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[他山之石] ExpressTools函数总结


已领礼包: 1268个

财富等级: 财源广进

发表于 2014-8-11 11:30:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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1 acet-ss-to-list 选择集转实体列表
用法: (acet-ss-to-list ssget)
参数: 选择集
返回值: 实体列表

2 acet-geom-pixel-unit 当前一像素代表的图形单位
参数: 无

3 acet-ent-geomextents 实体的包围盒
用法:(acet-ent-geomextents  ent)
返回值:点表(左下角点 右上角点)



已领礼包: 604个

财富等级: 财运亨通

发表于 2014-8-11 12:03:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 /db_自贡黄明儒_ 于 2014-8-11 12:04 编辑

关于ET函数的使用,这个好象高飞发个一个贴子http://bbs.xdcad.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=667861&ctid=13。除(ACET-SYS-KEYSTATE 17)外,我基本上没有使用过其中的函数。
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

已领礼包: 1268个

财富等级: 财源广进

 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-11 13:06:01 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
/db_自贡黄明儒_ 发表于 2014-8-11 12:03
关于ET函数的使用,这个好象高飞发个一个贴子http://bbs.xdcad.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=667861&c ...

回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

已领礼包: 604个

财富等级: 财运亨通

发表于 2014-8-11 13:17:34 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 /db_自贡黄明儒_ 于 2014-8-11 13:24 编辑

