- 143214
- 积分
- 0
- 精华
- 贡献
- 威望
- 活跃度
- D豆
- 在线时间
- 小时
- 注册时间
- 2004-5-27
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
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我因为不太懂,所以请版主帮忙看看这个对大家学习有没有帮助 :)
Option Explicit
Public isBlocks As Integer
Public bXYZ As Boolean
Public bLayer As Boolean
Public bScale As Boolean
Private cfBlockName As Range
Private pBlock As Object
Public listBlocks() As String
Public sBlocks As String
Sub initDataLink()
On Error GoTo Error_Msg
If Not AcadLinkWbk.bInitaialized Or CInt(CfgSheet.Range("B3").Value) Then Exit Sub
' kontrola, jestli m醡e jm閚o bloku
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim res As Integer
Dim bName As String
CfgSheet.bCreate = False
Set cfBlockName = CfgSheet.Range("B1")
n = CfgSheet.Range("B2")
If CfgSheet.CheckWithOutDlg.Value = False Then
bName = ""
'res = MsgBox("Would you rather pick the block in your drawing (instead of selecting from a block list)? (note: you have to switch to AutoCAD manually)", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2)
Load frmImpType
If frmImpType.bOk = False Then Exit Sub
'If res = vbYes Then
If frmImpType.OptionButtonBlocks.Value = False Then
isBlocks = 0
CfgSheet.Range("B1").Value = ""
If frmImpType.CheckBox1.Value = True Then
isBlocks = 2
isBlocks = 1
End If
End If
Unload frmImpType
If isBlocks > 0 Then
CfgSheet.OptionButton1.Value = True
CfgSheet.OptionButton1.Value = False
CfgSheet.OptionButton2.Value = True
End If
If isBlocks > 0 And CStr(cfBlockName.Value) = "" Then Exit Sub
'If CStr(cfBlockName.Value) <> "" Then
'VM: X-Y-Z, Lay, Scale ------------------
'Exit Sub
'End If
If CfgSheet.OptionButton1.Value Then
If CfgSheet.CheckPickDwg.Value Then
isBlocks = 2
isBlocks = 1
End If
If (Len(cfBlockName.Value) = 0 Or n <= 0) Then
End If
End If
If CfgSheet.OptionButton2.Value Then isBlocks = 0
End If
DataSet.nColumns = n
DataSet.nRows = 0
DataSet.Range("1:1").Font.Bold = 1
'Read data
Dim row: row = 0
'DEMO sentinel VM
Dim MAXROW: MAXROW = 20 '20
Dim blkName As String: blkName = cfBlockName.Value
Dim aAttribs, insPt As Variant
Dim crsr As Integer
Dim entType As Integer
Dim isCurBlock As Boolean: isCurBlock = False
Dim tmpBlockName As Variant
Dim sHandle As String
If isBlocks > 0 Then
entType = 7 'acBlockReference
Dim curBlockName As String
entType = 22 'acPoint
End If
If CfgSheet.OptionButton4.Value Then
Set AcadLinkWbk.acadMSpace = AcadLinkWbk.acadDoc.PaperSpace
Set AcadLinkWbk.acadMSpace = AcadLinkWbk.acadDoc.ModelSpace
End If
For Each pBlock In AcadLinkWbk.acadMSpace
On Error GoTo bad_obj_type
If pBlock.EntityType = entType Then
If isBlocks > 0 Then curBlockName = pBlock.Name
isCurBlock = False
If isBlocks > 0 Then
For Each tmpBlockName In listBlocks
If StrComp(tmpBlockName, curBlockName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
'MsgBox tmpBlockName + ", " + curBlockName
isCurBlock = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If (isBlocks = 0 Or isCurBlock = True) And row < MAXROW Then
'Or StrComp(blkName, curBlockName, vbTextCompare) = 0 And row < MAXROW Then
row = row + 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'VM: XYZ-L-Sc ----------------------
crsr = 1
If CfgSheet.CheckXYZ.Value Then
If isBlocks Then
insPt = pBlock.InsertionPoint
insPt = pBlock.Coordinates
End If
DataSet.Cells(1 + row, 1).Value = insPt(0)
DataSet.Cells(1 + row, 3).Value = insPt(1)
DataSet.Cells(1 + row, 5).Value = insPt(2)
crsr = crsr + 3
End If
'sHandle = pBlock.handle
'DataSet.Cells(1 + row, 6).NumberFormat = "@"
DataSet.Cells(1 + row, 6).Value = "'" & pBlock.handle
'MsgBox sHandle
If CfgSheet.CheckLay.Value Then
DataSet.Cells(1 + row, crsr * 2 - 1).Value = pBlock.Layer
crsr = crsr + 1
End If
If isBlocks > 0 Then
aAttribs = pBlock.GetAttributes()
If CfgSheet.CheckScale.Value Then
DataSet.Cells(1 + row, crsr * 2 - 1).Value = pBlock.XScaleFactor
crsr = crsr + 1
End If
'VM: end ------------------------
For i = LBound(aAttribs) To UBound(aAttribs)
With DataSet.Cells(1 + row, crsr * 2 - 1)
'.NumberFormat = xlGeneral
If CfgSheet.CheckForceText Then
.Value = "'" & aAttribs(i).TextString
.Value = aAttribs(i).TextString
End If
End With
With DataSet.Cells(1 + row, crsr * 2)
'.NumberFormat = xlText
.NumberFormat = "@"
.Value = "'" & aAttribs(i).handle
End With
crsr = crsr + 1
If (crsr * 2) = 256 Then Exit For
'DEMO sentinel VM
End If
If row = MAXROW Then
DataSet.Cells(2 + row, 1).Value = "DEMO LIMITED TO 20 ROWS !"
