本帖最后由 flowerson 于 2013-8-15 19:45 编辑
- ;by eachy ;flowerson 修改
- (vl-load-com)
- (if (>= (atof (getvar "acadver")) 16.0)
- (vl-arx-import "acapp.arx")
- (vl-arx-import "acadapp.arx")
- )
- ;|
- 全局变量
- nlyr 新图层
- llyr 转换列表
- name 图层列表
- fillc 新图层颜色
- tf 保留颜色 "1" 保留 "0" 不保留
- tf1 保留线形 "1" 保留 "0" 不保留
- ltf 忽略块内0层 "1" 忽略 "0" 修改
- |;
- (defun c:Lyrt (/ ea:string_parse ea:string_unparse
- ea:pross ea:get-utime RGBtoOLE_color
- OLEtoRGB_color RGBtoACI
- ea:getcecolor ea:chglyrcolor
- ea:translyr ea:chgcolor ea:fillcolor
- ea:pre ea:table getsslyr
- myerr mknewlyr ea:clearcset
- thisdrawing blocks layers
- name nullss olderr
- ltf nlyr llyr
- fillc tf tf1
- _$ver _ealyrtr_id what_next
- oAcad x tmp bn
- )
- ;|(if (or (> (atoi (rtos (getvar "cdate") 2 0)) 20041231)
- (< (atoi (rtos (getvar "cdate") 2 0)) 20040906)
- )
- (vla-eval
- (vlax-get-acad-object)
- (strcat
- "MsgBox "\nAuthor: Eachy\n\nhttp:\\\\www.xdcad.net""
- ", "
- "vbExclamation+vbSystemModal"
- ", "
- ""Layer Merge V2.3 ""
- )
- ) ;_ end eval
- ) ;_ end if|;
- (defun ea:table (s / d r)
- (while (setq d (tblnext s (null d)))
- (setq r (cons (cdr (assoc 2 d)) r))
- )
- (acad_strlsort (reverse r))
- )
- (defun ea:string_parse (str delimiter / post strlst)
- (if str
- (progn
- (setq strlst '())
- (while (vl-string-search delimiter str)
- (setq post (vl-string-search delimiter str))
- (setq strlst (append strlst (list (substr str 1 post))))
- (setq str (substr str (+ post 2)))
- )
- (vl-remove "" (append strlst (list str)))
- )
- ) ;_ end if
- ) ;_ end defun ea:string_pase
- (defun ea:string_unparse (lst delimiter / return)
- (setq return "")
- (foreach str lst
- (setq return (strcat return delimiter str))
- )
- (substr return 2)
- )
- ;;一个在状态条显示处理进度的函数
- ;; k 数 l 长度
- (defun Ea:pross (k l)
- (grtext -2
- (strcat "已完成"
- (rtos (/ (* 100.0 k) l)
- 2
- 0
- )
- "%...."
- )
- )
- )
- (defun ea:get-utime ()
- (* 86400 (getvar "tdusrtimer"))
- )
- ;; Convert a list of RGB to TrueColor
- ;; (RGBtoOLE_color '(118 118 118))
- (defun RGBtoOLE_color (RGB-codes / r g b)
- (setq r (lsh (car RGB-codes) 16))
- (setq g (lsh (cadr RGB-codes) 8))
- (setq b (caddr RGB-codes))
- (+ (+ r g) b)
- )
- ;;Truecolor -> rgb
- (defun OLEtoRGB_color (OLE_color / r g b)
- (setq r (lsh OLE_color -16))
- (setq g (lsh (lsh OLE_color 16) -24))
- (setq b (lsh (lsh OLE_color 24) -24))
- (strcat "RGB:"
- (vl-princ-to-string r)
- ","
- (vl-princ-to-string g)
- ","
- (vl-princ-to-string b) ;(list r g b))
- )
- )
- ;;
- (defun RGBtoACI (RGB-codes / colorobj)
- (setq
- ColorObj (vla-GetInterfaceObject oAcad "AutoCAD.AcCmColor.16")
- )
- (vlax-invoke
- ColorObj
- 'setRGB
- (car RGB-codes)
- (cadr RGB-codes)
- (caddr RGB-codes)
- )
- (vlax-get-property ColorObj 'ColorIndex)
- )
- (defun ea:Clearcset (/ cset)
- (if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p
- (setq cset
- (vl-catch-all-apply
- 'vla-item
- (list
- (vla-get-selectionsets thisdrawing)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (vla-delete cset)
- )
- (princ)
- )
- ;;**************************************************************************
- ;;转换主程序
