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发表于 2007-3-6 18:15:31
Luis E的,这篇里面有好些函数
http://groups.google.com/group/a ... nside+curve&rnum=5#
;;; 9/4/03 - 6:36 AM 9/8/2003 by Luis Esquivel
;;; http://www.draftteam.com
(defun point-inside-region-p
(vla_poly pt aid-pt pts / vla_line lst_value param result)
((and (setq param (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint vla_poly pt))
(eq (type (- param (fix param))) 'real))
((and (not (vl-position (list (car pt) (cadr pt)) pts))
(setq lst_value
(list (vlax-variant-value
(setq vla_line
(vlax-3d-point pt)
(vlax-3d-point aid-pt)))
(fix (/ (length lst_value) 3.0)))))
(vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-delete (list vla_line))
(if (numberp result)
(not (zerop (rem result 2)))))
(defun C:TEST (/ ent elst pt vla_poly lc uc)
(and (setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect a polyline: ")))
(eq (cdadr (setq elst (entget ent))) "LWPOLYLINE")
(eq (vla-get-closed
(setq vla_poly (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)))
(setq pt (getpoint "\nTest point: ")))
(vla-getboundingbox vla_poly 'lc 'uc)
(polar pt
(/ pi 2.0)
(distance (vlax-safearray->list lc)
(vlax-safearray->list uc)))
(function (lambda (item) (eq (car item) 10)))
John Uhden的程序
http://groups.google.com/group/a ... =9#11d71de3be9338e2
;; Updated (03-07-03)
;; Given:
;; Function to find or create an invisible ray VLA-Object
;; on Layer "0" an to create a global symbol $cv_ray.
;; It will leave the Ray object in the drawing to save time.
(defun @cv_ray ( / e ss)
(if (setq ss (ssget "X" '((0 . "RAY")(8 . "0")(60 . 1))))
(setq $cv_ray (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss 0)))
(setq $cv_ray
'(0 . "RAY")'(100 . "AcDbEntity")'(100 . "AcDbRay")
'(8 . "0")'(60 . 1)'(10 0.0 0.0 0.0)'(11 1.0 0.0 0.0)
$cv_ray (vlax-ename->vla-object $cv_ray)
;; And:
;; Function originated by Ken Alexander (03-05-03)
;; that is 10X faster than my @cv_parse_list,
;; to group data into triplets.
;; Thanks, Ken!
(defun @cv_triple_up (old / new)
(setq new (cons (list (car old)(cadr old)(caddr old)) new)
old (cdddr old)
(reverse new)
;; And:
;; Function to determine if a point <PIQ> is inside a closed polyline
;; based on the number of intersections found between a ray whose
;; basepoint is the PIQ, and that PIQ is not one of the intersection
;; points.
;; Arguments:
;; PIQ = 3D Point in WCS
;; Outer = Outer Polyline VLA-Object
;; Returns:
;; either T (inside) or nil (on or outside)
(defun @cv_inside (PIQ Outer / Points)
(> (vl-list-length PIQ) 1)
(vl-every 'numberp PIQ)
(= (type Outer) 'VLA-Object)
(vlax-property-available-p Outer 'Closed)
(= (vla-get-closed Outer) :vlax-true)
(or $cv_ray (@cv_ray))
(or (vlax-put $cv_ray "Basepoint" PIQ) T)
(setq Points (vlax-invoke Outer "IntersectWith" $cv_ray acExtendNone))
(setq Points (@cv_triple_up Points))
(= (rem (length Points) 2) 1)
(not (equal PIQ (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto Object PIQ) 1e-11))
;; Then:
;; ... define your point and Outer object ...
(setq Inside (@cv_inside PIQ Outer))
;; ==========================================================
;; Collection of methods to determin if a point
;; is inside a closed poly line
;; ==========================================================
;|Re: Point inside the perimeter of a closed polyline ?
Subject: Re: Point inside the perimeter of a closed polyline ?
