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楼主 |
发表于 2009-12-31 08:40:40
无聊广告也出来了,这是 ll_j 的杰作!
;;; By Dominic Panholzer
;;; Copyright ?1999 by Autodesk, Inc.
;;; Your use of this software is governed by the terms and conditions of the
;;; License Agreement you accepted prior to installation of this software.
;;; Please note that pursuant to the License Agreement for this software,
;;; "[c]opying of this computer program or its documentation except as
;;; permitted by this License is copyright infringement under the laws of
;;; your country. If you copy this computer program without permission of
;;; Autodesk, you are violating the law."
;;; Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
;;; restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer
;;; Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii)
;;; (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable.
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
;;; TEXTMASK uses a masking object (WIPEOUT, SOLID, or 3DFACE) to hide
;;; all entities behind the selected text or mtext. The text object
;;; is then grouped together with the masking object such that
;;; they move, copy, erase, etc. together. To update after editing
;;; text, run TEXTMASK again and select the text item to be updated.
;;; The the previous masking object will be erased and a new one
;;; will be created.
;;; External Functions:
;;; ACET-ERROR-INIT --> ACETUTIL.FAS Intializes bonus error routine
;;; ACET-ERROR-RESTORE --> ACETUTIL.FAS Restores old error routine
;;; ACET-GEOM-TEXTBOX --> ACETUTIL.FAS Returns textbox points for text or Mtext
;;; ACET-GETVAR --> ACETUTIL.FAS Retrieves custom variables
;;; ACET-GROUP-MAKE-ANON --> ACETUTIL.FAS Creates anonymous group
;;; ACET-LAYER-LOCKED --> ACETUTIL.FAS Checks to see if layer is locked
;;; ACET-LIST-M-ASSOC --> ACETUTIL.FAS Retrieves multiple assoc's from list
;;; ACET-SPINNER --> ACETUTIL.FAS Creates spinning bar
;;; ACET-SETVAR --> ACETUTIL.FAS Stores custom variables
;;; ACET-SS-INTERSECTION --> ACETUTIL.FAS Returns ss with common entities
;;; ACET-SS-NEW --> ACETUTIL.FAS Creates selection set from starting ent
;;; ACET-SS-REDRAW --> ACETUTIL.FAS Redraws all entities in selection set
;;; ACET-SS-REMOVE --> ACETUTIL.FAS Removes entities from selection set
;;; ACET-SS-UNION --> ACETUTIL.FAS Combines two selection sets
;;; ACET-STR-FORMAT --> ACETUTIL.ARX Alternate to strcat
;;; ACET-SYSVAR-RESTORE --> ACETUTIL.FAS Restores sysvars from global list
;;; ACET-SYSVAR-SET --> ACETUTIL.FAS Saves sysvars to global list
;;; ACET-UCS-TO-OBJECT --> ACETUTIL.FAS Sets ucs to object
;;; ACET-UI-POLYGON-SELECT --> ACETUTIL.FAS Simulates CP or WP and returns points
;;; ACET-UI-FENCE-SELECT --> ACETUTIL.FAS Simulates fence selction and returns points
;;; ACET-XDATA-SET --> ACETUTIL.FAS Attaches data to entity using xdata
;;; ACET-XDATA-GET --> ACETUTIL.FAS Reads data from entity set with acet-xdata-set
;;; BNS_SS_MOD --> ACETUTIL.FAS Filters selctions for locked layers etc.