  (if (ACET-INIT-FAS-LIB T nil)
    (ACET-MENU-LOAD2 "acetmain" "express" T)
     (setq PASS T)
    ((and (setq DIR (ACET-INIT-GET-LIB-DIR))
   (setq PATH (GETENV "ACAD"))
     (setq PASS T)
    ((and (NOT DIR) FORCE)
     (if ONFAIL
       (EVAL ONFAIL)
  (and (or (MEMBER ACET:ARX-LIB (ARX))
    (and (setq PATH (ACET-INIT-GET-LIB-DIR))
       (setq PASS T)
  (if (or (setq FNA (FINDFILE ACET:FAS-LIB))
        (setq FNA (STRCAT FNA "Express\\" ACET:FAS-LIB))
        (setq FNA (FINDFILE FNA))
  (if (and DIR (setq PATH (GETENV "ACAD")))
(setq ORIG PATH)
(if (/= ";" (SUBSTR PATH (STRLEN PATH)))
   (setq PATH (STRCAT PATH ";"))
(if (= "\\" (SUBSTR DIR (STRLEN DIR)))
   (setq DIR (SUBSTR DIR 1 (1- (STRLEN DIR))))
    "\nThe Express Tools have not been installed on this system."
      "\nTo get the very latest versions of all Express Tools, visit the"
      "\nExpress Tools page on the Autodesk web site at: "
      "\n  "
  (INITGET "Yes No")
  (setq ANS
    "\n\nDo you want to go to the Express Tools web page now? <Y>: "
  (if (or (NOT ANS) (= ANS "Yes"))
  (setq A (STRCAT "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.htm"))
    (and (setq A (VL-REGISTRY-READ A))
  (setq A
    "<a href=\"http://www.xdcad.net/forum/file://\\shell\\open\\command\" target=\"_blank\">\\shell\\open\\command</a>"
       (setq FNA A)
       (setq A (SUBSTR A (MAX 1 (- (STRLEN A) 6))))
       (setq A (XSTRCASE A))
       (if (= "-NOHOME" A)
  (setq FNA (SUBSTR FNA 1 (- (STRLEN FNA) 7)))
       (setq A (SUBSTR FNA (- (STRLEN FNA) 1)))
       (if (= A "%1")
  (setq FNA (SUBSTR FNA 1 (- (STRLEN FNA) 2)))
       (setq FNA (STRCAT FNA " " ACET:WEBSITE))
       (setq ID (STARTAPP FNA))
  (if (NOT ID)
    (PRINC "\nUnable to start web browser.")
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-8-15 22:17:12 | 显示全部楼层
(defun acet-error-init ( errlist /                    ;;Error Init for ET
(defun acet-error-restore ( /                         ;;Error Restore for ET
(defun acet-sysvar-set ( varlist /                    ;;Save Sysvar List
(defun acet-sysvar-restore ( /                        ;;Restore Sysvar List
(defun acet-spinner ( /                               ;;Show Spinner Sign
(defun acet-table-name-list ( tblORlist /             ;;Get Table Entries
(defun acet-table-purge ( table entry flag /          ;;Purge table entry
(defun acet::store2reg ( varname varval /             ;;Store custom data 2 Registry
(defun acet::loadreg ( varname /                      ;;Load custom from Registry
(defun acet::store2dict ( varname varval /            ;;Store custom data 2 Dict
(defun acet::loaddict ( varname /                     ;;Load custom from Dict
(defun acet-set-CmdEcho ( val                         ;;Setvar CmdEcho
(defun acet-setvar ( varlist /                        ;;Setvar Custom Var
(defun acet-group-make-anon ( enamelist desc /        ;;Create Anonymous Group
(defun acet-ucs-to-object ( ent /                     ;;Setvar UCS to Ent
(defun acet-ucs-set-z ( zvec /                        ;;Setvar UCS to Ent
(defun acet-ucs-get ( from /                          ;;get current/entity ucs
(defun acet-ucs-set ( ucs /
(defun acet-ucs-cmd ( cmdlist /                       ;;execute ucs command
(defun acet-xdata-set ( xkeylist /                    ;;Set XData Values for keys
(defun acet-xdata-get ( xkeylist /                    ;;Get XData Value for key
(defun bns_ss_mod ( ss flag pr /                      ;;Get XData Value for key
(defun acet-layer-locked ( layer /                    ;;Check Layer Locked ?
(defun acet-layer-unlock-all ( /                      ;;Unlock all layers
(defun acet-plines-rebuild ( plist /                  ;;rebuild polylines
(defun acet-pline-segment-list-apply ( na lst /       ;;re-apply pline segment width
(defun acet::apply_width_bulge ( na swlst ewlst blglst /
(defun acet-plines-explode ( ss /                     ;;explode polylines
(defun acet-pline-segment-list ( elist /              ;get pline segment data
(defun acet::plines-get-widthlist ( ename etype elist /
(defun acet::pline-explode ( ename /
(defun acet-ss-ssget-filter ( ss flt /                ;;filter selection set
(defun acet-ss-new ( ename /                          ;;Create new SelectionSet with Ent
(defun acet-ss-clear-prev ( /                         ;;Clear previous SelectionSet
(defun acet-ss-visible ( entset flag /                ;;Make Entities Visible(0)-Invisible(1)
(defun acet-ss-intersection ( ss ssmaster /           ;;SelectionSet Intersection
(defun acet-ss-filter ( filterdata /                  ;;Filter Selection Set
