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发表于 2005-12-6 17:43:53 | 显示全部楼层



一、     本项目概况


二、     征集方式



三、     设计内容


四、     工作计划书内容构成

     设计单位基本情况(资质证明〈国外单位应提供相关注册证  明〉、联系方式、业绩、经验、类似项目等)
五、     知识产权和设计费用说明


六、     接受报名的截止时间为2005年5月15日17时,请在此时间前将工作计划书及相关资料送达南京市规划局规划处。

七、     我局将于2005年5月25日前向选定单位发出正式邀请函。


联 系 人: 何流 先生、邵颖莹 女士(国内单位)

Mr. Peng Jun            (国外单位)

联系电话:86-25-84733739       (国内单位)

          86-25-84733764       (国内单位)

          86-25-84733729       (国外单位)

传    真:86-25-84733824






一、        征集目的



二、        红花—机场地区概况




三、        规划内容









四、        时间安排

2005年6月上旬      召开方案征集发布会;

2005.6.10-9.10       方案设计;

截至2005.9.10        提交方案。

Announcement on Inviting Design Institutes for Concept Planning for Honghua – Dajiaochang Airport Area
The work for “Concept planning for Honghua – Dajiaochang Airport Area” to be organized by our bureau will be started soon. Now we sincerely invite signing up by planning design institutes ready to participate in concept planning schemes for this area.

1. Briefs of Project

Honghua – Dajiaochang Airport Area is located in Honghua town of Qinhuai District, southeast part of the main urban area of Nanjing. It borders with Qinhuai River and Yunliang River in the north and northeast side, extends to the Ring Expressway to the east, southeast and south, to Daming Road to the west, and borders with the Nanjing – Lishui Highway to the southwest, with an area of about 9.96 square kilometers.

2. Form of Collection

The planning design institute for this project will be chosen in the form of collection schemes. Our Bureau is inviting design institutes to join this work on Internet in conjunction with Nanjing Honghua – Dajiaochang Airport Area Development and Construction Headquarters. Finally, 7 first rate planning and design institutes both at home and overseas will be selected for the planning work. Any planning and design institute intending to participate in the collection of planning schemes can, according to the project preparation requirements, submit their work plans to our Bureau in the form of E-mail and written document. We will make careful comparison and selection on the basis of work plans delivered, and select planning and design institutes from the applicants by overall consideration of all factors.

We only collect design plans and do not rank them by appraisal.

3. The Contents of Design

    The contents of planning is concept planning for Honghua – Dajiaochang Airport Area, and on this basis to provide detailed urban space image and landscape in the central area, submit 1:1000 city design model for the central area.

4. Contents of Work Plan

         Basic conditions of the institute (qualification certificate (relevant evidence of registration shall be provided in case of an overseas unit), contact, achievements, experience and similar projects)

         Understanding of This Project

         Technical lines of work (ideas for the work, key of work and forms of results)

         Time schedule

         Technical personnel arrangement (personnel combination and resumes)

         Requirements to organizer

5. Property copyright and design fee

    The property copyright for all the design results submitted by all participants belongs to the organizer and the organizer has the right to use them. According to technical service contract, the unit of the qualified design plan will get sixty thousand US dollar as basic design fee.

6. The deadline for signing up is 17:00 hours of May 15, 2005. Please submit your work plan and relevant documents to the Planning Branch of Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau.

7. We will send official invitation letters to selected institutes before May 25, 2005.



Contact persons: Mr. He Liu and Miss Shao Yingying (for domestic institutes)

Mr. Peng Jun  (for overseas institutes)

Tel: 86-25-84733739  (for domestic institutes)

      86-25-84733764  (for domestic institutes)

      86-25-84733730  (for overseas institutes)

Fax: 86-25-84733824

E-mail: Zhchao0912@163.Com

Address: Planning Branch of Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau, 15 Gaojia Jiuguan Lane, Huaqiao Road, Nanjing, China

Zip: 210029

Brief Introduction for Concept Planning of Honghua – Dajiaochang Airport Area
Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province, with a total area of 6598 square kilometers and a total population of over 6.4 million people. In the “Master Plan of Nanjing” (1991—2010) as approved by the State Council, the city of Nanjing is defined as a famous ancient capital, the capital of Jiangsu Province and an important central city in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The future urban development objectives of Nanjing is: A city full of economic vigor——a modern central city in the lower reaches of Yangtze River; A city with rich cultural features——a famous historical and cultural city with significant international influence; and A city with best residential environment——a riverside city in which man and nature jointly develop in harmony.

In recent years, according to the overall envisages put forth in the master plan of Nanjing to “optimize the land use structure in the main urban area and energetically develop the tertiary industry” and to “speed up the pace of construction in new areas and upgrading the level of transformation in former urban areas”, the readjustment of land use structure in the main urban area has been accelerated. With the expansion of the main urban area and the relocation of Nanjing Airport, the development and construction of Honghua – Dajiaochang Airport Area has been included in the schedule for discussion.

I. Purpose of scheme collection

1. Seeking for reasonable development pattern and ideas for Honghua – Dajiaochang Airport Area by borrowing the successful experiences for new districts both at home and overseas, in conjunction with the actual conditions in Nanjing and through concept planning, to put forth the framework of development and to provide scientific basis for decision-making by the government.

2. Seeking for reasonable space layout, to lay a good foundation for the subsequent land use planning for this area.

II. Conditions of Honghua – Dajiaochang Airport Area

Honghua – Dajiaochang Airport Area is located at Honghua town of Qinhuai District, in the southeast part of the main urban area of Nanjing. It borders with Qinhuai River and Yunliang River in the north and northeast side, extends to the Ring Expressway to the east, southeast and south, to Daming Road to the west, and borders with the Nanjing – Lishui Highway to the southwest, with an area of about 9.96 square kilometers.

Honghua – Dajiaochang Airport Area features rich rivers and a flat terrain. With the Zhongshan Scenic area to the north, Yuhuatai and Niushou Hill scenic areas to the west, the new urban area of Dongshan to the southeast and south and closely adjacent to the national level Jiangning Economic and Technological Development Zone, it is the first station on the way to enter the main urban area of Nanjing from Nanjing Lukou International Airport, about 6 km to the downtown of Xinjiekou and Hexi new urban area. It is about 3km to the planned Nanjing south railway station (please refer to the attached map for specific location).

The Dajiaochang Airport is located in the middle of this area, covering a land area of about 4.27 square kilometers. It will soon be relocated.

III. Content of planning

1. Define the development functions of the area on the basis of an in-depth analysis of the advantageous conditions and the relations with the city proper;

2. Study and determine the functional compositions and capacity of the area;

3. Study the space structure of the area and put forth the land layout scheme in conjunction with land use conditions and functional demand;

4. Integrate the traffic relations of this area with surrounding urban areas and organize internal traffic routing;

5. Integrate natural, historical and modern landscaping resources, and put forth city regional design concept and requirements on molding unique characteristics;

6. Make overall coordination and determine the layout requirements of urban infrastructures in the area;

7. Study the industrial development of the city (newly rising industries such as modern catering industry) and put forth suggestions for area development and project planning by borrowing experience both at home and overseas;

8. Propose schedule for implementation by phases by taking into rational consideration of the construction conditions and operation requirements.

IV. Time schedule

Early June, 2005                           Release meeting for scheme collection;

June 10 – Sept. 10, 2005              Plan design;

Before Sept. 10, 2005(deadline)       Design plan submission
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