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发表于 2003-3-3 14:03:18 | 显示全部楼层
香港地区结构计算常用的是 Etabs 和香港本土工程师编写的Sads,板分析是美国的Safe 。Etabs & Safe都是美加州理工伯克来分校出品的。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-3-3 21:31:28 | 显示全部楼层




PKPM系列.钢结构CAD软件STS http://www.pkpm.com.cn,

3D3S http://www.tj3d3s.com 同济大学 (021)65981466,013901938384   
MTS http://www.steelpro.net 同济大学 021-65624486   
http://www.gscad.com.cn 深圳市广厦软件有限公司  TEL:0755-3246613 3257169    
PS2000门式刚架轻型房屋设计CAD系统  http://www.yjcad.com 冶金部建筑研究总院软件中心 010-62225599-2217,010-62262182   
PDSOFT SteelWorks三维钢结构设计与分析计算软件
http://www.fulong.com.cn/ 北京中科辅龙公司 电话:010-62576521,62650052,62565533-5669 email:market@fulong.com.cn   
TWCAD    天津大学空间网格结构设计软件


德赛公司代理 Email:techsino@public.guangzhou.ge.cn , guangzhou@techsino.com
电话:(020)87598953,87501032 87545505   

http://www.mstcenter.com/ 浙江大学空间结构研究中心 (0571)87952349,87951347
门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构软件GFCAD  http://www.chinabuilding.com.cn 中国建筑标准设计研究所开发
空间结构设计系统SSCAD   董石麟院士指导,龚景海博士开发
上海交通大学空间结构研究中心 电话:  (021)62932191 13501989610 Email:jtuss@sh163.net
北京代理:建设部科技信息研究所 (010)68362261,88375434 联系人:王先生
TBSA http://www.tbsa.com.cn 中国建研院高层建筑技术开发部 84280389   
ABDS结构设计软件 http://www.abd.com.cn 中国建研院ABD系列软件工程部 84273631,84282334   
http://www.tsz.com.cn/ 北京探索者公司 010-68730038,68433320 联系人:郭艳军 马迎军
SACB底框砖房分析计算软件   中国建研院工程抗震研究所 84272233-2342   
http://www.tu-arch.com 清华大学建筑设计院 010-62783994 联系人:软件室 Email:TUSSupport@tu-arch.com   
Email:prcscad@mail.hf.ah.cn prestres@yahoo.com   

   (顺德建筑设计院有限公司)  联系人:张平生 冯锡添 Email:sdjycad@pub.sdnet.gd.cn

http://www.tangent.com.cn/   (010)68910932,68910935 联系人:高风雷 汪云
Email:info @tangent.com.cn   
http://www.lizheng.com.cn 北京理正公司 (010)68002096,68002098 email:lz-market@lizheng.com.cn   


     电话:010-62072087,62008343 email:zdxc_dls@sohu.com

联系人:龙辉 万志清 张冰峰
http://www.qimstar.com/   (021)65132801,65137487

电话:010-84272233-2344,2255;13501150506,13910685331 Email:rsd_cabr@sina.com

电话:(010)84272233-2475,BP:1278359293 联系人:潘立


《Modern Steel Construction / January 2000 / 71》http://www.aisc.org/msctemplate.cfm

“Each year, Modern Steel Constructionsurveys structural software producers to inform readers about the cur-rent software products on the market. This year’s survey was developed in cooperation with Steven E. Hamburg, AISC Director of Information Technology. ”

