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楼主 |
发表于 2013-11-24 15:44:28
;;; FLATTEN.LSP version 2k.0, 25-May-1999
;;;*How to Use FLATTEN
;;; This version of FLATTEN works with AutoCAD R12 through 2000.
;;; To run FLATTEN, load it using AutoCAD's APPLOAD command, or type:
;;; (load "FLATTEN")
;;; at the AutoCAD command prompt. Once you've loaded FLATTEN.LSP, type:
;;; to run it. FLATTEN will tell you what it's about to do and ask you
;;; to confirm that you really want to flatten objects in the current
;;; drawing. If you choose to proceed, FLATTEN prompts you to select objects
;|;; to be flattened (press ENTER to flatten all objects in the drawing).
;;; After you've selected objects and pressed ENTER, FLATTEN goes to work.
;;; It reports the number of objects it flattens and the number left
;;; unflattenened (because they were objects not recognized by FLATTEN; see
;;; the list of supported objects above).
;;; If you don't like the results, just type U to undo FLATTEN's work.
;;;*Known limitations
;;; 1) FLATTEN doesn't support all of AutoCAD's object types. See above
;;; for a list of the object types that it does work on.
;;; 2) FLATTEN doesn't flatten objects nested inside of blocks.
;;; (You can explode blocks before flattening. Alternatively, you can
;;; WBLOCK block definitions to separate DWG files, run FLATTEN in
;;; each of them, and then use INSERT in the parent drawing to update
;;; the block definitions. Neither of these methods will flatten
;;; existing attributes, though.
;;; 3) FLATTEN flattens objects onto the Z=0 X-Y plane in AutoCAD's
;;; World Coordinate System (WCS). It doesn't currently support
;;; flattening onto other UCS planes.
(defun C:FLAT (/ 8*@1#2@61*%%$7* 51$1_&31&1#52%0 6@3@773#32*068@ 339#_$5749#67$1 0&8&&8_7*7382_3 4092_@%13#$903&
616&$48%439_%87 9538$5#0$*ğ 1&62801@1_&20_* &*62500%_&10597 8_&63055792V 874509@*_0$*1%5 65%214__25@2_$7
%564%@_3#@7_33@ 25*%%*9#3@8&17% $07#3*#%3&7400&
;;Error handler
(setq 8*@1#2@61*%%$7* *error*)
(defun *error* (%6*$#7458#**03*)
(if (= %6*$#7458#**03* "quit / exit abort")
(princ (strcat "error: " %6*$#7458#**03*))
(setq *error* 8*@1#2@61*%%$7*)
(command "._UCS" "_Restore" "$FLATTEN-TEMP$"
"._UCS" "_Delete" "$FLATTEN-TEMP$"
(command "._UNDO" "_End")
(setvar "CMDECHO" 51$1_&31&1#52%0)
;;Function to change Z coordinate to 0
(defun 6@3@773#32*068@ (7&5*4@0&53%0@33 &98801634799#0_ / 3&@%_89#55&73&% 4$%1#00_39$_8@9)
(setq 3&@%_89#55&73&% (assoc 7&5*4@0&53%0@33 &98801634799#0_)
4$%1#00_39$_8@9 (reverse (append '(0.0) (cdr (reverse 3&@%_89#55&73&%))))
&98801634799#0_ (subst 4$%1#00_39$_8@9 3&@%_89#55&73&% &98801634799#0_)
(entmod &98801634799#0_)
(setq 51$1_&31&1#52%0 (getvar "CMDECHO"))
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(command "._UNDO" "_Group")
(command "._UCS" "_Delete" "$FLATTEN-TEMP$"
"._UCS" "_Save" "$FLATTEN-TEMP$"
"._UCS" "World"
) ;set World UCS
;;Get input
"\nFLATTEN sets the Z coordinates of most objects to zero."
(initget "Yes No")
(setq %564%@_3#@7_33@ (getkword "\nDo you want to continue : "))
(cond ((/= %564%@_3#@7_33@ "No")
(prompt "\nChoose objects to FLATTEN ")
"[press return to select all objects in the drawing]"
(setq 339#_$5749#67$1 (ssget))
(if (null 339#_$5749#67$1) ;if enter...
(setq 339#_$5749#67$1 (ssget "X")) ;select all entities in database
;;*initialize variables
(setq 0&8&&8_7*7382_3 (sslength 339#_$5749#67$1) ;length of selection set
4092_@%13#$903& 0 ;loop counter
616&$48%439_%87 0 ;number changed counter
9538$5#0$*ğ 0 ;number not changed counter
1&62801@1_&20_* 0 ;number not changed and Z /= 0 counter
&*62500%_&10597 (ssadd) ;selection set of unchanged entities
) ;setq
;;*do the work
(prompt "\nWorking.")
