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1. abundant

2. accelerate

3. accelerated

4. acceleration

5. accessible

6. accommodate

7. accompany

8. accordingly

9. *account for

10. accumulate

11. acute

12. adapted

13. adhere

14. adjacent

15. adjunct

16. *adorn

17. adverse

18. advocate

19. advocating

20. aesthetical

21. affords

22. allocates

23. alternative

24. alternative

25. anticipated

26. anxious

27. apparently

28. aquatic

29. assess

30. astound

31. at bay

32. at least

33. attachment(to)

34. attain

35. attain

36. attendant

37. attire

38. attribute

39. attributed

40. available

41. aviation

42. barren

43. beneficial

44. bias

45. bizarre

46. boost

47. bound

48. break(with)

49. bring about

50. broad

51. calculate

52. capable of using

53. capital

54. carry

55. cases

56. castoff

57. cease

58. celestial

59. chance

60. characterized

61. classify

62. coarse

63. cohesion

64. coin

65. collectively

66. common

67. comparably

68. compelled

69. compelling

70. compile

71. complex

72. components

73. components

74. compose

75. comprise

76. conceal

77. conceiving

78. concentrate

79. conclusive

80. concomitant with

81. condone

82. confined

83. conflict

84. conjectural

85. consciously

86. consequently

87. conserve

88. considerable

89. considerable

90. considerable

91. consort

92. *conspicuous

93. constant

94. constituent

95. constitute

96. constitutes

97. consult

98. consumption

99. contemporary

100. contexts

101. *convert

102. conveys

103. counteract

104. counterpart

105. critical

106. crucial

107. cumbersome

108. customary

109. dampen

110. daring

111. deft

112. deliberate

113. delineate

114. demand

115. demonstrate

116. dense

117. depicted

118. depress

119. depressed

120. derive

121. detect

122. detectable

123. detectable

124. devastate

125. devote

126. dictate

127. diffuse

128. diminished

129. dirt

130. disaster

131. discovers

132. discreet

133. discrete

134. dislodge

135. dispersal

136. dispute

137. disseminate

138. dissemination

139. distinct

140. distinct

141. distinct

142. distinction

143. distinguished

144. diverge

145. divergence

146. diversity

147. dogma

148. domain

149. dominate

150. dramatic

151. drastic

152. drastic

153. draw

154. driven

155. durable

156. durable

157. dwelling

158. eagerly anticipate

159. elaborate

160. elsewhere

161. embed

162. embrace

163. embrace

164. emerge

165. emit

166. employ

167. enable

168. enable

169. enact

170. encouraged

171. end

172. entire

173. entity

174. entomb

175. envisioned

176. era

177. eradicate

178. *essential

179. establishment

180. evidence

181. exalted

182. exceed

183. execute

184. exert

185. exhibit

186. exorbitant

187. expanses

188. expedient

189. exponential leaps

190. expose

191. exposed to

192. extend

193. extend

194. extol

195. extract

196. facilitating

197. faction

198. fade(from)

199. fashion

200. fatal

201. feed

202. feed

203. fine

204. first rank

205. fixture

206. flatter

207. flavor

208. flourishing

209. forage

210. forage for

211. forsook

212. forward looking

213. fragment

214. frame

215. freezing

216. fundamental

217. fuse

218. game

219. gap

220. give way to

221. glow

222. gradually

223. hampering

224. hard

225. heighten

226. hemisphere

227. herald

228. homogeneous

229. imitate

230. immunity

231. impede

232. implement

233. implication

234. impose

235. in essence

236. in its own right

237. in place of

238. inadequate

239. incentive

240. incise

241. inclination

242. indicators
243. induce

244. inevitable

245. influx

246. ingot

247. inhibit

248. initially

249. initiate

250. inquiring

251. instance

252. instantaneous

253. integral

254. intense

255. interchangeable

256. intervention

257. intricate

258. inviting

259. jolt

260. laden

261. lament

262. liabilities

263. little more than

264. lure

265. magnify

266. magnify

267. *magnitude

268. maintain

269. major

270. maneuver

271. margin

272. marked

273. means

274. mere

275. meticulous

276. milestone

277. minuscule

278. minute

279. modify

280. monitored

281. monopolize

282. moreover

283. mundane

284. myriad of

285. nature

286. nevertheless

287. novel

288. noxious

289. obtain

290. obtain

291. obvious

292. obviously

293. occasionally

294. on the other hand

295. orbiting

296. orientation

297. outbreak

298. outgrowth

299. outline

300. outstanding

301. overlapping

302. peak

303. peculiar

304. penetrate

305. periodic

306. persist

307. pertinent

308. phenomenon

309. pickup

310. picture

311. pinnacle

312. pit

313. ponder

314. ponderous

315. pore

316. poses

317. position

318. potential

319. pounding

320. power

321. practical

322. precision

323. prefer

324. preoccupation

325. prescribing

326. preside over

327. prevailing

328. prevailing

329. prevent

330. previously

331. primary

332. principal

333. prior

334. prior to

335. prominent

336. prominent

337. promotes

338. pronounced

339. property

340. proponent

341. proposed

342. prospect

343. protrude

344. puncture

345. puzzle

346. rapid

347. rare

348. rather

349. rather

350. reacting

351. readily

352. realization

353. reap

354. reckless

355. recurred

356. refined

357. refreshing

358. reinforced

359. relate

360. reliance

361. remarkable

362. remote

363. repel
364. reproduce

365. restricted

366. result

367. revise

368. rich

369. robust

370. rocked

371. rollback

372. rotate

373. *rotate

374. *roughly

375. rudimentary

376. rupture

377. sanitation

378. scale

379. scan

380. scarcity

381. scope

382. scorching

383. secure

384. secure

385. segment

386. sequence

387. sequence

388. set

389. settle

390. severe

391. shield

392. shift

393. shy away from

394. signature

395. simultaneous

396. since

397. site

398. skepticism

399. skilled

400. skyrocket

401. smother

402. snap

403. soaked up

404. sole

405. solemn

406. solitary

407. some

408. sort out

409. sources

410. spark

411. spawn

412. speculate

413. spend

414. *split

415. spoken for

416. spot

417. staggering

418. standardized

419. staple

420. stationary

421. status

422. stimulate

423. stimulates

424. story

425. strategy

426. strength

427. stress

428. stringent

429. struggle

430. stumbled upon

431. subject to

432. subjected to

433. subsequently

434. subsidize

435. substantially

436. substantiate

437. subtle

438. successive

439. succinct

440. sufficient

441. suggests

442. sumptuous

443. supplement

444. support

445. support

446. supposed

447. supremacy

448. supreme-most

449. surge

450. suspend

451. symmetrical

452. tangle

453. tasks

454. tedious

455. teemed with

456. tempting

457. terrain

458. thankful

459. thus

460. toxin

461. trace

462. tracing

463. trend

464. unadorned

465. undergo

466. uniform

467. unique

468. universally

469. unravel

470. unusual

471. usher in

472. variability

473. variation

474. vary

475. vast

476. vast

477. vehicle

478. vibrate

479. vigilant

480. virtually

481. vital

482. waves

483. witness

484. yield
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