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发表于 2002-3-6 06:11:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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:i :i 我想将CAD的光标改成圆型,并且圆直径与指定的值一致,也就是当放大缩小时圆相应变化,用ARX FOR 14 可否实现?

已领礼包: 145个

财富等级: 日进斗金

发表于 2002-3-6 06:22:54 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [编程申请]:如何将CAD的光标改成圆...

最初由 xulixin 发布
[B]:i :i 我想将CAD的光标改成圆型,并且圆直径与指定的值一致,也就是当放大缩小时圆相应变化,用ARX FOR 14 可否实现? [/B]


  1. Setting the cursor in AutoCAD  
  2. ID    1731  
  3. Applies to:    AutoCAD 2000
  4. AutoCAD 2000I
  5. AutoCAD 2002

  6. Date    1/25/2002  

  7. This document is part of    User Interface     

  8. Question
  9. I am setting the Windows cursor to IDC_WAIT before performing a time-consuming
  10. operation in AutoCAD. However, AutoCAD resets the cursor every time the mouse
  11. moves. Can I prevent AutoCAD from changing the current cursor?
  12. Answer
  13. AutoCAD resets the cursor on each WM_MOUSEMOVE message. To change this behavior,
  14. you must install a message filter using the acedRegisterFilterWinMsg() function
  15. and set your cursor in the filter. The following sample demonstates how to do
  16. this. It also hides the usual AutoCAD crosshair by moving it to the top left
  17. corner of the window. (As the crosshair is not a usual Windows cursor there
  18. is no other way to hide it currently.)

  19. #include "stdafx.h"
  20. #include "aced.h"
  21. #include "rxmfcapi.h"

  22. HCURSOR hWaitCursor ;

  23. BOOL myCallback (MSG *pMsg) {
  24.     if ( pMsg->message == WM_MOUSEMOVE ) {
  25.         if ( pMsg->lParam == 0 ) //----- our own message
  26.             return (FALSE) ; //----- AutoCAD will move the cross hair up there
  27.         //----- usual message: set our cursor
  28.         ::SetCursor (hWaitCursor) ;
  29.         return (TRUE) ; //----- and don't allow AutoCAD to move the crosshair
  30.     }
  31.     return (FALSE) ; //----- let AutoCAD do what he wants to
  32. }

  33. void test() {
  34.     CView *pView =acedGetAcadDwgView () ;
  35.     hWaitCursor =::LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_WAIT) ;
  36.     HCURSOR hCursor =::SetCursor (hWaitCursor) ;
  37.     //----- we need to post the WM_MOUSEMOVE twice and then it works
  38.     //----- move the mouse to the topleft so the crosshair won't disturb the user
  39.     for ( int i =0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
  40.         pView->PostMessage (WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0L, 0L) ;

  41.     //----- filter out the WM_MOUSMOVE messages and set our cursor
  42.     acedRegisterFilterWinMsg (myCallback) ;

  43.     //----- do the time consuming operation
  44.     char cResult [256] ;
  45.     ads_getstring (0, "Enter something:", cResult) ;

  46.     //----- end the filtering
  47.     acedRemoveFilterWinMsg (myCallback) ;
  48.     //----- reset the old cursor
  49.     ::SetCursor (hCursor) ;
  50.     CPoint curPos ;
  51.     //----- display it by posting WM_MOUSEMOVE again twice
  52.     ::GetCursorPos (&curPos) ;
  53.     pView->ScreenToClient (&curPos) ;
  54.     for ( i =0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
  55.         pView->PostMessage (WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0L, MAKELPARAM(curPos.x,curPos.y));
  56. }
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发表于 2002-11-2 21:22:03 | 显示全部楼层
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