  http://www.lusas.com United Kingdom  webmaster@lusas.com   
3D+ www.cscworld.com Carl Taylor CSC (NA) Ltd. 1945 The Exchange, Suite 110 Atlanta, GA 30339 Ph: (770) 541-4690 Fax: (770) 541-4694 Email: sales@cscna.com   
arry R. Bowen www.brbowen.com B Barry Bowen Barry R. Bowen Associates 3805 Merritt Street Memphis, TN 38128 Phone: (901) 373-6468 Fax: (901) 373-9463 Email: sales@brbowen.com   
BEASY www.beasy.com Tom Curtin Computational Mechanics, Inc. 25 Bridge Street Billerica, MA 01821 Ph: (978) 667-5841 Fax: (978) 667-7582 E-mail: bzhelp@ix.netcom.com   
DESCUS    Oliver J. Weber OPTI-MATE, Inc. P.O. Box 20923 Bethlehem, PA 18018  Ph: (610) 867-4077 Fax: (610) 865-1030 E-mail: optimate@enter.net   
Eagle Point www.eaglepoint.com Eagle Point Software 4131 Westmark Drive Dubuque, IA 52002 Ph: (800) 678-6565 / (319) 556- 8392 Fax: (319) 556-5321   
ETABS www.csiberkeley.com Randall Corson Computers & Structures, Inc. 1995 University Avenue Berkeley, CA 94704  Ph: (510) 845-2177 Fax: (510) 845-4096 Email: info@csiberkeley.com   
FASTRAK www.cscworld.com Connect Carl Taylor CSC (NA) Ltd. 1946 The Exchange, Suite 110 Atlanta, GA 30340 Ph: (770) 541-4690 Fax: (770) 541-4694 Email: sales@cscna.com   
GT STRUDL www.gtstrudl.gatech.edu Georgia Tech - CASE Center 790 Atlantic Drive Altanta, GA 30332-0355 Phone: (404) 894-2260 Fax: (404) 894-8014  北京华思维科技有限公司http://www.hsw.com.cn

E-mail: sales@hsw.com.cn Tel:(010)6200-1027 Fax:(010)6200-1035

Larsa Edward www.larsausa.com F. Pierson Larsa, Inc. 330 West 42nd. Street New York, NY 10036 Ph: (800) LARSA-01 Fax: (212) 563-0076   
Merlin DASH    Oliver J. Weber OPTI-MATE, Inc. P.O. Box 20923 Bethlehem, PA 18017 Ph: (610) 867-4077 Fax: (610) 865-1030 E-mail: optimate@enter.net   
Midas http://www.midasit.com/ 浦项制铁开发公司(POSEC)     
Multiframe 2D www.daystarsoftware.com Mark Florence Daystar Software Inc. 8122 NW Hillside Kansas City, MO 64154
Ph: (816) 741-4310 Fax: (816) 741-4607 Email: info@daystarsoftware.com   
Multiframe 3D www.daystarsoftware.com Mark Florence Daystar Software Inc. 8121 NW Hillside Kansas City, MO 64153  Ph: (816) 741-4310 Fax: (816) 741-4607 Email: info@daystarsoftware.com   
Multiframe 4D www.daystarsoftware.com Mark Florence Daystar Software Inc. 8120 NW Hillside Kansas City, MO 64152  Ph: (816) 741-4310 Fax: (816) 741-4607 Email: info@daystarsoftware.com   
P-FRAME    George Casoli SOFTEK Services Ltd. Atlanta, GA 30339     
QuickBEA   M Engineering Software 7904 Hartsfield Drive Plano, TX 75025     
RISA-3D www.risatech.com Bruce Bates RISA Technologies 26212 Dimension Dr., Ste. 200 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Ph: (800) 332-7472 Fax: (949) 951-5848 Email: sales@risatech.com   
ROBOT Millenium www.robot97.com Integrated Structural Software 848 University Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 Ph: (888) 477-8491 Fax: (650) 853-8490 Email: mo@issstanford.com   
SABRE    Oliver J. Weber OPTI-MATE, Inc. P.O. Box 20923 Bethlehem, PA 18019 Ph: (610) 867-4077 Fax: (610) 865-1030 E-mail: optimate@enter.net   
SAP2000 www.csiberkeley.com Randall Corson Computers & Structures, Inc. 1995 University Avenue Berkeley, CA 94704  Ph: (510) 845-2177 Fax: (510) 845-4096 Email: info@csiberkeley.com   
SODA www.acronym.on.ca Edward Grieg Acronym Software, Inc. PO Box 40055 Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4V1  Tel: (519) 885-2454 Fax: (800) 818-SODA Email: soda@acronym.on.ca   
STAAD/CHINA http://www.reichina.com 钢结构设计与绘图软件 0411-4753206,4753196 (大连阿依艾软件公司)
STAAD/PRO www.reiworld.com John Putnam Research Engineers 22701 Savi Ranch Parkway Yorba Linda, CA 92887-4609 Ph: (800) FOR-RESE Fax: (714) 974-4771 Email: info@ca.reiusa.com   
strand7 http://www.strand7.com/strand7/      
STRAP www.atir.com Abraham Rokach ATIR Engineering Software 3314 W. Rance Terrace Lincolnwood, IL 60712  Tel: (800) 644-6441 Fax: (847) 677-3456 Email: strap@atir.com  北京冶金部建筑研究院:010-82227237


