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发表于 2005-1-20 16:20:28 | 显示全部楼层
你可以下载revit 7.0的help,读一读“What's New in This Release ”即可。若没有,我给你贴上。

Autodesk Revit Functionality

Among the new and enhanced features of Autodesk® Revit® 7.0 are:

Design Options

You can delete any views dedicated to a design option when you delete the design option or option set containing the design option.
You can start editing a design option by selecting an element in the view that is in the desired option.

Dimension Improvements

Labeled angular dimensions in the Family Editor can have values higher than 360 degrees or less than 0 degrees.

Drafting Element Improvements

Text notes now have attribute overrides. You can apply these attributes to an text note instance or to a part of the text note. For more information, see Text. Text notes also stay readable when you rotate or mirror them. There is an instance parameter you can set to keep them readable.

Editing Improvements

The Match command has been improved to change multiple elements. The command can now copy family instance parameters from a source loaded family to the target loaded family. It can also copy wall instance parameters from the source to the target. For more information, see Match.
You can scale multiple elements simultaneously using the Resize command. For more information, see Resize.
The Create Similar command can create or place all Revit elements. For more information, see Create Similar.

Family Improvements

Reference Lines have been added to control more complex geometry within the Family Editor. Unlike reference planes which have infinite extents, reference lines have specific start and end points along with dual associated planes, one parallel to the view, and one perpendicular. See Reference Lines.
You can use reference lines to parametrically control angular dimensions in the Family Editor. See Controlling Anglular Dimensions with Reference Lines.
Profile families can include detail components. You can set the visibility of the detail component geometry. When the profile family is loaded into a project, the detail component geometry changes based on the detail level of the view. For more information, see Profile Families.
You can create nested families with interchangable subcomponents. By applying the new Family Type parameter to a nested component, you can then swap components with similar types after it is loaded into a project. For more information, see Creating a Nested Family with Interchangable Subcomponents.
When reloading families, you have the option to override the parameter values of the existing types. For more information, see Reloading Families into a Project.
You can create work plane-based families that are hosted by the active work plane when loaded into a project or nested with another family. See Creating Work Plane-Based Families.
You can nest a detail component within a host sweep profile family. When loaded into a project, the detail displays depending on the detail level of the view. See Host Sweep Profiles with Nested Detail Components.
In wall-hosted families, you can now define a second wall closure plane to handle inserts with two closure planes. See Wall Inserts and Closure Planes.

Grouping Improvements

Groups have been redesigned for 7.0. See Groups for more information.

Import/Export Improvements

Revit can import AutoCAD files containing ACIS solids and regions.
You can export Project Information, Design Options, and Design Option Sets to ODBC.
When you import dwg, dxf, or dgn geometry into all views of a Revit project, you can adjust the base level and specify an offset from that level for the geometry. You can also select the geometry in an elevation view and move it around to adjust its offset from a level.
Imported geometry can be exploded into its next highest level objects by using partial explode. See Exploding Imported Geometry for more information.
You can set the draw order for import symbols to the foreground or background of a view. By default, they are in the background of the view, which means they are behind all Revit elements. When they move to the foreground, they are in front of model elements, such as walls, but they are behind detail components and annotations. To set the draw order, you can specify an instance parameter for the import symbol, or you can click a command on the Options Bar.
You can select individual elements in an import symbol and determine which layers they are on. You can also hide that layer in the view or delete it.
You can view the scale of an import symbol instance. Its scale value is read only. You can change its scale value using the Resize command.
New Export to ODBC tables have been created: Area Scheme, Phases, Wall Sweeps, and Room Associations.

Licensing Improvements

Revit supports redundant or distributed license server configurations. The distributed network license server configuration allows CAD managers to combine the network licenses that they have on their license servers. The client machines can license from any of the servers that have licenses available. Distributed license server configuration requires network licensing. See Network Licensing Server Setup.

Massing Improvements

Massing is redesigned and improved for 7.0. See Massing for more information.

Modelling Element Improvements

You can set arcs to be slope defining lines for footprint roofs. You can also subdivide arc lines into segments.
You can change the slope of any slope-defining lines in a host element (roofs, ceilings, roof soffits, and floors) without editing the element. Select the element and access its properties, and you will see a parameter for slope. Its name depends on the slope value you set in the Project Units.
You can set the tread thickness of monolithic stairs to 0. For more information, see Stair Properties.
You can embed one wall into another wall. This circumvents the need to edit the host’s wall profile, cut a hole in it, and then add a wall inside that hole. For more information, see Embedding Walls Into Other Walls.
You can select a curtain wall panel and make it any type of wall in your project. You can also add curtain grids and mullions to this wall panel. For more information, seeWall Panels in Curtain Walls.
You can define the shape of mullions for your curtain walls. For more information, see Mullions.
Curtain grid placement can be specified by type for sloped glazings and curtain systems, in addition to curtain walls. You can specify curtain grid placement either through the element’s properties or by changing it graphically on a face of the element.
You can define wall types that consist of several wall types placed on top of each other. These wall types are called vertically stacked walls. For more information, see Vertically Stacked Walls.

