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AutoCAD 2008的一些新特性及与以往Lisp之小联系
1)加了一种Annotaion的概念,可以在缩放详图的时候自动调整尺寸,这点对详图设计应该比较有用。所以必须学习一下annotation scale。而annotative object包含了好些实体,比如dimension,text等。2008把它当成第一个新特性,肯定认为是很重要的吧。
附记:下面这个是McNeel公司(doslib公司)很早之前的一个detail程序。郭晨汉化。:)好像郭晨这个网站比xdcad还要早一点一样。记得早期有小宇,王者之剑,谢永忠,尉迟俊岭,Qlin大侠(我们学校bbs的cad版主)等网络知名人士。而国外著名人物有tony tanzillo, bill krammer等。其实在cadalyst还可以找到几个类似的程序。
; Allegro TABLET TOOLS LISP file
; Extracts a section of a drawing for a detail.
; Lines, Arcs, & Circles are trimmed to the box boundary.
; P-LINES and equal scale blocks are exploded one level in the detail
; before trimming.
; (c) 1988 Robert McNeel & Assoc., 1310 Ward St., Seattle, WA, 98109
; This routine is submitted for private non-resale use by end users.
(princ "\nInitial load .. please wait\n")
(defun val (x e) (cdr (assoc x e)))
(defun enttype (e) (cdr (assoc 0 e)))
(defun entname (e) (cdr (assoc -1 e)))
(setq >90 (/ pi 2) >270 (* 3 (/ pi 2)))
; Find the 'endpoints ' of the LINES, ARCS, & CIRCLES in ss that are
; outside a rectangle described by the opposite corners pll and pur.
; and submits them to the command function.
(defun osends (sss pll pur / z eps xll yll xur yur)
(ends sss) ;this puts the 'endpoints' in a list, eps
(if (< (car pll) (car pur))(setq xll (car pll) xur (car pur))
(setq xll (car pur) xur (car pll)))
(if (< (cadr pll) (cadr pur))(setq yll (cadr pll) yur (cadr pur))
(setq yll (cadr pur) yur (cadr pll)))
(foreach z eps ;this checks if they are outside the rectangle
(if (or (< (caadr z) xll)
(< (cadadr z) yll)
(> (caadr z) xur)
(> (cadadr z) yur)
(command z)
; Finds the 'endpoints' of LINES, ARCS, & CIRCLES in ss.
; 'Endpoints' are:
; LINES: endpoints
; ARCS: endpoints and quadrant points
; CIRCLES: quadrant points
; The endpoint lists are consed into the list eps (global).
(defun ends (ss / i ent cen)
(setq len (sslength ss) i 0) ;get number of entities
(princ len)(princ " Entities.")
(while (< i len) ;loop thru them
(princ ".")
(setq ent (entget (ssname ss i))) ;get assoc list
(cond ;Check for LINES, ARCS, & CIRCLES and cons
; the appropriate points into eps.
;Other entity types are ignored.
((= (enttype ent) "LINE")
(setq eps (cons (list (entname ent) (val 10 ent)) eps))
(setq eps (cons (list (entname ent) (val 11 ent)) eps)) )
((= (enttype ent) "ARC")
(setq cen (val 10 ent))
(setq eps (cons
(list (entname ent)
(polar cen 0 (val 40 ent))) eps))
(setq eps (cons
(list (entname ent)
(polar cen >90 (val 40 ent))) eps))
(setq eps (cons
(list (entname ent)
(polar cen pi (val 40 ent))) eps))
(setq eps (cons
(list (entname ent)
(polar cen >270 (val 40 ent))) eps))
(setq eps (cons
(list (entname ent)
(polar cen (val 50 ent) (val 40 ent))) eps))
(setq eps (cons
(list (entname ent)
(polar cen (val 51 ent) (val 40 ent))) eps))
(setq eps (cons
(list (entname ent)
(osnap (polar cen (val 51 ent) (val 40 ent)) "mid")) eps)) )
((= (enttype ent) "CIRCLE")
(setq cen (val 10 ent))
(setq eps (cons
(list (entname ent)
(polar cen 0 (val 40 ent))) eps))
(setq eps (cons
(list (entname ent)
(polar cen >90 (val 40 ent))) eps))
(setq eps (cons
(list (entname ent)
(polar cen pi (val 40 ent))) eps))
(setq eps (cons
(list (entname ent)
(polar cen >270 (val 40 ent))) eps)) )
(setq i (1+ i)) ;Next entity
;Explodes all p-lines in selection set s
(defun exp_pl (s / i len ent)
(setq i 0 len (sslength s))
(while (< i len)
(setq ent (entget (ssname s i)))
((= (enttype ent) "POLYLINE")
(command "explode" (entname ent))
((= (enttype ent) "INSERT")
(if (= (val 41 ent) (val 42 ent) (val 43 ent)) ;check equal scale
(command "explode" (entname ent))
(setq blkflag 1) ;found one set flag
(setq i (+ 1 i))
;erases parts of exploded p-lines that are outside target area
(defun era_xtra (e)
(setq ssx (ssadd))
(while (setq e (entnext e))
(if (not (ssmemb e ss))
(ssadd e ssx)
(command "erase" ssx "")
; Gets the geometry and calls routines to do the trimming.