; --------------------- GROUP LIST FUNCTION ----------------------
; This function will return a list of all the group names in the
; drawing and their entity names in the form:
; (<ename of "ACAD_GROUP"> (<ename1> . <name1>) (<ename2> . <name2>))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun acet-textmask-group-list (/ GRP GDICT ITM NAM ENT GLST)
(setq GRP (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_GROUP")
GDICT (cdr (assoc -1 GRP))
(while (setq ITM (car GRP)) ; While edata item is available
(if (= (car ITM) 3) ; if the item is a group name
(setq NAM (cdr ITM) ; get the name
GRP (cdr GRP) ; shorten the edata
ITM (car GRP) ; get the next item
ENT (cdr ITM) ; which is the ename
GRP (cdr GRP) ; shorten the edata
GLST (cons (cons ENT NAM) GLST)
(setq GRP (cdr GRP)) ; else shorten the edata
(if GLST (setq GLST (cons GDICT GLST)))
GLST ; return the list
; ----------------- MASK USING WIPEOUT FUNCTION ------------------
; This function draws a wipeout under text TXT using the
; offset value OSET
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun acet-textmask-make-wipeout (ENT OSET / TXT TXTLAY TBX WIPOUT TXTYP TXTSTR)
(setq TXT (entget ENT (list "*")) ; Get the text's edata
TXTLAY (cdr (assoc 8 TXT)) ; Get the layer of the text
TXTYP (cdr (assoc 0 TXT)) ; Text or Mtext
TXTSTR (cdr (assoc 1 TXT))
(if (/= TXTSTR "")
(if (= TXTYP "TEXT")
(acet-ucs-cmd (list "_object" ENT)) ; set UCS to object
(acet-ucs-to-object ENT)
(setq TBX (acet-geom-textbox TXT OSET)) ; Get the points around the text
(if TBX
(command "_.pline") ; Create bounding pline box
(while TBX
(command (car TBX))
(setq TBX (cdr TBX))
(command "_c")
(if (>= (atof (getvar "acadver")) 16)
(command "_.wipeout" "_p" (entlast) "_yes") ; create wipeout entity ;;;;
(command "_.wipeout" "_new" (entlast) "_yes") ; create wipeout entity
(setq WIPOUT (entlast))
(command "_.change" WIPOUT "" "_Prop" "_Layer" TXTLAY "") ; and set its layer
(acet-ucs-cmd (list "_previous")) ; reset the ucs
(entmake TXT) ; recreate text
(setq TXT (entlast)) ; such that it's on top
(if ent0 ;Dim删除参考实体
(entdel txt)
(setq txt ent0)
(acet-xdata-set (list WIPOUT "ACET-TEXTMASK"
(list "TextObject" (cdr (assoc 5 (entget TXT))) 1005)
(list "Offset" OSET 1040)
(acet-xdata-set (list TXT "ACET-TEXTMASK"
(list "MaskObject" (cdr (assoc 5 (entget WIPOUT))) 1005)
(list "MaskType" "WIPEOUT" 1000)
(list "Offset" OSET 1040)
(command "_.move" TXT "" "0,0" "0,0")
(if ent0 ;设置叠放次序
(if (>= (atof (getvar "acadver")) 16.2)
(command "_.draworder" txt "" "_a" wipout "")
(command "_.draworder" txt "" "_a" wipout)
(acet-group-make-anon (list WIPOUT TXT) "In use by TEXTMASK") ; make the text and wipeout a group
(entdel ENT) ; delete original text
); if TBX
); progn then
); if not ""
; ------------------ MASK USING 3DFACE FUNCTION ------------------
; This function draws a 3DFace ontop of text TXT using the
; offset value OSET. The FACE and the TXT are then each raised
; in the z direction.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun acet-textmask-make-3dface (ENT OSET / TXT TXTLAY TBX FACE MOVDIST)
(setq TXT (entget ENT (list "*")) ; Get the text's edata
TXTLAY (cdr (assoc 8 TXT)) ; Get the layer of the text
(setq TBX (acet-geom-textbox TXT OSET)) ; Get the points around the text
(if TBX
(command "_.3dface") ; Create a 3DFace with invisible edges
(while TBX
(command "_i" (car TBX))
(setq TBX (cdr TBX))
(command "")
(setq FACE (entlast))
