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- [FONT=courier new]
- How to get the path of an inserted xref?
- ID 33923
- Applies to: AutoCAD 2000
- This document is part of Block Reference COM-ActiveX Interfaces VBA Xrefs
- Question
- How can I get the path of an attached (inserted) external reference (xref) with
- ActiveX?
- Answer
- Use the ObjectIdToObject to reference an AcadBlockReference to an
- AcadExternalReference object. The external reference object has a path property
- that will return the path of the Xref.
- Here is a VBA example:
- Public Sub getXrefPath()
- ' Declare two variables for a block reference and external reference
- Dim pt As ACAD_POINT
- Dim ob As AcadObject
- Dim xR As AcadExternalReference
- ' Select an Object in AutoCAD
- ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity ob, pt, "Select an XREF: "
- If (ob.ObjectName = "AcDbBlockReference") Then
- On Error GoTo TypeError
- ' Reference an AcDbBlockReference
- Set xR = ob
- ' Print the path in the immediate window
- MsgBox xR.Path
- Exit Sub
- TypeError:
- MsgBox "This is not an XREF!"
- Exit Sub
- Resume Next
- Else
- MsgBox "This entity is of type: " + ob.ObjectName
- End If
- End Sub[/FONT]