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[每日一码] 如何修改图形中XREF路径(包括嵌套)?


已领礼包: 13个

财富等级: 恭喜发财

发表于 2017-3-8 09:27:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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How to change the path of Xref (including the nested ones) in a drawing?



The following code snippet shows how to change the path of all the Xrefs in a given drawing, to point to a new location. The code sample runs recursively to change the paths of the Xref even in the nested Xrefs. This code is useful in situations where the Xrefed drawings are being migrated from one folder/server to another folder/server.

  1. // TODO: Here you can add your own includes / declarations
  2. #include "acedxref.h"
  3. void fTest();
  4. void fXrefRePath(const char* pDwgPath,const char* pNewLocation,long mnDepth = 1);

  5. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  6. //Description: fGetXYPlane
  7. //1)Call this from ARX defined command
  8. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9. void fTest()
  10. {
  11. acutPrintf(_T("\nTrying to change the paths of XREFs..."));
  12. fXrefRePath(_T("c:\\test.dwg"),_T("c:\\newlocation\\")); //feel free to change the path as required
  13. }

  14. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  15. //Description: fGetXYPlane
  16. //Parameters:
  17. //a)pDwgPath: Drawing name to repath the XREFs
  18. //b)pNewLocation: The new folder where the XREF are available
  19. //c)nDepth: Do not use. It specifies the nest level. It is optional and is used while running recursively
  20. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  21. void fXrefRePath(const TCHAR* pDwgPath,const TCHAR* pNewLocation,long nDepth)
  22. {
  23. //preparing the prefix
  24. TCHAR mPrefix[255];

  25. if (1 < nDepth)
  26. {
  27.   mPrefix[nDepth] = _T('\0');
  28. }
  29. else
  30. {
  31.   mPrefix[0] = _T('\0');
  32. }

  33. AcDbBlockTable *pBT;
  34. AcDbBlockTableRecord *pBTR;
  35. AcDbBlockTableIterator *pBTIter;

  36. AcDbDatabase *pDB = new AcDbDatabase(Adesk::kFalse);
  37. Acad::ErrorStatus mEs;

  38. mEs = pDB->readDwgFile(pDwgPath);

  39. if(Acad::eOk != mEs)
  40. {
  41.   acutPrintf(_T("\n%sError: reading database: %s"),mPrefix,pDwgPath);
  42.   delete pDB;
  43.   return;
  44. }

  45. pDB->getBlockTable(pBT,AcDb::kForRead);
  46. pBT->newIterator(pBTIter);
  47. pBT->close();

  48. const TCHAR *pOldPathName;
  49. TCHAR *pNewPathName = new TCHAR[255];

  50. //path buffers
  51. TCHAR mOldDrive[_MAX_DRIVE];
  52. TCHAR mOldDir[_MAX_DIR];
  53. TCHAR mOldFname[_MAX_FNAME];
  54. TCHAR ext[_MAX_EXT];

  55. TCHAR mNewDrive[_MAX_DRIVE];
  56. TCHAR mNewDir[_MAX_DIR];
  57. TCHAR mNewFname[_MAX_FNAME];
  58. TCHAR mNewExt[_MAX_EXT];

  59. acutPrintf(_T("\n%s-%s"),mPrefix,pDwgPath);

  60. while(!pBTIter->done())
  61. {
  62.   if(Acad::eOk != pBTIter->getRecord(pBTR,AcDb::kForRead)) continue;

  63.   if (pBTR->isFromExternalReference())
  64.   {
  65.    //changing the path name
  66.    pBTR->pathName(pOldPathName);

  67.    //split the old location
  68.    _wsplitpath_s(pOldPathName, mOldDrive, mOldDir, mOldFname, ext);

  69.    //split the new location
  70.    //file name and ext not used and is not expected to be supplied
  71.    _wsplitpath_s(pNewLocation, mNewDrive, mNewDir, mNewFname, mNewExt);

  72.    _wmakepath_s(pNewPathName, MAX_PATH,mNewDrive, mNewDir, mOldFname, ext);

  73.    //break if unable to upgrade to write
  74.    if(Acad::eOk != pBTR->upgradeOpen()) break;
  75.    mEs = pBTR->setPathName(pNewPathName);

  76.    //recurse to update all the drawings that are refered too
  77.    fXrefRePath(pNewPathName,pNewLocation,nDepth+1);
  78.   }

  79.   pBTR->close();
  80.   pBTIter->step();

  81. }

  82. //save the changes
  83. if(Acad::eOk != pDB->saveAs(pDwgPath))
  84.   acutPrintf(_T("\n%sError: unable to save the changes to %s "),mPrefix,pDwgPath);

  85. //clean up
  86. delete pBTIter;
  87. delete pDB;
  88. }

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