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本帖最后由 st788796 于 2014-11-13 15:39 编辑
问题1 : 将 自定义的 TableStyle 如何设置为当前,除了 tablestyle 命令有没有 a/vlisp 方法
问题2:这个页边距是控制每个 Cell 内部文字与 GridLine 距离的,翻遍了手册也没有找到方法设置,对 Table 而言,ARX 提供的方法不比 ActiveX 多,ARX有的 ActiveX 都有
下面代码是创建一个 新 TableStyle 样式,但无法解决上面两个问题,请高手们支支招!
- ;|
- gridLineType AcGridLineType enum; the type of the grid line
- acHorzBottom Top or bottom horizontal grid line, based on the flow direction.
- acHorzInside All horizontal grid lines, excluding the top and bottom lines.
- acHorzTop Top or bottom horizontal grid line, based on the flow direction.
- acInvalidGridLine An invalid grid line.
- acVertInside All the vertical grid lines, excluding the farthest left and farthest right grid lines.
- acVertLeft Farthest left grid line.
- acVertRight Farthest right grid line.
- rowType AcRowType enum; the row type
- acDataRow
- acHeaderRow
- acTitleRow
- acUnknownRow
- |;
- (defun XD::Table:createTableStyle (name textHeight /
- dicts tableStyle nTableStyle
- )
- (setq dicts (vla-get-Dictionaries **XD::DOC**)
- tableStyle (vla-item dicts "acad_tablestyle")
- nTableStyle (vla-addobject tableStyle name "AcDbTableStyle")
- )
- (vla-setalignment nTableStyle acDataRow acMiddleCenter)
- (vla-setalignment nTableStyle acHeaderRow acMiddleCenter)
- (vla-setalignment nTableStyle acTitleRow acMiddleCenter)
- (vla-settextheight nTableStyle acDataRow textHeight)
- (vla-settextheight nTableStyle acHeaderRow textHeight)
- (vla-settextheight nTableStyle acTitleRow textHeight)
- (vla-setGridVisibility
- nTableStyle
- acHorzTop
- acTitleRow
- :vlax-false
- )
- (vla-setGridVisibility
- nTableStyle
- acVertLeft
- acTitleRow
- :vlax-false
- )
- (vla-setGridVisibility
- nTableStyle
- acVertRight
- acTitleRow
- :vlax-false
- )
- )