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- 2004-12-18
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- ;;; 环境初始化
- (vl-load-com) ;_ 确保加载了 activex 支持
- ;;; c:ccc
- ;;; 将相邻的两条曲线合并成一条曲线,
- ;;; 同时如果一条曲线的两端点相邻则将此曲线封闭。
- ;;; 用户可手工选择两条曲线(spline,*polyline),或一条曲线,先选后选均可。
- (defun c:ccc (/ comclosedist fpprecision selsets
- selset filtertype filterdata curve1
- fplist1 curve2 fplist2 fparray
- statan endtan newcurve newcurvearray
- )
- (setq *thisdrawing* (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
- *modelspace* (vla-get-ModelSpace *thisdrawing*)
- )
- (setq comclosedist
- 10 ;_ 小于这个距离才合并或封闭
- fpprecision
- 1.01 ;_ 获取 fitpoint 时使用的精度
- filtertype
- 0 ;_ 0 在DXF格式中是 图元类型的组码
- filterdata
- "spline,*polyline" ;_ 图元类型的值
- newcurve nil
- )
- ;; 曲线选择,一条或两条
- (setq selsets (vla-get-selectionsets *thisdrawing*))
- (if (= (vla-get-count selsets) 0)
- (vla-add selsets (vlax-make-variant "ss1"))
- )
- (setq selset (vla-item selsets 0))
- (vla-clear selset)
- (vla-select
- selset
- acSelectionSetPrevious
- filtertype
- filterdata
- )
- (if (= 0 (vla-get-count selset))
- (progn
- (prompt
- "\n请选择两条相邻的 spline,*polyline <退出>:"
- )
- ; (vla-SelectOnScreen selset filtertype filterdata)
- (vla-SelectOnScreen selset)
- )
- )
- ;; 进行曲线合并
- (if (= 2 (vla-get-count selset))
- (progn
- ;; 获取第1条曲线的拟合点列表 fitpoints 。
- (setq curve1 (vla-item selset 0))
- (if (= "acdbspline" (strcase (vla-get-ObjectName curve1) t))
- (setq fplist1 (spline_fplist curve1 fpprecision)) ;_ 对 spline ,直接或间接取它的 fitpoint 。
- (setq fplist1 (pline_vertexlist curve1)) ;_ 对 *polyline ,取其 vertex 为 fitpoint 。
- )
- ;; 获取第2条曲线的拟合点列表 fitpoints 。
- (setq curve2 (vla-item selset 1))
- (if (= "acdbspline" (strcase (vla-get-ObjectName curve2) t))
- (setq fplist2 (spline_fplist curve2 fpprecision)) ;_ 对 spline ,直接或间接取它的 fitpoint 。
- (setq fplist2 (pline_vertexlist curve2)) ;_ 对 *polyline ,取其 vertex 为 fitpoint 。
- )
- ;; 删除旧曲线
- (vla-delete curve1)
- (vla-delete curve2)
- ;; 合并两个fplist生成新曲线
- (setq fplist1 (spline_combine2fpl fplist1 fplist2))
- (setq fparray (vlax-make-safearray
- vlax-vbdouble
- (cons 0 (1- (length fplist1)))
- )
- )
- (vlax-safearray-fill fparray fplist1)
- (setq
- statan (setq
- endtan (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbDouble '(0 . 2))
- )
- )
- (setq newcurve (vla-addspline *modelspace* fparray statan endtan))
- ;; 将新曲线的 fitpoint 都 purge 掉,以减少图形数据量。
- ;;; (vla-PurgeFitData newcurve)
- ;; 将曲线加入 selset ,以供进一步处理
- (vla-clear selset)
- (setq newcurvearray (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbObject '(0 . 0)))
- (vlax-safearray-fill newcurvearray (list newcurve))
- (vla-additems selset newcurvearray)
- )
- )
- ;; 将曲线封闭
- (if (= 1 (vla-get-count selset))
- (progn
- (setq newcurve (vla-item selset 0))
- (if (> comclosedist
- (distance (vlax-curve-getstartpoint newcurve)
- (vlax-curve-getEndPoint newcurve)
- )
- )
- (progn
- ;; 用 ssadd 创建的 selection set , 才适用于命令行。
- ;; selset 的类型是 VLA-Object acadSelectionSet , 不适用于命令行。
- ;; 两种选择集不能互相转换:(vlax-vla-object->ename selset) 返回 nil 。
- (setq lspselset (ssadd (vlax-vla-object->ename newcurve)))
- ;; 调用acad命令行
- (command "splinedit" lspselset "c" "" "")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ;; 结束
- (princ)
- )
- ;;; 返回 *polyline 的顶点(vertex)列表
- ;;; 参数说明,
- ;;; plobj -- polyline object , 类型为 vla-object .
