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- [FONT=courier new]
- Public Sub lengthenExample()
- Dim oLine As AcadLine
- Dim angle1 As Double
- Dim dist1 As Double, dist2 As Double, distStPntPickPnt As Double, halfLenOfLine As Double
- Dim pickedPnt2 As Variant, returnPnt As Variant
- Dim basePnt(0 To 2) As Double
- Dim lineObj As AcadLine
- Dim intPoints As Variant
- Dim myRay As AcadRay
- ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity oLine, pickedPnt2, "select object to lengthen"
- ' distance between the startpoint and
- ' the picked point
- dist1 = Abs((oLine.StartPoint(0) - pickedPnt2(0)) * (oLine.StartPoint(0) - pickedPnt2(0)))
- dist2 = Abs((oLine.StartPoint(1) - pickedPnt2(1)) * (oLine.StartPoint(1) - pickedPnt2(1)))
- distStPntPickPnt = Sqr(dist1 + dist2)
- ' Debug.Print "Distance between stPnt and pickedPnt " & dist3 ' for testing
- ' Use to determine which point should be modified
- halfLenOfLine = oLine.Length / 2
- ' this is 90 degrees
- angle1 = oLine.Angle - 1.57
- ' basePnt needs to be either the StartPoint or EndPoint
- ' of the selected line
- If distStPntPickPnt < halfLenOfLine Then
- basePnt(0) = oLine.StartPoint(0)
- basePnt(1) = oLine.StartPoint(1)
- basePnt(2) = oLine.StartPoint(2)
- Else
- basePnt(0) = oLine.EndPoint(0)
- basePnt(1) = oLine.EndPoint(1)
- basePnt(2) = oLine.EndPoint(2)
- End If
- returnPnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(basePnt, "Enter a point: ")
- Dim polarPnt As Variant
- Dim distance As Double
- ' the distance value is not important
- ' this line is going to be erased, it is just
- ' need for the IntersectWith function below
- distance = 5
- polarPnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(returnPnt, angle1, distance)
- ' Create a ray from the base point to the polar point
- Set myRay = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRay(returnPnt, polarPnt)
- ' Find the intersection points
- ' intPoints = oLine.IntersectWith(lineObj, acExtendBoth)
- intPoints = oLine.IntersectWith(myRay, acExtendBoth)
- ' Change the StartPoint or EndPoint of the line
- If distStPntPickPnt < halfLenOfLine Then
- basePnt(0) = intPoints(0)
- basePnt(1) = intPoints(1)
- basePnt(2) = intPoints(2)
- oLine.StartPoint = basePnt
- Else
- basePnt(0) = intPoints(0)
- basePnt(1) = intPoints(1)
- basePnt(2) = intPoints(2)
- oLine.EndPoint = basePnt
- End If
- myRay.Delete
- ThisDrawing.Regen acActiveViewport
- End Sub
- [/FONT]