(defun acet-ss-flt-cspace ( /                         ;;Build filter part for current space
(defun acet-ss-remove ( ss ssmaster /                 ;;Remove Ents from SelectionSet
(defun acet-ss-union ( sslist /                       ;;Combine SelectionSets together
(defun acet-ss-redraw ( ss mode /                     ;;Redraw SelectionSet with Mode
(defun acet-list-m-assoc ( key datalist /             ;;Redraw SelectionSet with Mode
(defun acet-ss-entdel ( ss /                          ;;Entdel ss entities
(defun acet-ss-filter-current-ucs ( ss printit /      ;;filter entities on current ucs
(defun acet-ss-annotation-filter ( ss /
(defun bns_annotation_ss ( ss /                       ;;Get Attributes into ss, remove inserts
(defun acet-ss-to-list ( ss /                         ;;Convert selection-set to entities list
(defun acet-list-to-ss ( lst /                        ;;Convert entities list to selection-set
(defun acet-ss-zoom-extents ( ss /                    ;####### Punkte p1/p2 von entry ohne Z-Wert !!!
(defun acet-ss-remove-dups ( ss fuz ignore /          ;;Remove duplicate entities
(defun acet::check-identic-points ( plist1 plist2 fuz /
(defun acet-tjust-keyword ( elist /                   ;;get text justification
(defun acet-tjust ( ss tjust /                        ;;(acet-tjust (ssadd na (ssadd)) "Start") ;; then set it to start
(defun acet-insert-attrib-set ( na attlst flag /  
(defun acet-currentviewport-ename ( /                 ;get current vport entity
(defun acet-viewport-lock-set ( vpename setlocked /   ;set vport locked/unlocked
(defun acet-alert ( msg /
(defun acet-fscreen-toggle ( /
(defun acet-init-fas-lib ( flag1 flag2 /
(defun acet-block-make-anon ( ss blkname /            ;;Create anonymous block from ss
(defun acet-block-purge ( bna /                       ;;Purge Block with given name
(defun getgeomextents ( en /
(defun acet-geom-z-axis ( /
(defun acet-point-flat ( pt from to /                 ;;flat point
(defun acet-geom-midpoint ( p1 p2 /                   ;;Calculate Midpoint for P1,P2
(defun acet-geom-m-trans ( pntlst from to /           ;;Transform Pointlist
(defun acet-geom-list-extents ( pntlst /              ;;Transform Pointlist
(defun acet-geom-zoom-for-select ( pntlist /          ;;Get Zoom Points to Include Points
(defun acet-geom-view-points ( /                      ;;Get Viewport Corner Points
(defun acet-geom-pixel-unit ( /
(defun acet-geom-textbox ( txtdata offset /           ;;Get Textbox for any Text
(defun acet-geom-rect-points ( pa pb /                ;;Get 5 Rectangle Points
(defun acet-geom-self-intersect ( pointlist flag /    ;;Point Check Self-Intersection
(defun acet-geom-object-end-points ( ename /          ;;get object end points
(defun acet-geom-object-point-list ( na alt /         ;;Get Object Points Rasterized    ;; altitude may be NIL !
(defun acet::pl-point-list ( na alt /                 ;;Get Polyline/LwPolyline Points
(defun acet::arc-point-list ( p1 p2 p3 ang alt /      ;;Get Arcus Points
(defun acet::delta-ang ( r a /                        ;;Get Arcus Infos  ;returns the delta angle of an arc with the specified altitude and radius
(defun acet-geom-image-bounds ( na /                  ;;Get Image Bounds
(defun acet-geom-point-rotate ( pnt p1 ang /          ;;Rotate Point ;Rotate 'pnt' from a base point of 'p1' and through an angle of 'ang' (in radians)
(defun acet-geom-vertex-list ( na /                   ;;Get (LW)Polyline Vertexes
(defun acet-geom-delta-vector ( p1 p2 /               ;;Get Difference Vector
(defun acet-geom-vector-scale ( vec scale /           ;;Get Difference Vector
(defun acet-geom-vector-add ( vec add /               ;;Add 2 Vectors
(defun acet-geom-cross-product ( v1 v2 /              ;;Get Vector Cross Product (Normal Vector)
(defun acet-geom-unit-vector ( p1 p2 /                ;;Get Vector Normalized
(defun acet-geom-angle-trans ( ang from to /          ;;Transform Angle between Coordsys
(defun acet-geom-pline-arc-info ( p1 p2 bulge /       ;;Get Arcus Infos
(defun acet-geom-point-inside ( pt ptlist dist /      ;;Check Point inside Band along Ptlist
(defun acet-geom-vector-side ( pt pa pb /             ;;Get Side of Point rel. to Vector
(defun acet-geom-intersectwith ( ent1 ent2 flag /     ;;Get Intersection Points
(defun acet::measure-points ( object dist /           ;;Get Object points by Measure
(defun acet-geom-object-normal-vector ( ename /       ;;Get Entity's Z normal vector
(defun acet-geom-point-scale ( targetpnt frompnt scale /
(defun acet-geom-vector-parallel ( v1 v2 /            ;;Check for parallel vectors