(command "_.change" FACE "" "_Prop" "_Layer" TXTLAY "") ; and set its layer
(setq MOVDIST (* 0.01 (cdr (assoc 40 TXT))))
(if ent0 ;Dim删除参考实体
(entdel ent)
(setq ent ent0)
(acet-xdata-set (list FACE "ACET-TEXTMASK"
(list "TextObject" (cdr (assoc 5 TXT)) 1005)
(list "Offset" OSET 1040)
(list "ZOffset" MOVDIST 1040)
(acet-xdata-set (list ENT "ACET-TEXTMASK"
(list "MaskObject" (cdr (assoc 5 (entget FACE))) 1005)
(list "MaskType" "3DFACE" 1000)
(list "Offset" OSET 1040)
(list "ZOffset" MOVDIST 1040)
(command "_.move" ENT FACE "" "0,0" (strcat "0,0," (rtos MOVDIST 2 8)))
(command "_.move" ENT "" "0,0" (strcat "0,0," (rtos MOVDIST 2 8)))
(if ent0 ;设置叠放次序
(if (>= (atof (getvar "acadver")) 16.2)
(command "_.draworder" txt "" "_a" wipout "")
(command "_.draworder" txt "" "_a" wipout)
(acet-group-make-anon (list FACE ENT) "In use by TEXTMASK")
; make the text and 3DFace a group
);progn then
; ------------------- MASK USING SOLID FUNCTION ------------------
; This function draws a solid ontop of text TXT using the
; offset value OSET. The solid and the TXT are then each raised
; in the z direction.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun acet-textmask-make-solid (ENT OSET / TXT TXTLAY TBX SOL MCOLOR TXTYP TXTSTR)
(setq TXT (entget ENT (list "*")) ; Get the text's edata
TXTLAY (cdr (assoc 8 TXT)) ; Get the layer of the text
TXTYP (cdr (assoc 0 TXT)) ; Text or Mtext
TXTSTR (cdr (assoc 1 TXT))
(if (/= TXTSTR "")
(if (= TXTYP "TEXT")
(acet-ucs-cmd (list "_object" ENT)) ; set UCS to object
(acet-ucs-to-object ENT)
(setq TBX (acet-geom-textbox TXT OSET)) ; Get the points around the text
(if TBX
(setq MCOLOR (acet-getvar (list "acet_textmask_maskcolor")))
(if (= MCOLOR 0) (setq MCOLOR "BYBLOCK"))
(if (= MCOLOR 256) (setq MCOLOR "BYLAYER"))
(command "_.solid") ; Create a solid
(command (car TBX))
(command (cadr TBX))
(command (cadddr TBX))
(command (caddr TBX))
(command "")
(setq SOL (entlast))
(command "_.change" SOL "" "_Prop" "_Layer" TXTLAY ) ; Set its layer
(command "_color" (if MCOLOR MCOLOR 8) "") ; and its color
(acet-ucs-cmd (list "_previous")) ; reset the ucs
(entmake TXT) ; recreate text
(setq TXT (entlast)) ; such that it's on top
(if ent0 ;Dim删除参考实体
(entdel txt)
(setq txt ent0)
(acet-xdata-set (list SOL "ACET-TEXTMASK"
(list "TextObject" (cdr (assoc 5 (entget TXT))) 1005)
(list "Offset" OSET 1040)
(acet-xdata-set (list TXT "ACET-TEXTMASK"
(list "MaskObject" (cdr (assoc 5 (entget SOL))) 1005)
(list "MaskType" "SOLID" 1000)
(list "MaskColor" "SOLID" 1000)
(list "Offset" OSET 1040)
(command "_.move" TXT "" "0,0" "0,0")
(if ent0 ;设置叠放次序
(if (>= (atof (getvar "acadver")) 16.2)
(command "_.draworder" txt "" "_a" wipout "")
(command "_.draworder" txt "" "_a" wipout)
(acet-group-make-anon (list SOL TXT) "In use by TEXTMASK") ; make the text and solid a group
(entdel ENT) ; delete original text
); if TBX
; -------------------- OPTION GETTING FUNCTION -------------------
; This function returns a list of currently set textmask options
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun acet-textmask-get-options (/ OSET MTYPE MCOLOR)
(setq OSET (acet-getvar '("acet_textmask_offset"))
MTYPE (acet-getvar '("acet_textmask_masktype"))
MCOLOR (acet-getvar '("acet_textmask_maskcolor"))
(if (or (not OSET) (not (= (type OSET) 'REAL))) ; If no prior valid setting
(setq OSET 0.35) ; use 0.35 as default.
(if (or (not MTYPE) (not (member MTYPE '("Wipeout" "3dface" "Solid")))) ; If no prior valid setting
(setq MTYPE "Wipeout") ; use Wipeout as default.