- ;;; -----
- (defun pline_vertexlist
- (plobj / plname vtxlist fp fplist plinetype vtxcount i)
- (setq plname (vlax-vla-object->ename plobj)
- fplist nil
- i 0
- )
- (setq vtxlist (vlax-safearray->list (vla-get-coordinates plobj)))
- (setq plinetype (strcase (vla-get-objectname plobj) t))
- (cond
- ((= "acdblwpolyline" plinetype) ;_ 这时 vtxlist 是 x,y 坐标
- (progn
- (setq vtxcount (/ (length vtxlist) 2))
- (repeat vtxcount
- (setq
- fp (trans (list (nth i vtxlist) (nth (+ i 2) vtxlist) 0)
- plname
- 0
- )
- ) ;_ 同时将点的坐标从 ocs 转换为 wcs
- (setq fplist (cons fp fplist))
- (setq i (+ i 2))
- )
- )
- )
- ((= "acdbpolyline" plinetype) ;_ 这时 vtxlist 是 x,y,z 坐标
- (progn
- (setq vtxcount (/ (length vtxlist) 3))
- (repeat vtxcount
- (setq fp (trans (list (nth i vtxlist)
- (nth (+ i 2) vtxlist)
- (nth (+ i 3) vtxlist)
- )
- plname
- 0
- )
- ) ;_ 同时将点的坐标从 ocs 转换为 wcs
- (setq fplist (cons fp fplist))
- (setq i (+ i 3))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- fplist ;_ 返回值
- ) ;_ pline_vertexlist 结束
- ;;; 返回 spline 的拟合点(fitpoint)列表
- ;;; 参数说明,
- ;;; splobj -- spline object , 类型为 vla-object .
- ;;; precision -- 获取 fitpoint 时的精确度。相邻两 fitpoint 将曲线分段。
- ;;; 分段两端点的曲线长度与直接距离相比,比值不大于 precision 。
- ;;; 算法说明,
- ;;; 随着曲线长度增加,计算量也线性增加。
- ;;; -----
- (defun spline_fplist (splobj precision /
- list_fps ; list of fitpoints
- len_fps ; length of the curve coverd by the fipoint list
- wcslist_rmsegs ; end wcs list of remaining segments
- lenlist_rmsegs ; length list of remaining segments
- fpwcs_segsta ; fitpoint WCS of the current segment start
- fpwcs_segend ; fitpoint WCS of the current segment end
- per_seg ; percent of the curve coverd by the current segment, ex, 0.5, 0.25, ...