(defun acet-geom-arc-center ( pa pb pc /              ;;Get Arc center from 3 points
(defun acet-geom-object-z-axis ( ename /              ;;Get Entity Z-Axis
(defun acet-geom-vector-d-angle ( v1 v2 /             ;;Get angle between 2 vectors
(defun acet::acos ( inval /
(defun acet-geom-object-fuz ( na /                    ;;Get object fuzz
(defun acet-ui-entsel ( sellst /                      ;;Entity Selection
(defun acet-ui-single-select ( filter flag /          ;;Single Entity Select
(defun acet-ui-fence-select ( /                       ;;Fence Selectino points
(defun acet-ui-polygon-select ( mode /                ;;Window/Crossing Polygon
(defun bns_truncate_2_view ( a b x y x2 y2 /          ;;Truncate point list
(defun bns_groups_unsel ( /                           ;;Set All Groups to Unselect
(defun bns_groups_sel ( grpenames /                   ;;Set Groups back to Select
(defun acet-blink-and-show-object ( lst /             ;;Draw a temporary polyline & let it blink
(defun bns_blink_and_show_object ( na color /         ;;Draw a temporary polyline & let it blink
(defun bns_blktbl_match ( flt /                       ;;Search all entities inside block table
(defun bns_blk_match ( blkname flt lst flag /         ;;Search all entities inside specified blocks
(defun bns_tbl_match ( tblname flt /                  ;;Search all entities inside specified blocks
(defun bns_filter_match ( e1 flt /
(defun bns_-4_match ( a e1 flt /
(defun bns_or_match ( e1 flt /
(defun bns_and_match ( e1 flt /
(defun bns_not_match ( e1 flt / lst a flag )
(defun bns_gc_match ( e1 dp opr / dp2 a b c d flag )
(defun acet-dcl-list-make ( dcltile vallist /         ;;Display List Values
(defun acet-list-put-nth ( newval datalist atidx /
(defun acet-list-remove-nth ( atidx datalist /        ;;Remove Entry at Index
(defun acet-list-assoc-remove ( key datalist /        ;;Remove all Entries by Key
(defun acet-list-remove-adjacent-dups ( datalist /    ;;Remove Duplicates from List
(defun acet-list-remove-duplicate-points ( lst fuz /  ;;Remove duplicate points from List
(defun acet-list-group-by-assoc ( lst /               ;; group data by assoc key
(defun acet-elist-add-defaults ( elist /              ;;add defaults to elist
(defun acet-str-lr-trim ( s str /                     ;;Trim Left / Right Characters
(defun acet-str-space-trim ( str /                    ;;Trim Left / Right Spaces
(defun acet-str-esc-wildcards ( str /                 ;;place escape for wildcard strings
(defun acet-str-to-list ( deli line /                 ;;Split String into List
(defun acet-str-m-find ( find str /                   ;;Find multiple Substrings
(defun acet-str-equal ( str1 str2 /                   ;;Compare Strings Insensitive
(defun acet-bs-strip ( str /                          ;;Remove backslash controls
(defun acet-filename-ext-remove ( file /              ;;Remove Extension from File
(defun acet-filename-path-remove ( file /             ;;Get Filename Without Path
(defun acet-filename-extension ( file /               ;;Get Extension from Filename
(defun acet-filename-directory ( file /               ;;Get Directory from Filename
(defun acet-filename-valid ( file /                   ;;Check for Proper Filename
(defun acet-filename-supportpath-remove ( file /      ;;Remove Path, if file is inside Supportpathes
(defun acet-file-find ( file /                        ;;Extended FindFile
(defun acet-file-find-font ( fontfile /               ;;Extended FindFile (Fonts)
(defun acet-file-find-image ( imgfile /               ;;Extended FindFile (Fonts)
(defun acet-file-backup ( file /                      ;;Create Backup file
(defun acet-file-backup-delete ( /                    ;;Delete All Backup files
(defun acet-filename-associated-app ( filename /      ;;Get Application for file
(defun get-defparts ( cmd / cmdname cmdpar idx slen )
(defun acet-arxload-or-bust ( filename /
(defun acet-autoload ( loadlist /                     ;;Test & Load function & file
(defun acet-autoload2 ( loadlist /
(defun acet-autoloadarx ( loadlist /
(defun acet-viewport-next-pickable ( /                ;;Get Next Pickable VP
(defun acet-viewport-frozen-layer-list ( ename /      ;;Get Next Pickable VP
(defun acet-calc-bitlist ( n /                        ;;Calculate Bit Values
(defun acet-calc-round ( rval rround /                ;;Round Value
(defun acet-calc-tan ( a /                            ;; Calculate Tangens
(defun acet-lwpline-make ( lst /                      ;;Create LW Polyline
(defun acet-temp-segment ( p1 p2 p3 mode /            ;;Draw tempory Segment