StruCad三维钢结构详图系统        北京华思维公司 010-62001027,62001035 联系人:洪治 email:sales@hsw.com.cn
TEDDS www.cscworld.com Carl Taylor CSC (NA) Ltd. 1947 The Exchange, Suite 110 Atlanta, GA 30341  Ph: (770) 541-4690 Fax: (770) 541-4694 Email: sales@cscna.com   
Visual Analysis www.iesweb.com Terry Kubat Integrated Eng. Software, Inc. 8840 Chapman Road Bozeman, MT 59718  Ph: (406) 586-8988 Fax: (406) 586-2665   
WinSTRUDL www.civilstructure.com Ta Chang CAST PO Box 14676 Freemont, CA 94539  Ph: (510) 226-8857 Fax: (510) 226-7328 Email: info@civilstructure.com   
Xsteel http://www.tekla.com 芬兰Xsteel中文版智能钢结构详图设计系统(V 6.0)  
Tekla公司 上海代表处电话(021)65549695, Email:teiyi@tekla.com

北方代理:北京瑞华钢结构设计公司 010-66128977

南方代理:广东泰隆科技贸易有限公司 020-34201257

  http://www.dsndata.com/     国内代理

下表资料来自:http://bbs.tongji.net/index.php 2002/7

1. BOSS International - http://www.bossintl.com/
Software, bookstore, and other technical information for civil and environmental engineering professionals.

2. Haestad Methods, Inc. - http://www.Haestad.com/
Designer of hydrology and hydraulics software for civil engineers. Our products include: WaterCad, PondPack, SewerCad, CulverMaster, FlowMaster, HEC-RAS, and Graphical HEC.

3. GT STRUDL Structural Design & Analysis Software - http://www.gtstrudl.gatech.edu/
Integrates graphical modeling, static/dynamic/nonlinear/ push-over analyses, steel & reinforced concrete design, finite element analysis, and database management into a single system for MS/Windows.

4. SoilVision Systems Ltd. - http://www.soilvision.com/
Knowledge-based database software for individual or corporate warehousing of saturated-unsaturated soil properties. A database of over 6000 soils is also provided.

5. Traffix - http://www.traffixonline.com/
Traffic simulation.

6. Archon Engineering Civil/Mechanical Software - http://www.archoneng.com/
Offers 25 software programs for Civil/Structural and Mechanical Engineering design and analysis.

7. Rescol - Seismic software for soil-structure interaction - http://www.cadreanalytic.com/
Software to determine stiffness of foundations and footings and develop seismic spectrums for seismic analysis.

8. Engineering Software Center - http://www.engsoftwarecenter.com/
Search engine for software in the civil engineering field.

9. MINCAD Systems - http://www.mincad.com.au/
Numerical modeling software for mining and pavement engineering.

10. GEO-SLOPE International Ltd. - http://www.geo-slope.com/
CAD software for geotechnical and geo-environmental modelling.

11. Pizer Incorporated - http://www.pizer.com/
HYDRA storm and sanitary sewer modeling software and earthwork cut and fill software.

12. Alashki Engineering Solutions - http://www.alashki.com/
GaLa Reinforcement - Software for analysis of reinforced concrete elements, including strains, curvatures, stiffnesses (II order, creeping) and cracks.

