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发表于 2006-12-10 10:13:35
eachy兄的”利用ET中的FS写的一个简单的修剪内部线 “(利用et的fastsel)
近日仔细阅读了John Uhden(John Uhden:写了不少用@开头的通用函数,http://www.cadlantic.com/)的trimlineinside函数之后,在其代码的基础上(原代码占80%以上比重)写下了如下的一段代码,用于修剪圆,文字,lwpolyline多边形。其原函数可以在其网站上下到,主要是考虑一个boundary和一个Line进行剪切处理,没有考虑线直接穿过boundary的情况,本代码主要加了这个部分,添加了文字的处理和多边形内部的erase清理的内容。在此多谢John Uhden。
;; trimlineinside.lsp (2003) john f. uhden, cadlantic/cadvantage
;; dedicated to mark <aikidoka> 01-18-03
;; an example of activex methods to trim a line inside a boundary
;; without the use of the (command) function.
;; note that the intersectwith method requires two graphical objects,
;; which limits the success of this function to objects being in the
;; same plane.
;; arguments:
;; boundary - either an entity name or vla-object of the trimming object
;; line - either an entity name or vla-object of the line to be trimmed
;; returns:
;; t - if either the line is already trimmed to the correct intersection,
;; or a new intersection is applied
;; nil - if there is any failure
;; this is freeware, intended strictly for educational purposes only,
; and is not necessarily error free or totally accurate.
;; you're on your own as to its usage and results.
;; feel free to correct and/or embellish it to your liking/needs.
(defun trimlineinside (boundary line / convert group sort onseg closest
layer p1 p2 ips on1 on2 ips2
(vl-load-com) ;; sub-function to convert an entity name to a vla-object
;; (if it's not already a vla-object),
;; or return nil if neither:
(defun convert (e)
((= (type e) 'vla-object)
((= (type e) 'ename)
(vlax-ename->vla-object e)
(1 (prompt "\ninvalid object."))
) ;; sub-function to group a list of items into a list of
;; multiple lists, each of length n, e.g.
;; '(a b c d e f g h i) -> '((a b c)(d e f)(g h i))
(defun group (lst n / item new)
(foreach element (reverse lst)
(setq item (cons element item))
(if (= (length item) n)
(setq new (cons item new)
item nil
) ;; sun-function to sort a list of 2d or 3d points in coordinate order,
;; first by the x coordinate and second by the y coordinate:
(defun sort (pts)
(setq pts (vl-sort pts (function (lambda (x y)
(< (car x) (car y))
(setq pts (vl-sort pts (function (lambda (x y)
(< (cadr x) (cadr y))
) ;; sub-function to determine if a point 'p lies within the segment
;; defined by p1 and p2 (all credit due to david bethel):
(defun onseg (p p1 p2)
(equal (distance p1 p2) (+ (distance p p1) (distance p p2)) 1e-8)
) ;; sub-function to determine the closest 'pt to a given 'p
;; within a list of 'pts:
(defun closest (p pts / found d dmin pt)
(while pts
(setq pt (car pts)
d (distance p pt)
pts (cdr pts)
(if (or
(not dmin)
(< d dmin)
(setq dmin d
found pt
) ;; a stephan koster approach using a lengthy (and) to
;; "evaluate until failure":
(and ;; confirm the boundary is a vla-object
(setq boundary (convert boundary)) ;; confirm the line is a vla-object
(setq line (convert line)) ;; confirm the boundary is intersectable,
;; or prompt that it isn't:
(vlax-method-applicable-p boundary 'intersectwith)
(prompt "\nfirst object cannot be intersected.")
) ;; confirm that the line is a line,
;; or prompt that it isn't:
(= (vlax-get line 'objectname) "AcDbLine")
(prompt "\nsecond object is not a line.")
) ;; obtain the ungrouped list of intersections,
;; or prompt that there are none:
(setq ips (vlax-invoke boundary 'intersectwith line
(prompt "\nline does not intersect boundary.")
(setq ips1 (vlax-invoke boundary 'intersectwith line acextendnone))
) ;; confirm that the line's layer is unlocked,
;; or prompt if it is locked:
(= (vla-get-lock (vlax-ename->vla-object (tblobjname "layer"
(setq layer
(vlax-get line 'layer)
) :vlax-false
(prompt (strcat "\nlayer " layer " is locked."))
) ;; group and sort the intersections into
;; consecutive x,y order:
(setq ips (sort (group ips 3))) ;; obtain the line's start point:
(setq p1 (vlax-get line 'startpoint)) ;; obtain the line's end point:
(setq p2 (vlax-get line 'endpoint))
;(setq ips2 nil)
(setq ips2 (append
(list p1 p2)
(group ips1 3)
;(setq pub ips2)
(setq ips2 (sort ips2)) ;; because of the (and), treat the following as a collection
;; of evaluations ending with t since either of the first
;; two evaluations may return nil:
(setq on1 (onseg p1 (car ips) (last ips)))
(setq on2 (onseg p2 (car ips) (last ips)))
) ;; if the (and) has made it this far, then check the
;; possible intersection conditions:
(cond ;; there is only one intersection and it equals
;; the line's start point,
;; so return t to indicate the line is okay:
(not (cdr ips))
(equal (car ips) p1 1e-8)
) ;; there is only one intersection and it equals
;; the line's end point,
;; so return t to indicate the line is okay:
(not (cdr ips))
(equal (car ips) p2 1e-8)
) ;; equivalent to (= (length ips) 1), but slightly faster,
;; determine that the line intersects the boundary only once,
;; meaning that there is no way of determining inside vs. outside:
((not (cdr ips))
(prompt "\nline extension intersects boundary at only one point.")