(defun acet-wmfin ( wmffile /                         ;;WMF IN
(defun acet-dxf ( key keylist /                       ;;Get dxf value from assoc list
(defun acet-angle-format ( ang /                      ;;format angle 0...2*PI
(defun acet-angle-equal ( a b fuz /                   ;;Compare Angles with Tolerance
(defun acet-dtor ( a /                                ;;Compare Degree <> Radians
(defun acet-rtod ( a /                                
(defun acet-dict-ename ( dictname dictentry /         ;;Get Dictionary entry
(defun acet-dict-name-list ( dictname /               ;;Get Dictionary entries
(defun acet-explode ( na /                            ;;Explode SS and return exploded entities
(defun acet-list-assoc-put ( new lst /                ;;Add / Update entry to list
(defun acet-list-assoc-append ( new lst /             ;;Append entry to list
(defun acet-pline-is-2d ( elist /                     ;;Check (LW)Polyline for 2D
(defun acet-ui-getcorner ( p1 /                       ;;Get other corner with selection rubberband
(defun acet-undo-begin ( /                            ;;undo begin
(defun acet-undo-end ( /                              ;;undo end
(defun acet-cmd-exit ( /                              ;;undo command exit
(defun acet-safe-command ( bStart bAutoEnd cmdList /  ;;execute commands in safe mode
(defun acet-pref-supportpath-list ( /                 ;;Get Support Pathes as list
(defun acet-list-isort ( plst index /                 ;;Indexed Sort
(defun acet-acad-refresh ( /
(defun acet-geom-ss-extents ( ss shrink /             ;;Get extents of selection set
(defun acet-file-find-on-path ( fna path /            ;;Find file on OS env "PATH"
(defun acet-list-is-dotted-pair ( a /                 ;;check for dotted pair
(defun acet-file-open ( fna flag /                    ;;file open
(defun acet-list-remove-duplicates ( lst fuz /        ;;remove duplicates from list
(defun acet-list-split ( lst item /                   ;;Split List at entry
(defun acet-appid-delete ( appid /                    ;;Remove APPID
(defun acet-ui-progress-init ( title maxstep /        ;;init progress bar
(defun acet-ui-progress-safe ( pos /                  ;;set progress pos
(defun acet-ui-progress-done ( /                      ;;done progress
(defun acet-ui-get-long-name ( msg /                  ;;get long keyboard input
(defun acet::getltexmsg ( msgkey defmsg /
(defun acet::expandfn ( fname fcheck /                ;;Expand & Find Filename
(defun acet::filetype ( filename /                    ;;Get File Type Only
(defun acet::pos-filetype ( filename /                ;;Get Position of Extension
(defun acet::nameonly ( filename /                    ;;Get File Without Path
(defun acet::pathonly ( filename /                    ;;Get Directory only
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-8-15 22:46:01 | 显示全部楼层
(defun acet-error-init ( errlist /                    ;;Error Init for ET
(defun acet-error-restore ( /                         ;;Error Restore for ET
(defun acet-sysvar-set ( varlist /                    ;;Save Sysvar List
(defun acet-sysvar-restore ( /                        ;;Restore Sysvar List
(defun acet-spinner ( /                               ;;Show Spinner Sign
(defun acet-table-name-list ( tblORlist /             ;;Get Table Entries
(defun acet-table-purge ( table entry flag /          ;;Purge table entry
(defun acet::store2reg ( varname varval /             ;;Store custom data 2 Registry
(defun acet::loadreg ( varname /                      ;;Load custom from Registry
(defun acet::store2dict ( varname varval /            ;;Store custom data 2 Dict
(defun acet::loaddict ( varname /                     ;;Load custom from Dict
(defun acet-set-CmdEcho ( val                         ;;Setvar CmdEcho
(defun acet-setvar ( varlist /                        ;;Setvar Custom Var
(defun acet-group-make-anon ( enamelist desc /        ;;Create Anonymous Group
(defun acet-ucs-to-object ( ent /                     ;;Setvar UCS to Ent
(defun acet-ucs-set-z ( zvec /                        ;;Setvar UCS to Ent
(defun acet-ucs-get ( from /                          ;;get current/entity ucs
(defun acet-ucs-set ( ucs /
(defun acet-ucs-cmd ( cmdlist /                       ;;execute ucs command
(defun acet-xdata-set ( xkeylist /                    ;;Set XData Values for keys
(defun acet-xdata-get ( xkeylist /                    ;;Get XData Value for key
(defun bns_ss_mod ( ss flag pr /                      ;;Get XData Value for key
(defun acet-layer-locked ( layer /                    ;;Check Layer Locked ?
