointer to the newly allocated and filled in entity.

The id AcDbFullSubentPath object has two parts, an array of objectIds containing all the container objects of the "main" entity (the entity on which this 函数 is being called), and an embedded AcDbSubentId object which in turn has two elements: an index value and a SubentType.

The SubentType data item within the embedded AcDbSubentId should be used to determine what type of subentity is being looked for. Possible SubentTypes are:





Of course it's up to the implementor of this 函数 to decide what type of entity to create for each of the SubentTypes, but most commonly a face subentity will be copied as an AcDbFace, vertex subentities are usually an AcDbPoint object, and for edge subentities you have your choice of the appropriate curve entities such as AcDbArc, AcDbLine, AcDbCircle, AcDbSpline, etc. However, since the AcGi graphics primitives can only be lines, circles, arcs, xlines, and rays, those are most likely to be the entity types you'll use.

The index data item within the embedded AcDbSubentId is then used to determine exactly which subentity is to be copied.

Though the index value is often the same as the GS marker, there are no rules governing how to assign and interpret index values other than that the getSubentPathsAtGsMarker() method needs to be able to assign them properly and this 函数 and the getGsMarkersAtSubentPath() must be able to interpret them to determine the corresponding GS marker(s).

If the "main" entity is not nested within BlockReferences, then the FullSubentPath's objectId array will contain only the objectId of the "main" entity and will not be needed by this 函数.

If the "main" entity is nested in one or more BlockReferences, then the AcDbObjectIdArray contains the objectIds of the objects that are the nested containers of the subentity. The list is in order from the "main" entity that the subentity is a part of, out to the outermost AcDbBlockReference that is in model or paper space.

This list of containers will need to be used to obtain the model coordinate system to World Coordinate System transform for each container and combine them to obtain the total transformation from the subentity's coordinate system out to the World Coordinate System.

(Another possibility might be to implement the entity class's worldDraw to call the getModelToWorldTransform() method in the AcGiWorldGeometry or AcGiViewportGeometry [depending on whether the class is using worldDraw() or viewportDraw()] object passed into it. Then cache the matrix returned since this will be the complete transformation matrix you need.)

Regardless of how the transformation matrix is obtained, it needs to be applied to the subentity's data to transform the data to WCS coordinates to be used by the new AcDb entity just created. The new entity will expect all its information to be in WCS coordinates.

If the 函数 runs to completion then it should return a pointer to the newly created entity that copies the subentity. If anything goes wrong, then the 函数 should simply return NULL.

Default implementation

Immediately returns NULL.

AcDbEntity::visibility 函数


visibility() const;

This method returns the entity's current visibility state, either AcDb::kVisible or AcDb::kInvisible.
发表于 2003-11-17 18:22:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2004-7-19 11:34:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2004-7-19 14:53:59 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2004-7-19 15:01:17 | 显示全部楼层
ARX sample里面有一个例子
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发表于 2004-7-23 11:18:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2004-7-26 12:29:04 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2004-7-27 21:09:34 | 显示全部楼层
\ObjectARX 2000\samples\polysamp
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发表于 2004-9-16 13:46:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2004-9-23 12:22:33 | 显示全部楼层
上面很长的那一段话好象来自于ARX文档 arxdev.chm 中。
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