- len_seg ; length of current segment
- dist_seg ; distance between the current segment's two ends
- acprecision ; actual precision
- wcs_sta ; wcs of the curve's start point
- wcs_end ; wcs of the curve's end point
- )
- ;; 防止精度不合理
- ;; 太高精度会死机或引起超过值域等错误。
- (if (< precision 1.005)
- (setq precision 1.005)
- )
- ;; 初始化
- (setq list_fps (cons (vlax-curve-getstartPoint splobj) nil)) ;_ 将起点坐标加到 fitpoint 列表中
- (setq len_fps 0.0) ;_ list_fps 的覆盖长度为 0.0
- (setq wcslist_rmsegs (cons (vlax-curve-getendPoint splobj) nil)) ;_ 将终点坐标加到 剩余段终点列表
- (setq lenlist_rmsegs
- (cons (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam
- splobj
- (vlax-curve-getEndParam splobj)
- )
- nil
- )
- ) ;_ 将曲线全长加到 剩余段终点列表
- ;; 获取 list_fps
- (while (/= wcslist_rmsegs nil) ;_ 当list_fps未覆盖整条曲线时继续
- ;;
- (setq len_seg (car lenlist_rmsegs))
- (setq fpwcs_segsta (car list_fps))
- (setq fpwcs_segend (car wcslist_rmsegs))
- (setq dist_seg (distance fpwcs_segsta fpwcs_segend))
- (setq acprecision
- (/ len_seg dist_seg))
- (if (> precision acprecision)
- ;; 精度达到要求时
- (progn
- (setq list_fps (cons fpwcs_segend list_fps)) ;_ fitpoint 列表增加一个点
- (setq len_fps (+ len_fps len_seg)) ;_ fitpoint 覆盖的长度增加
- (setq lenlist_rmsegs (cdr lenlist_rmsegs)) ;_ 剩余段列表减少一段
- (setq wcslist_rmsegs (cdr wcslist_rmsegs))
- )
- ;; 精度不足时
- (progn
- (setq len_seg (/ len_seg 2)) ;_ 将当前的段一分为 2
- (setq lenlist_rmsegs
- (cons len_seg (cons len_seg (cdr lenlist_rmsegs)))
- ) ;_ 剩余段列表第一段变为两段
- (setq wcslist_rmsegs
- (cons
- (vlax-curve-getPointAtDist splobj (+ len_fps len_seg))
- wcslist_rmsegs
- )
- ) ;_ 剩余段终点增加一个
- )
- )
- )
- list_fps ;_ 返回值
- ) ;_ spline_fplist 结束
- ;;; 返回两个 spline 拟合点列表的合并列表
- ;;; Combine two FitPoint Lists .
- (defun spline_combine2fpl (fpl1 fpl2 / rev1 rev2 mdist ndist fpcount i)
- ;; 判断最邻近的端点,并决定是否要将拟合点列表返序
- ;; 第1次
- (setq rev1 nil ;_ fpl1 不需反序
- rev2 nil ;_ fpl2 不需反序
- mdist (distance (last fpl1) (car fpl2)) ;_ 最邻近的端点的距离
- )
- ;; 第2次
- (setq ndist (distance (last fpl1) (last fpl2)))
- (if (> mdist ndist)
- (setq rev1 nil
- rev2 1
- mdist ndist
- )
- )
- ;; 第3次
- (setq ndist (distance (car fpl1) (car fpl2)))
- (if (> mdist ndist)
- (setq rev1 1
- rev2 nil
- mdist ndist
- )
- )
- ;; 第4次
- (setq ndist (distance (car fpl1) (last fpl2)))
- (if (> mdist ndist)
- (setq rev1 1
- rev2 1
- mdist ndist
- )
- )
- ;; 完成两个拟合点列表合并
- (if rev1
- (setq fpl1 (reverse fpl1))
- )
- (if rev2
- (setq fpl2 (reverse fpl2))
- )
- (setq fpl1 (append fpl1 fpl2)
- fpl2 nil
- fpcount (length fpl1)
- i 0
- )
- (repeat fpcount
- (setq fpl2 (append fpl2 (nth i fpl1)))
- (setq i (+ 1 i))
- )
- fpl2
- )
- 以下是 VBA 的
- ' ---------------------------------------
- ' 合并两条曲线, 合并结果为一条 spline .
- ' 合并后, 如果曲线两端点距离足够小, 则将此曲线封闭.
- ' ---------------------------------------
- Sub curvecbcl()
- Dim curve As AcadObject
- Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet
- Dim ftype(0) As Integer
- Dim fdata(0) As Variant
- Dim isnewcurve As Boolean
- ' 选择两条曲线
- If ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Count < 1 Then
- Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("ss01")
- Else
- Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("ss01")
- End If
- sset.Clear
- ftype(0) = 0
- fdata(0) = "spline,*polyline"
- sset.Select acSelectionSetPrevious, ftype, fdata '完成曲线选择(预选方式)
- ' selset.SelectOnScreen ftype, fdata '完成曲线选择(后选方式)
- Select Case sset.Count
- Case 2
- Set curve = curvecombine(sset, 10) ' 10是合并限距
- isnewcurve = True
- Case 1
- Set curve = sset.Item(0)
- isnewcurve = False
- Case Else
- MsgBox "操作错误: 请选择两条曲线以供连接,或选择一条曲线以供封闭."
