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[每日一码] 创建图纸空间Viewports


已领礼包: 13个

财富等级: 恭喜发财

发表于 2016-8-14 10:00:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Create ** Space Viewports

How can I create a new viewport in ** space and activate it? I want to let
the user specify a rectangle (like the MVIEW command) and an existing view name.
With this data I want to create a new viewport.
To create a new viewport in ** space, perform the following steps:

1. Create a new object of type AcDbViewport.
2. Set the view coordinates (with setWidth(), setHeight() and setCenterPoint()).
3. Append the new viewport to the ** space.
4. Get the view the user specified (AcDbViewTableRecord).
5. Set this view on the new viewport with acdbSetCurrentView().
6. Activate the viewport with AcDbViewport::setOn().

NOTE: The AcDbViewport::setOn() function only works if your command has been
registered without the ACRX_CMD_TRANSPARENT flag. If this flag is set,
AcDbViewport::setOn() returns with eCommandWasInProgress and you cannot activate
the viewport until you set tilemode to 1 and back to 0.

The following code demonstrates how to do this:

  1. void fCreateViewPort()
  2. {
  3.   // Only works in **space
  4.   AcDbObjectId mCurViewportId = acedGetCurViewportObjectId();

  5.   if (mCurViewportId == AcDbObjectId::kNull)
  6.   {
  7.     acutPrintf("\nCommand only works in **space.");
  8.     return;
  9.   }

  10.   AcDbViewport *pCurViewport;
  11.   if (Acad::eOk != acdbOpenObject(pCurViewport,mCurViewportId,AcDb::kForRead))
  12.   {
  13.     acutPrintf("\nCannot get active viewport.");
  14.     return;
  15.   }

  16.   if (pCurViewport->number() != 1)
  17.   {
  18.     acutPrintf("\nCommand only works in **space.");
  19.     pCurViewport->close();
  20.     return;
  21.   }
  22.   pCurViewport->close();

  23.   // Ask for the position
  24.   ads_point pt1,pt2;

  25.   if (RTNORM != acedGetPoint(NULL, "\nSelect first corner: ", pt1))
  26.     return;

  27.   if (RTNORM != acedGetCorner(pt1, "\nSelect second corner: ", pt2))
  28.     return;

  29.   // Ask for the view to use
  30.   char mViewName[133];

  31.   if (RTNORM != acedGetString(0, "\nEnter name of view to use: ", mViewName))
  32.     return;

  33.   // Create new viewport

  34.   AcDbViewport *pViewport = new AcDbViewport;

  35.   pViewport->setWidth(fabs(pt2[X] - pt1[X]));
  36.   pViewport->setHeight(fabs(pt2[Y] - pt1[Y]));
  37.   pViewport->setCenterPoint(AcGePoint3d(pt1[X] + (pt2[X] - pt1[X]) / 2,
  38.       pt1[Y] + (pt2[Y] - pt1[Y]) / 2,
  39.       pt1[Z]));

  40.   // Append new viewport to ** space
  41.   AcDbBlockTable *pTable;
  42.   AcDbBlockTableRecord *pPsBTR;

  43.   if (Acad::eOk != acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase()->getBlockTable(pTable, AcDb::kForRead))
  44.   {
  45.     acutPrintf("\nCannot get block table.");
  46.     delete pViewport;
  47.     return;
  48.   }

  49.   if (Acad::eOk != pTable->getAt(ACDB_**_SPACE, pPsBTR, AcDb::kForWrite))
  50.   {
  51.     acutPrintf("\nCannot access ** space.");
  52.     pTable->close();
  53.     delete pViewport;
  54.     return;
  55.   }
  56.   pTable->close();

  57.   AcDbObjectId mViewPortId;
  58.   if (Acad::eOk != pPsBTR->appendAcDbEntity(mViewPortId, pViewport))
  59.   {
  60.     acutPrintf("\nCannot append viewport to ** space.");
  61.     pPsBTR->close();
  62.     delete pViewport;
  63.     return;
  64.   }

  65.   pPsBTR->close();

  66.   pViewport->setOn();

  67.   // Set the view
  68.   AcDbViewTable *pViewTable;
  69.   AcDbViewTableRecord *pViewTR;

  70.   if (Acad::eOk != acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase()->getViewTable(pViewTable, AcDb::kForRead))
  71.   {
  72.     acutPrintf("\nCannot get view table.");
  73.     pViewport->close();
  74.     return;
  75.   }

  76.   if (Acad::eOk != pViewTable->getAt(mViewName, pViewTR, AcDb::kForRead))
  77.   {
  78.     acutPrintf("\nCannot access view '%s'.", mViewName);
  79.     pViewport->close();
  80.     pViewTable->close();
  81.     return;
  82.   }
  83.   pViewTable->close();

  84.   if (acedSetCurrentView(pViewTR, pViewport)!=Acad::eOk)
  85.    acutPrintf("\nFailed to set view");

  86.   // Close the objects
  87.   pViewTR->close();
  88.   pViewport->close();
  89. }

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