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  Interactive OpenGL 3D viewer with flyby and animation capabilities. Reads most familiar US DEM formats and can export to common image and terrain formats. [Win95/98/ME/2000]
http://www.visualizationsoftware.com/3dem.html    Preview
  2.  Atlas - The FlightGear mapping utility   
  Produce and display charts of the world for users of FlightGear, an open source flight simulator. Includes map creator and atlas viewer. Can also be used stand alone. Under development, GPL. [Win32(cygwin),Linux]
http://atlas.sourceforge.net/    Preview
  3.  Blueberry3D   
  A program for designing and creating virtual landscapes utilizing real map data or synthetic data from fractals. Fractals are also used to dynamically extend the data and level of detail. [Win 98/SE/Me/2k]
http://www.blueberry3d.com/    Preview
  4.  Demeter Terrain Rendering Engine   
  A cross-platform, open source terrain rendering engine. Written as a stand-alone compnent that can be easily integrated into any kind of application. [OpenGL]
http://www.terrainengine.com/    Preview
  5.  EaSIEST   
  Tools for creating virtual environments for real-time display on Evans & Sutherland's ESIG line of image generators. Acronym, for Evans and Sutherland Interactive Environment Simulation Toolkit. Target market: Professional [WinNT]
iest/index.asp    Preview
  6.  Generating Terrain   
  An older (1996) collection of documentation, source code, and programs for generating and visualizing terrain.
http://www.geocities.com/Area51/6902/terrain.html    Preview
  7.  Genova: web based interactive 3D flight over Switzerland   
  Premier demonstration site for G-Vista Web technology. '3D Flight Over Switzerland' uses 25 meter satellite imagery to build 3D scenes to be streamed and visualized over the internet.
http://www.geonova.ch/english/    Preview
  8.  G-Graphix   
  Makers of G-Vista, G-Scene, G-Render Library, software components for CD-ROM/DVD-ROM/Web-productions to interactively fly over huge contiguous terrains. Target market: high end professional.
http://www.g-graphix.de/english/home/index.htm    Preview
  9.  HeightField Lab   
  Generate, manipulate, display, load and save heightfields and then use a raytracer such as POV-Ray to generate the final output image. (free, with code) [Linux]
http://www.redshift.com/%7eyramin/atp/hflab/    Preview
  10.  Height Map Editor   
  Free program that edits, generates, and manipulates terrain height maps. These can be used in terrain renders, which are used in games, applications, and demos. Web base manual available. [Windows and Linux]
http://hme.sourceforge.net/    Preview
  11.  InReality (tm) Model Viewer   
  Visualization tool that permits the user to view RealSite (tm) models within a virtual environment. [IRIX, Win32]
http://www.govcomm.harris.com/realsite/    Preview
  12.  Interactive Visualization Systems   
  IVS of the University of New Brunswick develops software specializes in interactive 3D exploration of ocean floor surfaces, submarine cable routes, and complex climate data sets. Available for download. [Win32,SGI]
http://www.ivs.unb.ca/    Preview
  13.  KLevel Heightfield Tool   
  A heightfield modelling tool designed to mimic Leveller for Windows. It features an OpenGL preview and many brush-like tools. (free, with code) [Linux]
http://sourceforge.net/projects/klevel/    Preview
  14.  Landsraad   
  Alpha version of a terrain editor/viewer for BeOS.
http://www.geocities.com/stratgis/landsraad/index.html    Preview
  15.  Leveller by Daylon Graphics   
  Heightfield, bumpmap, and terrain modeler for Windows. Has an active user community with many 3rd party plugins. Downloadable demo with limited functionality.
http://www.daylongraphics.com/products/leveller/index.htm    Preview
  16.  Mapper   
  Earth data processing and visualization system. It can combine data from different sources and in varying formats to a single view. It is not an image processing tool but rather builds a 3dimensional model of the earth. [Win95/NT] 1997
http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/1658/mapper.html    Preview
  17.  MapRender3D   
  Modeling and visualization software package that creates relief maps in both 2D and 3D using either proprietary global elevation database or public domain DEMs. Features include projections, texture draping, lighting, shading, and elevation color graduation.
http://www.maprender3d.com/    Preview
  18.  Natural Scene Designer   
  Raytracing based landscape renderer with object (trees, rocks, lakes) creation, placement and animation capabilities. Interactive planimetric, and 3D modeling viewpoints. Imports USGS and STDS DEMs. [Windows and Mac]
http://naturalgfx.com/    Preview
  19.  nineteen70five   
  Specializes in the import of GIS data sets and creation of a GIS viewer, which allows the user to "fly" over a 3-D image of their data sets.
http://mzone.mweb.co.za/residents/jhammes/main.htm    Preview
  20.  OBVIO   
  A free win32 3D viewer which demonstrates Dynamic Level of Detail (DLOD), based on OpenGL and GLUT, only reads USGS DEMs. Appears to be in active development.
