- [font=courier new]
- acdbDisplayPreviewFromDwg Global Function bool
- acdbDisplayPreviewFromDwg(
- const char * pszDwgfilename,
- void* pPreviewWnd,
- const Adesk::UInt32* pBgColor = NULL);
- pszDwgfilename Input path\filename string
- pPreviewWnd Input HWND for window within which to display preview
- pBgColor Description to come
- This function obtains the preview image [color=blue](if any)[/color] of the drawing specified by pszDwgfilename
- and displays it in the window identified by the HWND argument pPreviewWnd.
- The image size varies up to a maximum size no larger than 256 x 188 pixels.
- If the pPreviewWnd window is larger than the image, then the image will be stretched to fit.
- But, if the window is smaller than the image, the image will not be
- adjusted and will spill out beyond the window's borders.
- Returns true if successful; otherwise, it returns false.
- [/font]
- [font=courier new]
- AcDbDatabase::saveAs Function Acad::ErrorStatus
- saveAs(
- const char* fileName);
- fileName Input file name or URL to write database out to
- Runs the save process on the database and writes the drawing information out to fileName.
- The fileName argument is taken as is. If no file extension is present, .dwg is not appended.
- [color=blue]If the database executing the saveAs() function is not the current database
- in the AutoCAD editor, then the thumbnail preview image is not saved to fileName.[/color]
- Returns Acad::eOk if process completes successfully
- [/font]