13. Diana Analysis bv - http://www.diana.nl/
Offer complete software solutions for the civil engineering world, using finite element methods. The company's main product is the DIANA (displacement analyser) finite element program.

14. Finite Element Software for Strucural Engineers - http://www.axisvm.com/
AxisVM is a high productivity finite element analysis software tool for civil engineers.

15. Infrasoft Limited - http://www.infrasoft-civil.com/
Surface modeling, highway, railway and site design and analysis software.

16. Pavement-Transportation Computer Assisted Structural Engineering - http://www.pcase.com/
Distribution site for free airfield, road, railroad, and general transportation, design and evaluation software written by US Army Corps of Engineers.

17. CSC- Structural Design Software - http://www.cscworld.com/
Structural analysis and modeling, steelwork and concrete design using TEDDS, Fastrak 5950, Fabtrol, 3D+, S-Frame, S-Steel, B-Sect, C-Sect, W-Sect and Orion software.

18. ASDIP Structural Design - http://home.coqui.net/jencinas/
Software structural design of building components such as footings, beams, columns, walls, corbels, etc. Fully compatible with Windows platforms.

19. GaLa Reinforcemet - http://alashki.tripod.com/
General analysis of reinforced concrete elements including reinforcement, curvature and stiffness (order II), cracks, and safety chart.

20. X32 Group, Inc. - http://www.x32group.com/
Highway safety analysis software for traffic accident studies, which includes data processing and filtering, accident summary, collision diagram, calculating accident rates and estimating safety benefits.

21. XcalcS - http://www.xcalcs.com/
On-line tools for structural design: beams, plates, vessels, and more.

22. Ram Caddsys - http://www.ramcadd.com/
Steel and reinforced concrete detailing.

23. geo&soft international - http://www.geoandsoft.com/
Geotechnical software for rock mechanics, soil mechanics, hydrogeology, geophysics and geology.

24. EZ-BEAM - http://www.ez-beam.com/
Provides shear and moment diagrams, deflections and equations of equilibrium. Output exports to MS Word.

25. Robert Steltman, Inc. - http://www.rsteltman.com/
Solutions for civil engineers and surveyors.

26. ARTS hydraulic design software - http://www.aquavarra.ie/arts/index.html
A graphical hydraulic design package covering waterhammer, water/wastewater treatment design, open channel flow and pipe networks.

27. MIDUSS 98 - http://www.alanasmith.com/
Stormwater modeling software intended for designers of stormwater management systems.

28. AASHTOWare Software - http://www.aashtoware.org/
From the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

29. RISA Technologies - http://www.risatech.com/
General-purpose structural engineering software for Windows.

30. SPACE GASS Software for Structural Analysis and Design - http://www.spacegass.com/
Windows-based structural analysis and design program for 2D and 3D frames, trusses, grilages and beams.

31. Cheops Steel Design Software and 900 Equations online - http://www.steelhandbook.com/
Handbook Series utilizing state-of-the-art computing aids, multi-media, discussion forum, and interactive responses. Internet data base with about 900 free formulae in MathML(XML), Text and images.

32. BeamPro - http://www.beams.com/
An "easy-to-use" continuous beam analysis program for Windows 3.1, Win95 and NT4.0.

33. C-Concepts, Inc. - http://www.c-conceptsinc.com/
Structural engineering software for the design of towers, buildings and bridges.

34. Eriksson Technologies, Inc. - http://www.eriktech.com/
Bridge engineering and structural engineering analysis and design software.

35. South Fork Technologies, Inc. - http://www.southforktech.com/
Steel detailing and fabrication including HP calculator software for detailers and engineers.

36. Meca Consulting - http://www.mecaconsulting.com/
Structural Engineering software for wind, plate, and shell design.

37. RebarWin - http://www.rebar.net/
Software for detailing reinforcement bars.

38. Creative Engineering - http://www.createng.com.au/
Civil Engineering software for Macintosh.

39. CADS - Civil and Structural Engineering Software - http://www.cads.co.uk/
Analysis, design and detailing software applications for civil and structural engineering.

