您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有账号?立即注册
;;; 判断是否加载本文件
(if (car (atoms-family 1 '("vl-load-com")))
"这个程序集是为AutoCAD 2000以及更高的版本设计的,许多程序有可能在没有Visual Lisp for R14支持的AutoCAD R14上不能正确地运行。"
(exit) ; 版本不符,退出加载。
(defun InitCywApplication (/
;; 内部函数
GetCywPath strParse
StrUnParse Cyw_AddSupportPath
Load_CywMenu Cyw_placemenu
;; 局部变量
;;; 取得本程序的路径
;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun GetMyApplicationPath (AppID)
"Inno Setup: App Path"
(defun GetCywPath ()
(GetMyApplicationPath "cyw for AutoCAD")
;;; 解析字符串为表(函数来自明经通道转载)
;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun strParse (Str Delimiter / SearchStr StringLen return n char)
(setq SearchStr Str)
(setq StringLen (strlen SearchStr))
(setq return '())
(while (> StringLen 0)
(setq n 1)
(setq char (substr SearchStr 1 1))
(while (and (/= char Delimiter) (/= char ""))
(setq n (1+ n))
(setq char (substr SearchStr n 1))
) ;_ end of while
(setq return (cons (substr SearchStr 1 (1- n)) return))
(setq SearchStr (substr SearchStr (1+ n) StringLen))
(setq StringLen (strlen SearchStr))
) ;_ end of while
(reverse return)
) ;_ end of defun
;;; 反解析表为字符串(函数来自明经通道转载)
;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun StrUnParse (Lst Delimiter / return)
(setq return "")
(foreach str Lst
(setq return (strcat return Delimiter str))
) ;_ end of foreach
(substr return 2)
) ;_ end of defun
;;; 添加支持文件搜索路径
;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; note: 第二个参数如果为真, 插最前,否则插最后
(defun Cyw_AddSupportPath (PathToAdd isFirst / supportlist)
(if (not
(strcase (strcat pathToAdd ";"))
(strcase (strcat (getenv "ACAD") ";"))
) ; 保证不重复添加
(setq supportlist (strparse (getenv "ACAD") ";"))
(setq supportlist
) ; 移除不存在的文件夹
(if isFirst
(setq supportlist (cons PathToAdd supportlist))
(setq supportlist (append supportlist (list PathToAdd)))
(setenv "ACAD" (strUnParse supportlist ";"))
(defun Load_CywMenu (/ acadver)
(setq acadver (atof (getvar "acadver")))
((and (>= acadver 15.0) (< acadver 16.0))
(command "_menuload" "Cyw.mns")
((and (>= acadver 16.0) (<= acadver 16.1))
(command "_menuload" "Cyw2004.mns")
((>= acadver 16.2) (command "_menuload" "Cyw2006.mns"))
;; The following code "placemenu" from LUCAS(龙龙仔)
(defun Cyw_placemenu (/ n)
(if (menugroup "Cyw")
(setq n 1)
(while (< n 24)
(if (menucmd (strcat "P" (itoa n) ".1=?"))
(setq n (+ n 1))
(if (> n 3)
(setq n (- n 2))
(setq n 3)
) ;if
(menucmd (strcat "p" (itoa n) "=+Cyw.pop1"))
(setq n 25)
) ;progn
) ;if
) ;while
) ;progn
) ;if
;;; -----------------------------------------------------
;;; 主程序:
;;; -----------------------------------------------------
(setq Cyw_cmdecho_save (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
;; 加载下拉菜单
(Cyw_AddSupportPath (GetCywPath) nil)
;; 如果菜单组还没有被加载,则加载之
(if (not (menugroup "Cyw"))
;; 插到合适的位置
(setvar "cmdecho" Cyw_cmdecho_save)
(setq Cyw_cmdecho_save nil)
) ;_end of defun initCywApplication
;; 加载主程序
(if (findfile "mm.lsp")
(load "mm.lsp")
(if (findfile "LSP_shzgb.LSP")
(load "LSP_shzgb.LSP")
(if (findfile "initial.lsp")
(load "initial.lsp")
(if (findfile "int_str.lsp")
(load "int_str.lsp")
(if (findfile "ahobj.lsp")
(load "ahobj.lsp")
(if (findfile "FASTZOOM.LSP")
(if (findfile "puu.lsp")
(load "puu.lsp")
(if (findfile "chgt.lsp")
(load "chgt.lsp")
(if (findfile "ddchprop")
(load "ddchprop")
(if (findfile "wbbj.VLX")
(load "wbbj.VLX")
(if (findfile "y.VLX")
(load "y.VLX")
(if (findfile "ddmodify.VLX")
(load "ddmodify.VLX")
(if (findfile "BatchPlot.lsp")
(load "BatchPlot.lsp")
(if (findfile "FASTZOOM.LSP")
(if (findfile "pjgb.arx")
(arxLOAD "pjgb.arx")
(if (findfile "chtext.LSP")
(LOAD "chtext.LSP")
(if (findfile "ff.LSP")
(LOAD "ff.LSP")
(if (findfile "ali1.LSP")
(LOAD "ali1.LSP")
(if (findfile "chtext.LSP")
(LOAD "chtext.LSP")
(if (findfile "qzfl.lsp")
(LOAD "qzfl.lsp")
(if (findfile "jss.vlx")
(LOAD "jss.vlx")
(if (findfile "wbdq.vlx")
(LOAD "wbdq.vlx")
(if (findfile "zhuang.lsp")
(LOAD "zhuang.lsp")
(if (findfile "gbj.vlx")
(LOAD "gbj.vlx")
(if (findfile "miban.vlx")
(LOAD "miban.vlx")