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- [FONT=courier new]
- How to get the constant attributes of a blockref through VBA
- ID 12559
- Applies to: AutoCAD 2000
- AutoCAD 2000I
- AutoCAD 2002
- Date 1/10/2002
- This document is part of Attribute Block Reference COM-ActiveX Interfaces VBA
- Question
- I have a drawing that has many different blocks, each block has three constant
- attributes (tags 'code' 'desc' and 'linfoot'). How do I get the block name,the
- attribute values, and find how many times the block is inserted and put this
- information into a spreadsheet using VBA?
- Answer
- You can get the block information from the block definition in the block table
- using VBA.
- The following sample demonstrates this by getting all the attributes of all the
- block references found in model space. You need to create a simple form which
- contains a listbox named ListBox1 and a button that starts the following
- procedure:
- Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
- Dim elem As Object
- Dim block As AcadBlock
- Dim item As Object
- Dim Array1 As Variant
- Dim count As Integer
- Dim MBtest1 As String
- Dim str As String
- For Each elem In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
- If elem.EntityName = "AcDbBlockReference" Then
- If elem.HasAttributes Then
- Array1 = elem.GetAttributes
- For count = LBound(Array1) To UBound(Array1)
- If (Array1(count).EntityName) = "AcDbAttribute" Then
- MBtest1 = Array1(count).TagString & " - " &
- Array1(count).TextString
- ListBox1.AddItem MBtest1
- End If
- Next count
- 'Get the block definition from the block table
- str = elem.Name
- Set block = ThisDrawing.Blocks.item(str)
- For Each item In block
- str = item.EntityName
- 'Get the Constant attributes
- If item.EntityName = "AcDbAttributeDefinition" Then
- If item.Mode = acAttributeModeConstant Then
- ListBox1.AddItem item.TagString & " - " & item.TextString
- End If
- End If
- Next item
- End If
- End If
- Next elem
- End Sub
- [/FONT]