40. Software Solutions - http://www.windrush.net/software.htm
Providing software solutions for both industrial and commercial engineering applications.

41. Bestech Systems Limited - http://www.bestech.co.uk/
Providers of a software suite for the design of highway and railway bridges. It integrates structural analysis with code checking to AASHTO LRFD, BS 5400 and AUSTROADS.

42. Steel Framing Design - http://www.devcosoftware.com/
Light-gauge steel framing design for structural engineers, architects and contractors.

43. Spreadsheets for Structural Engineering - http://www.structural-engineering.fsnet.co.uk/
Focuses on the use of Microsoft Excel in the structural engineering and construction environments. Provides fully working spreadsheets and links to others sites where spreadsheets can be obtained.

44. Integer - http://www.integer-software.co.uk/
Independent software house specialising in application software for the construction industry, including structural steelwork, reinforced concrete and bridge design.

45. Ardy Environmental Software - http://www.slope-analysis.com/
Slope stability analysis, geotechnical, and geoenvironmental (geo-environmental) models and modeling software including GALENA.

46. Traf-O-Data - http://www.trafodata.com/
Transportation tracking and monitoring hardware and software.

47. NECO Engineers - http://www.ne-co.com/
Software for designing structural members, prestresses and precast concrete members.

48. Septic Edge - Septic System Planning and Design Software - http://www.septicedge.com/
Software to prepare on-site sewage facility (OSSF) and septic system planning materials. Includes soil analysis, septic tank, aerobic, absorption, LPD, ET, sand filter, gravelless pipe, mound, leaching chamber, drip, and spray systems.

49. SIRIA Technologies - http://www.siriatech.com/siria/design.nsf/us
Environmental pollution modeling.

50. SCIA-Online - http://www.scia-online.com/
Specialised software for the civil construction industry.

51. Traffic Engineering Software - http://www.traf-safe.com/
Provides the patented TRAF-Safe and TRAF-Impacts software.

52. Environmental Modeling Research Laboratory - http://emrl.byu.edu/
Environmental modeling software specializing in ground water, watershed, and surface water modeling.

53. Rockgrout - http://www.users.bigpond.com/houlsby/
Animated and interactive programs explaining the design and construction of cement grouting. Includes an instructive game in which an imaginary hole is 'grouted'.

54. StreaMMetrics - http://www.streammetrics.com/
Technical software for watershed managers & engineers specializing in applied stream geomorphology.

55. Concrete Building Design by Computer - http://ourworld.cs.com/JackC7799/
Free computer software with explanations and illustrations covering the analysis and design of concrete building structural components.

56. Microstran - http://www.microstran.com.au/
Structural analysis and design of steel and concrete structures, such as bridges, transmission towers, buildings, trusses, beams, columns, and frames.

57. Levelworks - http://www.levelworks.net/
Surveying software for the HP48 calculator.

58. The Harmac Company - http://harmac2000.tripod.com/
Assists highway agencies and their personnel with database applications assisting in the tracking of inventories, inspections and maintenance.

59. Spyder Software - http://www.spydersoftware.com/
Design and analysis of reinforced concrete foundations.

60. Affinity Computing - http://www.affinitycomputing.com/
Software for analysis of cross sections loaded in torsion. Works from DXF file input.

61. Spreadsheets for Structural Engineers - http://yakpol.net/
Includes bridge design and GT STRUDL post-processor.

62. Armtec Engineering Software - http://www.armtec.com/constr/softw.htm
Offers a free downloadable unit conversion toolkit and request form for other free software for stormwater detention system design, design and specification of Multi-Plate Structural Plate Corrugated Steel Pipe, and Life-Cycle Cost Analysis. Canada.

63. Cambridge Systematics Inc. - http://aashtoware.camsys.com/
Provides a web-based support center, technical notes, and a user product forum for the aashto bridgeware products - pontis, virtis, and opis - and the aashtoware survey data management system.

