1) Set the number of layouts be plotted using the method StartBatchMode() of the IAcadPlot object.
2) Preparing a variant array of BSTRs having the names of the layouts to be plotted and then pass it as argument to SetLayoutsToPlot() method.
3) Finally to plot, use PlotToDevice() method.
- //use MFC to test this code
- #import "acax19enu.tlb" raw_interfaces_only no_namespace
- void fBatchPlotLayouts()
- {
- try
- {
- //get the AutoCAD application
- IAcadApplicationPtr pApp = NULL;
- pApp = acedGetAcadWinApp()->GetIDispatch(TRUE);
- //get the Active Document
- IAcadDocumentPtr pDoc = NULL;
- pApp->get_ActiveDocument(&pDoc);
- IAcadLayoutsPtr pLayOuts;
- IAcadLayoutPtr pLayOut;
- long mNumberOflayouts;
- //get the layouts collection and the number of layouts
- pDoc->get_Layouts(&pLayOuts);
- pLayOuts->get_Count(&mNumberOflayouts);
- //create the variant array that will hold the layout names
- VARIANT mLayArr;
- mSAB.lLbound = 0;
- mSAB.cElements = mNumberOflayouts;
- VariantInit(&mLayArr);
- mLayArr.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR;
- mLayArr.parray = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR,1,&mSAB);
- //populate the variant array
- long mCtr;
- //note that array here has zero based index
- for(mCtr = 0; mCtr < mNumberOflayouts; mCtr ++)
- {
- pLayOuts->Item(_variant_t(mCtr), &pLayOut);
- BSTR strName;
- pLayOut->get_Name(&strName);
- SafeArrayPutElement(mLayArr.parray, &mCtr, strName);
- }
- //print the layout names that are being plotted
- BSTR bstrName;
- acutPrintf(_T("\nLayouts to be plotted:"));
- for(mCtr = 0; mCtr < mNumberOflayouts;mCtr ++)
- {
- SafeArrayGetElement(mLayArr.parray,&mCtr,&bstrName);
- acutPrintf(_T("\n%s"),(TCHAR*)(_bstr_t)bstrName);
- }
- acutPrintf(_T("\nPlotting started...\n"));
- //plot the layouts
- IAcadPlotPtr pPlot;
- pDoc->get_Plot(&pPlot);
- //set the number of plots and error mode to quiet
- pPlot->put_NumberOfCopies(1);
- pPlot->put_QuietErrorMode(VARIANT_TRUE);
- //number of layouts to be plotted
- pPlot->StartBatchMode(mNumberOflayouts);
- //set the layouts to plot
- pPlot->SetLayoutsToPlot(mLayArr);
- VARIANT_BOOL returnBool;
- pPlot->PlotToDevice(_variant_t("DWF6 ePlot.pc3"), &returnBool);
- //clean up
- VariantClear(&mLayArr);
- }
- catch (_com_error &e)
- {
- acutPrintf(
- _T("\nError while batch plotting. %s"),e.ErrorMessage());
- }
- }