- (defun ea:translyr (/ ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 ea:chgattblk
- ea:chg_ssget_blockdef
- ea:chg_not_ssget_blockdef llyrc
- lt t0 nl
- filter cset l
- n s sl
- t1 blst ll
- lt x nllyr
- 0colorobj 0_in e0 all_0 nn tmp
- )
- ;;修改实体 mark 0 层实体块内/非块内标志, 如果 0 不在llyr中,块内 0 层仅涉及颜色
- (defun ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 (obj mark / alyr cl colobj olt)
- ;;处理块内 object 及属性
- (if (/= (cdr (assoc
- 0
- (entget
- (vlax-vla-object->ename
- obj
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ) ;_ 排除代理实体
- (progn
- (setq alyr (vla-get-layer obj))
- ;;保存实体原始特性
- (if _$ver
- (progn
- (setq colobj (vla-get-truecolor obj)
- cl (vla-get-colorindex colobj )
- )
- (if (= cl 256) ;_ bylayer
- (setq colobj (cdr (assoc alyr llyrc)))
- )
- ) ;_ 2004/2005 特性
- (if (= (setq cl (vla-get-color obj )) 256)
- (setq cl (cdr (assoc alyr llyrc)))
- )
- )
- ;;修改图层
- (if (and (/= alyr nlyr)
- (not (and mark (= alyr "0") (= ltf "1")))
- ) ;_ 只有忽略块内 0 时不改图层
- (vla-put-layer obj nlyr)
- ) ;_ end if
- ;;恢复颜色
- (if (= tf "1") ;_ 保留
- (cond
- ((and mark
- (= alyr "0") ;_ 0 层实体
- (= cl 256) ;_ bylayer
- )
- (if _$ver
- (progn
- (vla-put-colorindex colobj acByblock) ;_ 只有块内实体才需要改
- (vla-put-truecolor obj ' colobj)
- )
- (vla-put-color obj 0)
- ) ;_ byblock
- )
- ((and (/= alyr nlyr) (= cl 256)) ;_ bylayer 非0层实体
- (if _$ver
- ;;取图层颜色
- (vla-put-truecolor obj colobj)
- (vla-put-color obj cl)
- ) ;_ end if
- )
- (t)
- ) ;_ end cond
- ;;不保留颜色
- (if (and _$ver
- (/= cl 256)
- )
- (progn
- (vla-put-colorindex colobj 256);_ bylayer
- (vla-put-truecolor obj colobj)
- )
- (vla-put-color obj 256)
- )
- ) ;_end if
- ;;不保留线形
- (if (= tf1 "1")
- (if (and (= (setq olt (vla-get-linetype obj ))
- )
- (/= olt "BYBLOCK")
- (vlax-property-available-p obj 'linetype t)
- )
- (vlax-put-property obj 'linetype (cdr (assoc alyr lt)))
- )
- (if (and (/= (vla-get-linetype obj ) "BYLAYER")
- (vlax-property-available-p obj 'linetype t)
- )
- (vla-put-linetype obj ' "BYLAYER")
- )
- ) ;_ end if
- ) ;_ end progn
- ) ;_ end progn (if)
- ) ;_ end defun ea:chg_color_ltyp_0
- ;;修改属性块的属性实体及SEQEND, 属性只能是最外层, mark 块内/非块内标志
- (defun ea:ChgAttBlk (blk mark / seqent attlst)
- (setq attlst (vlax-safearray->list
- (vlax-variant-value (vla-getattributes blk))
- )
- )
- (mapcar '(lambda (x)
- (if (vl-position (vla-get-layer x ) llyr)
- (ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 x mark)
- )
- )
- attlst
- )
- (if (vl-position
- (vlax-get-property
- (setq
- seqent (vlax-ename->vla-object
- (entnext
- (vlax-vla-object->ename (last attlst))
- )
- )
- )
- 'layer
- )
- llyr
- )
- (vlax-put-property seqent 'layer nlyr)
- ) ;_ 修改 SEQEND 实体
- (if (and (= tf1 "0")
- (/= (vla-get-linetype seqent ) "BYLAYER")
- )
- (vla-put-linetype seqent "BYLAYER")
- )
- ) ;_end defun ea:chgattblk
- ;;**************************************************************************************
- ;;主程序
- (if (and (/= llyr "") (/= nlyr ""))
- (progn
- (if (not blocks)
- (setq blocks (vla-get-blocks thisdrawing ))
- )
- (if (not layers)
- (setq layers (vla-get-layers thisdrawing ))
- )
- (setq t0 (ea:get-utime))
- (if (not (tblsearch "layer" nlyr))