(if (or (not MCOLOR) (not (= (type MCOLOR) 'INT))) ; If no prior valid setting
(setq MCOLOR 8) ; use color 8 as default
; --------------------- TEXT UNMASK FUNCTION ---------------------
; This function takes an entity name and removes any existing
; masking from it. GLST is the global group list as returned
; by the acet-textmask-group-list function
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
(setq GDICT (car GLST)
) ; Initialize the continue flag
(if (setq RLST (mapcar 'cdr (acet-list-m-assoc 330 (entget ENT)))) ; Get all 330 codes in text
(foreach GRP RLST ; step through each
(setq GDAT (entget GRP)) ; get its etype
(= "GROUP" (cdr (assoc 0 GDAT))) ; if it is a group
(setq ELST (mapcar 'cdr (acet-list-m-assoc 340 GDAT))) ; get its members
(= (length ELST) 2) ; if there are two
(member ENT ELST) ; And the text is in the list
(if (eq (car ELST) ENT) ; get the member which is not
(setq ENT2 (cadr ELST)) ; the text.
(setq ENT2 (car ELST))
(setq ETYP (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ENT2)))) ; get the entity type
(= ETYP "WIPEOUT") ; make sure it is a wipeout
(= ETYP "3DFACE") ; or a 3dface
(= ETYP "SOLID") ; or a Solid
(setq GNAM (cdr (assoc GRP GLST)))
(dictremove GDICT GNAM) ; explode the group
(entdel ENT2) ; delete the mask
(setq DOIT nil
(if (setq ZDIST (acet-xdata-get (list ENT "ACET-TEXTMASK" "ZOffset")))
(command "_.move" ENT "" "0,0" ".xy" "0,0" (- 0 (* 2 ZDIST)))
(acet-xdata-set (list ENT "ACET-TEXTMASK"
(list "MaskObject" nil)
(list "MaskType" nil)
(list "Offset" nil)
(list "ZOffset" nil)
(list "MaskColor" nil)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; ---------------------- TEXT UNMASK PROGRAM ---------------------
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun c:textunmask (/ FLTR CNT NUM GLST SS ENT ent0 dname)
(list "cmdecho" 0
"limcheck" 0
"pickstyle" 0
T ;flag. True means use undo for error clean up.
(setq FLTR '( (-4 . "<OR") ; Filter for ssget.
(0 . "MTEXT")
(0 . "TEXT")(0 . "DIMENSION")
(-4 . "OR>")
GLST (acet-textmask-group-list) ; Get all the groups in drawing
(princ "\nSelect text or MText object from which mask is to be removed.")
(setq SS (ssget FLTR))
(if SS
(setq SS (car (bns_ss_mod SS 3 T))) ; Remove all that are not in current space or on locked layer
(if SS
(princ "\nUnmasking text ")
(While (setq ENT (ssname SS CNT)) ; step through each object in set
(if (acet-textmask-unmask ENT GLST)
(setq NUM (1+ NUM))
(setq CNT (1+ CNT))
((= NUM 0)
(princ "\rNo masked text objects selected.")
((= NUM 1)
(princ "\rRemoved mask from one text object.")
(princ (acet-str-format "\rRemoved mask from %1 text objects." (itoa NUM)))
(prompt "\nNothing selected.")
(acet-error-restore) ; Restore values
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; ----------------------- TEXTMASK PROGRAM -----------------------
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun c:textmask (/ acet-textmask-get-text CNT GLST OSET ENT LOCKED SSMASTER
; --------------------- Error initialization ---------------------
(list "cmdecho" 0
"plinewid" 0
"highlight" 0
"osmode" 0
"dimzin" 0
"cecolor" "bylayer"
"limcheck" 0
"pickstyle" 0
"ucsicon" (getvar "ucsicon")
T ;flag. True means use undo for error clean up.
