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[原创]:adt 3.3我恨你!!!!!如果你是一天到晚没正事做的人,喜欢到处下软件,请

发表于 2002-11-2 06:54:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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adt 3.3为什么在网上这么出名?这么多人拼了命的想下载?我觉得完全是抄作,我有幸买到一张*版,里面有完整的adt3.3中文版和sp1,以及flashmx 6.0搞笑的是adt3.3的注册破解是viz4.2的破解???竟然还能用!
我的cpu是p3 667,内存是512M的,运行adt比autocad2002慢了不止 一倍,点击一个命令最慢的要五秒钟才有反映(我的系统绝对没问题),默认蓝灰色的不出头的轴线,黄色的墙线,绿色的窗户,还有粉红色的尺寸标注,简直就是恶心。这也许是我的欣赏水平太差吧,画出的平面不是东缺个角,西墙线重叠不能自动识别裁剪,这总不能怪我没评品味了吧???
发表于 2002-11-2 09:55:36 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-11-2 18:47:53 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-11-3 00:43:43 | 显示全部楼层
你不要太早下结论了,我从adt2.0就一直用它,我的老奔二 266  还在发挥adt3.3 的作用?难道我的机子比你好不成,做个高层模型都没问题,怎么轮到你就有问题呢?

告诉你,我的老机子(p2 266)内存是128M, TNT的显卡。哈哈!
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2002-11-3 00:46:15 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

已领礼包: 145个

财富等级: 日进斗金

发表于 2002-11-3 00:47:47 | 显示全部楼层

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使用道具 举报

已领礼包: 145个

财富等级: 日进斗金

发表于 2002-11-3 00:49:01 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 unhack 发布
[B]各位老大你们知道怎么在adt3.3里面改默认层的颜色吗?我想改啊 [/B]

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-11-3 00:49:44 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-11-3 00:51:04 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-11-3 00:55:38 | 显示全部楼层
ADT 不适合用它来画施工图!
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2002-11-3 01:25:13 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-11-3 01:36:58 | 显示全部楼层
天正5? 那要去问金剑了!:) 不过我对天正的默认图层颜色改不改无所谓!你为什么要改呢?

我从没有adt 的教程,好象还没有专门细致的教程吧!
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2002-11-3 01:48:24 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-11-3 11:36:09 | 显示全部楼层

10 Things to Consider When Comparing ArchiCAD and Revit

1.Ease of learning vs. overall automation goals.
Many trial users of Revit find that the Revit interface and methodology has made it easy to get started, and that is important. However that is only one piece of the overall solution, and one that is an important factor primarily in the initial implementation of a system-- and less of a factor in the ongoing operation. It is also important to consider your overall design automation goals with respect to the overall process, from conceptual design through contract documentation. When viewed from that broader perspective, the benefits of ease of learning may be less important than the ability to get the overall job done.

2.Flexibility in modeling.
Revit automatically captures and embeds the design constraints into the model. The design constraints captured for one scenario are almost never valid for another one. In order to redesign a substantial part of the building the designer first has to remember and disable these design constraints. If the designer does not disable the constraints Revit will prompt the designer in tens of dialog boxes that the constraints can not be maintained anymore. The pre-programmed constraint patterns get into the way of the architectural design process instead of helping it.

ArchiCAD lets you be in control of your design. ArchiCAD offers tools that will enable the designer to change only the elements that he or she wants to change in the given context. Instead of determining the design process, it provide a set of tools that can be accommodated to your own design process. ArchiCAD offers flexible tools, such as the pet palette or the Marquee tool, to facilitate the design process. The Marquee tool allows the designer to edit a group of elements and at the same time constrain the relations to one another. The tool, through its intuitive graphical interface, lets the user define the elements that take part in the editing process. The pet palette offers context sensitive editing options. These are the kind of tools that ensure the flexibility of the design without overloading the model with unnecessary information. ArchiCAD updates all views of the building model simultaneously, but it does not update relationships between all the building elements all the time. ArchiCAD offers parametrics on the building component level. Objects know how to behave, and how to display themselves in different views and at different scales. The behavior of ArchiCAD objects can be scaled very easily and they do not overload the project with constraints that the designer cannot control efficiently.

3.Flexibility in Contract Documentation.
Revit takes a very pure approach of the single building model. Everything has to be modeled; there is no compromise. As a result, you don抰 have great control over the detailed "look" of your drawings, because all the drawing properties are tied to the specific elements, including wall intersections, object representations, section views, elevation views, detail drawings, stair representations etc. It is almost impossible to extract the right amount of detail for a section view from a building model so that it can be instantly put on a sheet in Construction Document phase.

In ArchiCAD we give you the tools to choose where to stop modeling and start drawing. The use of a single building modeler does not mean that you have to model every little piece of a building to create a building model. It is all about adding the right amount of information to a building database to fit your working method, documentation style and company standards. At the end of the day you still need to deliver a set of drawings that meets your standards, your consultants' needs, and your client's expectations.

Example: Sections

In Revit you don抰 have a choice, you have to model everything that is relevant for the section view, and try to make that match your drawing style.

ArchiCAD gives you the ability to use model section views. After the Design Development phase you can create a snapshot of your section view and edit all the drawing elements extracted from the model. The snapshot can be always updated from the model and all the last minute changes will appear on the section view, while your section contains all the modified drawing elements necessary for a good quality drawing. The key is to remember that the Professional Value that you add occurs not only the Schematic Design and Design Development phase, but in the CD phase as well.

