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[分享] Copying Dimstyles between drawings using C#


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财富等级: 财运亨通

发表于 2013-5-26 23:20:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Copying Dimstyles between drawings using C#                                                        By Stephen Preston
  This sample code demonstrates how to use WblockCloneObjects to copy objects between DWG Databases – a set of dimstyles  in this case. It also (quite arbitrarily) demonstrates a little know function for retrieving the most recently used dimstyles – GetDimRecentStyleList (or at least I’d not come across this function before 0.jpg ).
  As an aside, a common mistake many people make when cloning DBObjects is to call their clone function. This must be used with care because it makes a shallow copy of the object. Depending what you’re doing with the clone, its usually best to wblockclone or deepclone instead.
  1. [CommandMethod("ImportStyles")]
  2.     static public void importStyles()
  3.     {
  4.       Database db = new Database(false, false);
  5.       db.ReadDwgFile("C:\\Styles.dwg", System.IO.FileShare.Read, true, "");
  6.       // Get up to 6 most recently used styles
  7.       ObjectIdCollection dimStyles = db.GetDimRecentStyleList();
  8.       Database destDb =
  9.               Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
  10.       ObjectId destDictId = destDb.DimStyleTableId;
  11.       IdMapping iMap = new IdMapping();
  12.       // Replace any existing styles
  13.       destDb.WblockCloneObjects(dimStyles, destDictId, iMap,
  14.                               DuplicateRecordCloning.Replace, false);
  15.     }

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