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发表于 2007-12-4 16:21:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Here's some code F# that goes through the modelspace and paperspace of the current drawing inside AutoCAD, and prints a list of all the distinct words used inside the various MText objects:

  1.   [FONT=courier new]
  2. // Use lightweight F# syntax

  3. #light

  4. (* Declare a specific namespace

  5.   and module name

  6. *)

  7. module MyNamespace.MyApplication

  8. // Import managed assemblies

  9. #I @"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2008"

  10. #r "acdbmgd.dll"

  11. #r "acmgd.dll"

  12. open System

  13. open System.Collections.Generic

  14. open Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

  15. open Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices

  16. open Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices

  17. // Now we declare our command

  18. [<CommandMethod("Words")>]

  19. let listWords () =

  20.   // Let's get the usual helpful AutoCAD objects

  21.   let doc =

  22.     Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

  23.   let ed = doc.Editor;

  24.   let db = doc.Database;

  25.   // "use" has the same effect as "using" in C#

  26.   use tr =

  27.     db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();

  28.   // Get appropriately-typed BlockTable and BTRs

  29.   let bt =

  30.     tr.GetObject

  31.       (db.BlockTableId,OpenMode.ForRead)

  32.     :?> BlockTable

  33.   let ms =

  34.     tr.GetObject

  35.       (bt.[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],

  36.       OpenMode.ForRead)

  37.     :?> BlockTableRecord

  38.   let ps =

  39.     tr.GetObject

  40.       (bt.[BlockTableRecord.PaperSpace],

  41.       OpenMode.ForRead)

  42.     :?> BlockTableRecord

  43.   // Now the fun starts...

  44.   // A function that accepts an ObjectId and returns

  45.   // a list of the text contents, or an empty list.

  46.   // Note the valid use of tr, as it is in scope

  47.   let extractText (x : ObjectId) =

  48.     let obj = tr.GetObject(x,OpenMode.ForRead);

  49.     match obj with

  50.     | :? MText -> [(obj :?> MText).Contents];

  51.     | _ -> []

  52.   // A recursive function to print the contents of a list

  53.   let rec printList x =

  54.     match x with

  55.     | h :: t -> ed.WriteMessage("\n" + h); printList t

  56.     | [] -> ed.WriteMessage("\n")

  57.   // Partial application of split which can then be

  58.   // applied to a string to retrieve the contained words

  59.   let words = String.split [' ']

  60.   // And here's where we plug everything together...

  61.   Seq.untyped_to_list ms @ Seq.untyped_to_list ps |>

  62.     List.map extractText |> List.flatten |> List.map words |>

  63.     List.flatten |> Set.of_list |> Set.to_list |> printList

  64.   // As usual, committing is cheaper than aborting

  65.   tr.Commit()

  66.   [/FONT]

F#的下载地址 http://research.microsoft.com/fsharp/release.aspx
F#的一些例子 http://www.codeplex.com/fsharpsamples
发表于 2007-12-4 17:44:39 | 显示全部楼层
binbin, 不打开dwg文件能在后台打印出文件里的内容吗,我试了一下打印预览不能显示出图形来,都是空白.

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发表于 2007-12-5 09:20:38 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-5 10:16:15 | 显示全部楼层

  1.   [FONT=courier new]
  2. #import "acad.tlb" no_namespacevoid
  3. fTest()
  4. {
  5.         // Use ActiveX interface to get the application object
  6.         IAcadApplicationPtr pAcad = acedGetAcadWinApp()->GetIDispatch(TRUE);   
  7.         //get the path to plotter configuration
  8.         _bstr_t szPrinterPath;
  9.         szPrinterPath = pAcad->Preferences->GetFiles()->GetPrinterConfigPath() + _bstr_t("\\DWF ePlot (optimized for plotting).pc3");
  10.         // get the current database
  11.         AcDbDatabase *curDocDB = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();  
  12.         // get a pointer to the layout manager
  13.         AcApLayoutManager *pLayoutManager = (AcApLayoutManager *)acdbHostApplicationServices()->layoutManager();
  14.         const char *layoutName = pLayoutManager->findActiveLayout (true);
  15.         // get the current layout
  16.         AcDbLayout *pLayout = pLayoutManager->findLayoutNamed (layoutName, true);   
  17.         // if we got it ok
  18.         if (pLayout != NULL)
  19.         {
  20.                 Acad::ErrorStatus es;  
  21.                 // get the plotsetttings class  
  22.                 AcDbPlotSettingsValidator *pPlotSettingsValidator = acdbHostApplicationServices()->plotSettingsValidator();
  23.                 // if we got it ok  
  24.                 if (pPlotSettingsValidator != NULL)
  25.                 {  
  26.                         // Refresh the layout lists in order to use it   
  27.                         pPlotSettingsValidator->refreshLists (pLayout);  
  28.                         // change the current layout plotter   
  29.                         es = pPlotSettingsValidator->setPlotCfgName (pLayout, szPrinterPath);      
  30.                         // set the window to plot as the extents of the drawing  
  31.                         es = pPlotSettingsValidator->setPlotWindowArea (pLayout,curDocDB->extmin ().x,curDocDB->extmin ().y,curDocDB->extmax ().x,curDocDB->extmax ().y);
  32.                         // set the orgin   
  33.                         es = pPlotSettingsValidator->setPlotOrigin (pLayout,curDocDB->extmin ().x,curDocDB->extmin ().y);
  34.                         // set to plot centred  
  35.                         es = pPlotSettingsValidator->setPlotCentered (pLayout, true);
  36.                         // setup the plot type to window
  37.                         es = pPlotSettingsValidator->setPlotType (pLayout, AcDbPlotSettings::kWindow);  
  38.                         // set the scale  
  39.                         es = pPlotSettingsValidator->setStdScaleType (pLayout, AcDbPlotSettings::StdScaleType::kScaleToFit);
  40.                         // we have to close the layout here because the last parameter of   
  41.                         // findLayoutNamed is true, leave layout open   
  42.                         pLayout->close ();
  43.                 }   
  44.         }  // get the current document
  45.         IAcadDocumentPtr pDoc = pAcad->GetActiveDocument();
  46.         // create a plot object  
  47.         IAcadPlotPtr pPlot = pDoc->GetPlot();  
  48.         // lets plot  
  49.         pPlot->PlotToFile("c:\\test.dwf", szPrinterPath);
  50. }
  51.   [/FONT]
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