(defun c:dtl (/ px py pxx pyy xs ss b ssx)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "highlight" 0)
(setq blkflag 1) ;set flag to explode at least once
(if (and
;This defines a rectangle to be copied out to a detail
(setq px (getpoint "\nFirst corner: "))
(setq py (getcorner px "\nOther corner: "))
;This is the position of the lower left corner of the detail
(setq pxx (getpoint px "\nNew first corner position: "))
;This is a size adjust factor for scaling the detail
(setq xs (getreal "\nScale factor for detail: ")) )
;copy out the stuff selected
(princ "\nCopying Please Stand By..")
(command "copy" "c" px py "" px pxx)
(command "pline" px (list (car px) (cadr py)) ;draw an outline of
py (list (car py) (cadr px)) "c") ; the base area.
;these are the new entities that may need trimming.
(setq last (entlast)) ;save end of database ie. pline
(setq pyy (polar pxx (angle px py) (distance px py)))
(while (= blkflag 1)
(setq blkflag 0) ;set block flag for exit
(command "select" "c" pxx pyy "r" "w" pxx pyy "")
(setq ss (ssget "p"))
(princ "\nExploding..")
(exp_pl ss) ;this explodes them
) ;then get all the new parts into ss
(princ "\nMaking New Selection Set.")
(setq ss (ssget "c" pxx pyy))
;and erase ones that are clear outside rectangle
(princ "\nClearing Excess Stuff..")
(era_xtra last)
(if (/= xs 1.0)(command "scale" ss "" pxx xs)) ;Scale the detail
;new other corner point of detail
(setq pyy (polar pxx (angle px py) (* xs (distance px py))))
(command "pline" pxx (list (car pxx) (cadr pyy)) ;Box around the
pyy (list (car pyy) (cadr pxx)) "c") ;detail
(command "select" "c" pxx pyy "r" "w" pxx pyy "")
(setq ss (ssget "p"))
(princ "\nTrimming ")
(command "trim" (setq b (entlast)) "") ;Last P-line is cutting edge
(osends ss pxx pyy) ;This finds the ends that are outside the box
; and trims them.
(command "") ;Terminate trim
(redraw b)
(princ "Done!")
(setvar "highlight" 1)
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
(prompt "\本程序由郭晨汉化,有任何问题请来信cadking@163.net,主页http://cadking.yeah.net,启动命令:dtl ")
2)Dimension的一些增强,包括公差的对齐等等,还有给标注加截断线,加了一种叫Inspection Dimension的。给线性标注添加一种叫Jog line来表示尺寸和实际不符的情况(还没有想明白具体的作用)。
6)一种将选择图层不关闭,但锁住变灰可捕捉的reduce visual complexity的做法。这个Layeriso的命令非常好用,是这个版本的一个亮点了。地位可以和最近几个版本中出现的join和scaletext等小命令相媲美。
8)Visual fidelity 的功能用于对新的annotation性质进行控制。Mtext可以写多列文字了。多行块属性。
所以个人感觉,2008的变化没有2007来的多。更多的细节,应该是小号版本的升级吧。 |