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[他山之石] ADN AutoCAD Utilities


已领礼包: 1268个

财富等级: 财源广进

发表于 2013-7-13 17:36:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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ADN AutoCAD UtilitiesBy Balaji Ramamoorthy
The ADN AutoCAD Utilities are a set of ActiveX® controls and utilities developed by the ADN Developer Technical Services team to expose functionality that is not easily implemented using the existing official AutoCAD APIs. The controls may be used free of charge for application development and deployment, subject to the terms and conditions defined in the License Agreement.
These are controls that were previously posted to the ADN website that we’re now posting in public.

The controls are covered by a license agreement – which must be accepted as part of the installation process. It is important to read the license agreement before using the controls in your own applications.
What you get with this install:
1) The utilities and controls
2) Help document and samples
3) Merge Modules for the utilities and controls. These are installer modules that you can merge into the MSI installer for your own application, allowing you to distribute the utilities with your applications that use them. Please look up the documentation in the Merge Modules section for more information.
Note: Some of these utilities are OCX controls while the others are provided as ObjectARX® applications. For consistency, none of the utilities are registered during installation of this package. Therefore, please ensure you register these utilities before use. All the ActiveX controls (*.OCX and *.DLL) can be registered by simple running the "regsvr32" command (e.g. regsvr32 AcadLayer.ocx) in the command line. The ObjectARX applications are self registering and would register themselves the first time they are loaded into AutoCAD.
Download ADNUtilities2013_X64
Download ADNUtilities2013_Win32


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xshrimp + 5 很给力!经验;技术要点;资料分享奖!



已领礼包: 1268个

财富等级: 财源广进

 楼主| 发表于 2013-7-13 17:38:24 | 显示全部楼层
Unsupported AutoCAD Controls
AsdkUnsupp is an Automation server that provides some functionality that cannot be found in AutoCAD Automation Object Model. They are listed below.
- Create or modify a wipeout in Visual Basic (though this has been possible natively in AutoCAD for some time now)
- Modify the draworder
- Work with embedded OLE objects in VBA
- Work with multiple sessions of AutoCAD in a VB application
- Add an anonymous group in VB(A)
- Get the current shademode in VB(A)
- Get or set the description of groups in VB(A)
- Get or set the description of blocks in VB(A)
- Get or set the description of Dwt file
- Get the command line arguments that were used to start AutoCAD
- Set DBMOD in SDI mode
- Get the full path of all loaded AutoLISP applications
- Unerase objects in VB(A)
- Displaying the following using VB(A):
     the AutoCAD Color dialog
     the AutoCAD File dialog (with preview
     the Hatch Palette dialog
     the Plot Style dialog
     the Line Weight dialog
     the Linetype dialog

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