- (vla-add layers nlyr)
- )
- ;;(vla-startundomark thisdrawing)
- (vlax-map-collection
- layers
- '(lambda (x) (vla-put-lock x :vlax-false))
- )
- ;;有一种颜色无法保留
- (setq nl (mapcar 'atoi (ea:string_parse llyr " "))
- filter (ea:string_unparse
- (setq llyr (mapcar '(lambda (x) (nth x name)) nl))
- ","
- )
- ) ;_end setq
- (if (not (vl-position "0" llyr))
- (setq nllyr (append llyr '("0")))
- (setq nllyr llyr)
- )
- (setq l (vla-get-count blocks ))
- (if (= tf "1") ;_ 保留颜色时提取对应的颜色列表
- (setq llyrc
- (mapcar
- '(lambda (x / col mod bkname)
- (if _$ver
- (cons x (vla-get-truecolor (vla-item layers x) ))
- (cons x (cdr (assoc 62 (tblsearch "layer" x))))
- ) ;_ end if
- ) ;_ end lambda
- (if (not (vl-position nlyr nllyr))
- (append (list nlyr) nllyr)
- nllyr
- )
- ) ;_end mapcar
- ) ;_ end setq
- ) ;_ end if
- (if (= tf1 "1")
- (setq lt
- (mapcar '(lambda (x)
- (cons x (cdr (assoc 6 (tblsearch "layer" x))))
- )
- (if (not (vl-position nlyr nllyr))
- (append (list nlyr) nllyr)
- nllyr
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ;;处理实体
- (ea:clearcset)
- (if (ssget "x"
- (list '(-4 . "<or")
- '(66 . 1)
- '(-4 . "<and")
- (cons 8 filter)
- '(-4 . "<not")
- '(-4 . "not>")
- '(-4 . "and>")
- '(-4 . "or>")
- )
- ) ;_ end ssget
- (progn
- (setq l (+ l
- (vlax-get-property
- (setq cset (vla-get-activeselectionset
- thisdrawing
- )
- )
- 'count
- )
- )
- n 1
- )
- (vlax-map-collection
- cset
- '(lambda (x / bbn)
- (Ea:pross n l)
- (cond
- ((= (vla-get-objectname x ) "AcDbBlockReference")
- (if (vl-position (vla-get-layer x) llyr)
- (progn
- (ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 x nil)
- (if (not blst)
- (setq blst
- (list (setq
- bbn (vla-get-name x )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (not (vl-position
- (setq
- bbn (vla-get-name x)
- )
- blst
- )
- )
- (setq blst (append blst (list bbn)))
- )
- ) ;_ 只记录了最外层块
- )
- )
- (if (= (vla-get-hasattributes x) :vlax-true)
- (ea:chgattblk x nil)
- )
- )
- (t (ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 x nil))
- )
- (setq n (1+ n))
- )
- )
- ) ;_ while
- ) ;_ end progn
- ;;修改图块定义, 保留颜色仅涉及 块内 Bylayer 0 层是否改为 acByblock
- (vlax-map-collection
- (vlax-get-property thisdrawing 'blocks)
- '(lambda (i / bn e tmp)
- (if
- (and
- (setq bn (strcase (vlax-get-property i 'name)))
- (not (wcmatch bn "`**_SPAC*"))
- (/= (vla-get-count i) 0)
- )
- ;;(vlax-map-collection
- (if (vl-position bn blst);_ in ssget block
- (vlax-map-collection
- i
- '(lambda (e / etyp lay bbn)
- (setq etyp (vla-get-objectname e)
- lay (vla-get-layer e)
- )
- (cond
- ((and (wcmatch etyp "*Block*")
- (not (vl-position
- (strcase (vla-get-name e))
- blst
- )
- )
- (vl-position lay llyr)
- )
- (if (not 0_in)
- (setq 0_in (list (vla-get-name e)))
- (if (not (vl-position
- (setq bbn (vla-get-name e))
- 0_in
- )
- )
- (setq 0_in (append (list bbn) 0_in))
- )
- )
- (ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 e t)
- (if (= (vlax-get-property e 'hasattributes)
- :vlax-true
- )
- (ea:chgattblk e t)
- )
- )
- ((vl-position lay llyr)
- (ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 e t)
- )
- (t)
- )
- )
- ) ;_ end vlax-map-collection