64. Seismic Performance Engineering - http://www.seismicperformance.com/
Performance-based seismic engineering design and analysis.

65. TDV Austria - http://www.tdv.at/
Software producer and engineering consulting firm in the field of technical data processing. Its main objective is the development and application of software used in civil and mechanical engineering.

66. DTWARE Engineering Software - http://www.dtware.com/
Software for column and continuous beam analysis.

67. SAFI Software - http://www.safi.com/
Analysis and design of steel frames, concrete structures, bridges, prestressed girders, latticed towers and tubular towers.

68. SNAPBridge: Bridge Analysis and Design - http://www.sassuite.com/

69. Interactive Design Systems, Inc. - http://ids-soft.com/
Bridge engineering software for pre-stressed concrete structures, segmental concrete bridges and cable-stay bridges.

70. Soakaway Design - http://www.webcomsystems.co.uk/soakaway_design.htm
Wastewater system design, includes rainfall map for the U.K.

71. McIntyre Associates - http://www.mcintyreassociates.ca/
Software for concrete test reporting, moisture-density (Proctor) test reporting, Field (Insitu) Density reporting for soils and asphalt; for compliance with CSA, ACI and ASTM standards.

72. ENCAD Engineering Software - http://www.encad.ie/
Analysis and design of buildings, bridges, masts, towers, geotechnics and drainage schemes.

73. GTS Cadbuild Limited - http://www.gtscad.com/
Structural Analysis and design software including finite elements, steel and concrete design.

74. SOFTEK - http://www.csc-softek.com/
Windows based structural engineering and analysis software including S-Frame, P-Frame and S-Steel.

75. Parametrix Struc Plus - http://www.para-metrix.com/
AutoCAD and IntelliCAD compatible design and drafting software for structural engineers in the UK.

76. Static and Dynamic Structural Analysis of 3D Moment-Resisting Frames - http://www.duke.edu/~hpgavin/frame/
Free software for static and dynamic analysis of 3D moment-resisting, linear-elastic frames. Source code available.

77. SAM - http://www-uk-w2k-4.nildram.co.uk:10313/
Software suite for the design of highway bridges.

78. RAPT Concrete Design Software - http://www.raptsoftware.com/
Reinforced concrete and partially prestressed concrete members to various design codes.

79. CADS Software India - http://cads.co.in/
Civil and structural applications including steel and reinforced concrete design, structural analysis, and road and drainage.

80. Finite Element Software - http://www.finite-element-analysis-software.com/
Simple finite element software for engineering stress analysis of 2D problems.

81. Engineering Shareware and Freeware Programs - http://www.geocities.com/jun_ing_dk/jun_eng.html
Engineering shareware and freeware programs including drafting and modeling programs.

82. Spencer Engineering Software - http://www.spencer-engineering.com/software.html
For the evaluation and selection of standard open-web steel joists for floor and roof construction, including joist/slab vibration analysis.

83. BridgeAsyst - Bridge Management Software - http://www.pittsh.com.au/bridgeasyst.htm
Developed by bridge engineers to predict future expenditure programs.

84. Structural Calculation Software - TEDDS - http://www.cscworld.com/products/tedds/index.htm
Structural Calculations within microsoft pord integrating analysis and design, complete with sketches, diagrams and notes.

85. Anderson-Hydro - http://www.ahymo.com/
The arid lands hydrology model (AHYMO) program for evaluating rainfall and runoff, including analysis of storm sewers, reservoirs, open channels, steep slopes, and urban street flow.

86. Structures Assistant - http://sites.netscape.net/structuresasst
Stress Analysis for beams, plates, and bolted joints. Includes a section properties calculator and dynamic viewing of deformed shapes.

87. Steelwork Design Software -ASTRAK - http://www.cscworld.com/products/fastrak/index.htm
Software for the design of portal frames, multi-storey buildings and connections.

88. Open Channel Flow Measurement Software - http://www.LMNOeng.com/Waterfall
Discharge calculations for rectangular, V-notch, Cipoletti weirs. End depth flow measurement for culverts, rectangular and triangular channels.