Project Information Improvements

You can now add parameters to the Project Information dialog box and have those parameters display in titleblocks. See Project Information for more information.

Shared Positioning Improvements

You can relocate and rotate a project by entering specific coordinates.
Spot elevation markers can report shared coordinates.

Site Improvements

Toposurfaces can have subregions that do not split the surface. This allows you to draw various site features, such as parking lots, without changing the toposurface. Subregions can have different materials from the toposurface. Subregions also report projected area and surface area. For more information, see Toposurface Subregions.

Sketching Improvements

As you sketch most elements that can have offsets (walls, lines, insulation, ref planes, and grids), you can flip the direction of the element by pressing spacebar. Note that this does not work for repeating details.
If you sketch a straight wall or a line with the Radius option selected and then end join it to another wall or line, a fillet is automatically created at the specified radius. This allows you to create chains of walls or lines with rounded corners.
You can modify the work plane of work-plane-based elements, such as extrusions, sweeps, lines, beams, braces, and extruded roofs. Although you can initially set the work plane for sketch-based elements such as roofs, floors, and ceilings, you cannot modify the work plane because they are level-based elements.
You can sketch polygons for walls and lines.

Structural Improvements

Like foundation walls, structural walls and columns are created from the top down rather than the bottom up.
You can create a beam system by defining the boundary and beam layout pattern. For more information, see Structural Beam Systems.
You can control symbolic representation settings on a per project basis. These structural settings allow you to control brace symbols, moment symbols, and the symbolic cutback distance. For more information, see Project Settings for Structural Design.
You can control the attachment of braces by specifying a distance or ratio from the start or end of the referenced element. For more information, see Controlling Structural Brace Attachments.

View Improvements

View Range has been modified to make behavior between levels more consistent. For example, if the top clip plane for level 2 is level 4, level 4 remains the top clip plane for level 2, even if there are intermediate levels added between level 2 and level 4. In previous versions of Revit, levels were relative to one another. If you set the top clip plane to Level Above, that level could change depending if you added more intermediate levels. For more information, see View Range.
You can add shadows to your model and define sun time and location to control the intensity of shadows. For more information, see Shadows.
Sections can be segmented, allowing you to show different parts of the model within the same section view. For more information, see Segmented Sections.
In the Project Browser, you can create view folders with either the System Family name and the type or just the System Family Name. You create a unique browser organization and then set that browser organization to sort by Family and Type or Family. These sorting parameters replace the View Type parameter. For more information, see Organizing and Filtering Views in the Project Browser.
Each of the system view families have new type parameters that make them look consistent throughout the project. See the descriptions of properties for each view for more information.
More control over the appearance of schedules on a sheet is offered. For more information, see the description of the Appearance tab in the Schedule Properties Tabs.
Like reference sections and callouts, you can now have reference elevations.
When you are creating a reference view, such as a reference section, a list of views to be referenced displays on the Options Bar. If a view from that list is on a sheet, the detail number and sheet number display next to the view. For example, if you choose a drafting view to be referenced and its on a sheet, its name displays as Drafting View: Drafting 1 (1/A101), where the values in the parenthesis represent the detail number and sheet number.
The Select Previous command is available from the context menu that displays when you right-click.
You can print view and sheet sets in reverse order.
Arrays are visible in all views, not just the view in which you create them. This means you have access to array commands in all views.
The Linework tool is available in perspective views.
You can apply silhouette edges in views. Go to the Advanced Model Graphics command on the View menu.
A section box cuts model geometry and caps off faces of the cut geometry. You will see this change with elements, such as floors, roofs, and walls.
You can access View Range commands from the Options Bar when you select a plan region.
Perspective views can have section boxes. Section boxes for orthographic 3D views no longer require the view to be shaded.
There is a new view type called Legend in which you create symbol legends for your project. For more information, see Legends.
Revit provides more revision tracking tools. For more information, see Revision Tracking.
You can control the visibility of datum extents throughout the model or for a single view. You can change the look of one datum and then propagate that change to all parallel views. For more information, see Datum Extents and Visibility.
Keyboard arrows can move selected elements in a view.
You can drag system families from the project browser into a view. The supported system families are ceiling, curtain system, filled region, floor, slab edge, joist system, railings, ramps, roofs, facsia, gutter, roof soffit, stairs, and walls.
The Create Instance command is available in the Project Browser. You right-click on a family name or group name and select this command. It works similar to dragging the family onto a view.
You can add all room parameters to non-room schedules, such as door schedules. There is a menu called Select available fields from in the Fields tab of the Schedule Properties dialog box. By default its value is set to the type of schedule you are creating. You can change it to list room parameters and then add those room parameters to the scheduled fields list.
Revit supports version 3.0 of the RPC content.
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