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[他山之石] Visual LISP 使用 Image 命令

发表于 2013-5-25 09:21:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Image command from visual LISP?By Augusto Goncalves
To use the RELOAD, UNLOAD and DETACH options of the IMAGE command, it is not possible to use the AutoCAD ActiveX interface. Instead, you have to 'rebuild' these options using AutoLISP and Visual LISP functions.
This command options works on the raster image definition object that is stored in the dictionary "ACAD_IMAGE_DICT". This object uses the DXFgroup code 280 as a 'loaded' flag. If the value of group code 280 is 1, the image file is currently loaded; if the value is 0, the image file is unloaded.
In order to get the correct entry in the image dictionary (to get the right image definition object) and set this flag to 1, use the IMAGERELOAD function (see below).
This command options uses the flag previously mentioned. Set the value of group code 280 to 0 to unload the image file. The function IMGUNLOAD does this.
This command options removes the specified image definition object and removes every raster image entity from the current drawing that uses the (deleted) image definition object. The IMGDETACH function does this.
You can use the following functions. They 'rebuild' the functionality of the IMAGE command options.  The functions (imgreload), (imgunload) and (imgdetach) need the image name as a parameter. For the image name, use the AutoCAD wildcard mechanism.
  1. ;;; Use the function 'imgunload' instead of
  2. ;;; calling the command
  3. ;;; -IMAGE _Unload
  4. ;;;
  5. (defun imgunload (imgname)
  6.   (imgloadstat (strcase imgname) 0)
  7.   (princ)
  8. )

  9. ;;; Use the function 'imgreload' instead of
  10. ;;; calling the command
  11. ;;; -IMAGE _Reload
  12. ;;;
  13. (defun imgreload (imgname)
  14.   (imgloadstat (strcase imgname) 1)
  15.   (princ)
  16. )

  17. ;;; Use the function 'imgdetach' instead of
  18. ;;; calling the command
  19. ;;; -IMAGE _Detach
  20. ;;;
  21. (defun imgdetach (imgname / imgDict imgDictId dictLength counter
  22.         dictName imgDefIds selSet imgDefId)

  23.   ;; Iterate all dictionary entries and remove
  24.   ;; the entries which matches 'imgname'.

  25.   (setq imgname (strcase imgname)
  26.     imgDict (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_IMAGE_DICT")
  27.   )
  28.   (if (equal imgDict nil)
  29.    (princ "\nNo images loaded.")
  30.    (progn
  31.     ;; Image dictionary is available.
  32.     (setq imgDictId  (cdr (car imgDict))
  33.        dictLength (length imgdict)
  34.        counter  0
  35.     )
  36.     (while (< counter dictLength)
  37.       (if (equal (car (nth counter imgDict)) 3)
  38.        ;; Entry name found. Get it.
  39.        (progn
  40.         (setq dictName (strcase (cdr (nth counter imgDict))))
  41.         ;; Compare the entry name.
  42.         (if (wcmatch dictName imgname)
  43.           (progn
  44.            ;; Remove the dictionary entry...
  45.            (dictremove imgDictId dictName)
  46.            ;; ...and store the entity name of
  47.            ;; the raster image definition object.
  48.            (setq imgDefIds
  49.             (append imgDefIds
  50.                 (list (cdr (nth (1+ counter) imgDict)))
  51.             )
  52.            )
  53.           )
  54.         )
  55.        )
  56.       )
  57.       (setq counter (1+ counter))
  58.     )
  59.     ;; Finished iterating the dictionary.
  60.     ;; Do we have to remove some raster image entities?
  61.     (if (/= (length imgDefIds) 0)
  62.       ;; Yes, we have to remove some raster image entities
  63.       ;; (because the related image definition objects
  64.       ;; have been removed).
  65.       (progn
  66.        ;; Select all image entities.
  67.        (setq selSet  (ssget "X" '((0 . "IMAGE")))
  68.           counter 0
  69.        )
  70.        (if (/= selSet nil)
  71.         (progn
  72.           ;; Iterate all image entities
  73.           (while (< counter (sslength selSet))
  74.            ;; Get the entity name of the referenced
  75.            ;; image definition object.
  76.            (setq imgDefId
  77.             (cdr (assoc 340 (entget (ssname selSet counter))))
  78.            )
  79.            ;; Is the referenced definition object gone?
  80.            (if (member imgDefId imgDefIds)
  81.             ;; The definition for this image entity
  82.             ;; have been removed, so let us remove
  83.             ;; the image entity, as well.
  84.             (entdel (cdr (car (entget (ssname selSet counter)))))
  85.            )
  86.            (setq counter (1+ counter))
  87.           )
  88.           ;; Empty the selection set
  89.           (setq selSet nil)
  90.         )
  91.        )
  92.       )
  93.     )
  94.    )
  95.   )
  96.   (princ)
  97. )