(while (< 4092_@%13#$903& 0&8&&8_7*7382_3) ;while more members in the SS
(if (= 0 (rem 4092_@%13#$903& 10))
(prompt ".")
(setq 8_&63055792V (ssname 339#_$5749#67$1 4092_@%13#$903&) ;entity name
874509@*_0$*1%5 (entget 8_&63055792V) ;entity data list
65%214__25@2_$7 (cdr (assoc 0 874509@*_0$*1%5)) ;entity type
;;*Keep track of entities not flattened
(if (not (member 65%214__25@2_$7
(progn ;leave others alone
(setq 9538$5#0$*ğ (1+ 9538$5#0$*ğ))
(if (/= 0.0 (car (reverse (assoc 10 874509@*_0$*1%5))))
(progn ;add it to special list if Z /= 0
(setq 1&62801@1_&20_* (1+ 1&62801@1_&20_*))
(ssadd 8_&63055792V &*62500%_&10597)
;;Change group 10 Z coordinate to 0 for listed entity types.
(if (member 65%214__25@2_$7
(setq 874509@*_0$*1%5 (6@3@773#32*068@ 10 874509@*_0$*1%5) ;change entities in list above
616&$48%439_%87 (1+ 616&$48%439_%87)
;;Change group 11 Z coordinate to 0 for listed entity types.
(if (member 65%214__25@2_$7
(setq 874509@*_0$*1%5 (6@3@773#32*068@ 11 874509@*_0$*1%5))
;;Change groups 12 and 13 Z coordinate to 0 for SOLIDs and 3DFACEs.
(if (member 65%214__25@2_$7 '("3DFACE" "SOLID"))
(setq 874509@*_0$*1%5 (6@3@773#32*068@ 12 874509@*_0$*1%5))
(setq 874509@*_0$*1%5 (6@3@773#32*068@ 13 874509@*_0$*1%5))
;;Change groups 13, 14, 15, and 16
;;Z coordinate to 0 for DIMENSIONs.
(if (member 65%214__25@2_$7 '("DIMENSION"))
(setq 874509@*_0$*1%5 (6@3@773#32*068@ 13 874509@*_0$*1%5))
(setq 874509@*_0$*1%5 (6@3@773#32*068@ 14 874509@*_0$*1%5))
(setq 874509@*_0$*1%5 (6@3@773#32*068@ 15 874509@*_0$*1%5))
(setq 874509@*_0$*1%5 (6@3@773#32*068@ 16 874509@*_0$*1%5))
;;Change each polyline vertex Z coordinate to 0.
;;Code provided by Vladimir Livshiz, 09-Oct-1998
(if (= 65%214__25@2_$7 "POLYLINE")
(setq 25*%%*9#3@8&17% 8_&63055792V)
(while (not (equal (cdr (assoc 0 (entget 25*%%*9#3@8&17%))) "SEQEND"))
(setq 874509@*_0$*1%5 (entget (entnext 25*%%*9#3@8&17%)))
(setq $07#3*#%3&7400& (cadddr (assoc 10 874509@*_0$*1%5)))
(if (/= $07#3*#%3&7400& 0)
(6@3@773#32*068@ 10 874509@*_0$*1%5)
(entupd 8_&63055792V)
(setq 25*%%*9#3@8&17% (cdr (assoc -1 874509@*_0$*1%5)))
;;Special handling for LWPOLYLINEs
(if (member 65%214__25@2_$7 '("LWPOLYLINE"))
(setq 874509@*_0$*1%5 (subst (cons 38 0.0) (assoc 38 874509@*_0$*1%5) 874509@*_0$*1%5)
616&$48%439_%87 (1+ 616&$48%439_%87)
(entmod 874509@*_0$*1%5)
(setq 4092_@%13#$903& (1+ 4092_@%13#$903&)) ;next entity
(prompt " Done.")
;;Print results
(prompt (strcat "\n" (itoa 616&$48%439_%87) " object(s) flattened."))
(strcat "\n" (itoa 9538$5#0$*ğ) " object(s) not flattened.")
;;If there any entities in ssno0, show them
(if (/= 0 1&62801@1_&20_*)
(prompt (strcat " ["
(itoa 1&62801@1_&20_*)
" with non-zero base points]"
"\nPress enter to see non-zero unchanged objects... "
(command "._SELECT" &*62500%_&10597)
(getstring "\nPress enter to \"unhighlight them... ")
(command "")
(command "._UCS" "_Restore" "$FLATTEN-TEMP$"
"._UCS" "_Delete" "$FLATTEN-TEMP$"
(command "._UNDO" "_End")
(setvar "CMDECHO" 51$1_&31&1#52%0)
(setq *error* 8*@1#2@61*%%$7*)
"\nFLATTEN version 2k.0 loaded. Type FLATTEN to run it."