(if SSMASTER (acet-ss-redraw SSMASTER 4))
(acet-sysvar-set (list "cmdecho" 0));turn cmdecho off
(command "_.redraw");do redraw
(acet-sysvar-restore);re-set cmdecho back
;(command "_.redraw")
(sssetfirst nil nil)
; ------------------ GET TEXT FROM USER FUNCTION -----------------
; This function queries the user for the text to process
; and returns a selection set
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
(if (member "wipeout.arx" (arx))
(setq WIPOUT 1)
(if (= MTYPE "Wipeout")
(princ "\nLoading WIPEOUT for use with TEXTMASK...")
(if (arxload "wipeout.arx" nil)
(setq WIPOUT 1)
(princ "\nWIPEOUT.ARX not found. Setting default mask type to 3dface.")
(acet-setvar (list "acet_textmask_masktype" "3dface" 3)) ; If setvar function exists use it
(setq WIPOUT 0)
(setq FLTR '( (-4 . "<OR") ; Filter for ssget.
(0 . "MTEXT")
(0 . "TEXT")(0 . "DIMENSION")
(-4 . "OR>")
SSPREV (ssget "_p" FLTR) ; get the previous selection set for use w/ P option
SELMODE "Add" ; Set initial selection add/remove mode
UNDOMODE "Add" ; Set initial undo add/remove mode
(while LOOP
(setvar "errno" 0)
(setq TMOPTIONS (acet-textmask-get-options) ; Get the currently set options
OSET (nth 0 TMOPTIONS) ; Get the offset factor
OSETSTR (rtos OSET 2) ; Get the offset factor in string form
MTYPE (nth 1 TMOPTIONS) ; Get the mask type (wipeout, 3dface, or Solid)
MCOLOR (nth 2 TMOPTIONS) ; Get the mask color (used for solid option)
(initget "Masktype Offset Undo Window Crossing BOX ALL Previous Add Remove WPolygon CPolygon Fence _Masktype Offset Undo Window Crossing BOX ALL Previous Add Remove WPolygon CPolygon Fence")
(princ (acet-str-format "\nCurrent settings: Offset factor = %1, Mask type = %2" OSETSTR MTYPE))
(if (= MTYPE "Solid")
(princ (acet-str-format ", Mask color = %1" (itoa MCOLOR)))
(if (= SELMODE "Add")
(setq EN (entsel "\nSelect text objects to mask or [Masktype/Offset]: "))
(setq EN (entsel "\nSelect text objects to remove or [Masktype/Offset]: "))
;-- object selected --
((and (= (type EN) 'LIST) ; If an object was selected
(= (type (setq EN (car EN))) 'ENAME)
(member (cdr (assoc 0 (entget EN))) '("MTEXT" "TEXT" "DIMENSION")) ; and it is TEXT or MTEXT
(if (not (acet-layer-locked (cdr (assoc 8 (entget EN)))))
(if (= SELMODE "Add")
(princ "\n1 found") ; report it
(redraw EN 3) ; Highlight the object
(setq SS (ssadd EN)
SSLIST (cons SS SSLIST) ; Add it to the list of selection sets
SSMASTER (if SSMASTER ; and add it to the master selection set
(ssadd EN)
(if (and SSMASTER (ssmemb EN SSMASTER)) ; If the object has been selected
(princ "\n1 removed") ; report it
(redraw EN 4) ; Unhighlight the object
(setq SS (ssadd EN)) ; make a selset out of it
(setq SSLIST (cons SS SSLIST) ; Add it to the list of selection sets
SSMASTER (ssdel EN SSMASTER) ; and remove it from the master selection set
(princ "\nObject is on a locked layer.")