89. Engineering Software Center - http://www.he.net/~esc
Specializes in listing software in the civil engineering field. Hosted by Hurricane Electric.

90. PC Engineers - http://www.lanxun.com/pce
Software for structural design.

91. Bidding Software - http://web.singnet.com.sg/~sn123
Software developed by Civil Engineers for quantity survey jobs.

92. 4D SOLUTIONS - http://www.4d.com.au/
Integrated terrain modeling and civil works software package used in surveying, land subdivisions, drainage, earth moving, landscape design, mapping and mining applications.

93. ICAB Finite Element Analysis - http://www.icab.fr/en
Dynamic and static analysis and design of structures.

94. The Geotechnical Office - http://www.keygeotech.co.uk/
Borehole logging and management software.

95. CivilTech Corporation - http://CivilTech.com/
Engineering software maker focused on project management, information systems, database development, and engineering and is widely used nationally and internationally.
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-4 14:13:56 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-3-7 11:10:34 | 显示全部楼层

思念的海 同志,转贴帖子也不注明出处:) 太过分了, http://sssview.xiloo.com/Softwares.htm

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-7 14:27:10 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-3-7 16:34:08 | 显示全部楼层
您一定没仔细访问我公司的主页 http://www.hsw.com.cn/hswgt/someusers.htm


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使用道具 举报

已领礼包: 444个

财富等级: 日进斗金

发表于 2003-3-7 19:14:40 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 gts26 发布
[B]您一定没仔细访问我公司的主页 http://www.hsw.com.cn/hswgt/someusers.htm


国内最早用gtstrudl的应该是北钢院以及寰球化工,八十年代初就开始用,?.. [/B]

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-10 11:35:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2003-3-11 09:26:54 | 显示全部楼层
to YueFeng:
    公司主页上有二十来篇文章介绍,都是翻译的 gtstrudl 的资料,我们正在测试中国版本的钢结构规范,抽空会把一些有特色的功能抓抓图,做做详细介绍。今年我们会重点到几个城市举办几次 seminar,到时会提前通知的。 谢谢大家关注。

  我认为,现在购买软件,一是比功能,比质量,二是比服务。专业程序这个东东,如果你不了解它背后的一些程序编写的技术背景(比如采用何种简化方式、开发人员的专业水平、开发队伍的质量管理措施)等等,是很难用好用对这些程序的,同时,还要求使用人员一定是专业人员,对自己的专业有一定的功底。 简单而言,建出的模型一定要符合实际结构的结构形式和受力情况,否则,算出来的跟实际的根本就是两码事,仅仅这点上,非专业的人士就很难做好。

   现在的建筑市场比较混乱,力学功底不太好的一些行外人也掺和进来搞设计, 他们认为,有了软件就能包打天下,胆子大的很,反而是我们这些科班出身的战战兢兢,思前想后,真是撑死胆大的。经常看到论坛上有人沾沾自喜的说“我不怎么懂结构力学,也搞过几个设计,现在好好的,也不晃悠,也没塌,有了软件,什么干不了?”我很担忧,是啊,台风还没刮,地震还没来呢,再说,软件算出来的就一定对吗?软件的质量是有差别的,比较过就知道,甚至差别很大的,有的软件随时都可以升级,发补丁,gtstrudl不会,最多一年一次,发布前都把那几千道例题详细测试一番。发现了错误会以书面形式详细报告给客户。
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-11 10:12:19 | 显示全部楼层
同意!原来这么好呀,以前还真不知道,gts26 说的确实是有道理了,软件尤其是计算用的结构软件一定要有责任心,这可是关系到国计民生的呀,所以别的一些小软件只是用作参考,也不敢用它的计算结果,连pkpm这样大型的软件都有问题,一切都只能靠自己,可有时一些东西还真不会算,要不就算不清,真是痛苦呀!热烈期待好的结构软件!!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-3-11 11:22:54 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-3-26 00:37:08 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-28 21:17:58 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-3-29 00:24:29 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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