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(defun c:addMyLayout ()
(setq acadApp (vlax-get-Acad-object))
(setq acadDoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadApp))
(setq layouts (vla-get-Layouts acadDoc))
;; Delete the layout named "Test" if it exists
(vlax-for objLayout layouts
(if (= (vla-get-name objLayout) "Test")
"\nDeleted Layout named "
(vla-get-name objLayout)
(vla-delete objLayout) ;delete the Layout
(vlax-release-object objLayout) ;release the Layout Object
) ;progn
) ;if
) ;vlax-for
(setq layoutObj (vla-add layouts "Test"))
;; Assign Grayscale.CTB to the Layout
(vla-put-StyleSheet layoutObj "Grayscale.ctb")
;; Assign DWF configuration to the Layout
(if (= (substr (vlax-variant-value (vla-getvariable acadDoc "ACADVER")) 1 2) "15")
(vla-put-configname layoutObj "PublishToWeb DWF.pc3")
(vla-put-configname layoutObj "DWF6 ePlot.pc3")
) ;if
;; Assign Paper Size B to the Layout
;; Make the new Layout Active
(vla-put-activelayout acadDoc layoutObj)
;; Example getting StyleSheet and Configname, not doing anything
;; with them here however
(setq currPStyle (vla-Get-StyleSheet layoutObj))
(setq currConfig (vla-Get-configname layoutObj))