(defun acet-layer-unlock-all ( /                      ;;Unlock all layers
(defun acet-plines-rebuild ( plist /                  ;;rebuild polylines
(defun acet-pline-segment-list-apply ( na lst /       ;;re-apply pline segment width
(defun acet::apply_width_bulge ( na swlst ewlst blglst /
(defun acet-plines-explode ( ss /                     ;;explode polylines
(defun acet-pline-segment-list ( elist /              ;get pline segment data
(defun acet::plines-get-widthlist ( ename etype elist /
(defun acet::pline-explode ( ename /
(defun acet-ss-ssget-filter ( ss flt /                ;;filter selection set
(defun acet-ss-new ( ename /                          ;;Create new SelectionSet with Ent
(defun acet-ss-clear-prev ( /                         ;;Clear previous SelectionSet
(defun acet-ss-visible ( entset flag /                ;;Make Entities Visible(0)-Invisible(1)
(defun acet-ss-intersection ( ss ssmaster /           ;;SelectionSet Intersection
(defun acet-ss-filter ( filterdata /                  ;;Filter Selection Set
(defun acet-ss-flt-cspace ( /                         ;;Build filter part for current space
(defun acet-ss-remove ( ss ssmaster /                 ;;Remove Ents from SelectionSet
(defun acet-ss-union ( sslist /                       ;;Combine SelectionSets together
(defun acet-ss-redraw ( ss mode /                     ;;Redraw SelectionSet with Mode
(defun acet-list-m-assoc ( key datalist /             ;;Redraw SelectionSet with Mode
(defun acet-ss-entdel ( ss /                          ;;Entdel ss entities
(defun acet-ss-filter-current-ucs ( ss printit /      ;;filter entities on current ucs
(defun acet-ss-annotation-filter ( ss /
(defun bns_annotation_ss ( ss /                       ;;Get Attributes into ss, remove inserts
(defun acet-ss-to-list ( ss /                         ;;Convert selection-set to entities list
(defun acet-list-to-ss ( lst /                        ;;Convert entities list to selection-set
(defun acet-ss-zoom-extents ( ss /                    ;####### Punkte p1/p2 von entry ohne Z-Wert !!!
(defun acet-ss-remove-dups ( ss fuz ignore /          ;;Remove duplicate entities
(defun acet::check-identic-points ( plist1 plist2 fuz /
(defun acet-tjust-keyword ( elist /                   ;;get text justification
(defun acet-tjust ( ss tjust /                        ;;(acet-tjust (ssadd na (ssadd)) "Start") ;; then set it to start
(defun acet-insert-attrib-set ( na attlst flag /  
(defun acet-currentviewport-ename ( /                 ;get current vport entity
(defun acet-viewport-lock-set ( vpename setlocked /   ;set vport locked/unlocked
(defun acet-alert ( msg /
(defun acet-fscreen-toggle ( /
(defun acet-init-fas-lib ( flag1 flag2 /
(defun acet-block-make-anon ( ss blkname /            ;;Create anonymous block from ss
(defun acet-block-purge ( bna /                       ;;Purge Block with given name
(defun getgeomextents ( en /
(defun acet-geom-z-axis ( /
(defun acet-point-flat ( pt from to /                 ;;flat point
(defun acet-geom-midpoint ( p1 p2 /                   ;;Calculate Midpoint for P1,P2
(defun acet-geom-m-trans ( pntlst from to /           ;;Transform Pointlist
(defun acet-geom-list-extents ( pntlst /              ;;Transform Pointlist
(defun acet-geom-zoom-for-select ( pntlist /          ;;Get Zoom Points to Include Points
(defun acet-geom-view-points ( /                      ;;Get Viewport Corner Points
(defun acet-geom-pixel-unit ( /
(defun acet-geom-textbox ( txtdata offset /           ;;Get Textbox for any Text
(defun acet-geom-rect-points ( pa pb /                ;;Get 5 Rectangle Points
(defun acet-geom-self-intersect ( pointlist flag /    ;;Point Check Self-Intersection
(defun acet-geom-object-end-points ( ename /          ;;get object end points
(defun acet-geom-object-point-list ( na alt /         ;;Get Object Points Rasterized    ;; altitude may be NIL !
(defun acet::pl-point-list ( na alt /                 ;;Get Polyline/LwPolyline Points
(defun acet::arc-point-list ( p1 p2 p3 ang alt /      ;;Get Arcus Points
(defun acet::delta-ang ( r a /                        ;;Get Arcus Infos  ;returns the delta angle of an arc with the specified altitude and radius
(defun acet-geom-image-bounds ( na /                  ;;Get Image Bounds
(defun acet-geom-point-rotate ( pnt p1 ang /          ;;Rotate Point ;Rotate 'pnt' from a base point of 'p1' and through an angle of 'ang' (in radians)
(defun acet-geom-vertex-list ( na /                   ;;Get (LW)Polyline Vertexes
(defun acet-geom-delta-vector ( p1 p2 /               ;;Get Difference Vector