From: "Michael Doerr" <mdoerr@cebacus.de>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 06:47:25 +0000
Newsgroups: autodesk.autocad.customization
Hi Dominique,
the following code calculates the sum of the angles from a given point to
the points of the polyline and decides wether the point is inside or outside
in that way. 'PointInQuestion' means the point which has to be tested and
'Point_List' is the list of Points which represent the polyline. If the
function returns 'T' the given point is inside your polyline.
Greetings, Michael|;
(defun punktinpolylinie (pointinquestion
(if (equal 0.0 (pipwinkelsumme pointinquestion point_list) 0.0001)
(defun pipwinkelsumme (pointinquestion point_list
/ count p1
p2 scheitel winkeleins
(setq winkeleins 0.0
scheitel (car point_list)
count 1
(while (< 1 (length point_list))
(setq p1 (car point_list)
p2 (cadr point_list)
point_list (cdr point_list)
winkelzwei (pipwinkelhilfe pointinquestion p1 p2)
winkelzwei (if (< 180.0 winkelzwei)
(- winkelzwei 360.0)
winkeleins (+ winkeleins winkelzwei)
(setq count (1+ count))
(setq winkelzwei (pipwinkelhilfe pointinquestion p2 scheitel)
winkelzwei (if (< 180.0 winkelzwei)
(- winkelzwei 360.0)
(+ winkeleins winkelzwei)
(defun pipwinkelhilfe (pointinquestion p1 p2 / alpha beta)
(setq beta (angle pointinquestion p1)
alpha (angle pointinquestion p2)
alpha (- alpha beta)
(if (< alpha 0)
(setq alpha (+ (* 2 pi) alpha))
(* (/ (float alpha) pi) 180.0)
;; ==========================================================
;; ==========================================================
;|Here are a set of LISP functions that do the job for old-style polylines
(I did it a few years ago and it may not be perfect LISP). You will have
to modify the function PLINEVERTICES to be able to use new-style plines.
INPOLY does not calculate bulges, but gives correct results even for
self-intersecting plines. I used the fact that the sum of angles from
the checkpoint to all vertices is equal 0 (360) degrees if the
checkpoint is inside and any othre value if it is outside. The FUZZY
value is to avoid rounding errors.
Code is free to use by anybody
(setq imr_fuzzy 0.0001)
(defun inpoly (pt en /)
(if (equal 0.0 (anglesum pt (plinevertices en)) imr_fuzzy)
(defun c:inpoly (/ pt en)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(if (= "LWPOLYLINE" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (setq en (car (entsel)))))))
(while (setq pt (getpoint "\npoint to check: "))
(if (inpoly pt en)
(princ "INSIDE polyline!")
(princ "OUTSIDE polyline!")
(defun angd (scheitel p1 p2) (r2d (angr scheitel p1 p2)))
(defun r2d (winkel) (* (/ (float winkel) pi) 180.0))
(defun angr (scheitel p1 p2 / alf bet)
(setq bet (angle scheitel p1)
alf (angle scheitel p2)
alf (- alf bet)
(if (< alf 0)
(setq alf (+ (* 2 pi) alf))
(defun plistisplanar (plist / isplanar)
(setq isplanar t
pl (cddr plist)
(while (and isplanar (< 3 (length plist)))
(while (< 1 (length pl))
(if (inters (car plist) (cadr plist) (car pl) (cadr pl))
(setq isplanar nil
pl nil
plist nil
(setq pl (cdr pl))
(if isplanar
(setq plist (cdr plist)
pl (cddr plist)
(setq plist nil)
(defun anglesum (pt plist / as p1 p2 an1 an2 an)
(setq as 0.0
stp (car plist)
count 1
(while (< 1 (length plist))
(setq p1 (car plist)
p2 (cadr plist)
plist (cdr plist)
an (angd pt p1 p2)
an (if (< 180.0 an)
(- an 360.0)
as (+ as an)
(setq count (1+ count))
an (angd pt p2 stp)
an (if (< 180.0 an)
(- an 360.0)
(+ as an)
(defun plinevertices (en / el vl)
(while (= "VERTEX"
(cdr (assoc 0
(setq el (entget (setq en (entnext
(setq vl (cons (cdr (assoc 10 el)) vl))
(if (= (car vl) (car (reverse vl)))
(reverse (cdr (reverse vl)))
;; ==========================================================
;; ==========================================================
;; Updated (03-07-03)
;; Given:
;; Function to find or create an invisible ray VLA-Object
;; on Layer "0" an to create a global symbol $cv_ray.
