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[他山之石] Using an ARX ActiveX server to update the block description from LISP

发表于 2013-6-2 10:36:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 Free-Lancer 于 2013-6-2 10:38 编辑

Using an ARX ActiveX server to update the block description from LISPBy Xiaodong Liang
How can I update the Description Field in the Block Definition using lisp ? Using the Lisp entmod function does not seem to work.

The only way to do this at present is to use the ActiveX server exposed in the adskUnSupp arx utility, the latest utility for AutoCAD 2013 is available at

ADN AutoCAD Utilities

With that ARX, and the following lisp code which loads the ARX module, connects to the ActiveX interface from adskUnSupp ARX, and loads it's type library to enable the Block Description Property to be set directly via a lisp function call.
  1. ;assume the utilities are installed at
  2. ; C:\Program Files\Autodesk\ADNUtilities2013_X64\AutoCADControls\

  3. (defun RunAcadUnSupp (/ rtn )
  4. (if (null (setq rtn (member "AsdkUnsupp2013.arx" (arx)))) (setq rtn (arxload
  5. "asdkunsupp2007.arx")))
  6. (if (null rtn)
  7.    (progn
  8.      (princ "\nAsdkUnsupp2013.arx Not Loaded, Exiting.")
  9.      (exit)
  10.    )
  11. )
  12. (vl-load-com)
  13. (setq AcadApp (vlax-get-acad-object))
  14. ;;; Change the Path to adskUnSupp2007 here ->
  15. (setq unSupp_ARXPath "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\ADNUtilities2013_X64\\AutoCADControls\\")
  16. (if (null unsupM-AddAnonymousGroup)
  17.     (if (findfile (strcat unSupp_ARXPath "AsdkUnsupp2013.arx"))
  18.     (vlax-import-type-library
  19.      :tlb-filename
  20.      (strcat unSupp_ARXPath "AsdkUnsupp2013.arx")
  21.      :methods-prefix
  22.      "unsupM-"
  23.      :properties-prefix
  24.      "unsupP-"
  25.      :constants-prefix
  26.      "unsupC-"
  27.     )
  28.    (progn
  29.      (alert (strcat "Exiting - Can't find "" unSupp_ARXPath
  30. "asdkunsupp2007.arx" """))
  31.      (exit)
  32.    )
  33. )
  34. )
  35. (setq unSuppX (vla-GetInterfaceObject acadApp "Asdkunsupp2007.Application.1"))
  36. (setq AcadDoc (vla-Get-ActiveDocument AcadApp))
  37. (setq UtilObj (vla-Get-Utility AcadDoc))
  38. (setq Blocks (vla-Get-Blocks AcadDoc))
  39. (vla-GetEntity UtilObj 'BlockRefObj 'selPt "\nSelect a Inserted Block: ")
  40. (if (equal
  41.     (setq ObjType (vla-Get-ObjectName BlockRefObj))
  42.     "AcDbBlockReference"
  43.      )
  44.       (progn
  45.      (setq BlkName (vla-Get-Name BlockRefObj))
  46.      (setq BlkObject (vla-Item Blocks BlkName))
  47.      (setq exBlkDescriptn (unsupP-Get-BlockDescription unSuppX BlkObject))
  48.      (setq aNewDescriptn (getString T (strcat "\nEnter New Block
  49. Description<" exBlkDescriptn ">:")))
  50.      (if (and aNewDescriptn (not (equal aNewDescriptn "")))
  51.         (unsupP-Put-BlockDescription unSuppX BlkObject aNewDescriptn)
  52.      )  
  53.       )
  54.    )
  55.    (CleanUpOnExit)
  56. )

  57. (defun CleanUpOnExit ()

  58. (if BlockRefObj (progn (vlax-Release-Object BlockRefObj) (setq BlockRefObj
  59. nil)))
  60. (if Blocks (progn (vlax-Release-Object Blocks) (setq Blocks nil)))
  61. (if UtilObj (progn (vlax-Release-Object UtilObj) (setq UtilObj nil)))
  62. (if AcadDoc (progn (vlax-Release-Object AcadDoc) (setq AcadDoc nil)))
  63. (if unSuppX (progn (vlax-Release-Object unSuppX) (setq unSuppX nil)))
  64. (if AcadApp (progn (vlax-Release-Object AcadApp) (setq AcadApp nil)))
  65. (princ)
  66. )

  67. (princ "\nRunAcadUnSupp, CleanUpOnExit loaded, type (RunAcadUnSupp), or
  68. (CleanUpOnExit) to run.")
  69. (princ)
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