  98. ;;; Internal function.
  99. ;;; This function is called by 'imgunload'
  100. ;;; and 'imgreload'.
  101. ;;;
  102. (defun imgloadstat (imgname status / imgDict imgDictId
  103.           dictLength counter dictName dictEntry next)

  104.   ;; Get the image dictionary
  105.   (setq imgDict (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_IMAGE_DICT"))
  106.   (if (equal imgDict nil)
  107.    (princ "\nNo images loaded.")
  108.    (progn
  109.     ;; Image dictionary is available.
  110.     (setq imgDictId  (cdr (car imgDict))
  111.        dictLength (length imgdict)
  112.        counter  0
  113.        next  T
  114.     )
  115.     (while (< counter dictLength)
  116.       (if (equal (car (nth counter imgDict)) 3)
  117.        ;; Entry name found. Get it.
  118.        (progn
  119.         ;; Get dictionary entry name
  120.         ;; and the dictionary entry
  121.         (setq dictName (strcase (cdr (nth counter imgDict)))
  122.            dictEntry (dictnext imgDictId next)
  123.            next  nil
  124.         )
  125.         ;; Compare the entry name with the given name.
  126.         (if (wcmatch dictName imgname)
  127.           (progn
  128.            ;; Entry found. Set the 'loaded' flag
  129.            (setq dictEntry (subst (cons 280 status)
  130.                       (assoc 280 dictEntry)
  131.                       dictEntry
  132.                   )
  133.            )
  134.            ;; There is a problem in AutoCAD
  135.            ;; which is fixed by 'fixlist'.
  136.            ;; Some entities / objects should
  137.            ;; return on 'entget' 2D points,
  138.            ;; but VisualLisp gets 3D points.
  139.            ;; The (wrong) z value of thereturned
  140.            ;; point contains a random value
  141.            ;; which can break 'entmod'.
  142.            ;; In case of an image definition
  143.            ;; object we have to remove the
  144.            ;; z value of group code 10 and
  145.            ;; 11 before we can use 'entmod'.
  146.            (entmod (fixlist dictEntry))
  147.           )
  148.         )
  149.        )
  150.       )
  151.       (setq counter (1+ counter))
  152.     )
  153.    )
  154.   )
  155. )

  156. ;;; Internal function.
  157. ;;; This function avoids the problem with 2D / 3D points.
  158. ;;;
  159. (defun fixlist (imgDef /)
  160.   ;; Get the group code 10 and 11 list
  161.   (setq pt1 (assoc 10 imgDef)
  162.     pt2 (assoc 11 imgDef)
  163.   )
  164.   ;; Remove the z value of group code 10...
  165.   (setq imgDef (subst (list 10 (nth 1 pt1) (nth 2 pt1))
  166.            (assoc 10 imgDef)
  167.            imgDef
  168.         )
  169.   )
  170.   ;; ...and the z value of group code 11.
  171.   (setq imgDef (subst (list 11 (nth 1 pt2) (nth 2 pt2))
  172.            (assoc 11 imgDef)
  173.            imgDef
  174.         )
  175.   )
  176.   ;; Return the fixed list
  177.   imgDef
  178. )
  179. (princ "\nNew lisp functions:")
  180. (princ "\n(imgunload ), (imgreload ), (imgdetach)\n")
  181. (princ)


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发表于 2014-8-31 14:07:27 | 显示全部楼层
从Visual LISP图像命令?由奥古斯托Goncalves

使用加载,卸载和脱离的图像命令选项,这是不可能使用AutoCAD ActiveX接口。相反,你要“重建”这些选项使用AutoLISP语言和Visual LISP函数。


这个命令选项的作品都存储在字典”的光栅图像定义对象acad_image_dict &quot;。这个对象使用dxfgroup代码280作为一个'装'标志。如果280组代码的值为1,图像文件是当前加载的;如果值为0,图像文件卸载。







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