;; It will leave the Ray object in the drawing to save time.
(defun @cv_ray ( / e ss)
(if (setq ss (ssget "X" '((0 . "RAY")(8 . "0")(60 . 1))))
(setq $cv_ray (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss 0)))
(setq $cv_ray
'(0 . "RAY")'(100 . "AcDbEntity")'(100 . "AcDbRay")
'(8 . "0")'(60 . 1)'(10 0.0 0.0 0.0)'(11 1.0 0.0 0.0)
$cv_ray (vlax-ename->vla-object $cv_ray)
;; And:
;; Function originated by Ken Alexander (03-05-03)
;; that is 10X faster than my @cv_parse_list,
;; to group data into triplets.
;; Thanks, Ken!
(defun @cv_triple_up (old / new)
(setq new (cons (list (car old)(cadr old)(caddr old)) new)
old (cdddr old)
(reverse new)
;; And:
;; Function to determine if a point <PIQ> is inside a closed polyline
;; based on the number of intersections found between a ray whose
;; basepoint is the PIQ, and that PIQ is not one of the intersection
;; points.
;; Arguments:
;; PIQ = 3D Point in WCS
;; Outer = Outer Polyline entities names
;; Returns:
;; either T (inside) or nil (on or outside)
(defun @cv_inside (PIQ Outer / Points)
(setq Outer (vlax-ename->vla-object Outer))
(> (vl-list-length PIQ) 1)
(vl-every 'numberp PIQ)
(= (type Outer) 'VLA-Object)
(vlax-property-available-p Outer 'Closed)
(= (vla-get-closed Outer) :vlax-true)
(or $cv_ray (@cv_ray))
(or (vlax-put $cv_ray "Basepoint" PIQ) T)
(setq Points (vlax-invoke Outer "IntersectWith" $cv_ray acExtendNone))
(setq Points (@cv_triple_up Points))
(= (rem (length Points) 2) 1)
(setq tem (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto Outer PIQ))
(not (equal PIQ tem 1e-11))
(defun c:x()
(setq b (getpoint))
(setq temp (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel))))
(@cv_inside b temp)
;; Then:
;; ... define your point and Outer object ...
;(setq Inside (@cv_inside PIQ Outer))
;(not (equal b (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto temp b) 1e-11))
;; ==========================================================
;; ==========================================================
;; Function to determine if a point is inside or
;; outside a set of closed geometry described
;; in a list.
;; Result: -1 if point is inside, +1 if point
;; is outside of geometry list.
;; -------------------
;; Calling Syntax:
;; (inout DataList Point)
;; -------------------
;; DataList is nested list
;; (((startpoint) (endpoint) "type"
;; <radius> <(centerpoint)> <direction>)
;; ...
;; )
;; Direction flag is 1 for CCW, 2 for CW
;; "type" is either "LINE" or "ARC"
;; <> objects appear only if type is "ARC".
;; Point is normal AutoLISP point list.
;; ------------------
;; Returns:
;; 1 if point is outside of datalist,
;; -1 if point is inside datalist
(defun InOut (DataList TestPoint
/ ;;local variable list
Centroid ;;point for inters test
Num ;;number of elements
Pts ;;just the points
Tmp ;;temporary usage
VP1 ;;virtual point
P1 ;;point list
P2 ;;point list
CP ;;center point list
RES ;;temp result value
I_Cnt ;;intersection count
Item ;;foreach intersection
TMPANG ;;temp angle value
PP3 ;;point list
EA ;;end angle
SA ;;start angle
RD ;;radius
ALF ;;temp angle
;;determine rough estimated centroid
;;by averaging all the start points.