- End Select
- If Not curve Is Nothing Then
- curveclose curve, 10, isnewcurve ' 10是闭合限距
- End If
- End Sub
- ' -----------------------
- ' 如果两条曲线端点足够近, 则合并其 fitpoint 生成一条 spline .
- ' 合并成功后,自动删除原来的两条曲线
- Private Function curvecombine(ByRef ss As AcadSelectionSet, ByVal distlimit As Double)
- Dim fps1 As Variant ' FitPoints of curve 1
- Dim fps1count As Long
- Dim fps2 As Variant ' FitPoints of curve 2
- Dim fps2count As Long
- ' ----调用 addspline 所需的参数----------------------
- Dim fpsall() As Double ' FitPoints of all the 2 curves,
- Dim statan(0 To 2) As Double ' starttangen of the new curve
- Dim endtan(0 To 2) As Double 'endtangen of the new curve
- ' ----以上3个参数类型只能是数组,若改为variant,则绘制不成功-------
- Dim tangent As Variant ' 用于辅助处理 statan 和 endtan
- Dim distx(0 To 1, 0 To 1) As Double '端点距离
- Dim distmin As Variant
- distmin = Array(distlimit, 0, 0) '(端点最小距离,曲线1方向标志,曲线2方向标志)
- Dim newcurve(0 To 0) As AcadSpline
- '合并曲线应满足的条件
- If Not (ss.Count = 2) Then
- MsgBox "错误原因:选择的不是两条曲线."
- Exit Function '只能选择2条曲线
- End If
- If ss.Item(0).Closed Or ss.Item(0).Closed Then
- MsgBox "错误原因:选择的曲线中至少有一条是已经闭合的."
- Exit Function '已闭合的不作合并
- End If
- If UBound(ss.Item(0).IntersectWith(ss.Item(1), acExtendNone)) >= 0 Then
- MsgBox "错误原因:选择的两条曲线有交点."
- Exit Function '有交点时不作合并
- End If
- '取得 FitPoints
- If UCase(ss.Item(0).ObjectName) Like "*POLYLINE" Then
- fps1 = wcscoords_xpl(ss.Item(0)) 'polyline 的 vertex 视作 fitpoint
- Else
- fps1 = ss.Item(0).FitPoints
- End If
- fps1count = (UBound(fps1) + 1) / 3
- If UCase(ss.Item(1).ObjectName) Like "*POLYLINE" Then
- fps2 = wcscoords_xpl(ss.Item(1)) ' polyline 的 vertex 视作 fitpoint
- Else
- fps2 = ss.Item(1).FitPoints
- End If
- fps2count = (UBound(fps2) + 1) / 3
- ' 相近的端点应足够近(不大于distlimit)
- Dim pt1sta As Variant
- Dim pt1end As Variant
- Dim pt2sta As Variant
- Dim pt2end As Variant
- pt1sta = Array(fps1(0), fps1(1), fps1(2))
- pt1end = Array(fps1(UBound(fps1) - 2), fps1(UBound(fps1) - 1), fps1(UBound(fps1) - 0))
- pt2sta = Array(fps2(0), fps2(1), fps2(2))
- pt2end = Array(fps2(UBound(fps2) - 2), fps2(UBound(fps2) - 1), fps2(UBound(fps2) - 0))
- distx(0, 0) = distance(pt1sta, pt2sta)
- distx(0, 1) = distance(pt1sta, pt2end)
- distx(1, 0) = distance(pt1end, pt2sta)
- distx(1, 1) = distance(pt1end, pt2end)
- Dim i As Long, j As Long
- For i = 0 To 1
- For j = 0 To 1
- If distx(i, j) <= distmin(0) Then
- distmin(0) = distx(i, j)
- distmin(1) = (-1) ^ (i + 1) ' = -1 时, 表示要将 fitpoint数组 fps1 反序加入总表
- distmin(2) = (-1) ^ j ' = -1 时, 表示要将 fitpoint数组 fps2 反序加入总表
- End If
- Next
- Next ' 至此已知道最靠近的端点是哪两个
- If distmin(1) = 0 Then
- MsgBox "错误信息: 曲线端点距离太远了, 不作合并."
