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发表于 2004-9-16 11:37:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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虽然VBA中不含有某些复杂功能,但可通过调用MDL API来实现。下面的例子就是用VBA 调用MDL API中的Mesh创建函数来绘制一个底面为正六边形的楔形多边体!
Option Explicit

Declare Function mdlMesh_newVariablePolyface Lib "stdbspline.dll" _
                (ByRef ppMeshED As Long, ByVal pTemplate As Long, ByRef pIndices As Long, _
                 ByVal numIndices As Long, ByRef pXYZ As Point3d, ByVal numVertex As Long) As Long
Declare Function mdlElmdscr_add Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" (ByVal elemDescr As Long) As Long
Declare Sub mdlElmdscr_display Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" _
           (ByVal elemDescr As Long, ByVal modelRef As Long, ByVal drawMode As Long)
Declare Sub mdlElmdscr_freeAll Lib "stdmdlbltin.dll" (ByRef elemDescr As Long)

Function createMesh() As Long
    Dim pMeshED As Long
    Dim aXYZ() As Point3d
    Dim aIndex() As Long
    Dim nXYZ As Long, nIndex As Long
    Dim lStatus As Long

    nXYZ = 8
    ReDim aXYZ(1 To nXYZ)
    aXYZ(1) = Point3dFromXYZ(0, 0, 0)
    aXYZ(2) = Point3dFromXYZ(1, 0, 0)
    aXYZ(3) = Point3dFromXYZ(2, 1, 0)
    aXYZ(4) = Point3dFromXYZ(2, 2, 0)
    aXYZ(5) = Point3dFromXYZ(1, 2, 0)
    aXYZ(6) = Point3dFromXYZ(0, 1, 0)
    aXYZ(7) = Point3dFromXYZ(0.5, 0.5, 3)
    aXYZ(8) = Point3dFromXYZ(1.5, 1.5, 3)

    nIndex = 33
    ReDim aIndex(0 To nIndex - 1)
    aIndex(0) = 6: aIndex(1) = 5: aIndex(2) = 4
    aIndex(3) = 3: aIndex(4) = 2: aIndex(5) = 1: aIndex(6) = 0
    aIndex(7) = 2: aIndex(8) = 3: aIndex(9) = 8: aIndex(10) = 7: aIndex(11) = 0
    aIndex(12) = 5: aIndex(13) = 6: aIndex(14) = 7: aIndex(15) = 8: aIndex(16) = 0
    aIndex(17) = 1: aIndex(18) = 2: aIndex(19) = 7: aIndex(20) = 0
    aIndex(21) = 3: aIndex(22) = 4: aIndex(23) = 8: aIndex(24) = 0
    aIndex(25) = 4: aIndex(26) = 5: aIndex(27) = 8: aIndex(28) = 0
    aIndex(29) = 6: aIndex(30) = 1: aIndex(31) = 7: aIndex(32) = 0

    pMeshED = 0
    lStatus = mdlMesh_newVariablePolyface(pMeshED, 0, aIndex(LBound(aIndex)), nIndex, aXYZ(LBound(aXYZ)), nXYZ)
    createMesh = pMeshED
End Function

Sub addMesh()
    Dim pED As Long
    pED = createMesh
    If Not pED = 0 Then
        If mdlElmdscr_add(pED) = 0 Then: MsgBox "添加失败! "
        mdlElmdscr_display pED, 0, 0
        mdlElmdscr_freeAll pED
    End If
End Sub
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