(setq Num (length DataList)
PTS (mapcar 'car DataList)
Centroid ;;add min and max
(mapcar '+ (find_lim 'min PTS)
(find_lim 'max PTS))
(mapcar ;;then halve the values
'(lambda (X)
(/ X 2.0))
VP1 (* 3.0 ;;virtual point
(find_lim 'min PTS)
(find_lim 'max PTS)
;;vector from Virtual Point to Centroid is
;;intersection test vector
TMP (angle TestPoint Centroid)
VP1 (polar TestPoint TMP VP1)
I_Cnt nil ;;list of intersections
;;loop through datalist and find all
;;intersections, an even number of
;;intersections indicates that the ray is
;;starting outside of the object set, and
;;odd number means the ray begins inside
;;the object set.
(foreach Item DataList
((= (caddr Item) "LINE")
(if (setq TMP
TestPoint VP1
(car Item) (cadr Item)
(setq I_Cnt (cons TMP I_Cnt)))
((= (caddr Item) "ARC")
(setq P1
(if (= (nth 5 Item) 1)
(car Item)
(cadr Item))
(if (= (nth 5 Item) 1)
(cadr Item)
(car Item))
CP (nth 4 Item)
SA (angle CP P1)
EA (angle CP P2)
RD (nth 3 Item)
ALF (+
(/ PI 2.0)
(angle TestPoint VP1))
PP3 (inters
TestPoint VP1
CP (polar CP ALF 1.0)
(if (< EA SA)
(setq EA (+ EA (* 2.0 PI))))
(if PP3 (progn
(setq TMPANG (angle CP PP3))
(if (< TMPANG SA)
(setq TMPANG
(+ TMPANG (/ PI 2.0))))
(if (and
(distance CP PP3)
(setq RES nil) ;;tangent
(setq RES
(angle CP P1)
(angle CP P2)
(nth 3 Item)
(if RES (progn
(setq I_Cnt
(cons (car Res) I_Cnt))
(if (= (length RES) 2)
(setq I_Cnt
(cons (cadr Res) I_Cnt)))
;; remove duplicate intersections
(if I_Cnt (progn
(setq TMP (list (car I_Cnt)))
(foreach Item (cdr I_Cnt)
(if (apply 'and
'(lambda (X)
(not (equal X Item 0.001)))
(setq TMP (cons Item TMP)))
(setq I_Cnt TMP)
(if (zerop (rem (length I_Cnt) 2)) 1 -1)
;; Given a list of points in WHO, function
;; applys the function in WHAT to the X,Y,Z data.
;; Returns a point list - can be used to find
;; the minimum, maximum, sum, and more.
;; Called by INOUT function in listing 3.
(defun Find_Lim (What Who)
(list (apply What (mapcar 'car Who))
(apply What (mapcar 'cadr Who))
(apply What (mapcar 'caddr Who))
;; ==========================================================
;; ==========================================================
;Re: Point inside the perimeter of a closed polyline ?
;Subject: Re: Point inside the perimeter of a closed polyline ?
;From: kboutora@francemel.com (Kamal Boutora)
;Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 15:40:45 +0000
;Newsgroups: autodesk.autocad.customization
;In article <838ik5$kje17@adesknews2.autodesk.com>,
;not.robertb@mwengineers.com says...
;> Could you post code, or a link to some?
; From the faq of comp.graphics.algorithms (a very interesting faq that
; every programmer should have IMHO).