;-- nothing selected --
((= (getvar "errno") 7) ; If thin air was selected
(setq PT1 (cadr (grread t))) ; grab the last point
(prompt "\nOther corner: ")
(command "_.move" "_box" PT1) ; use the move command to get box selection
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
(command pause)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(command "")
(if (wcmatch (getvar "cmdnames") "*MOVE*") ; If something was selected
(command "0,0" "0,0") ; move it nowhere
(setq SS (ssget "_p" FLTR)) ; and filter the selection for text objects
(if SS ; If text was selected
(if (= SELMODE "Add") ; If in add selection mode
(princ (acet-str-format "\n%1 found" (itoa (sslength SS)))) ; report it
(setq SSLIST (cons SS SSLIST) ; Add it to the list of selection sets
SSMASTER (acet-ss-union (list SSMASTER SS)); and add it to the master selection set
(acet-ss-redraw SSMASTER 3)
(progn ; if in remove selection mode
(if (and SSMASTER (setq SS (acet-ss-intersection SS SSMASTER))) ; If selected items to be removed
(progn ; are in the master ss
(princ (acet-str-format "\n%1 removed" (itoa (sslength SS)))) ; report it
(setq SSLIST (cons SS SSLIST) ; Add it to the list of selection sets
SSMASTER (acet-ss-remove SS SSMASTER) ; and remove it from the master selection set
(acet-ss-redraw SSMASTER 3)
;-- get offset value --
((= EN "Offset")
(princ (acet-str-format "\nMask offset currently set to %1" OSETSTR))
(initget 4) ; No negative values allowed
(setq ANS (getreal (acet-str-format "\nEnter offset factor relative to text height <%1>: " OSETSTR)))
(if ANS
(acet-setvar (list "acet_textmask_offset" ANS 3)) ; If setvar function exists use it
;-- get mask type --
((= EN "Masktype")
(setq MSKLOOP T)
(while MSKLOOP
(princ (acet-str-format "\nMask type currently set to %1" MTYPE))
(if (= WIPOUT 0)
(initget "3dface Solid _3dface Solid")
(setq ANS (getkword (acet-str-format "\nSpecify entity type to use for mask [3dface/Solid] <%1>: " MTYPE )))
(initget "Wipeout 3dface Solid _Wipeout 3dface Solid")
(setq ANS (getkword (acet-str-format "\nSpecify entity type to use for mask [Wipeout/3dface/Solid] <%1>: " MTYPE )))
((and (= ANS "Wipeout") (not WIPOUT))
(princ "\nLoading WIPEOUT for use with TEXTMASK...")
(if (arxload "wipeout.arx" nil)
(setq WIPOUT 1)
(setq MSKLOOP nil)
(acet-setvar (list "acet_textmask_masktype" ANS 3)) ; Save the mask type
(princ "\nWIPEOUT.ARX not found. Please select 3dface or Solid.")
(setq WIPOUT 0)
((or (= ANS "Solid") (and (not ANS) (= MTYPE "Solid")))
(setq MCOLOR_NEW (acad_colordlg MCOLOR))
(if (and MCOLOR_NEW) ; If OK was selected
(acet-setvar (list "acet_textmask_masktype" ANS 3)) ; Save the mask type
(acet-setvar (list "acet_textmask_maskcolor" MCOLOR_NEW 3)) ; and the color
(setq MSKLOOP nil)
((not ANS)
(setq MSKLOOP nil)
(acet-setvar (list "acet_textmask_masktype" ANS 3)) ; If setvar function exists use it
(setq MSKLOOP nil)
;-- switch Add/Remove mode --
((or (= EN "Add") (= EN "Remove"))
(if (/= SELMODE EN) ; If the selected mode is not already current
(setq SSLIST (cons SELMODE SSLIST) ; uappend the undo list with the current mode
SELMODE EN ; set the new selection mode current, and
UNDOMODE EN ; set the undo mode to the same
;-- do an undo --
((= EN "Undo")
(while UNDOLOOP ; start to loop
((not SSLIST) ; If there is no undo list
(princ "\nAll selections have been undone.") ; report it
(setq UNDOLOOP nil) ; and break the loop
((equal (type (car SSLIST)) 'STR) ; If the current list item is a mode
(setq UNDOMODE (car SSLIST) ; switch the undo mode
SSLIST (cdr SSLIST) ; and remove the item
((equal (type (car SSLIST)) 'PICKSET) ; If the current list item is a selset
(if (= UNDOMODE "Add") ; and the undo mode is add
(acet-ss-redraw (car SSLIST) 4) ; Unhighlight the selection
(setq SSMASTER (acet-ss-remove (car SSLIST) SSMASTER) ; Remove the set from the master list
SSLIST (cdr SSLIST) ; and shorten the list
(acet-ss-redraw SSMASTER 3) ; rehighlight the master selection
