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[PDF] BinaryNow PDF Impress


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发表于 2016-4-8 08:43:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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BinaryNow PDF Impress  是一款十分简单易用的 PDF 文档制作软件

只需要右键或者将需要制作的文档拖动到 PDF Impress 里即可。PDF Impress 支持最大 129 寸、2400 DPI 高分辨率的 PDF 文档制作!

BinaryNow PDF Impress 2015.10.x| 70.8 MB

PDF Impress provides multiple ways of creating Adobe® PDF documents. Users can simply right click documents or drag and drop them into PDF shortcut on desktop. PDF Impress virtual printer enables PDF creation from any application that can print. PDF Impress Workroom allows access, organize and batch convert documents with ease. ** sizes up to 129 inches, a resolution of up to 2400 DPI and compliance with the Adobe® specifications, and the ISO 19005-1 PDF/A-1b archive standard gives you flexibility in working with PDF you need.

Manipulate PDF document on fly with PDF Tools
PDF Impress Tools can replace Adobe Reader by previewing and printing the content of the PDF. It allows adding watermarks, stamps, attachments, document information, security and digital signature. Users can insert, remove, rotate and extract pages, optimize PDF and setup page layout. Export to JPEG, TIFF, PNG or HTML5 is available.

Digitally sign and encrypt Adobe PDF documents
Sign documents using a digital signature to verify identity and provide tamper-resistance. Integration with the Windows Certificate Store provides one-click access to your digital signatures. Use 40-bit / 128-bit RC4 or 128-bit / 256-bit AES encryption to secure your sensitive content. Support multiple digital ids for document approval and signature visualization.

Multiple PDF Watchers
Automate PDF conversion with multiple personal watch folders. Run watchers continuously, periodically at certain times or on demand using control icon on Windows System Tray.

Custom PDF profiles and MSI install
Fully control PDF creation in your organization. Define own PDF conversion profiles, watchers, settings and include them in a custom MSI distribution package which can be self-created on demand.

OS : Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 (32 and 64 bit)
Language : English

Home Page - http://www.binarynow.com/

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