; you can look at the latest HTML version at either of these two sites:
;http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hy ... raphics/algorithms-
; The code below is from Wm. Randolph Franklin <wrf@ecse.rpi.edu>
; int pnpoly(int npol, float *xp, float *yp, float x, float y)
; {
; int i, j, c = 0;
; for (i = 0, j = npol-1; i < npol; j = i++) {
; if ((((yp<=y) && (y<yp[j])) ||
; ((yp[j]<=y) && (y<yp))) &&
; (x < (xp[j] - xp) * (y - yp) / (yp[j] - yp) + xp))
; c = !c;
; }
; return c;
; }
;Subject: Re: About Polyline
;Author: Horst Kraemer <horst.kraemer@snafu.de>
;Date Posted: Oct 2 1999 9:15:21:000AM
;On Sat, 02 Oct 1999 09:34:42 GMT, philipma@ms5.hinet.net (Philip Ma)
;> Hi,
;> Maybe the questions are stupid, but I need the answers. Thank you in
;> advance!
;> There are some questions about 2-D closed polyline as following:
;> 1. How to know a polyline is crisscross (intersection itself) ?
;> 2. If the polyline is not crisscross, how to know the polyline is
;> clockwise or counterclockwise?
;> 3. If the polyline is not crisscross, how to know a point is inside,
;> outside or on the polyline?
;> 4. If the polyline is not crisscross, how to know the area of the
;> polyline?
;In the order of ascending computational cost:
;If P0=(x0,y0),P1=(x1,y1),....,PN=(xN,yN)=P0
;is your closed polygon consisting of a sequence of N distinct points
;P1,..,PN then the _oriented_ area is 1/2 of the sum of
; x_i*y_{i+1}-y_i*x_{i+1}
;for i from 0 to N-1, i.e. for all adjacent pairs of vertices of the
;closed polygon. This area may be positive or negative, according to
;the orientation of the sequence relative to the coordinate system. In
;any case its magnitude is the surface area.
;If the coordinate system is oriented in a way that turning the
;positive x-axis counterclockwise by 90deg will turn it into the
;positive y-axis, then a positive area means that the polygon is
;oriented counterclockwise. In fact "positive" doesn't mean
;"counterclockwise". It just means "the same orientation as the
;coordinate system". In fact in 2D geometry "clockwise" has no meaning.
;If you look at a plane from the other side "clockwise" will turn into
;"counterclockwise". You have to define additionally which side of the
;plane is the "upside" and this definition can only be done by "looking
;at it" from 3D. (Sorry for the side-step...)
;There are many methods to test if a point of the plane is inside a
;simple polygon. None of them is technical trivial.
;The method I prefer is this one. It has been published by the german
;mathematician Ahlemeyer, although he may not be the first who invented
;it. Let's assume for simplicity that the point to be tested is the
;Divide the plane into 3 regions.
;S0 consists only of the origin (0,0)
;S+ is the "upper sector", consisting of all points with y>0 + all
;points (x,0) with x>0
;S- is the "lower sector", consisting of all points with y<0 + all
;points (x,0) with x<0.
;Every point of the plane belongs to exactly one sector.
;Initialize a counter with 0.
;Now make a round trip as before through all pairs of vertex points. If
;any vertex is in S0 then (0,0) is a a vertex of the polygon and you
;make your decision depending on the detail if an edge/vertex is
;"inside" or "outside" the polygon.
; if two adjacent vertices (x_i,y_i),(x_{i+1},y_{i+1}) are in
; the same sector, do nothing.
; else if they are in two distinct sectors then calculate
; d = x_i*y_{i+1) - y_i*x_{i+1)
; if d=0 then the origin is situated on the edge and you
; make your decision
; else if d>0 then add 1 to the counter
; else (d<0) subtract 1 from the counter
;If no final decision could be taken in the middle then the point is
;outside if the counter is ZERO, otherwise the point is outside. (Then
;the counter is either 2 or -2).
;Testing if a polygon is simple (not crossing itself) is probably the
;most difficult task in terms of computation time. The crude and
;straightforward approach is to test for each pair of edges if they
;intersect or not. This will only be a problem for _very_ many
;Some time ago we hat a long thread about this problem in
;sci.math.research, but nobody could come up with a _working_ algorithm
;which was not O(n^2), i.e. which did need significantly less than
;n^2/2 distinct tests. There were a lot of "convincing" proposals but
;none of them was waterproof.
[/pcode] |