) ;; neither end of the line is inside the boundary,
;; therefor both are outside:
((not (or
) ;(prompt "\nboth ends of line are outside the boundary.")
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;this is add by qjchen;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(if (/= ips2 nil)
(qj-trim line ips2)
) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;end this is add by qjchen;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
) ;; if the line's start point is inside then modify it
;; to the intersection point closest to the end point:
(not on2)
(vlax-put line 'startpoint (closest p2 ips))
) ;; if the line's end point is inside then modify it
;; to the intersection point closest to the start point:
(not on1)
(vlax-put line 'endpoint (closest p1 ips))
) ;; ultimately, if both the line's start point and end point
;; lie on the intersection segment, then both points must be
;; on or inside the boundary, so there's nothing to trim:
(1 (prompt "\nneither end of the line is outside boundary."))
;;;; the subrountine is write by qjchen to trim the line both end is
;;;; out of the boundary
(defun qj-trim (l lst / makeline layer color ltype lscale lst2 x)
(defun makeline (la co lt ls sp ep / a b i x lst lst1)
(setq a (list lt co ls)
b (list 6 62 48)
(setq i 0)
(foreach x a
(if (/= x nil)
(setq lst (append
(list (cons (nth i b) x))
(setq i (1+ i))
(setq lst1 (append
(list (cons 0 "line") (cons 8 la) (cons 10 sp)
(cons 11 ep) ;***
(cons 39 0.0) (cons 210 (list 0.0 0.0 1.0))
(entmake lst1)
(setq l1 (vlax-vla-object->ename l))
(setq l (entget l1))
(setq layer (cdr (assoc 8 l)))
(setq color (cdr (assoc 62 l)))
(setq ltype (cdr (assoc 6 l)))
(setq lscale (cdr (assoc 48 l)))
(setq lst2 (group lst 2))
(foreach x lst2
(setq spp (car x)
epp (cadr x)
(makeline layer color ltype lscale spp epp)
(entdel l1)
;;;; the subrountine is write by qjchen to get selection by circle
;;;; and lwpolyline
(defun objectpoint (obj / name ori i r w_pl_lst wlist)
(setq name (cdr (assoc 0 obj)))
((= name "CIRCLE")
(setq ori (cdr (assoc 10 obj)))
(setq r (cdr (assoc 40 obj)))
(setq i 0)
(repeat 30
(setq wlist (append
(list (polar ori (* 2 pi (/ i 30.0)) r))
(setq i (1+ i))
((= name "LWPOLYLINE")
(defun w_pl_lst (ent / pt_list)
(foreach x ent
(if (= (car x) 10)
(setq pt_list (append
(list (cdr x))
(setq wlist (w_pl_lst obj))
;;; The following code taken from Mr.Tony Hotchkiss at Cadalyst
(defun err (s)
(if (= s "Function cancelled")
(princ "\nregion clean - cancelled: ")
(princ "\nregion clean - Error: ")
(princ s)
) ; _ end of progn
) ; _ end of if
(princ "SYSTEM VARIABLES have been reset\n")
;;; err
;;; setting and resetting the system variables
(defun setv (systvar newval / x)
(setq x (read (strcat systvar "1")))
(set x (getvar systvar))
(setvar systvar newval)
;;; setv
(defun setting ()
(setq oerr *error*)
(setq *error* err)
(setv "BLIPMODE" 0)
(setv "CMDECHO" 0)
(setv "OSMODE" 0)
;;; setting
(defun rsetv (systvar)
(setq x (read (strcat systvar "1")))
(setvar systvar (eval x))
;;; rsetv
(defun resetting ()
(rsetv "BLIPMODE")
(rsetv "CMDECHO")
(rsetv "OSMODE")
(setq *error* oerr)
;;; -------------------------------------------------------
;; the main code of region clean, include circle and lwpolyline
;; write by qjchen http://autolisper.googlepages.com
;; the code mainly use the
;; trimlineinside.lsp (2003) john f. uhden, cadlantic/cadvantage
;; dedicated to mark <aikidoka> 01-18-03
;; http://www.cadlantic.com/
;; great thanks to john f. uhden, I just write a little code to
;; realize my need
;; but now the code is not total finished, when the line's two end
;; in a concave polygon, it will get wrong
(defun c:test (/ a b std-sslist bb xx txtbox x outline txtobj)
(command "_undo" "_be")
(defun std-sslist (ss / n lst)
(if (eq 'pickset (type ss))
(repeat (setq n (fix (sslength ss))) ; fixed
(setq lst (cons (ssname ss (setq n (1- n))) lst))
(setq a (ssget '( (0 . "circle,lwpolyline,text"))))
(setq a (std-sslist a))
(foreach x a
(setq txtobj nil)
(setq pub x)
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x))) "TEXT")
(vla-getboundingbox (vlax-ename->vla-object pub) 'bp 'up)
(command "rectang" (safearray-value bp) (safearray-value up))
(setq txtobj (entlast))
(setq x txtobj)
(setq outline (objectpoint (entget x)))
(setq b (ssget "_cp" outline '((0 . "LINE"))))
(setq b (std-sslist b))
(foreach y b
(redraw y 3)
(trimlineinside x Y)
(setq bb (ssget "_wp" outline '((0 . "LINE"))))
(setq bb (std-sslist bb))
(foreach xx bb
(entdel xx)
(if txtobj
(entdel txtobj)
(command "_undo" "_e")
[iframe h=500 w=600]http://qjchen.googlepages.com/regiontrim.gif[/iframe] |