- (vlax-map-collection ;_ not in ssget 但可能在 blst 引用内(0_in)
- i
- '(lambda (e / etyp lay)
- (setq etyp (vla-get-objectname e)
- lay (vla-get-layer e)
- )
- (cond
- ((vl-position lay llyr)
- (cond
- ((wcmatch etyp "*Block*")
- (ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 e t)
- (if (not (vl-position
- (strcase (vla-get-name e))
- blst
- )
- )
- (if (not 0_in)
- (setq 0_in (list (vla-get-name e)))
- (if
- (not (vl-position
- (setq bbn (vla-get-name e))
- 0_in
- )
- )
- (setq
- 0_in (append (list bbn) 0_in)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if
- (= (vlax-get-property e 'hasattributes)
- :vlax-true
- )
- (ea:chgattblk e t)
- )
- )
- ((/= lay "0")
- (ea:chg_layer_color_ltyp_0 e t)
- )
- (t)
- )
- )
- ((and (= lay "0") ;_ 仅保留 0 层实体
- (not (vl-position lay llyr))
- )
- (if (not 0_in)
- (setq 0_in (list bn))
- (if (not (vl-position bn 0_in))
- (setq
- 0_in (append (list bn) 0_in)
- )
- )
- )
- (setq nn (read bn)
- tmp (eval nn)
- )
- (if (not tmp)
- (set nn (list e))
- (set nn (cons e tmp))
- )
- ) ;_ end if
- (t)
- );_ end if
- );_ end lambda
- ) ;_ end vlax-map-collection
- ) ;_ end if
- ) ;_ end if
- ) ;_ end lambda
- ) ;_ 结束处理块定义
- ;;处理被非选择图块且被引用并在 llyr 图层之块定义内的 0 实体
- (if 0_in
- (progn
- (setq 0colorobj (vla-get-truecolor (vla-item layers"0")))
- (vla-put-colorindex 0colorobj acByblock)
- (mapcar
- '(lambda (x / 0lst)
- (if (not (setq 0lst (eval (read x))))
- (mapcar '(lambda (e0)
- (if _$ver
- (vla-put-truecolor e0 0colorobj)
- (vla-put-color e0 0)
- )
- )
- olst
- )
- )
- )
- 0_in
- )
- )
- )
- (setvar "clayer" "0")
- (vla-purgeall thisdrawing)
- ;;更新块引用
- (if (setq s (ssget "x" (list (cons 8 nlyr) '(0 . "INSERT"))))
- (progn
- (setq sl (sslength s))
- (while (> sl 0)
- (entupd (ssname s (setq sl (1- sl))))
- )
- ) ;_ end progn
- ) ;_ end if
- ;;(vla-endundomark thisdrawing)
- (setq llyr nil
- name (ea:table "layer")
- blocks (vlax-get-property thisdrawing 'blocks)
- layers (vlax-get-property thisdrawing 'layers)
- )
- (if fillc
- (progn
- (setq ll (entget (tblobjname "layer" nlyr))
- ll (vl-remove-if
- '(lambda (x)
- (vl-position (car x) '(62 420 430)))
- ll
- )
- )
- (entmod (append ll fillc))
- )
- )
- (if t0
- (progn
- (setq t1 (ea:get-utime))
- (princ
- (strcat "\n成功转换至 " nlyr " 图层, 耗时(secs): ")
- )
- (princ (- t1 t0))
- )
- )
- (if all_0 (mapcar '(lambda (x) (set x nil)) all_0))
- ) ;_ end progn
- ) ;_end if
- ) ;_ end dufun ea:translyr
- ;;预览
- (defun ea:pre (/ nl layers str)
- (if (and (/= llyr nil) (/= llyr ""))
- (progn
- (vla-startundomark thisdrawing)
- (setq nl (mapcar 'atoi (ea:string_parse llyr " "))
- nl (mapcar '(lambda (x) (nth x name)) nl)
- )
- (vlax-map-collection
- (vlax-get-property thisdrawing 'layers)
- '(lambda (l)
- (if (vl-position (vlax-get-property l 'name) nl)
- (progn
- (if (= (vlax-get-property l 'layeron) :vlax-false)
- (vlax-put-property l 'layeron :vlax-true)
- )
- (if (= (vlax-get-property l 'freeze) :vlax-true)
- (vlax-put-property l 'freeze :vlax-false)
- )
- )
- (vlax-put-property l 'layeron :vlax-false)
- )
- )
- )
- (vla-endundomark thisdrawing)
- (setq str (getstring "\n回车退出...."))