http://www.geo-visualisierung.de/demo.htm    Preview
  21.  OpenGL Terrain Engine   
  An experimental OpenGL interactive terrain viewer with surface textures, clouds and reflective water capabilities. (free, with code) [Win32]
http://ohad.visual-i.com/exper/exper.htm    Preview
  22.  OpenSkies Training System   
  Free authoring tool for virtual environment training system. A low cost PC-based system which incorporates trainee performance measurement capability. [Win9x/NT/2k]
http://www.openskies.net/training/index.html    Preview
  23.  Skyline Software System   
  A complete, modular software collection to serve photo-based 3D interactive environments over the internet or intranets. (free, no code) [Win9x/NT/2k]
http://www.skylinesoft.com/corporate/corporate_home.asp    Preview
  24.  SpatialAce   
  Toolkit for building interactive real-time applications with 2D or 3D presentations, from simulators and command and control (C3I) to surveillance and traditional GIS systems. [Win9x/NT/2k]
http://www.spatialace.com/    Preview
  25.  TechNature Library   
  A collection of rendering, mathematics, and texturing functions that use fractals to "grow" everything from plants to planets with seamless procedural textures. (shareware, with source code) [Requires DirectX 6.0+]
http://www.tanzanite.to/    Preview
  26.  TerrainEditor   
  Create landscapes and texture them. Features include: Mesh sizes up to 2048x2048, 3DExploreView for normal FPS viewing and movement, Fractal Brownian Motion (fBm) Heightfields using Perlin Noise. An open-source, OpenGL-MFC program, by NEB Software.
http://www.nebsoftware.com/Terrain.html    Preview
  27.  Terrain Modelling   
  A number of scholarly pages covering visualization techniques, terrain morphing, generating fractal surfaces, data filtering, and a mars planetary model. (free, with code)
http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/pbourke/terrain/    Preview
  28.  TerrainPro by MultiGen-Paradigm   
  Produce large area terrain databases with real-world data and 3D culture (eg. roads) and imagery, skin generation, and texture mapping. Target market: Professional [Win98/NT,SGI]
http://www.multigen.com/products/terrpro.htm    Preview
  29.  TerraVision by ART+COM   
  These guys have big ideas: "A complete virtual 1:1 map of the earth." and "In a nutshell, ... the ultimate information system enabling seamless travel through space and time." Available in German and English. [Requires Flash]
me=IE&language=en&id=2_3&res=782&resH=636    Preview
  30.  TerraVista   
  Produce 3D terrain databases in OpenFlight or TerraPage format. Databases are ready for immediate use on PCs, graphics workstations, or dedicated image generators. [Win9x/NT]
http://www.terrex.com/www/pages/products/tvista.htm    Preview
  31.  The Aeliom Portal   
  Aeliom allows real time generation, rendering, illumination, and exploration of 3d virtual landscapes.
http://www.iluac.com/aeliom/    Preview
  32.  UrbanModeller   
  Software for visualisation of non-tangible data related to the urban environment. It may be used to construct 3D thematic 'maps' such as land use. A component of the Virtual Field Course from the U. of Leicester. [Win9x/NT/2k]
ml    Preview
  33.  Virtual Terrain Project   
  Promotes development of tools for constructing any part of the real world in interactive, 3D digital form. CAD, GIS, visual simulation, surveying and remote sensing. (free, with code) [win32, unix]
http://vterrain.org/    Preview
  34.  VIS-SIM.ORG - [ Software : Terrain Generation ]   
  Terrain generation links at the vis-sim.org Visual Simulation portal.
http://www.vis-sim.org/db.asp?cat_ref=75    Preview
  35.  Vista LSS for Windows   
  3D views and realtime virtual tours with textured and heighted features. Built on Terrain LSS, which provides 'Field-to-Finish' DTM system for surveyors and engineers. [Windows]
http://www.mccarthytaylor.com/vista.htm    Preview
  36.  Vistapro 4.0   
  Create your own 3D landscapes using real-world data from the United States Geological Survey and extra-terrestrial data from NASA. [Win95/NT, Mac]
http://www.andromedasoftware.com/cd213.htm    Preview
  37.  Wilbur   
  Small program for playing with terrain data (height fields). Imports data from and to many popular file formats. Can use a number of image processing operations and height field painting tools. (Free, no code) [Win9x/NT]
http://www.ridgecrest.ca.us/~jslayton/software.html    Preview
  38.  World Builder   
  Complete 3D landscape creation, animation and rendering tool which can also work as a plug-in for 3D Studio MAX, 3D Studio VIZ, LightWave 3D or Maya NT projects. [Win 98/NT/2k]
http://www.digi-element.com/awb3_overview.shtml    Preview
  39.  World Construction Set   
  Professional photorealistic terrain modeling, visualization, rendering and animation program. Create stunning, photorealistic images and animations with image object rendering. [Win9x/NT/2k/Mac/SGI]
http://www.3dnature.com/index.html    Preview
  40.  WorldPerfect   
  A standalone Windows desktop utility for generating high resolution terrain databases from photo-realistic imagery, digital elevation data, and cultural feature content.
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