(progn ; if the undo mode is remove
(setq SSMASTER (acet-ss-union (list (car SSLIST) SSMASTER)) ; add the selset to the master list
SSLIST (cdr SSLIST) ; and shorten the list
(acet-ss-redraw SSMASTER 3) ; rehighlight the master selection
(setq SELMODE "Add" ; Set the selection mode to add
UNDOLOOP nil ; and exit the undo loop
;-- get all --
((= EN "ALL")
(setq SS (ssget "_x" FLTR))
(if SS
(setq SS (car (bns_ss_mod SS 3 T))) ; Remove all that are not in current space or on locked layer
(princ "\nNothing found")
(if SS ; If text was selected
(if (= SELMODE "Add") ; If in add selection mode
(princ (acet-str-format "\n%1 found" (itoa (sslength SS)) )) ; report it
(setq SSLIST (cons SS SSLIST) ; Add it to the list of selection sets
SSMASTER (acet-ss-union (list SSMASTER SS)); and add it to the master selection set
(acet-ss-redraw SSMASTER 3)
(progn ; if in remove selection mode
(if (and SSMASTER (setq SS (acet-ss-intersection SS SSMASTER))) ; If selected items to be removed
(progn ; are in the master ss
(princ (acet-str-format "\n%1 removed" (itoa (sslength SS)) )) ; report it
(setq SSLIST (cons SS SSLIST) ; Add it to the list of selection sets
SSMASTER (acet-ss-remove SS SSMASTER) ; and remove it from the master selection set
(acet-ss-redraw SS 4)
;-- do a window, box, or crossing --
((or (= EN "Window") (= EN "Crossing")(= EN "BOX"))
(command "_.move" (strcat "_" EN))
(princ "\nFirst corner: ")
(command pause)
(princ "Other corner: ")
(command pause "") ; use the move command to get box selection
(if (wcmatch (getvar "cmdnames") "*MOVE*") ; If something was selected
(command "0,0" "0,0") ; move it nowhere
(setq SS (ssget "_p" FLTR)) ; and filter the selection for text objects
(if SS ; If text was selected
(if (= SELMODE "Add") ; If in add selection mode
(princ (acet-str-format "\n%1 found" (itoa (sslength SS)) )) ; report it
(setq SSLIST (cons SS SSLIST) ; Add it to the list of selection sets
SSMASTER (acet-ss-union (list SSMASTER SS)); and add it to the master selection set
(acet-ss-redraw SSMASTER 3)
(progn ; if in remove selection mode
(if (and SSMASTER (setq SS (acet-ss-intersection SS SSMASTER))) ; If selected items to be removed
(progn ; are in the master ss
(princ (acet-str-format "\n%1 removed" (itoa (sslength SS)) )) ; report it
(setq SSLIST (cons SS SSLIST) ; Add it to the list of selection sets
SSMASTER (acet-ss-remove SS SSMASTER) ; and remove it from the master selection set
(acet-ss-redraw SSMASTER 3)
(princ "\nNothing found")
(princ "\nNothing found")
;-- do fence or window/crossing poly --
((or (= EN "WPolygon") (= EN "CPolygon") (= EN "Fence"))
(if (= EN "Fence")
(setq EN (substr EN 1 1)
PTLST (acet-ui-fence-select)
(setq EN (substr EN 1 2)
PTLST (acet-ui-polygon-select (if (= EN "WP") 0 1))
(if (and PTLST (setq SS (ssget (strcat "_" EN) PTLST FLTR)))
(setq SS (car (bns_ss_mod SS 3 T))) ; Remove all that are not in current space or on locked layer
(princ "\nNothing found")
(if SS
(if (= SELMODE "Add") ; If in add selection mode
(princ (acet-str-format "\n%1 found" (itoa (sslength SS)) )) ; report it
(setq SSLIST (cons SS SSLIST) ; Add it to the list of selection sets
SSMASTER (acet-ss-union (list SSMASTER SS)); and add it to the master selection set
(acet-ss-redraw SSMASTER 3)
(progn ; if in remove selection mode
(if (and SSMASTER (setq SS (acet-ss-intersection SS SSMASTER))) ; If selected items to be removed
(progn ; are in the master ss
(princ (acet-str-format "\n%1 removed" (itoa (sslength SS)) )) ; report it
(setq SSLIST (cons SS SSLIST) ; Add it to the list of selection sets
SSMASTER (acet-ss-remove SS SSMASTER) ; and remove it from the master selection set
(acet-ss-redraw SS 4)
;-- get previous --
((= EN "Previous")
(if (setq SS SSPREV) ; If text was in the previous Selection set
(setq SS (car (bns_ss_mod SS 3 T))) ; Remove all that are not in current space or on locked layer
(princ "\nNo text or Mtext in previous selection set.")