(defun acet-geom-vector-scale ( vec scale /           ;;Get Difference Vector
(defun acet-geom-vector-add ( vec add /               ;;Add 2 Vectors
(defun acet-geom-cross-product ( v1 v2 /              ;;Get Vector Cross Product (Normal Vector)
(defun acet-geom-unit-vector ( p1 p2 /                ;;Get Vector Normalized
(defun acet-geom-angle-trans ( ang from to /          ;;Transform Angle between Coordsys
(defun acet-geom-pline-arc-info ( p1 p2 bulge /       ;;Get Arcus Infos
(defun acet-geom-point-inside ( pt ptlist dist /      ;;Check Point inside Band along Ptlist
(defun acet-geom-vector-side ( pt pa pb /             ;;Get Side of Point rel. to Vector
(defun acet-geom-intersectwith ( ent1 ent2 flag /     ;;Get Intersection Points
(defun acet::measure-points ( object dist /           ;;Get Object points by Measure
(defun acet-geom-object-normal-vector ( ename /       ;;Get Entity's Z normal vector
(defun acet-geom-point-scale ( targetpnt frompnt scale /
(defun acet-geom-vector-parallel ( v1 v2 /            ;;Check for parallel vectors
(defun acet-geom-arc-center ( pa pb pc /              ;;Get Arc center from 3 points
(defun acet-geom-object-z-axis ( ename /              ;;Get Entity Z-Axis
(defun acet-geom-vector-d-angle ( v1 v2 /             ;;Get angle between 2 vectors
(defun acet::acos ( inval /
(defun acet-geom-object-fuz ( na /                    ;;Get object fuzz
(defun acet-ui-entsel ( sellst /                      ;;Entity Selection
(defun acet-ui-single-select ( filter flag /          ;;Single Entity Select
(defun acet-ui-fence-select ( /                       ;;Fence Selectino points
(defun acet-ui-polygon-select ( mode /                ;;Window/Crossing Polygon
(defun bns_truncate_2_view ( a b x y x2 y2 /          ;;Truncate point list
(defun bns_groups_unsel ( /                           ;;Set All Groups to Unselect
(defun bns_groups_sel ( grpenames /                   ;;Set Groups back to Select
(defun acet-blink-and-show-object ( lst /             ;;Draw a temporary polyline & let it blink
(defun bns_blink_and_show_object ( na color /         ;;Draw a temporary polyline & let it blink
(defun bns_blktbl_match ( flt /                       ;;Search all entities inside block table
(defun bns_blk_match ( blkname flt lst flag /         ;;Search all entities inside specified blocks
(defun bns_tbl_match ( tblname flt /                  ;;Search all entities inside specified blocks
(defun bns_filter_match ( e1 flt /
(defun bns_-4_match ( a e1 flt /
(defun bns_or_match ( e1 flt /
(defun bns_and_match ( e1 flt /
(defun bns_not_match ( e1 flt / lst a flag )
(defun bns_gc_match ( e1 dp opr / dp2 a b c d flag )
(defun acet-dcl-list-make ( dcltile vallist /         ;;Display List Values
(defun acet-list-put-nth ( newval datalist atidx /
(defun acet-list-remove-nth ( atidx datalist /        ;;Remove Entry at Index
(defun acet-list-assoc-remove ( key datalist /        ;;Remove all Entries by Key
(defun acet-list-remove-adjacent-dups ( datalist /    ;;Remove Duplicates from List
(defun acet-list-remove-duplicate-points ( lst fuz /  ;;Remove duplicate points from List
(defun acet-list-group-by-assoc ( lst /               ;; group data by assoc key
(defun acet-elist-add-defaults ( elist /              ;;add defaults to elist
(defun acet-str-lr-trim ( s str /                     ;;Trim Left / Right Characters
(defun acet-str-space-trim ( str /                    ;;Trim Left / Right Spaces
(defun acet-str-esc-wildcards ( str /                 ;;place escape for wildcard strings
(defun acet-str-to-list ( deli line /                 ;;Split String into List
(defun acet-str-m-find ( find str /                   ;;Find multiple Substrings
(defun acet-str-equal ( str1 str2 /                   ;;Compare Strings Insensitive
(defun acet-bs-strip ( str /                          ;;Remove backslash controls
(defun acet-filename-ext-remove ( file /              ;;Remove Extension from File
(defun acet-filename-path-remove ( file /             ;;Get Filename Without Path
(defun acet-filename-extension ( file /               ;;Get Extension from Filename
(defun acet-filename-directory ( file /               ;;Get Directory from Filename
(defun acet-filename-valid ( file /                   ;;Check for Proper Filename
(defun acet-filename-supportpath-remove ( file /      ;;Remove Path, if file is inside Supportpathes
(defun acet-file-find ( file /                        ;;Extended FindFile
(defun acet-file-find-font ( fontfile /               ;;Extended FindFile (Fonts)