- Exit Function
- End If
- ' 构造 fitpoint 总表(数组)
- ReDim fpsall((fps1count + fps2count) * 3 - 1)
- Dim firstpt As Long, lastpt As Long
- If distmin(1) = -1 Then
- firstpt = fps1count - 1
- lastpt = 0
- Else
- firstpt = 0
- lastpt = fps1count - 1
- End If
- j = 0
- For i = firstpt To lastpt Step distmin(1)
- fpsall(j + 0) = fps1(i * 3 + 0)
- fpsall(j + 1) = fps1(i * 3 + 1)
- fpsall(j + 2) = fps1(i * 3 + 2)
- j = j + 3
- Next '至此 fitpoint 总表已构造了一半
- If distmin(2) = -1 Then
- firstpt = fps2count - 1
- lastpt = 0
- Else
- firstpt = 0
- lastpt = fps2count - 1
- End If
- For i = firstpt To lastpt Step distmin(2)
- fpsall(j + 0) = fps2(i * 3 + 0)
- fpsall(j + 1) = fps2(i * 3 + 1)
- fpsall(j + 2) = fps2(i * 3 + 2)
- j = j + 3
- Next '至此 fitpoint 总表已构造完成
- ' 确定 fitpoint 总表两端点的 tangent 值
- ' 先确定起点的, 即 statan .
- If UCase(ss.Item(0).ObjectName) Like "*SPLINE" Then
- ' 对 spline 保持原来的 tangent 值, 只调整方向.
- If distmin(1) = -1 Then
- tangent = ss.Item(0).EndTangent
- statan(0) = -tangent(0): statan(1) = -tangent(1): statan(2) = -tangent(2)
- Else
- tangent = ss.Item(0).StartTangent
- statan(0) = tangent(0): statan(1) = tangent(1): statan(2) = tangent(2)
- End If ' 对未连接的端点
- Else
- ' 对 polyline 使用两点射线为 tangen.
- statan(0) = fpsall(3) - fpsall(0): statan(1) = fpsall(4) - fpsall(1): statan(2) = fpsall(5) - fpsall(2)
- tangent = Abs(statan(0))
- For i = 1 To 2
- If Abs(statan(i)) > tangent Then
- tangent = Abs(statan(i))
- End If
- Next
- For i = 0 To 2
- statan(i) = statan(i) / tangent
- Next
- End If
- ' 再确定终点的, 即 endtan
- If UCase(ss.Item(1).ObjectName) Like "*SPLINE" Then
- ' 对 spline 保持原来的 tangent 值, 只调整方向.
- If distmin(2) = -1 Then
- tangent = ss.Item(1).StartTangent
- endtan(0) = -tangent(0): endtan(1) = -tangent(1): endtan(2) = -tangent(2)
- Else
- tangent = ss.Item(1).EndTangent
- endtan(0) = tangent(0): endtan(1) = tangent(1): endtan(2) = tangent(2)
- End If ' 对未连接的端点
- Else
- ' 对 polyline 使用两点射线为 tangen , 并确定方向.