- (vl-cmdf ".u")
- )
- ) ;_end if
- (princ)
- ) ;_ end defun ea:per
- ;;选择合并实体, 支持嵌套在块内图层?
- (defun getssLyr (/ ss ssl lyr slyr slst)
- (princ "\n选择要合并图层实体<退出>...")
- (if (setq ss (ssget))
- (progn
- (setq ssl (sslength ss))
- (while (> ssl 0)
- (setq
- lyr
- (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (ssname ss (setq ssl (1- ssl))))))
- )
- (if slyr
- (if (not (vl-position lyr slyr))
- (setq slyr (cons lyr slyr))
- )
- (setq slyr (list lyr))
- )
- ) ;_ end while
- (setq slst (mapcar '(lambda (l) (vl-position l name))
- slyr
- )
- )
- (if llyr
- (setq slst
- (append slst (mapcar 'atoi (ea:string_parse llyr " ")))
- )
- )
- (setq llyr (ea:string_unparse
- (mapcar 'vl-princ-to-string
- (vl-sort slst '<)
- )
- " "
- )
- )
- ) ;_ end progn
- ) ;_ end if
- ) ;_ end dufun
- ;;获取当前颜色 l 层
- (defun ea:getcecolor (l / color el inc tc dc le)
- (if (not l)
- (progn
- (setq color (getvar "cecolor"))
- (cond
- ((= (type (read color)) 'INT);_ ACI
- (list (cons 62 (read color)))
- )
- ((wcmatch color "RGB:*");_ truecolor
- (setq inc
- (setq
- tc
- (mapcar
- 'atoi
- (ea:string_parse (vl-string-trim "RGB:" color) ",")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (list (cons 62 inc) (cons 420 (RGBtoOLE_color tc)))
- )
- ((= color "BYLAYER")
- (setq el (entget (tblobjname "layer" (getvar "clayer")))
- inc (assoc 62 el)
- tc (assoc 420 el)
- dc (assoc 430 el)
- )
- (cond
- (dc (list inc tc dc))
- (tc (list inc tc))
- (t (list inc))
- )
- )
- ((= color "BYBLOCK")
- (setq color '(62 . 7))
- )
- );_ end cond
- );_ end progn
- (if (setq le (tblobjname "layer" l))
- (progn
- (setq el (entget le)
- inc (assoc 62 el)
- tc (assoc 420 el)
- dc (assoc 430 el)
- )
- (cond
- (dc (list inc tc dc))
- (tc (list inc tc))
- (t (list inc))
- )
- )
- (ea:getcecolor nil)
- )
- )
- ) ;_ end defun ea:getcecolor
- ;;填充默认颜色
- (defun ea:fillcolor (/ cc width height cl)
- (cond
- (fillc ;acad_colordlg
- (setq cc (abs (cdar fillc)))
- )
- (nlyr
- (setq cc (abs (cdar (ea:getcecolor nlyr))))
- )
- (t
- (setq cc (abs (cdar (ea:getcecolor nil))))
- )
- )
- (setq width (dimx_tile "col")
- height (dimy_tile "col")
- )
- (start_image "col")
- (fill_image 0 0 width height cc) ;1 = AutoCAD red.