DataSet.Cells(2 + row, 1).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
DataSet.Cells(2 + row, 1).Font.Bold = 1
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
End If
GoTo err_cont
If Err.Number = 438 Then
Resume err_cont
MsgBox Err.Description
End If
DataSet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(row + 1, n * 2)).AutoFormat xlRangeAutoFormatSimple, False, False, False, True, True
DataSet.bOnLine = True
DataSet.nRows = row
CfgSheet.Range("D2").Value = row
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Sub selBlocks()
Dim ss As Object
Dim res As Integer
Dim pObj As Variant
Dim i As Integer: i = 0
Dim j As Integer: j = 0
If isBlocks = 2 Then
Set ss = AcadLinkWbk.acadDoc.SelectionSets.Add("XLLINK")
Application.Visible = False
Application.Visible = True
If ss.Count = 0 Then
res = MsgBox("Invalid selection (select a single entity)... retry?", vbYesNo)
If res = vbYes Then
GoTo try_again
Exit Sub
End If
End If
ReDim listBlocks(0)
ReDim listBlocks(ss.Count)
sBlocks = ""
For Each pObj In ss
'If ss.Item(0).EntityType <> acBlockReference Then
'j = j + 1
If pObj.EntityType = 7 Then 'acBlockReference
listBlocks(i) = pObj.Name
If Len(sBlocks) > 0 Then sBlocks = sBlocks + ","
sBlocks = sBlocks + pObj.Name
i = i + 1
'res = MsgBox("Wrong entity ... retry?", vbYesNo)
'If res = vbYes Then
' GoTo try_again
' Exit Sub
'End If
End If
cfBlockName.Value = sBlocks 'ss.Item(0).Name
' data z dialogu
Set frmBlckSel.pBlocks = AcadLinkWbk.acadDoc.Blocks
If frmBlckSel.bOk Then
cfBlockName.Value = sBlocks
'cfBlockName.Value = frmBlckSel.strBlockName
'MsgBox frmBlckSel.sBlocks
End If
Unload frmBlckSel
End If
End Sub
Sub DisconnectAutoCAD()
Set AcadLinkWbk.acadApp = Nothing
Set AcadLinkWbk.acadDoc = Nothing
Set AcadLinkWbk.acadMSpace = Nothing
AcadLinkWbk.bInitaialized = False
DataSet.bOnLine = False
CfgSheet.Range("B3").Value = 1
End Sub
Sub headRow()
Dim n As Integer
Dim i As Integer
n = 0
If CfgSheet.CheckXYZ.Value Then
bXYZ = True
DataSet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "X"
DataSet.Cells(1, 2).Columns(1).Hidden = True
DataSet.Cells(1, 3).Value = "Y"
DataSet.Cells(1, 4).Columns(1).Hidden = True
DataSet.Cells(1, 5).Value = "Z"
DataSet.Cells(1, 6).Columns(1).Hidden = True
n = n + 3
bXYZ = False
End If
If CfgSheet.CheckLay.Value Then
bLayer = True
DataSet.Cells(1, n * 2 + 1).Value = "Layer"
DataSet.Cells(1, n * 2 + 2).Columns(1).Hidden = True
n = n + 1
bLayer = False
End If
If isBlocks > 0 Then
Dim sTmp: sTmp = cfBlockName.Value
Dim nBlck As Integer
Dim nCarka As Integer: nCarka = 1
'If isListBlocks Then
nBlck = 0
Do While True
nCarka = InStr(nCarka + 1, sTmp, ",", vbTextCompare)
nBlck = nBlck + 1
If nCarka = 0 Then Exit Do
ReDim listBlocks(0)
ReDim listBlocks(nBlck)
'MsgBox Str(nBlck)
nBlck = 0
Do While True
nCarka = InStr(sTmp, ",")
If nCarka = 0 Then
listBlocks(nBlck) = sTmp
Exit Do
End If
listBlocks(nBlck) = Strings.Left(sTmp, nCarka - 1)
sTmp = Strings.Mid(sTmp, nCarka + 1)
nBlck = nBlck + 1
'End If
If CfgSheet.CheckScale.Value Then
bScale = True
DataSet.Cells(1, n * 2 + 1).Value = "Scale"
DataSet.Cells(1, n * 2 + 2).Columns(1).Hidden = True
n = n + 1
bScale = False
End If
'VM: end -------------------------------
' najdi attributy
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim nAtt As Integer: nAtt = 0
Dim nAttL As Integer: nAttL = 0
Dim tmpBlockName
For Each tmpBlockName In listBlocks
nAtt = 0
If Len(tmpBlockName) > 0 Then
Set pBlock = AcadLinkWbk.acadDoc.Blocks(tmpBlockName) ' cfBlockName.Value)
For i = 0 To pBlock.Count - 1
If pBlock(i).EntityType = 5 Then 'acAttribute
nAtt = nAtt + 1
If nAtt > nAttL Then
n = n + 1
If (n * 2) = 256 Then Exit For
DataSet.Cells(1, n * 2 - 1).Value = pBlock(i).TagString
DataSet.Cells(1, n * 2).Value = "_Handle"
DataSet.Cells(1, n * 2 - 1).Columns(1).Hidden = False
DataSet.Cells(1, n * 2).Columns(1).Hidden = True
End If
End If
If nAttL < nAtt Then nAttL = nAtt
End If
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
CfgSheet.Range("B2") = n
End Sub |