(defun acet-file-find-image ( imgfile /               ;;Extended FindFile (Fonts)
(defun acet-file-backup ( file /                      ;;Create Backup file
(defun acet-file-backup-delete ( /                    ;;Delete All Backup files
(defun acet-filename-associated-app ( filename /      ;;Get Application for file
(defun get-defparts ( cmd / cmdname cmdpar idx slen )
(defun acet-arxload-or-bust ( filename /
(defun acet-autoload ( loadlist /                     ;;Test & Load function & file
(defun acet-autoload2 ( loadlist /
(defun acet-autoloadarx ( loadlist /
(defun acet-viewport-next-pickable ( /                ;;Get Next Pickable VP
(defun acet-viewport-frozen-layer-list ( ename /      ;;Get Next Pickable VP
(defun acet-calc-bitlist ( n /                        ;;Calculate Bit Values
(defun acet-calc-round ( rval rround /                ;;Round Value
(defun acet-calc-tan ( a /                            ;; Calculate Tangens
(defun acet-lwpline-make ( lst /                      ;;Create LW Polyline
(defun acet-temp-segment ( p1 p2 p3 mode /            ;;Draw tempory Segment
(defun acet-wmfin ( wmffile /                         ;;WMF IN
(defun acet-dxf ( key keylist /                       ;;Get dxf value from assoc list
(defun acet-angle-format ( ang /                      ;;format angle 0...2*PI
(defun acet-angle-equal ( a b fuz /                   ;;Compare Angles with Tolerance
(defun acet-dtor ( a /                                ;;Compare Degree <> Radians
(defun acet-rtod ( a /                                
(defun acet-dict-ename ( dictname dictentry /         ;;Get Dictionary entry
(defun acet-dict-name-list ( dictname /               ;;Get Dictionary entries
(defun acet-explode ( na /                            ;;Explode SS and return exploded entities
(defun acet-list-assoc-put ( new lst /                ;;Add / Update entry to list
(defun acet-list-assoc-append ( new lst /             ;;Append entry to list
(defun acet-pline-is-2d ( elist /                     ;;Check (LW)Polyline for 2D
(defun acet-ui-getcorner ( p1 /                       ;;Get other corner with selection rubberband
(defun acet-undo-begin ( /                            ;;undo begin
(defun acet-undo-end ( /                              ;;undo end
(defun acet-cmd-exit ( /                              ;;undo command exit
(defun acet-safe-command ( bStart bAutoEnd cmdList /  ;;execute commands in safe mode
(defun acet-pref-supportpath-list ( /                 ;;Get Support Pathes as list
(defun acet-list-isort ( plst index /                 ;;Indexed Sort
(defun acet-acad-refresh ( /
(defun acet-geom-ss-extents ( ss shrink /             ;;Get extents of selection set
(defun acet-file-find-on-path ( fna path /            ;;Find file on OS env "PATH"
(defun acet-list-is-dotted-pair ( a /                 ;;check for dotted pair
(defun acet-file-open ( fna flag /                    ;;file open
(defun acet-list-remove-duplicates ( lst fuz /        ;;remove duplicates from list
(defun acet-list-split ( lst item /                   ;;Split List at entry
(defun acet-appid-delete ( appid /                    ;;Remove APPID
(defun acet-ui-progress-init ( title maxstep /        ;;init progress bar
(defun acet-ui-progress-safe ( pos /                  ;;set progress pos
(defun acet-ui-progress-done ( /                      ;;done progress
(defun acet-ui-get-long-name ( msg /                  ;;get long keyboard input
(defun acet::getltexmsg ( msgkey defmsg /
(defun acet::expandfn ( fname fcheck /                ;;Expand & Find Filename
(defun acet::filetype ( filename /                    ;;Get File Type Only
(defun acet::pos-filetype ( filename /                ;;Get Position of Extension
(defun acet::nameonly ( filename /                    ;;Get File Without Path
(defun acet::pathonly ( filename /                    ;;Get Directory only

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发表于 2014-8-15 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Free-Lancer 于 2014-8-15 23:24 编辑

  1. (defun swamp-ss-to-list        (ss)
  2.   ;; ?? Lee Mac 2010
  3.   ;; (swamp-ss-to-list <SelectionSet>)
  4.   ;; Purpose: Returns list of entity names contained in a SelectionSet
  5.   ;; Arguments:
  6.   ;; ss: SelectionSet
  7.   ;; Returns:
  8.   ;; List of Entity Names
  9.   (
  10.    (lambda (i / e l)
  11.      (reverse
  12.        (while (setq e (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i))))
  13.          (setq l (cons e l))
  14.        )
  15.      )
  16.    )
  17.     -1
  18.   )
  19. )
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