- (end_image)
- ) ;_ end defun
- ;;修改颜色按钮
- (defun ea:chgcolor (/ c l)
- (setq c (ea:getcecolor nlyr))
- (setq fillc (if _$ver
- (cond
- ((= (setq l (length c)) 1);_ aci
- (acad_truecolordlg (cdar c))
- )
- ((= l 2);_ truecolor
- (acad_truecolordlg (cadr c))
- )
- (t (acad_truecolordlg (last c)));_ dict
- )
- (acad_colordlg (car c))
- )
- ) ;_ end setq
- ) ;_ end defun
- (defun myerr (msg /)
- (if (or (/= msg "*函数已取消*")
- (= msg "*函数已取消*")
- )
- (princ "\n*取消*")
- )
- (if 0_in
- (mapcar '(lambda (x) (set (read x) nil)) 0_in)
- )
- (setq 0_in nil)
- (vla-endundomark thisdrawing)
- (setq *error* olderr)
- (princ)
- ) ;_end deufn
- ;;***********************************************************
- ;;主程序
- (setq oAcad (vlax-get-acad-object)
- thisdrawing (vlax-get-property oAcad 'activedocument)
- _$ver (> (atof (getvar "acadver")) 16.)
- olderr *error*
- *error* myerr
- )
- (vla-startundomark thisdrawing)
- (if (setq nullss (ssget "x" '((0 . "*text") (1 . ""))))
- (vl-cmdf ".erase" nullss "")
- )
- ;(vla-purgeall thisdrawing)
- (if (not _ealyrtr_id)
- (setq _ealyrtr_id (load_dialog "lyrtr.dcl"))
- )
- (setq what_next 2)
- (while (>= what_next 2)
- (if (not name)
- (setq name (ea:table "layer"))
- )
- (if (not (new_dialog "ea_lyrtrans" _ealyrtr_id))
- (exit)
- )
- (start_list "what")
- (mapcar 'add_list name)
- (end_list)
- (start_list "Sel")
- (mapcar 'add_list name)
- (end_list)
- (if llyr
- (set_tile "what" llyr)
- )
- (if (and (/= nlyr "") nlyr)
- (set_tile "Nlyr" nlyr)
- )
- (ea:fillcolor)
- (if tf
- (set_tile "color" tf)
- )
- (if tf1
- (set_tile "ltyp" tf1)
- )
- (action_tile
- "Trans"
- (strcat
- "(princ "\n请稍候,处理进行中.....")"
- "(setq nlyr (get_tile "Nlyr"))"
- "(setq llyr (get_tile "what"))"
- "(setq tf (get_tile "color"))"
- "(setq tf1 (get_tile "ltyp"))"
- "(setq ltf (get_tile "lay"))"
- "(done_dialog 4)"
- )
- )
- (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)")
- (action_tile "lay" "(setq ltf $value)")
- (action_tile "Nlyr" "(setq nlyr $value)")
- (action_tile "color" "(setq tf $value)")
- (action_tile "ltyp" "(setq tf1 $value)")
- (action_tile
- "col"
- "(setq nlyr (get_tile "Nlyr"))(ea:chgcolor)(ea:fillcolor)(if fillc(set_tile "color" "0"))"
- )
- (action_tile
- "Sel"
- "(set_tile "Nlyr" (nth (atoi $value) name))"
- )
- (action_tile
- "pre"
- "(setq nlyr (get_tile "Nlyr"))(setq llyr (get_tile "what")) (done_dialog 5)"
- )
- (action_tile
- "list"
- "(setq llyr (get_tile "what"))(done_dialog 6)"
- )
- (action_tile
- "what"
- (strcat
- "(setq nlyr (get_tile "Nlyr"))"
- "(setq llyr $value)"
- "(if (= $reason 4)(progn (setq nlyr (get_tile "Nlyr"))(setq llyr $value)(done_dialog 5)))" ;_ double click
- )
- )
- (setq what_next (start_dialog))
- (cond
- ((= what_next 4)
- (ea:translyr)
- )
- ((= what_next 5)
- (ea:pre)
- )
- ((= what_next 6)
- (getsslyr)
- )
- )
- ) ;_end while
- (unload_dialog _ealyrtr_id)
- (vla-endundomark thisdrawing)
- (vlax-release-object thisdrawing)
- (vlax-release-object oAcad)
- (if blocks (vlax-release-object blocks))
- (if layers (vlax-release-object layers))
- (if 0_in (mapcar '(lambda (x) (set (read x) nil)) 0_in))
- (setq 0_in nil)
- (setq *error* olderr)
- (princ)
- ) ;_end defun
- (princ
- "\n\t图层合并V2.3, 命令: Lyrt. BY eachy[www.xdcad.net]"
- )
- (princ)