(if SS
(if (= SELMODE "Add") ; If in add selection mode
(princ (acet-str-format "\n%1 found" (itoa (sslength SS)) )) ; report it
(setq SSLIST (cons SS SSLIST) ; Add it to the list of selection sets
SSMASTER (acet-ss-union (list SSMASTER SS)) ; and add it to the master selection set
(acet-ss-redraw SSMASTER 3)
(progn ; if in remove selection mode
(if (and SSMASTER (setq SS (acet-ss-intersection SS SSMASTER))) ; If selected items to be removed
(progn ; are in the master ss
(princ (acet-str-format "\n%1 removed" (itoa (sslength SS)) )) ; report it
(setq SSLIST (cons SS SSLIST) ; Add it to the list of selection sets
SSMASTER (acet-ss-remove SS SSMASTER) ; and remove it from the master selection set
(acet-ss-redraw SS 4)
;-- exit --
((not EN)
(setq LOOP nil)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------ Get User input ------------------------
(setq SSMASTER (acet-textmask-get-text))
(setq CNT 0 ; Initilize the counter.
TMOPTIONS (acet-textmask-get-options) ; Get the currently set options
OSET (nth 0 TMOPTIONS) ; Get the offset factor
MTYPE (nth 1 TMOPTIONS) ; Get the mask type (wipeout or 3dface)
GLST (acet-textmask-group-list) ; Get all the groups in drawing
; ---------------------- get text to mask ------------------------
(acet-ss-redraw SSMASTER 4) ; Unhighlight everything
(if (= MTYPE "Wipeout")
(command "_.wipeout" "_frame" "_off") ; Turn off wipeout frames
(if (acet-layer-locked (getvar "clayer")) ; if current layer is locked
(command "_.layer" "_unl" (getvar "clayer") "") ; unlock it
(setq LOCKED T)
(setvar "ucsicon" 0)
; ----------------- Step through each and mask -------------------
(princ (acet-str-format "\nMasking text with a %1 " MTYPE ))
(setq ELAST (entlast))
(While (setq ENT (ssname SSMASTER CNT)) ; step through each object in set
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent))) "DIMENSION") ;Dim寻找标注文字
(setq ent0 ent
dname (cdr (assoc 2 (entget ent)))
ent (cdr (assoc -2 (tblsearch "BLOCK" dname)))
(while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent))) "MTEXT")
(setq ent (entnext ent))
(setq ent (entmakex (cdr (entget ent)))) ;参考文字
(setq ent0 nil)
) ;end if
(if ent0 ;取消已有遮盖
(acet-textmask-unmask ent0 glst) ;;
(acet-textmask-unmask ENT GLST) ; remove any existing masks
) ;;
((= MTYPE "Wipeout")
(acet-textmask-make-wipeout ENT OSET)
((= MTYPE "3dface")
(acet-textmask-make-3dface ENT OSET)
((= MTYPE "Solid")
(acet-textmask-make-solid ENT OSET)
(if (not (= MTYPE "Wipeout")) ; Since wipeout is noisey exclude
(acet-spinner) ; from spinner activity
(setq CNT (1+ CNT)) ; get the next text item
); while
(if LOCKED (command "_.layer" "_lock" (getvar "clayer") "")) : relock if needed
(princ (acet-str-format "\r%1 text items have been masked with a %2." (itoa CNT) MTYPE))
(setq SSMASTER (acet-ss-new ELAST)) ; Gather up all new entities
(if SSMASTER (command "_.select" SSMASTER "")) ; and make them the current ss
(prompt "\nNothing selected.")
(acet-error-restore) ; Restore values
(princ) |