ArchiCAD User quote:

"By the time we have completed the design development phase, we are actually about 60 percent complete with construction documents."
Russ Sanders, The Orcutt/Winslow Partnership, Phoenix, Arizona

4.Flexibility in Object Libraries.
Revit objects are limited to the parameters that are built into the program. You cannot create relational rules based objects. You cannot individually control same objects placed in the plan multiple times. For example, changing the settings on one window object, in the parameters, adjusts all the instances of that window in the plan. You can change one window to another type of window, but cannot individually adjust specific parameters within the same window type. Revit has no open scripting language for definition and custom editing of objects. Object libraries are limited to those provided by Revit or developed by the user.

ArchiCAD allows you to add custom parameters to any object, and allows the user to create relational rules for the parameters. Parameters for an object can be changed in a single instance of an object or changed globally for every instance of that object. The GDL object technology in ArchiCAD has an open scripting language for custom definition and editing and is web-enabled. Sources such as Objects Online (http://www.objectsonline.com/) make available 10's of thousands of independently developed object libraries for ArchiCAD.

Pilot users of Revit have been disappointed in its ability to handle mid to large-scale building designs. At an April 2002 Revit Users Group meeting at the firm of WATG (www.watg.com) a Revit user (from WATG) was asked: What is the largest project you have used Revit on? He replied:

"We have used it on some larger houses and did try to use it for a 350 room hotel, but that was too large. It would not work on larger projects. There was a problem with things like the balcony rails of the hotel rooms, the complexity of the rails would choke Revit."

ArchiCAD has a proven track record with large-scale projects. A recent example is the 88-story Eureka Tower (http://www.eurekatower.com.au/) in Melbourne Australia, with a documentation set of 1,800 drawings, done completely in ArchiCAD by the firm of Fender Katsalidis Australia.

Revit does not have an open API to allow for user or third-party customization. ArchiCAD has an open C++ API, and Graphisoft has a custom development team in-house as well as numerous independent software application developers.

7.Interoperability and Support for Standards.
While Revit supports the use of DWG files as "xrefs", you cannot import an editable DWG file into Revit. Export of Revit drawings as DWG files is supported, but configuration of DWG files is limited to layer mapping. There are no tools for "data round-tripping" between Revit and AutoCAD. Users of Revit have commented that the support of DWG is not robust enough for production work.

ArchiCAD supports full "data round-tripping" between AutoCAD and ArchiCAD, enabling rules-based merging of DWG data into the ArchiCAD model. ArchiCAD has utilities for DWG xref management with no translation required. ArchiCAD can both import and export DWG files from R12 through the current version of AutoCAD. When exporting ArchiCAD drawings as DWG files, ArchiCAD supports configuration of DWG files including layer naming conventions, font types and line types.

ArchiCAD has been a leading implementer of industry standards like the National CAD Standard (NCS) 2.0 (for AEC drawing standards) and the International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) IFC 2.0 (for AEC object models). For more on this, see the Architectural Record article: http://archrecord.construction.com/DIGITAL/DA_ARTIC/Da04_02.asp

8.Collaboration and Publishing.
Revit has limited abilities to cut the building or project into parts and collaborate on smaller file sizes. This is a critical capability for any system based on a single model file. According to a user of Revit project sharing utilities: "this is possible, but not that easy. It is hard to see what the other person is working on." Revit has no tools for publishing a set of documents either to a printer, server or the Internet. Drawings must be published and distributed one at a time.

ArchiCAD has supported team design since version 5.0 with its TeamWork functionality. This allows multiple designers to work on defined portions of the design model and send and receive changes to the master project model at any time. With ArchiCAD 7.0, the ProjectXchange utilities enable the architect to publish user-defined sets of design documents with a single operation. Documents (including drawings, schedules, takeoffs, 3D views and renderings) can be automatically sent to a printer, a file server, or an FTP site for review, mark-up, and reintroduction of mark-up drawings back into the model.

ArchiCAD User Quote:

"ArchiCAD enables the building to be divided up into working units for individual architects to work on various parts of the building simultaneously."
Bharti Narshai, Johnson Murray Architects ?Durban, South Africa

9.Proven technology. Proven track record.
ArchiCAD in use daily production use by over 100,000 users around the world. Some of the world's largest and innovative Design and Construction firms are productive users of ArchiCAD. See:

http://www.graphisoft.com/produc ... ss_stories/yit.html
http://www.graphisoft.com/produc ... tories/kirksey.html
ArchiCAD is also the recipient of several recent industry awards:


10.Consistency of Vision, and Clarity of Future Direction.
With Autodesk's acquisition of Revit, the future direction of the product is uncertain. Autodesk has publicly stated that they are committed to the continued support of the Revit product. They had made similar statements in the past when they acquired GenericCAD, Auto-Architect, Motiva, and Genius CAD. None of those products exist today. With Revit, the future remains to be seen. There is also uncertainty about the future of Architectural Desktop, an Autodesk product that targets the same market as Revit.

Since its founding in 1982, Graphisoft and its flagship product, ArchiCAD, have implemented a compelling and consistent vision: bring the best in innovative 3D object technology to the desktops of building design professionals worldwide. It has benefited from its rich experience in the European AEC market, where the adoption of 3D model-based design surpasses that of any other region in the world. At the same time, Graphisoft is absolutely committed to serving the needs of the North American market. One sign of this commitment are the recent appointments of Americans in the roles of corporate CEO/President and VP of Worldwide Marketing. In addition to the U.S. expertise in Graphisoft's European-based Headquarters, the management team in the U.S. subsidiary is made up of AEC CAD industry veterans, each with more than 20 years of experience in the U.S. AEC CAD market.

When you take the time to look at the bigger picture, you will find that ArchiCAD is a more robust, proven and complete solution, rich in features and leading the way in innovative building design, construction and management technology.
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2002-11-3 13:16:54 | 显示全部楼层
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