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发表于 2004-3-22 13:47:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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发表于 2004-3-22 14:01:31 | 显示全部楼层

Re: [求助]:图块清理(Purge)的问题

最初由 LQH 发布
[B]通常CAD图形中的图块,如果未被引用,可以被purge清理掉,以节省磁盘空间,但有某些块虽未被引用,我仍然需要保留在图形,不让其被清理,可何做到! [/B]


  1. AcEditorReactor::commandWillStart Function virtual void

  2. commandWillStart(

  3. const char* cmdStr);

  4. cmdStr Passed in string of the command being executed

  5. This callback function indicates that the command cmdStr is about to

  6. begin execution.

  7. cmdStr may be up to 257 characters (including the string terminator).

来判断是否执行了purge 命令,然后你保存你需要的“未被引用”的BLOCK,等AcEditorReactor::commandEnded  时候,你再恢复那些BLOCK到数据库。



  1. AcEditorReactor::commandEnded Function virtual void

  2. commandEnded(

  3. const char* cmdStr);

  4. cmdStr Passed in string of the command being executed

  5. This callback function indicates that the command cmdStr has completed.

  6. cmdStr may be up to 257 characters (including the string terminator).

  7. With commands involving sets of entities, and when
  8. AcEditorReactor::comandEnded() notification is sent, the last entity

  9. operated upon is still open for read even though AutoCAD is no longer
  10. looking at it. This prevents that entity from being opened for write via
  11. acdbOpenObject() within the notification callback.

  12. There are two ways to get around this limitation:

  13. 1  The preferred method is to use a transaction to manipulate the entities
  14. within your implementation of the commandEnded(). This bypasses any
  15. problems opening objects that are still open.

  16. Warning When using this method, you must be sure to end or terminate

  17. the transaction before you return from the commandEnded() function.

  18. Following is a simple example of this method:

  19. void
  20. AsdkEdReactor::commandEnded(const char *pCommand)
  21. {
  22.     // If AutoCAD is shutting down, then do nothing.
  23.     //
  24.     if (!acdbHostApplicationServices()->working Database())
  25.         return;

  26.     // get entities just operated on
  27.     //
  28.     ads_name sset;
  29.     int err = acedSSGet("p", NULL, NULL, NULL, sset);
  30.     if (err != RTNORM) {
  31.         acutPrintf("\nError acquiring previous selection set");
  32.         return;
  33.     }
  34.     actrTransactionManager->startTransaction();

  35.     long length;
  36.     acedSSLength(sset, &length);

  37.     ads_name en;
  38.     AcDbObjectId eId;
  39.     AcDbEntity *pEnt;
  40.     for (long i=0; i <  length; i++) {
  41.         acedSSName(sset, i, en);

  42.         Acad::ErrorStatus es = acdbGetObjectId(eId, en);
  43.         if (es != Acad::eOk) {
  44.             acutPrintf("\nacdbGetObjectId failed: "
  45.                 "Entity name < %lx,%lx >, error %s.", en[0], en[1],
  46.                 acadErrorStatusText(es));
  47.             acedSSFree(sset);
  48.             return;
  49.         }
  50.         es = actrTransactionManager->getObject((AcDbObject*&)pEnt,
  51.             eId, AcDb::kForWrite);
  52.         if (es == Acad::eOk) {
  53.             pEnt->setColorIndex(1);
  54.             pEnt->close();
  55.         } else {
  56.             acutPrintf("\ngetObject failed with error %s.",
  57.                 acadErrorStatusText(es));
  58.             actrTransactionManager->abortTransaction();
  59.             acedSSFree(sset);
  60.             return;
  61.         }
  62.     }
  63.     actrTransactionManager->endTransaction();
  64.     acedSSFree(sset);
  65. }
  66. 2  Within the commandEnded() implementation, you can open the entity
  67. for read and then repeatedly call its close() method until its isReallyClosing
  68. () method returns Acad::kTrue, indicating that there is now only one
  69. reader, and then use the entity's upgradeOpen() method to upgrade the
  70. open to AcDb::kForWrite.

  71. Now the entity is in a normal open AcDb::kForWrite state, so do whatever
  72. operations you want, followed by a call to the entity's close() or cancel()

  73. .
  74. Following is a simple example of this method:

  75. void
  76. AsdkEdReactor::commandEnded(const char *pCommand)
  77. {
  78.     // If AutoCAD is shutting down, then do nothing.
  79.     //
  80.     if (!acdbHostApplicationServices()->working Database())
  81.         return;
  83.     // get entities just operated on
  84.     //
  85.     ads_name sset;
  86.     int err = acedSSGet("p", NULL, NULL, NULL, sset);
  87.     if (err != RTNORM) {
  88.         acutPrintf("\nError acquiring previous selection set");
  89.         return;
  90.     }

  91.     long length;
  92.     acedSSLength(sset, &length);

  93.     ads_name en;
  94.     AcDbObjectId eId;
  95.     AcDbEntity *pEnt;
  96.     for (long i=0; i < length; i++) {
  97.         acedSSName(sset, i, en);

  98.         Acad::ErrorStatus es = acdbGetObjectId(eId, en);
  99.         if (es != Acad::eOk) {
  100.             acutPrintf("\nacdbGetObjectId failed: "
  101.                 "Entity name < %lx,%lx >, error %s.", en[0], en[1],
  102.                 acadErrorStatusText(es));
  103.             acedSSFree(sset);
  104.             return;
  105.         }
  106.         es = acdbOpenObject(pEnt, eId, AcDb::kForWrite);
  107.         if (es == Acad::eOk) {
  108.             pEnt->setColorIndex(cindex);
  109.             pEnt->close();
  110.         } else if (es == Acad::eWasOpenForRead) {
  111.             // open it for read again to get a pointer to the
  112.             // entity and then close it repeatedly until it's
  113.             // down to one open for read.
  114.             //
  115.             acdbOpenObject(pEnt, eId, AcDb::kForRead);
  116.             do
  117.                 pEnt->close();
  118.             while (!pEnt->isReallyClosing());

  119.             // Now that we're down to one open for read, upgrade
  120.             // the open to kForWrite.
  121.             //
  122.             pEnt->upgradeOpen();

  123.             // do what we want and then close
  124.             //
  125.             pEnt->setColorIndex(1);
  126.             pEnt->close();
  127.         } else {
  128.             acutPrintf("\nacdbOpenObject failed with error %s.",
  129.                 acadErrorStatusText(es));
  130.             acedSSFree(sset);
  131.             return;
  132.         }
  133.     }
  134.     acedSSFree(sset);
  135. }
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