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发表于 2007-1-21 12:24:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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3D Profiler (7/12/2005) - The ultimate profiler tool to enable profiles (shapes) to be extruded through a number of points in free space.

Accessories Tool (24/11/2005) - Roof Builder, Wall Builder, Slab Builder & Column builder

Site & Massing Tool - Area and Zone Stamps, Survey Boundary Tool, Building Envelope along with tools to mass your building and convert your masses to walls and slabs.

Key Note Tool (22/12/2005) - Import notes from Excel into ArchiCAD. Attach notes to composites, elements or simply place as labels. Notes contain a key, short description, long description and specification reference.

Object Tool - Automatic placement and co-ordination of grids in sections, elevations and details. An object cutter to extend and trim ends of linear objects like floor joists.

Timber Wall Framing (22/12/2005) - Completely dynamic Wall Framing within your ArchiCAD model. Changes to the model automatically update the Wall Frames. Wall Frames can be fully elevated and quantities listed and output. Wall Frames are editable in Floor Plan, 3d and Elevation Views.


ArchiFacade (v1.95) - ArchiCAD Plug-in for Straightening Perspective Images
ArchiForma (v2.05) - ArchiCAD Plug-In for Object Creation

ArchiPaint (v1.90) - ArchiCAD Plug-in for Freehand Design
ArchiRuler (v2.0) - ArchiCAD Plug-in for 2D Drawing

ArchiSketchy (v1.95) - Hand Drawn Effects for ArchiCAD Drawings
ArchiStair (v1.10) - ArchiCAD Plug-in for Creating Custom Stairs
ArchiTabula (v1.95) - ArchiCAD Plug-in for Creating Spreadsheets, Captions and Graphs
ArchiTerra (v2.05) - ArchiCAD Plug-in for Terrain Modelling
ArchiTiles (v1.95) - ArchiCAD Plug-in for the Creation, Layout and Calculation of Tiles. (已被ArchiPanel取代)

ArchiTime (v1.95) - ArchiCAD Plug-in for the Analysis of Time Management Statistics
ArchiWall (v1.95) - ArchiCAD Plug-in for Creating Free-form Walls

ArchiPanel (v1.0) -  ArchiCAD plug-in for designing false ceilings and raised floors.

ArchiMap (v1.0) -  ArchiCAD plug-in for surveying interiors.


rxAutoMaterials tool (v1.01) - helps you to create material parameters for hard coded materials of the autoscripted GDL object and to make the object more usable.

rxGutters tool (v1.07) - allows you to create quickly gutters and downpipes in your projects. A wide range of gutter and downpipe profiles enables you to make your project more realistic and accurate. You can even show brackets on gutters and downpipes.

rxDuplicator tool (v1.14) - allows you to create and place several copies of the selected elements along a path. A path is an open or closed curve or its part. As a path, you can use any 2D drawing elements, grouped segments of 2D elements, including splines and elliptic arcs, and any polygonal elements, like slabs, hatches etc.

*Orbit Solution*

Orbit Accesories - Align and change case easily. These tools are useful for creating notes and neat annotations on drawings.

Slab Hatcher - allows linking of a user defined Archicad fill to a slab in the floor plan. (用AC9者,不必这了)

Precast Panel - creates a GDL object derived from a pre-drawn slab, giving user complete control to freely create panel of any size and shape.

Orbit 3D Profiler - create and edit complex extrude building elements. (CadImage的比较好用吧!)

Versatile Opening - create and edit freeform openings in walls by tracing a fill from the floor plan. (用AC9者,不必这了)


MaxonForm - 做异形GDL物体。

Grid Tool - 做Grid工具。

Archiglazing - 做异型窗。

ArchiLumos - 渲染器。(radiosity)

Maxwell Render (1.0 rc5) - 渲染器。(radiosity)

AxisVM - Finite element analysis software for structural engineers.

FrameWright - FrameWright was designed to help Oak Frame designers harness the full power of ArchiCAD through the addition of vital 3D tools and objects

GDL Toolbox - The interactive GDL editor working within ArchiCAD.

OBJECTiVE - To add more control over the Archicad GDL objects.  http://www.encina.co.uk/objective.html

Zermatt real-time 3D engine - Stand-alone real-time 3D engine add-on for ArchiCAD.  http://www.zermatt.se/


*Energy Analysis* (能量分析)

ArchiPHYSIK? - a stand-alone tool with a plug-in to ArchiCAD to estimate, calculate and optimize the physical properties of the building - such as thermal insulation and storage properties, vapor diffusion and acoustic damping.

Green Building Studio? - a free Web service that allows architects to create building energy performance and energy cost estimates of their ArchiCAD models at the earliest design phases. It is connected to ArchiCAD via a Plug-in that converts the ArchiCAD model to a Green Building XML format and uploads it to the GBS website directly from ArchiCAD. Use it for your next eco-charrette!

EnergyPlusTM - a next generation building energy simulation program that allows architects, engineers, building owners and managers to minimize energy use and cost. It optimizes building performance by simulating building energy usage: building heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation, and other energy flows. EnergyPlus is a stand-alone simulation engine without a graphical interface. Read more. The is a complete environmental design tool which couples an intuitive 3D modeling interface with extensive solar, thermal, lighting, acoustic and cost analysis functions. ECOTECT? is one of the few tools in which performance analysis is simple, accurate and most importantly, visually responsive.

RIUSKA? - a tool for the dynamic simulation of comfort and energy consumption in building services design and facilities management. It calculates inside temperatures and the heating and cooling of individual spaces, and can be used to compare and dimension HVAC systems as well as for calculating the energy consumption of whole buildings. It also has a module to calculate the heat loss of a building in a steady-state condition.

Graphisoft Goodies

3D Studio In - Last modified : 2006-07-28

Accessories - Last modified : 2006-07-28

Align Element - Last modified : 2006-07-28

Check Duplicates - Last modified : 2006-07-28

Construction Simulation - Last modified : 2006-07-28

Grid Tool - Last modified : 2006-07-28

Interior Wizard - Last modified : 2006-07-28

Intersection in Combos - Last modified : 2006-07-28

Mesh to Roof Tool - Last modified : 2006-07-28

Polycount - Last modified : 2006-07-28

Profiler - Last modified : 2006-07-28

Ral Color System - Last modified : 2006-07-28

发表于 2007-1-26 16:08:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-8-5 18:53:40 | 显示全部楼层
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