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发表于 2002-12-6 14:42:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  1. [font=courier new]
  2. //代码
  3. addBlockToDwg()
  4. {
  5.         //省略构造选择集的
  6.         AcDbObjectIdArray objIdArray(0,8);
  7.         AcDbDatabase *pTempDb;
  8.         ads_name ent;
  9.         long nss;
  10.         AcDbObjectId objId;
  11.         acedSSLength(ss,&nss);
  12.         for(long i=0;i<nss;i++)
  13.         {
  14.         acedSSName(ss,i,ent);
  15.         acdbGetObjectId(objId,ent);
  16.         objIdArray.append(objId);
  17.            }
  18.         acedSSFree(ss);

  19. AcGePoint3d   BASEPT(newbasept[X],newbasept[Y],newbasept[Z]);

  20. acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase()->wblock(pTempDb,objIdArray,BASEPT);
  21. AcDbDatabase *EquipDb = new AcDbDatabase(Adesk::kFalse);
  22. AcDbDatabase *EquipDb1 = new AcDbDatabase(Adesk::kTrue);
  23. CString tukuname;
  24. CString path;
  25. CString path1;
  26. path="D:\\dwgname.dwg";//外部DWG
  27. path="D:\\newdwgname.dwg";
  28. ads_printf("\n%s\n",path);
  29. ads_printf("\n%s\n",path1);
  30. EquipDb->readDwgFile(path,_SH_DENYRW);//读取外部DWG
  31.         AcDbObjectId blockId;
  32.     EquipDb->insert(blockId,"signname",pTempDb);
  33.     EquipDb->saveAs(path);

  34.    EquipDb1->insert(blockId,"signname",pTempDb);//以下代码生成新的DWG,包含可见的块参照
  35.    AcDbBlockTable *pBlockTable;
  36.    AcDbBlockTableRecord *pBTableRecord;
  37.    AcDbBlockReference *pBTableRefer;
  38.    AcDbObjectId blockId1;
  39.    AcDbObjectId insId;
  40.    EquipDb1->getBlockTable(pBlockTable,AcDb::kForRead);
  41.    pBlockTable->getAt(signname,blockId1);
  42.    pBlockTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE,pBTableRecord,AcDb::kForWrite);
  44. pBTableRefer= new AcDbBlockReference(BASEPT,blockId1);
  45. pBTableRecord->appendAcDbEntity(insId,pBTableRefer);
  46. pBTableRefer->close();
  47. pBTableRecord->close();
  48. pBlockTable->close();
  49.    EquipDb1->saveAs(path1);
  50.                 delete EquipDb;
  51.                 delete pTempDb;
  52.                 delete EquipDb1;
  53. }

  54. [/font]

已领礼包: 145个

财富等级: 日进斗金

发表于 2002-12-6 15:06:30 | 显示全部楼层

  1. [font=courier new]
  2. acdbDisplayPreviewFromDwg Global Function bool

  3. acdbDisplayPreviewFromDwg(

  4. const char * pszDwgfilename,

  5. void* pPreviewWnd,

  6. const Adesk::UInt32* pBgColor = NULL);

  7. pszDwgfilename Input path\filename string
  8. pPreviewWnd Input HWND for window within which to display preview
  9. pBgColor Description to come

  10. This function obtains the preview image [color=blue](if any)[/color] of the drawing specified by pszDwgfilename
  11. and displays it in the window identified by the HWND argument pPreviewWnd.

  12. The image size varies up to a maximum size no larger than 256 x 188 pixels.
  13. If the pPreviewWnd window is larger than the image, then the image will be stretched to fit.
  14. But, if the window is smaller than the image, the image will not be
  15. adjusted and will spill out beyond the window's borders.

  16. Returns true if successful; otherwise, it returns false.

  17. [/font]

  1. [font=courier new]
  2. AcDbDatabase::saveAs Function Acad::ErrorStatus

  3. saveAs(

  4. const char* fileName);

  5. fileName Input file name or URL to write database out to

  6. Runs the save process on the database and writes the drawing information out to fileName.
  7. The fileName argument is taken as is. If no file extension is present, .dwg is not appended.

  8. [color=blue]If the database executing the saveAs() function is not the current database
  9. in the AutoCAD editor, then the thumbnail preview image is not saved to fileName.[/color]

  10. Returns Acad::eOk if process completes successfully

  11. [/font]
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