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[他山之石] Elevate Blocks using Nearest Elevation Text


已领礼包: 1268个

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发表于 2013-10-10 17:59:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  1. (defun c:elBlk()
  2. (command "_.Undo" "M")
  3. (setq sel_rad 2)
  4. (setq how_far 0.5)
  5. (princ "\nSelect blocks to elevate :")
  6. (setq selset(ssget (list (Cons 0 "Insert"))))
  7. (princ "\n***Note***:Elevations need to be in 'Elev' Layer :")
  8. (if (= selset nil)
  9.   (princ "\nYou have not selected text or block!")
  10.   (progn
  11.    (setq len(sslength selset))
  12.    (setq cou 0)
  13.    (princ "\nElevating Blocks .. ")
  14.    (repeat len
  15.     (setq ent(Ssname selset cou))
  16.     (setq cou(1+ cou))
  17.     (setq entl(entget ent))
  18.     (setq insPt(cdr (assoc 10 entl)))
  19.     (setq curPtVal(TextAtPoint (list (car inspt) (cadr inspt)) "ELEV" sel_rad how_far T))
  20.     (if (= curPtVal nil)
  21.      (progn
  22.       (princ (strcat "\nNo Elevation Text Found with in 0.5 Radius in 'Elev' Layer at : " (rtos (car insPt) 2 3) "," (rtos (cadr inspt) 2 3)))
  23.      )
  24.      (progn
  25.       (setq newIns(list (car insPt) (cadr inspt) curPtVal))
  26.       (setq entl(subst (cons 10 newIns) (assoc 10 entl) entl))
  27.       (entmod entl)
  28.       (entupd ent)
  29.      )
  30.     )
  31.    )
  32.   )
  33. )
  34. (princ)
  35. )
  36. (princ "\nType \"ElBlk\" at the command Prompt:") (princ)
  37. (defun TextAtPoint(verPt txLay cirValue distValue cirT)
  38. (setq TAselent(SelTextsScanR verPt cirValue txLay))
  39. (setq neaDist distValue)
  40. (if (= TAselent nil)
  41.   (progn
  42.    (setq blnError T)
  43.    (if cirT
  44.     (progn
  45.      (command "._Circle" verPt "2")
  46.      (cpl (entlast) "0")
  47.     )
  48.    )
  49.    (setq VertexValue nil)
  50.   )
  51.   (progn
  52.    (setq VertexValue nil)
  53.    (setq tentcntr 0)
  54.    (repeat (sslength TAselent)
  55.     (setq TAcurEnt(ssname TAselent tentcntr))
  56.     (setq TAcurIns(ExIns TAcurEnt))
  57.     (if (<= (distance TAcurIns verPt) neaDist)
  58.      (progn
  59.       (setq VertexValue(atof (cdr (assoc 1 (entget TAcurEnt)))))
  60.       (setq neaDist(distance TAcurIns verPt))
  61.      )
  62.     )
  63.     (setq tentcntr(1+ tentcntr))
  64.    )
  65.   )
  66. )
  67. (setq return VertexValue)
  68. )
  69. ;Function to Select Text with in given Scanning Radius and Point
  70. (defun SelTextsScanR(intC SRadius inLay)
  71. (setq cpPt1(polar intC 0 SRadius))
  72. (setq cpPt2(polar intC (* 1 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  73. (setq cpPt3(polar intC (* 2 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  74. (setq cpPt4(polar intC (* 3 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  75. (setq cpPt5(polar intC (* 4 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  76. (setq cpPt6(polar intC (* 5 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  77. (setq cpPt7(polar intC (* 6 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  78. (setq cpPt8(polar intC (* 7 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  79. (setq cpPt9(polar intC (* 8 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  80. (setq cpPt10(polar intC (* 9 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  81. (setq cpPt11(polar intC (* 10 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  82. (setq cpPt12(polar intC (* 11 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  83. (setq cpPt13(polar intC (* 12 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  84. (setq cpPt14(polar intC (* 13 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  85. (setq cpPt15(polar intC (* 14 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  86. (setq cpPt16(polar intC (* 15 (/ pi 8)) SRadius))
  87. (setq elevSet(ssget "CP" (list cpPt1 cpPt2 cpPt3 cpPt4 cpPt5 cpPt6 cpPt7 cpPt8 cpPt9 cpPt10 cpPt11 cpPt12 cpPt13 cpPt14 cpPt15 cpPt16 cpPt1)))
  88. (setq return(ssget "P" (list (Cons 0 "Text") (Cons 8 inLay))))
  89. )
  90. ;Function to Change the Layer of Specified Entity to Specified Layer
  91. (defun CPL(ent entlay)
  92. (command "._change" ent "" "p" "layer" entlay "")
  93. )
  94. ;Function to Extract the insertion point of the Text
  95. (defun ExIns(TEnt)
  96. (setq TDetails(entget Tent))
  97. (setq check(assoc 11 TDetails))
  98. (if (= check nil)
  99.   (setq Check(cdr (assoc 10 TDetails)))
  100.   (progn
  101.    (setq check(cdr check))
  102.    (if (and (= (car check) 0) (= (cadr check) 0))
  103.     (setq Check(cdr (assoc 10 TDetails)))
  104.     (setq Check(cdr (assoc 11 TDetails)))
  105.    )
  106.   )
  107. )
  108. (setq Check(list (car Check) (cadr Check)))
  109. (setq return check)
  110. )
  111. (princ)

原文地址: http://www.surveydrawing.net/free-lisp-elevate-block.html
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