- endtan(0) = fpsall((fps1count + fps2count - 1) * 3 + 0) - fpsall((fps1count + fps2count - 2) * 3 + 0)
- endtan(1) = fpsall((fps1count + fps2count - 1) * 3 + 1) - fpsall((fps1count + fps2count - 2) * 3 + 1)
- endtan(2) = fpsall((fps1count + fps2count - 1) * 3 + 2) - fpsall((fps1count + fps2count - 2) * 3 + 2)
- tangent = Abs(endtan(0))
- For i = 1 To 2
- If Abs(endtan(i)) > tangent Then
- tangent = Abs(endtan(i))
- End If
- Next
- For i = 0 To 2
- endtan(i) = endtan(i) / tangent
- Next
- End If
- ' 删除原有曲线
- ss.Erase
- ss.Clear
- ' 生成新曲线(spline)
- Set newcurve(0) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddSpline(fpsall, statan, endtan)
- ' ThisDrawing.Regen (True)
- ' 返回曲线对象
- Set curvecombine = newcurve(0)
- End Function
- ' ---------------------------------
- ' 一条曲线两端足够近, 则将此曲线闭合.
- Private Sub curveclose(ByRef curve As AcadObject, ByVal distlimit As Double, isnewcurve As Boolean)
- ' curve 为需封闭的曲线
- ' distlimit 为封闭限制距离(端点距离不可大于此值)
- ' isnewcurve 表示曲线是新生成的(选择方法不同).
- Dim cmdtxt As String
- Dim fps As Variant, fpscount As Long
- Dim ptsta As Variant, ptend As Variant
- If curve.Closed Then
- ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt "提示: 曲线原已闭合"
- Exit Sub '已闭合的直接退出
- End If
- '取得 FitPoints
- If UCase(curve.ObjectName) Like "*POLYLINE" Then
- fps = wcscoords_xpl(curve) 'polyline 的 vertex 视作 fitpoint
- Else
- fps = curve.FitPoints
- End If
- fpscount = (UBound(fps) + 1) / 3
- ptsta = Array(fps(0), fps(1), fps(2))
- ptend = Array(fps((fpscount - 1) * 3 + 0), fps((fpscount - 1) * 3 + 1), fps((fpscount - 1) * 3 + 2))
- If distance(ptsta, ptend) <= distlimit Then
- ' 通过命令行调用 lisp 指令, 从而利用 autocad 的 splinedit 指令,(一时找不到更好的方法).
- If isnewcurve Then
- cmdtxt = "(command " & """splinedit""" & " " & "(ssget ""l"")" & " " & """C""" & " """" )" & " "
- Else
- cmdtxt = "(command " & """splinedit""" & " " & "(ssget ""p"")" & " " & """C""" & " """" )" & " "
- End If
- ThisDrawing.SendCommand cmdtxt
- ThisDrawing.Regen (True)
- End If
- End Sub
- ' 将一条 Xpolyline 的全部顶点坐标由OCS转换为WCS
- Function wcscoords_xpl(ByRef xpl As AcadObject)
- Dim ub_ocs As Integer 'OCS项点列表的上界
- Dim ptcount As Integer '顶点的个数
- Dim wcspt As Variant
- Dim ocspt(0 To 2) As Double, _
- ocspt_tmp As Variant
- Dim wcspts() As Double
- ub_ocs = UBound(xpl.Coordinates)
- Select Case UCase(xpl.ObjectName)
- ptcount = (ub_ocs + 1) / 2
- ptcount = (ub_ocs + 1) / 2
- Case Else
- Exit Function
- End Select
- ReDim wcspts(0 To ptcount * 3 - 1) As Double
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 0 To ptcount - 1
- ocspt_tmp = xpl.Coordinate(i)
- ocspt(0) = ocspt_tmp(0)
- ocspt(1) = ocspt_tmp(1)
- ocspt(2) = xpl.Elevation
- wcspt = ThisDrawing.Utility.TranslateCoordinates(ocspt, acOCS, acWorld, False, xpl.Normal)
- wcspts(i * 3 + 0) = wcspt(0)
- wcspts(i * 3 + 1) = wcspt(1)
- wcspts(i * 3 + 2) = wcspt(2)
- Next
- wcscoords_xpl = wcspts
- End Function
- ' 计算两点之间距离
- Function distance(ByVal sp As Variant, ByVal ep As Variant) As Double
- Dim x As Double
- Dim y As Double
- Dim z As Double
- x = sp(0) - ep(0)
- y = sp(1) - ep(1)
- z = sp(2) - ep(2)
- distance = Sqr((Sqr((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) ^ 2) + (z ^ 2))
- End Function